Научная статья на тему 'Преподавание английского языка для научных целей носителям русского языка: некоторые проблемы и решения'

Преподавание английского языка для научных целей носителям русского языка: некоторые проблемы и решения Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Швец Варвара Михайловна

Одним из основных факторов повышения академической мобильности научно-педагогических кадров в России является повышение уровня их компетентности владения английским языком в сфере подготовки научных докладов и публикаций. В статье раскрывается специфика некоторых проблем, возникающих в процессе обучения преподавателей вуза английскому языку для этих целей, и предлагаются возможные методы решения этих проблем.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Преподавание английского языка для научных целей носителям русского языка: некоторые проблемы и решения»

ально важными являются исследования языковых единиц, репрезентирующих представление одного народа о другом. Информация, полученная в результате подобных исследований, дает возможность осознать, как видят тебя, твою страну и твоих соплеменников люди другой культуры, другой национальности. Эти знания могут оказать существенную помощь в том, чтобы предвидеть конфликты в межнациональном общении и попытаться предотвратить их.


1. Маслова, В.А. Лингвокультурология / В.А. Маслова. - М., 2001.

2. Тер-Минасова, С.Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация / С.Г. Тер-Минасова. - М., 2000.

3. Солопова, O.A. Использование прецедентных феноменов в политическом дискурсе выборов депутатов государственной Думы / O.A. Солопова // Ethnohermeneutik und Antropologie / Hrsg. von E.A. Pimenov, M.V. Pimenova. -Landau, 2004. - Bd. 8. - S. 70 - 80.

4. The Telegraph. - URL: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ (дата обращения: 15.04.2014).

УДК 811.111-26

В.М. Швец


Публикация выполнена в рамках III Международной научной конференции «Взаимодействиеязыков и культур» 24 - 27 апреля 2014 г.

Одним из основных факторов повышения академической мобильности научно-педагогических кадров в России является повышение уровня их компетентности владения английским языком в сфере подготовки научных докладов и публикаций. В статье раскрывается специфика некоторых проблем, возникающих в процессе обучения преподавателей вуза английскому языку для этих целей, и предлагаются возможные методы решения этих проблем.

Академическая мобильность, обучение английскому языку для специальных (научных) целей, метод анализа потребностей, языковая интерференция.

Considerable improving of English language competence of academics and researchers in the sphere of preparing research publications and presentations is one of the key factors of increasing academic mobility in Russia. The paper focuses on some problems that have been revealed in the process of teaching English to university professors and suggests possible methods of solution.

Academic mobility, English for academic purposes (EAP), English for special purposes (ESP), English for research publication purposes (ERPP), needs analysis, language transfer, syllabus approaches.

In the fast changing world, where globalization is pervading all spheres of our life, higher education is not an exception. Since Bologna declaration in 1999 stated "mobility of students, teachers and researchers" as one of the most important actions to "incorporate the European dimension into higher education" [10, p. 1], the problem for many European countries including Russia is still up-to-date. According to statistics, Switzerland is the country with the world highest proportion of foreign researchers (57 % of its researchers coming from other countries) and with the highest proportion of their researchers going to work in other countries [5, p. 14]. Canada, Australia, the United States, Sweden and the United Kingdom have between 50 and 30 % of their researchers coming from foreign countries [ibid.]. Russia declared academic mobility as one of its priorities in 2006 [4, p. 8]. According to Rosstat in 2002 9,8 % of Russian professors worked in other countries while in 2006 41,9 % had some kind of international cooperation with foreign colleagues [1, p. 34]. Although Russia is

trying to integrate into the global process the problem is still up-to-date.

Cherepovets State University being a typical regional university in Russia has faced the same problem which is becoming crucial when international cooperation is one of the criteria for efficiency of higher education institutions. Though some professors keep contacts with their foreign colleagues and take part in some international academic programs, we cannot tell about wide involvement of the academic staff into international cooperation. The main reason is low level of English language competence that is considered to be a requirement for carrying out any professional activities abroad, and that factor prevents them from active participation in academic and research activities in other countries. The situation is quite typical for Russian universities [2].

To improve the situation within its own organization Cherepovets State University has launched the program for its professors aiming to improve their English knowledge and skills in the sphere of professional communication so that they will be able to take active part in aca-

demic and research activities abroad. The program started in June 2014, at the time being it has lasted for 10 months, and in this paper which has more of a practical aspect I will cover some problems that we faced during the implementation of the program and some solutions that were found.

As the essential form of implementing the program the course of English language studies in groups guided by professors of the University who teach English to students was chosen.

The first step of the program was using the methods of needs analysis and language level assessment of the participants of the program. The method of needs analysis showed that participants had various purposes:

1. Improving English in general ('one level up').

2. Improving specific language skills (speaking, listening comprehension, writing).

3. Acquiring specific language competence (being able 'to understand people in everyday situations and answer them').

4. Acquiring specific language competence in professional sphere (being able 'to write business letters', 'to write grant proposals', 'to write calls for papers', 'to write articles and research papers', 'to give presentations and lectures', 'to ask and answer professional questions', 'to take part in professional discussions').

The level assessment using a standard test showed that participants' competence varied from beginner level to upper-intermediate, often imbalanced in different aspects with slightly higher levels in reading and grammar and lower levels in listening comprehension, speaking and writing.

Considering the results of level assessment it was decided to divide participants into 3 groups according to their language level:

- 'beginners';

- 'intermediate' (in fact, elementary with very poor listening and speaking skills);

- 'advanced' (in fact, intermediate with moderate listening and speaking skills).

Later practice showed the efficiency of this approach that helped teachers to create more harmonious atmosphere in class and promoted to faster progress of most of participants.

Having considered the data of the needs analysis, it became clear that the course would be mostly located in the area of teaching English for specific purposes (ESP). As ESP being a sphere of a variety of more specific fields such as English for business purposes, art purposes, tourism purposes, etc [8], we understood that the syllabus of the course should be developed using principles and methods of English for academic purposes and English for research publications.

While teaching English for academic purposes (EAP) is a subject of a wide range of practice and research publications - it is considered as a challenging and multi-faceted area within the wider field of English language learning and teaching (ELT), and is one of the most common forms of English for specific purposes (ESP) [9, p. 3] - English for research publication purposes is a relatively new subject of studies. The term was

suggested by J. Flowerdew [6]. It is considered to be a branch of English for specific purposes and is closely connected with EAP.

Though needs analysis in our case showed the variety of participants' purposes, it was decided to take into account all the needs and develop a syllabus embracing all the demands of participants with some specialization for individual needs. According to researches [3], [7], it is efficient to create a syllabus that uses one or some of the syllabus approaches:

- considering grammar structures that are specific for particular genres (e.g. writing an article) - genre-based syllabus;

- considering some specific skills (e.g. reading professional books and articles, speaking in professional situations) - skill-based syllabus;

- considering professional tasks (e.g. writing a grant proposal, giving a presentation on a conference) -task-based syllabus;

- considering specific fields for using English (e.g. linguistics, psychology, IT) - field-based syllabus;

- considering specific interests (e.g. poetry, photography) - interest-based syllabus.

We decided to develop the syllabus that used the principals of genre-based syllabus, skill-based syllabus and task-based syllabus in their combination as those that meet the requirements of most participants of the program.

Genre-based approach was implemented in the course in the process of studying grammar for writing an article when special attention was drawn to constructions typical in research publications such as constructions with auxiliaries, passive constructions and participle constructions.

Much attention was paid to developing specific skills as listening comprehension and speaking for most of the participants mentioned them as their poor competences. This approach was combined with task-based syllabus approach. For example, such skills as listening and understanding lectures and presentations or speaking on the topic of one's professional interests were being developed. The syllabus managed to cover considerable amount of situations that are typical in professional academic sphere.

We also used integrated skills approach when such combinations of skills as listening comprehension -speaking and reading - writing were being developed simultaneously. This approach helped us to model real life situations that are typical in professional sphere, for example, listening to a presentation and asking questions or reading an article and writing a review or an abstract. Implementation of this approach considerably improved participants' skills in the aspects that were considered as their weak sides.

Within the course some other problems were found.

First, some differences connected with diverse academic traditions were elicited. They deal with such aspects as the structure and volume of an article, the system of quoting and making references, etc. That can be also considered as a psychological problem as Russian

professors had to accept a different approach to writing research publications.

Second, some problems that are connected with language transfer became evident. Some learners tried to mechanically transfer Russian language rules in syntax and Russian collocations onto English structures and sentences. Thus, sentences or structures that do not sound naturally appeared: "Developing effective problem solving skills can be teaching students to decision making and planning results". I also have to mention that some professors used machine translators that did not contribute to using natural structures and word combinations. We tried to prevent this interference encouraging learners to regularly read authentic materials (research publications written by native speakers or more confident English users) and to use patterns that are typical in specific professional situations or writing genres. An interesting fact: learners who study English as their second foreign language and are confident users in the first one as well as researchers in linguistics showed more flexibility in understanding and acquiring vocabulary and grammar that is typical for English but has some difference with Russian lexical entries and grammar structures.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize that teaching English for specific academic and research purposes has some problems that are connected with individual specific purposes of learners, their language knowledge competence and foreign languages experience, differences in academic and research traditions. These problems can be solved using variety of methods and approaches of such sphere of teaching English as English for specific purposes, specifically English for academic purposes and English for research publications purposes.


1. Взаимодействие российских вузов с международными фондами и организациями: мониторинг и оценка эффективности: Сборник материалов. - М., 2006.

2. Голобородько, А.Ю. Международная академическая мобильность как продукт постиндустрального общества и фактор профессионального развития молодого специалиста / А.Ю. Голобородько, Д.В. Колосов, Н.Г. Шабло. -URL: http://www.t21.rgups.ru/archive/Arhiv2011s11.

3. Мильруд, Р. Обучение языку в специальных целях: сущность, методика, рефлексия / Р. Мильруд. - URL: http://iyazyki.ru/2013/05/english-special

4. Сёмин, Н.В. Академическая мобильность в России: нормативно-методическое обеспечение / [Н.В. Сёмин и др.]. - М, 2007.

5. Dessibourg, O. La Suisse, carrefour de la circulation des cerveaux / O. Dessibourg // Le Temps. - 2012. - 15 Nov.

6. Flowerdew, J. Some thoughts on English for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP) and related issues / J. Flowerdew // Language Teaching / FirstView article / Feb. 2013. - P. 1 -3. - URL: http://journals. cambrige.org/abstracts_ S0261444812000523.

7. Hopkins, A. A genre-based investigation of the discussion sections in articles and dissertations / A. Hopkins, T. Dudley-Evans / English for Specific Purposes. - Elsevier. -1998. - V.7. - Iss. 2. - P. 113 - 121.

8. Hutchinson, T. English for Specific Purposes: A learning-centered approach / T. Hutchinson, A. Waters. - Cambridge, 1987.

9. Jordan, R.R. English for Academic Purposes: A Guide and Resource Book for Teachers / R.R. Jordan. - Cambridge, 1997.

10. The Bologna Declaration 19 June 1999. Joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education. - URL: http://www.ehea.info/Uploads/Declarations/BOLOGNA_DEC LARATION1.pdf

УДК 81-115, 81'73.45

Ю.В. Щурина


Статья посвящена проблеме типологии интернет-мемов, функционирующих в коммуникативном пространстве Интернета. Доказывается, что возможности классификации связаны с выбором адекватных критериев для описания мемов, отражающего их своеобразие.

Интернет-коммуникация, интернет-мем, комический эффект, речевой жанр, демотиватор.

The paper is devoted to the problem of typology of Internet memes functioning in the Internet communication. It is proved that the possibility of classification is related to the choice of adequate criteria to describe the meme reflecting their identity.

Internet communication, Internet meme, comic effect, speech genre, demotivator.

Интернет рассматривается как качественно новая информационно-коммуникативная среда, открывающая особые возможности для реализации интеллектуальных и творческих потребностей человека. Активное развитие коммуникативного пространства Интернета привело к появлению значительного количества исследований, посвященных данной проблематике. По мнению Е.И. Горошко, можно гово-

рить о формировании особой дисциплинарной парадигмы - лингвистики Интернета [2].

Теоретический обзор исследований как феномена интернета, так и коммуникативного пространства, возникающего на его основе, показал, что можно выделить пять основных подходов к его изучению:

1) построение и описание социальных прогнозов развития Интернета, где Интернет представлен, пре-

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