shown its activity in the poetic expression of thought, that is, the interpretation of the interpretation of the verse shows that different words from the same root take different forms.
Although his existence is hidden from view, I have been in control, visible and under consideration.
The poet's selection of such words by philological thinking and writing them into poetry applies not only to Arabic dictionaries, but also to words in Persian and Azerbaijani.
One of the main features of Nasimi's language style is the comparison of foreign words with the words of the mother tongue, emphasizing that they are close and have opposite meanings.
Nasimi's works in his native language also use the words "lisan" and "zaban" meaning "language", which means a means of thought and communication. Man naq§u xayalu xattu xalam, Man harfu lisan, lisan manam, man! In this verse, which has a philosophical content, "pattern" (image), "line points", (beautiful glass) -visible; "Imagination" is an invisible, invisible letter -"written, written" - language, "I" - is presented as "me" of the pen hibin, holding it equal to each other, opening the content of the word:
Husnun varaqi lisana galdi, Yetmi§ iki tarcumana galdi. From a religious point of view, the phrase "seventy-two translators" is used as a sign of the existence of seventy-two languages in the world, the beauty of beauty means "I am beautiful" and the poetic meaning of the verse is explained as "your beauty speaks seventy-two languages". Beauty itself is a
language, and all nations understand it with a wordless, unexplained look.
The views of prominent philologist, academician H. Arasli on the appreciation of Nasimi's work are also noteworthy. "Nasimi's views on language and methods of language use show that the poet set himself the goal of striving for the potential poetic potential of the Azerbaijani language, to voice the Azerbaijani language in the position of cultural poetry of the time, to prove its power and achieved it with great success. This was due to the fact that he ignored a number of Arabic and Persian words used in the Azerbaijani language and used real Azerbaijani words instead of them, or used Azerbaijani words in the same sense as a number of Arabic-Persian words" [1].
Nasimi, who points out the social significance of the language in his works, considers the language as one of the main features of the people, and raises the issue of the mother tongue and foreign languages, especially because of his conscious attitude to the mother tongue, confirms that he is a great citizen poet. Nasimi has played an unprecedented role in the history of the development of our literary language.
1. Arasli H. imadaddin Nasimi. Baki, Azarbaycan Dovlat Na§riyyati, 1972, 75 s.
2. Boyuk Azarbaycan §airi imadaddin Nasimi [Matn]: [monoqrafiya] /[kol. mual.: i. Habibbayli [va b.] (ba§ red.)]; elmi red. F. Ozizova; mas. red. A. Bagirli; AMEA, Nizami Gancavi adina Odabiyyat in-tu. Baki: Elm, 2019. 397 s.
Ягумова Н.Ш.,
доцент кафедры английской филологии, Адыгейский государственный университет, кандидат филологических наук Берестнева А.В.
старший преподаватель кафедры английской филологии, Адыгейский государственный университет, кандидат филологических наук
yagumova N.,
Assistant professor of the Department of English Philology, Adyghe State University, Candidate of Philology
Berestneva A.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of English Philology, Adyghe State University, Candidate of Philology
В процессах номинации фитонимов частотными являются персональные мотиваторы. Применение прецедентного имени как мотиватора является признаком особого типа мотивации, называемого прецедентным. Иногда прецедентный оним недостаточен в своей вербальной форме для репрезентации прецедентной когнитивной структуры и ситуации, он требует распространения через визуальные произведения, окружающую предметную среду, устное народное творчество. Abstract
In the processes of nomination of phytonyms, personal motivators are frequently used. The use of a precedent name as a motivator is a special type of motivation which is called precedent. Sometimes the precedent onym is
insufficient in its verbal form to represent the precedent cognitive structure and situation; it requires dissemination through visual works, the surrounding objective environment, and oral folk art.
Ключевые слова: прецедентные феномены, лингвокультурема, когнитивная база, инвариант восприятия, процесс номинации, типы мотивации, фитоним, персональные мотиваторы.
Keywords: precedent phenomena, linguoculturema, cognitive base, invariant of perception, nomination process, types of motivation, phytonym, personal motivators.
Precedent phenomena refer to cultural and linguistic competence, the components of which form the lin-guocultural field. Linguoculturema, as minimum cultural mark of it, combines form, linguistic meaning and cultural sense. It is not a linguistic system unit, but only a basic term that serves to designate a verbalization of cultural content. The expression of linguoculturema can correspond to a lexeme, phrase, and text. The content of it is cultural information - a set of culturally marked knowledge and ideas that exists within certain linguistic culture [1, p. 34-35].
Precedent phenomena, as one of the types of lin-guoculturema, V.Krasnykh classifies as national precedent, social precedent and universal precedent units [2, p. 50-51]. Within the framework of his hypothesis, D.Gudkov insists on the existence of a cognitive base of the linguocultural community, which is formed by the invariants of real and possible ideas about certain phenomena that are preserved in a reduced form [3, c. 34-37].
There are various classifications of precedent phenomena that are available in modern linguistics because the consideration of their nature is rather contradictory. According to the classification of V.Krasnykh, to the types of precedent phenomena we may refer the name (the proper name of a famous person, a character in a literary work, an artifact, that is something "associated with a well-known text or with a precedent situation"); the situation (a significant event that actually happened in the life of an ethnos and civilization, "its sign may be a precedent name, or a precedent statement or an unprecedented phenomenon"). She also mentions the text (a well-known literary work, actualized in other texts, the use of which is controlled by the core of intertextu-ality) and expressions, considered a complete and self-contained unit, a complex sign, the sum of values of which is not equal to its meaning, the cognitive base of which is precisely the precedent statement; it is repeatedly reproduced in the speech of members of the co-munity [2, p. 47-48].
At the representative level, precedence is always represented by a situation or a set of situations. The type of such a situation is of a different nature: if the event actually happened, it is a real precedent situation; if the event is fictional, it must be qualified as being modeled by collective or individual consciousness. Depending on the rationality / irrationality of the latter, the precedent situation can be rational or mythologized. The cognitive aspect of precedence is a typical conceptual structure of mental representation; its verbal aspect is a word, often an onym, a phrase, a predicative expression, a text fragment and a complete text. V.Krasnykh notes that the precedent text and the situation "are stored in the cognitive base in the form of perceptual invariants and can be verbalized if necessary" [2, p. 49].
That is why the text and situation are among the verbalized precedent phenomena.
V.Krasnykh proposes to refer to precedent phenomena, that can exist outside the verbal forms, para-linguistic means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, body movements), which are constantly reproduced in process of communication. Ethnoculturally marked works of art and folk crafts are also considered non-verbal precedent phenomena.
This creates significant difficulties for describing and qualifying the phenomenon of precedent, especially in cases of a combination of verbal and non-verbal means. V.Krasnykh notes that in a number of cases, the nomination of a precedent situation is particularly difficult [2, p. 66]. Sometimes such clarifications have the character of notes, comments, set-in structures.
Yu.Karaulov was the first to analyse this type of phenomena when he mention "a text well known to the individual and the linguocultural community, the reference to which repeatedly occurs in the discourse of a certain linguistic personality" [4, p. 67], that is, proper names, titles of works, their authors and quotations from them may be precedent for a researcher. The term "precedent text" can have a double meaning if we consider the text as a symbolic cultural product and as a means of linguistic fixation of precedent phenomena.
In the first sense, the text is presented in the form of a text concept - a reduced content, which V. Krasnykh calls the invariant of perception. An appeal to such a text is carried out by means of associated precedent statements or names, which become symbols of the whole text [2, p. 68-69, 132]. The precedent text in this sense creates a "precedent field", the elements of which are used in the secondary (generated) text as "a mean of cognitive-emotive and axiological focusing of the semantic mass" of the primary (precedent) text [5, p. 104].
The use of a precedent name as a motivator in the process of nomination is a special type of motivation. The activation of such connections is caused either by the awareness of the objective features of the designated object, or by their associative, evaluative, paradoxical perception of the nominees [6, p. 153-180].
The typology of motivational relationships is based on the matrix principle containing three parameters. Depending on the first parameter (the status of the projection) the following types of motivation are distinguished: 1) propositional, when signs-motivators are used in direct meanings, fixing relatively true and consistent information about the denotation in the onoma-siological structure; 2) associative, which is characterized by the choice of motivators of metaphorical status based on connections by analogy with other conceptual areas of knowledge; 3) modus, based on the assessment by native speakers of the motivator in correlation with the mental functions of sensations, feelings, archetypes
of the unconscious; 4) mixed, which combines motivators denoting fragments of the denotatum structure of different status; 5) concept-integrational, when a new sign and its concept are formed on the basis of the combination of two concepts and their signs.
Motivation is opposed to pseudo-motivation, characterized by a purely formal choice of motivators, provided neither semantically nor cognitively. According to the second parameter (the rationality and irrationality of knowledge about the denoter), we can distinguish rational and mythologeme motivation. Mythologeme motivation is characterized by the choice of motivators with an uncritically perceived content. It is stronger for an ethnos and an individual than rational, since it is based on a force that is capable of resisting any facts -faith. Signs of the irrational are primarily considered "axiomatic and unverified, simplified vision of reality, simplified causal interpretation of events" [7, p. 135136].
Precedent motivation stands out as the third parameter of classification (the cultural significance of the motivator for a certain ethnic community) and is opposed to unprecedented phenomena. We find it interesting to investigate the precedent motivation for creating phytonyms. In the processes of nomination precedent motivators of different informative status are explicated. Temporal motivators indicate the time of events relevant in the people's life (e.g., Rus. декабрист - Lat. Schlumbergera, Eng. Lenten rose - Lat. Helleborus orientalis). Quite common and regular are personal motivators, which include: 1) names or most often surnames of real outstanding personalities, writers, musicians, politicians, scientists, military, folk heroes, etc. (e.g., Eng. dahlia, georgina - Lat. Dahlia, wisteria - Lat. Wisteria sinensis); 2) the names of fictional persons, more often characters of oral folk art or works of art (e.g., Lat. Ginkgoites weatherwaxiae, G. nannyoggiae и G. Garlickianus were named after the witches - the characters of Terry Pratchett: Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg и Magrat Garlick); 3) the names of anthropomorphic mythological creatures of paganism ( e.g., Lat. Agave - Rus. агава (Agave - the heroine of the Greek mythology); Eng. Venus mallow, Venus's slipper - Rus. башмачок мелкоцветковый -Lat. Cypripedium parviflorum; рус. джузгун Голова Медузы - Lat. Calligonum caput medusae; Eng. dev-il's-tangue - Lat. Amorphophallus rivieri); 4) the names of Christian saints (Eng. Judas' bag - Lat. Adan-sonia digitata).
There is a numerous group of phytonyms motivated by theological onomes in English: Jew's thorn -Lat. African unabi; Judas' bag- Lat. Adansonia digitata, St. Martin's herb - Lat. Alstroemeria ligtu, Krishna's cup - Lat. Ficus benghalensis, Jesuit's drop's - Lat. My-roxylon balsamum, St. Mary lily - Lat. Lilum can-didum. We can say that phytonyms in a concise form reflect an image or a biblical (mythological) plot associated with the used onym. Thus, an unusual form of the leaves was marked in the English names of the plant Ficus benghalensis - Krishna's cup, Krishna's butter cup, Krishna tree, Krishna fig. It is remarkable, that an adult funnel-shaped leaf of a plant can contain a glass of liquid. One legend tells, God Krishna gave the shape
to the leaves by rolling a ficus leaf into a goblet when he wanted to drink.
Quite often the precedent names of saints and mythological images are used as an indicator of high quality plants, which received their names for medicinal properties. For example, St. John's grass (Lat. Hypericum perforatum) is a plant that has been used in traditional European medicine as far as ancient Greeks. The name StJonn's wort apparently refers to John the Baptist, as the plant blooms around the time of the feast of StJohn the Baptist in late June and most often used for a variety of conditions, including kidney and lung ailments, insomnia, depression, and to aid wound healing.
The most frequent precedent onym of biblical mythology is the name of the Virgin Mary. Useful, medicinal plants are usually associated with the image of the Mother of God: Rus. Марьин корень, Марья Коревна - Lat. Paeonia delavayi. This plant contains flavonoids, essential oil, tannins, sterols, saponins, gallic and salicylic acids which are used in folk medicine.
Some names of such phytonyms may be connected with religious holiday. Thus, the scientific name of the phytomym Senecio jacobaea and its vernacular names in different languages (Eng. St. James wort; рус. крестовник Якова) are referred to the plant flowering around St. James' day (25th July).
According to V.M. Rogzin, the modern subject environment, individual objects, as well as visual works (design, graphics and art) act as linguistic messages addressed to a person, and he must be able to read and understand them [8; 13]. Thus, we can note the fact that the formation of the name of the phytonym was influenced by the visual image, according to which "the Mother of God and the saints are often represented on religious images with plants symbolizing certain traits valued by the church" [9; 121]. For example, white lilies have always been considered a symbol of purity and immaculacy, that is why the flowers can be seen near images of the Virgin Mary (Rus. Лилия белоснежная, лилия Мадоны - Lat. Lilium candidum). While the white lily became known as the lily of the Madonna, the red one became the symbol of the blossoming staff of Saint Joseph (Rus. лелия превосходная, жезл Св.Иосифа - Eng. St.Joseph's baton - Lat. Laelia superbiens). In this case, we can say that precedent visual phenomena become a powerful tool for influencing the consciousness of recipients.
Sometimes the basis of the plant name is a precedent etiological legend that explains the use of a phyto-nym for a specific purpose. For example, in different languages we can find such phytonymic phrases as «the Virgin's tears», that may refer to different plants, which have the common distinctive feature of droplets on the leaves or stem (Rus. плакун-трава - lat. Lythrum salicaria) or may have similar fruits in the shape of tears (Rus. Иовлевы слезы, богородицыны слезки - lat. Coix lacryma-jobi). The name is based on the precedent text about the tears of Mary, who cried for Jesus during his torment [10; 271].
We support the point of view that a precedent text is a verbal precedent phenomenon that is preserved in
the cognitive base as an invariant of perception. The appeal to the precedent text occurs as a result of the use of its well-known fragments or proper names. Before getting the status of precedent, the text goes through a certain perception algorithm, it involves dividing the characteristics of the text into significant / insignificant and fixing the former while ignoring the others [2, p. 68-72].
To sum up the presented material, it should be noted that in nominative processes the signs of precedent phenomena perform aesthetic, pragmatic functions, and also broadcast the culture of the people. Precedent phenomena create a certain system of values that regulate the social behavior of representatives of a particular national-linguocultural community, condemning or approving certain stereotypes.
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3. Zakharenko I. V. Precedent statements and their functioning in the text // Linguocognitive problems of intercultural communication. M., 1997.pp. 9299.
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6. Selivanova E.A. Cognitive onomasiology: (Monograph) / E.A. Selivanova; Cherkas. state university of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. - Kiev: Phytosociocenter, 2000. - 247 p.
7. Sheigal E.I. Semiotics of political discourse / E.I. Sheigal. - Moscow: Gnosis, 2004. - 324 p.
8. Rozin V.M. Visual culture and perception: How a person sees and understands the world / V.M. Rozin. - 2nd ed. - M.: URSS, 2004. - 224 p.
9. Szot-Radziszewska E. Sekrety ziól. Wiedza ludowa, magia, obrz^dy, leczenie. Warszawa, 2005.
10. Kolosova V. B. Anthroponyms in Slavic phy-tonymics // Anthropological forum. - 2008. - No. 9. P. 263-276.
Коваленя А.В.
Минский государственный лингвистический университет, аспирант
Kovalenya A.
Minsk state linguistic university, postgraduate
В статье рассматривается этнокультурный аспект русских и английских пословиц и поговорок, отражающих ключевые качества представителей культуры.
The article discusses the ethnocultural aspect of Russian and English proverbs and sayings that reflect the key qualities of cultural representatives.
Ключевые слова: Пословица, поговорка, качество, оценка, внутренняя форма, культура, язык, картина мира.
Keywords: Proverb, saying, quality, evaluation, internal form, culture, language, picture of the world.
Известный немецкий языковед В. Гумбольдт указывал на важность понятия «дух народа», который, по мнению ученого, представляет собой комплекс интеллектуальных ценностей и всю совокупность проявлений культуры народа, его духовное своеобразие; и язык каждого отдельного народа является результатом деятельности этого духа [6]. Язык придаёт звуковую форму мысли индивида, которая формируется во взаимодействии с окружающим миром[6,с. 104]. Между языком и его носителями существует тесная связь. Всех индивидов, говорящих на одном и том же языке, объединяют два фактора:
1) Пространственный (территориальная и географическая общность носителей языка);
2) Временной, представляющий собой непрерывность и последовательность поколений, связанной с традициями и влиянием предков на современных представителей нации [2, с. 76].
Влияние пространственного фактора прослеживается в упоминании тех предметов или явлений в речи, которые являются частью среды обитания носителей языка [11, с.271], например, василек в белорусской и русской культурах, олеандр в турецкой. Одним из проявлений непрерывности и последовательности поколений является использование пословиц и поговорок в речи. Пословица представляет собой изречение в виде грамматически законченного предложения, в котором выражена народ-