Научная статья на тему 'Practical results of creating a multiservice intelligent system of automated access to scientific and technical information'

Practical results of creating a multiservice intelligent system of automated access to scientific and technical information Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Bondarchuk Victoria Valereevna, Ivanova Svetlana Borisovna, Kravchenko Natalia Mikhailovna

The article is devoted to the practical results of creating a multifunctional intelligent system of automated access to scientific and technical information as an innovative technological trend, prospects for the development of a system based on open technologies. The security policy is confirmed by a Certificate. Management controllers and modules that make up the structure of the server part of the application are presented

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Текст научной работы на тему «Practical results of creating a multiservice intelligent system of automated access to scientific and technical information»

Bondarchuk Victoria Valereevna, Head of the Department of visual image recognition candidate of Technical Sciences State institution Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Donetsk

E-mail: [email protected] Ivanova Svetlana Borisovna, Deputy Director for Science State institution Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Donetsk

E-mail: [email protected] Kravchenko Natalia Mikhailovna, candidate of Technical Sciences Researcher of the visual imaging department State institution Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Donetsk E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. The article is devoted to the practical results of creating a multifunctional intelligent system of automated access to scientific and technical information as an innovative technological trend, prospects for the development of a system based on open technologies. The security policy is confirmed by a Certificate. Management controllers and modules that make up the structure of the server part of the application are presented.

Keywords: digital integrated platforms, open technologies, multifunctional systems, security policy, controllers, server, application.

The development trends of the world community focus on the problem of digitalization of electronic resources in all the infrastructures of society. An intelligent system ofautomated access to scientific and technical information (https://library-test.guiaidn.ru) with the ability to provide modern information services was developed and introduced at the Institute ofArtificial Intelligence. Using the capabilities of the Internet, the system provides remote access to the necessary electronic resources available in libraries of organizations, publishing houses connected to this system [1, p. 67].

Built distributed information and communication system, which is integrated with existing departmental systems. Modern computer technology allows you to

visually present information about existing electronic resources ofthe DPR in the form ofan interactive system. Integration technologies: technologies of a single service bus, event driven architecture; intelligence (machine learning, context sensitivity, metadata, semantics, intelligent shells, initiation and response, intelligent recommendations, automatic and intelligent detectability, dynamic linking, dynamic intelligent information packets, intelligent screen savers, semantic hints in the user interface, file system conversion, flexible user-driven analysis of information, flexible semantic queries, electronic documentation, etc.).

A single security policy and authentication system is provided with the services Fail 2 ban, Suri-


cata, Certbot-auto (the security policy certificate is valid, host protection against unauthorized access, intrusion prevention system, multitasking and highperformance open system) [2, p. 70].

The possibility of full automation of electronic resources of institutions is implemented. Databases of library funds are converted and integrated with the project database [3, p. 181]. In addition, an effective automated multi-criteria resource search system has been developed and implemented.

The functions of the automated data preparation service, the automation of generating electronic documents for statistical reporting, the formation of consolidated reports, the generation and printing of summary reports on various indicators of the library fund and reporting forms were implemented.

The project was developed on the basis of modern technologies, freely distributed and open source: PostgreSQL, Node.js, Sequelize, Express.js, Angular. js, HTML 5, CSS3 and Git.

The results of the project are innovative. For the first time in the Republic, a digital platform of integrated electronic resources of the Donetsk People's Republic, Russia and the world has been created and implemented. A register of institutions subordinated to the Ministry ofEducation and Science of the DPR, enterprises and publishing houses was created. The introduction of the project carried out in 655 institutions, 16 publishing houses. The system works without fails hardware-software complex for 20 months.

The monitoring of the electronic resources of the Republic made it possible to realistically assess the material and technical support and library funds of the DPR, which is subject to WEB-analytics and WEB-statistics of resources. The function of automated data preparation service, automation of the formation of electronic documents for statistical reporting, the formation of consolidated reports has been implemented, printing ofsummary reports on various indicators of the library fund and reporting forms.

The automated workplaces "Interlibrary school subscription" has been developed. The functional-

ity allows you to keep records, systematization and search in the database of textbooks in your personal On-line office. Automatic indexing, on the basis of which a quick search is implemented, allows it to be performed on any elements of the bibliographic description and their combinations.

General electronic catalog of publications of the Republic was created. The Catalog of school textbooks of the Republic has been created; it is designed to monitor school libraries and exchange textbooks between them.

As a result of the automation of accounting and control of electronic resources of educational and scientific institutions, a consolidated electronic catalog of scientific and technical information of the DPR library funds was formed on the basis of a digital platform.

The system's web server is a computing server, a database server, applications, communications. The server interprets queries, creates, reads, deletes, updates information and searches, generates results.

Interpretation ofsearch requests, the creation ofin-formational updates and the generation of query processing results is performed by the server. The structure of the server part ofthe application contains SERVER. JS (core server, the main part); Libdatabase. js (database description, database copy creation function DB); Server Comm Proc. js (common date / time functions, error logging function); SERVERD iss Auto.JS (functions with dissertations / abstracts (add, edit, delete, search); unctions with dissertations / abstracts (add, edit, delete, search); SERVERD igest.JS (work with journals, collections, scientific articles, periodicals); SERVERWordJS (preparation of reports in Word format (according to the register oflibraries, publications of the catalog)); SERVERE xcel.JS (preparing tables and charts in the format MS Excel); SERVER Regis. JS (add / edit library entries); SERVERP ub.JS (work with publishers: editing, adding data about the publisher, search, delete; add / delete, edit edition data); SERVERK at.JS (work with catalogs, search for data on books, monographs); SERVERManual.JS (work-

ing with school textbooks: information about school classes, information about textbooks used in education, information about issuing books). Procedure library Node_modules c express (framework WEB - applications for Node.js), body-parser. Fs (client request parsing), cookie-parser (read and write cookie from/to user requests), officegen (use of Microsoft Office services).

Controllers provide the formation of the exchange between the pages and the database and the display of data on the pages: - modules for managing html -page: add Article Ctrl - Adding an article to the journal collection)); addcity Ctrl - add city to cities directory; addcityreg Ctrl - the addition of a district into the directory of urban areas; addmanual Ctrl- adding a textbook to the textbook directory; addmbook Ctrl - adding / editing publications in the catalog ofpublications; add Periodic Ctrl - adding / editing publications in the catalog ofpublications; baseController - create and restore databases; change Ctrl - change user password; city Ctrl - view directory of localities; Detail Ctrl -view library information; Doc 1 Ctrl - shaping 6-HK; dpl Ctrl - password recovery; exloginCtrl - login and password at login; List Ctrl - register of libraries and search in it; List Kat Ctrl - catalog of publications of the library and search in it; List Kat Comm Ctrl- general catalog of publications and search in it; List NII Ctrl - browse libraries by category; mainCtrl - home page controller; mbookclasses Ctrl - the distribution

of the selected textbook in school classes; manual List Ctrl - textbook; mbook find Ctrl - search text book in libraries of other schools; mcarte Ctrl - Site Map; mclasses Ctrl - class list for school; personal Ctrl -Personal Area; phones Controller - filling in library information; Report Ctrl - report generation and structure charts of information resources and logistics in MS Excel.

The Unified Digital Platform - a successful practice of a national technology initiative, a roadmap; customer-oriented system that adapts to the customer and offers solutions that best solve his problems; a tool for strategic socio-economic development, Smart City Technologies, on the basis of which industrial and non-industrial cluster technological systems are successfully integrated, including agriculture, health care, international cooperation, etc., with the possibility of commercialization.

The integration of complex systems of clusters of the socio-economic development of the Republic will ensure effective cooperation in single information and trading space for manufacturers, suppliers, contractors and buyers in the domestic and global markets. The project will allow for the implementation of coordination, information, expert-analytical, organizational and technical support for activities in the implementation of complex systems with strong artificial intelligence.


1. Innovative aspects of the introduction of automated access to scientific and technical information: development prospects / V. V. Bondarchuk, N. M. Kravchenko, T. D. Klyushanova // World science: problems and innovations: a collection of articles of the XXVI International Scientific and Practical Conference. In 2 parts. Part 1.- Penza: ICSC "Science and education". 2018.- P. 66-70.

2. Technology implementation of digital integrated platforms / V. V. Bondarchuk, N. M. Kravchenko, T. D. Klyushanova // Science and education: preserving the past, we create the future: a collection of articles of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference. In 2 parts. Part 1.- Penza: ICSC "Science and education". 2019.- P. 69-71.

3. Vectors of digitalization of the Republic on the example of a multiservice intelligent system of automated access to scientific and technical information: / V. V. Bondarchuk, S. B. Ivanova, N. M. Kravchenko, T. D. Klyushanova et al. // Innovation processes in science and education. Monograph / Under the general editorship of G. Yu. Gulyaev - Penza: ICSC "Science and education". 2019.- P. 178-185.

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