Научная статья на тему 'Постоянство в истории философии и его выражение в истории вьетнамской философской мысли'

Постоянство в истории философии и его выражение в истории вьетнамской философской мысли Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Ле Нгок Чонг

Используя метод анализа документов, можно сказать, что аналитико-синтетическая мысль имеет некую согласованность между историей и логикой, между постоянством в истории философии и противоборством этой согласованности с историей вьетнамской философской мысли. В статье делаются выводы о связи истории философии и истории Вьетнамской философской мысли через соответствующее познание. Проведенный анализ подтверждает взаимосвязь между историей вьетнамской философской мысли и историей философии мира. Постоянство истории вьетнамской философской мысли ярко выражает и дополняет постоянство мировой истории философии. История Вьетнама является отражением национальной истории Вьетнама. Это также процесс обмена, инноваций и сотрудничества с отечественными и зарубежными философскими течениями, способствующими углублению и обогащению духовной и научной (академической) жизни нации. В период независимости, философские мысли о конфуцианстве и буддизме стали основным содержанием вьетнамской философской мысли. Для Вьетнама патриотизм является важнейшим пунктом в содержании истории вьетнамской мысли о нации и национальной независимости; о независимсти суверенного государства в равенстве с северными государствами; о происхождении и мотивах войны за национальное спасение и оборону. Начиная с периода правления Хо Ши Мина и по сей день, эти идеи являются ключевыми для Вьетнама.

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Through the method of documents analyzing, in analytical-synthesis thought has the consistency between history and logic, the general essay of regularity in the history of philosophy and confrontation of that generalization with the the history of Vietnamese philosophical thought. The essay concludes the relationship between history of philosophy and the history of Vietnamse philosophical thought through the corresponding cognizances. Throuhg the above analysis, it confirms the relationship between the history of Vietnamese philosophical thought and history of philosophy of the world. The regularity of history of Vietnamese philosophical thought expresses vividly and complements the regularity of history of philosophy in the world. History of Vietnam is a reflection of the national history of Vietnam. It is also a process of exchanging, innovating and creating with philosophical thought systems at home and abroad, contributing to the deepening and enrichment of the spiritual and academic life of the nation. In the period of independence, independence period, many philosophical thought of Confucianism and Buddhism became the basic contents of Vietnamese philosophical thought. On the structure of thought, Vietnam's patriotism is the central content of the history of Vietnamese thought about nation and national independence; of an independent sovereign state on equality with the northern states; about the origins and motives of the war for national salvation and defense. From the beginning of the twentieth century until now, these ideas have been raised to a new height in the Ho Chi Minh period.

Текст научной работы на тему «Постоянство в истории философии и его выражение в истории вьетнамской философской мысли»

УДК 1 (091)


Le Ngoc Thong

National Economics University e-mail: thongleh@yahoo.com

Through the method of documents analyzing, in analytical-synthesis thought has the consistency between history and logic, the general essay of regularity in the history of philosophy and confrontation of that generalization with the the history of Vietnamese philosophical thought. The essay concludes the relationship between history of philosophy and the history of Vietnamse philosophical thought through the corresponding cognizances.

Throuhg the above analysis, it confirms the relationship between the history of Vietnamese philosophical thought and history of philosophy of the world. The regularity of history of Vietnamese philosophical thought expresses vividly and complements the regularity of history of philosophy in the world.

History of Vietnam is a reflection of the national history of Vietnam. It is also a process of exchanging, innovating and creating with philosophical thought systems at home and abroad, contributing to the deepening and enrichment of the spiritual and academic life of the nation. In the period of independence, independence period, many philosophical thought of Confucianism and Buddhism became the basic contents of Vietnamese philosophical thought. On the structure of thought, Vietnam's patriotism is the central content of the history of Vietnamese thought about nation and national independence; of an independent sovereign state on equality with the northern states; about the origins and motives of the war for national salvation and defense. From the beginning of the twentieth century until now, these ideas have been raised to a new height in the Ho Chi Minh period.

Keywords: History of philosophy; Philosophy; Philosophical thought; Regularity.

ESSAY Introduction

In this new age there are multipolarity and globalization. To take advantage of the opportunities and mitigate the consequences of the risk from these trends, it requires all mankind to make full use of all resources and values; In which, there are philosophical values. history of philosophy research is part of the mission of humanity. The world's history of philosophy formed from history of philosophical thought of ethnic groups and countries. Vietnam - a rich traditional nation as made a worthy contribution in this process. The New Age has facilitated the promotion of the role of common philosophical thought and of each nation, each country, serving the common cause of humanity.

The main content

1. Generalization of the historical science of philosophy

History of philosophy is the history of the formation and development of philosophical thoughts in chronological order; is the history of contending between philosophical schools, typically the contending between materialism and idealism; between the dialectical method and the metaphysical method; is the history of the abolition and the inheritance of the philosophical thoughts through historical periods, as well as between nations and regions.

From the needs of research history of philosophy was born a scientific history of philosophy subject. The object of scientific history of philosophy is the history of the formation, development and ideological content of philosophical doctrines in each period of history, clarifying the contending between the schools of materialism and the idealism, between the dialectical and metaphysical method.

1.1. The mision of the scientific history of philosophy

(1) Thoroughly apply the historical-logicmethod, history of philosophy science to describe the formation, development and historical content of philosophical thought, and to find the internal logic and the rules of formation and development of philosophy. Thereby, to clarify the essence of philosophical doctrines, to appreciate the values, as well as the limitations and historical roles of those doctrines.

(2) Scientific history of philosophy shows the interrelationship between philosophical doctrines, the abolition and inheritance between philosophical thoughts through historical periods; the interpenetration of the philosophical thoughts of peoples, nations and regions; the mutual interpenetration and interplay between philosophy and other forms of social consciousness.

(3) Concentrated, scientific history of philosophy discovered and orientated the application of the rules of formation, development of thoughts, theories of philosophy in the development of theoretical thinking and social development.

1.2. The regularity of history of philosophy

History of Thought and history of philosophical thought are happening with many regularities.

(1) The general regularitys: the formation and development of philosophical thoughts connected with socio-economic conditions, the contending between classes, the social forces; with the achievements of the natural sciences and social sciences; with the interpenetration and contending between the schools of philosophy.

As a form of social consciousness, philosophy form, develop closely and reflect social history. Each social stage, each class, each social force will build the corresponding philosophical system. The development and interchange of philosophical systems reflects the transformation and substitution of social regimes, reflecting the contending between social forces.

The development of philosophy is closely linked to the achievements of science: generalizing scientific achievements and meeting the requirements of scientific development. In every stage of development of science, philosophy has also developed. As Ph.Angela had once said, "Every time there is an invention of the times, even in the field of natural-historical science, materialism can unavoidable the change of its form; and since history itself is interpreted from the point of view of materialism here also opens a new path of development."1

(2) History of philosophy is the history of the contending between philosophical schools, which is typically the contending between materialism and idealism. Schools have just abolished and inherited each other that transform and develop to a higher level; It is intrinsic logic, an important motive for philosophical development.

(3) History of philosophy is the inheritance between ideas, philosophical theories. The next philosophy inherit and transform, develop of previous philosophical thoughts to suit the requirements of the new period. That is dialectical negation in history of philosophy.

1 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Full episode, Pg.21. National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 1994, Pg. 409.

(4) History of philosophy is the interplay, interpenetration between philosophical thoughts of countries, peoples, regions. Since then, contributing to the promotion of human philosophy, philosophy of each nation. So the development of philosophy is both nationalistic and humanistic.

(5) History of philosophy is the history of interaction, interpenetration between philosophical thoughts with politics, religion, art ... Thus, the development of philosophy is diverse. Philosophy is the basis of reason for other forms of social consciousness, and manifested through the forms of religious and art social consciousness... It shows that many philosophical thought research should be through research other forms of social consciousness.

(6) History of philosophy has divergence

Divergence is the basis of science to research history of philosophy. history of philosophy goes through many periods corresponding to periods of social history; history of scientific development; according to the turning point of development.

According to the history of society, philosophy has periods: ancient, medieval, renaissance, near-modern and modern. According to the turning point, philosophy has periods: Before and after ancient philosophy German (late 18th century, early 19th century); before and after Marxism philosophy. Specific conditions on natural and social contribute to create unique characteristics of philosophical thought of each region, each nation. The divergence of the history of philosophy is closely linked to the region and the nation. Accordingly, there are Eastern philosophy and Western philosophy, on the basis of which they divided philosophy in different countries and different periods. Regurlaly, in the divergence of history of philosophy must combine many criteria: ancient and medieval Eastern philosophy; ancient, medieval; near and near modern and modern Western philosophy.

Thus, history of philosophy studies are linked to socio-economic conditions, the development of science, the contending between philosophical schools in history, the inheritance between the philosophical thoughts.

These regularities are generalized from many stages and many philosophical thought systems. On the other hand, these regularities should be presented, illustrated and supplemented from previous philosophical thought systems that have not been studied. The regulary of history of philosophy is reflected in the history of philosophical thought of Vietnam.

2. History of Vietnamese philosophical thought

The relationship between the history of the world's philosophical thought and the history of Vietnamese philosophical thought is a dialectical relationship between the common and the private. Studying and using that relationship is essential in today's context; contributing to the right understanding of the history of thought, and finding suitable solutions for philosophical thought development in the future.

2.1. The geographical, economic, political and social conditions of Vietnam

(1) The characteristics are closely related to the Vietnamese philosophical thought

Vietnam in Southeast Asia; It is bordered to the east by China and southeast by the East Sea, while to the west by Laos and Cambodia. This geographical location is convenient for exchanging and trading about economic, political and cultural with China, India and some Western capitalist countries, and gradually widens international scope. For thousands of years, the Vietnamese economy is based on agriculture, which is cultivated mainly by the cultivation of paddy rice, with the level of manual labor, the mining industry, the trade with the village market network. Historically, Vietnam has been based on state ownership of land

and resources, with real decentralization of ownership to village organizations managing and using "dual ownership" in the "Asian Production Method"

Classification of class in Vietnam is unclear. Feudalism conferred with landlords dominate in society. During the Northern Dynasty and French domination, that ruling force became the instrument of ruling foreign invasion. An integral part of the national spirit is to organize the people to fight against the dominant forces and to win national independence. Vietnam's political history is the history of foreign against aggression and study abroad to build and defend national independence.

(2)The direct basis of Vietnamese philosophical thought formation

Traditional Vietnamese social structure is a dual system: nation - village of the type "rural commune". That structure has changed since the French domination.

With "village culture", the basic knowledge of traditional Vietnam is the knowledge of experience and trade village secrets - the norm of communication village, through oral tradition. Some intellectuals absorb the doctrines, mainly social-political knowledge from China, India in the spirit of Vietnamese reality.

2.1. The regularity of the history of Vietnamese philosophical thought

With the style of thinking in East Asia, Vietnam has no philosophers, in the philosophy of its own, so it needs to go from the unspecified and complex literature -history - philosophy to extract philosophical thought. Then abstraction, generalization of identification of categories, rules. These categories are interactive - interrelated, linked into small systems and the whole system: morality. Natural morality always covers and penetrates other categories. Just as Ngo Thi Nham wrote: "The morality is based on the natural, which the root is human love" .

The Vietnamese from experiences step-by-step reach abstract abstractions and form some of the most common notions of the world, of the universality of the opposites, of the central position of the sun for the operation of the universe, the origin of the nation, the power of the community, etc. But have not yet created the system, there are no philosophical systems. This is the result of a dual trend: self-reliance and continuation of external philosophical thoughts, in which Confucianism and Buddhism has an especially important role (later, Marxist-Leninism thoughts is the dominant factor) transformed and became an organic element of philosophical thinking, of Vietnamese philosophical thought.

2.2.Vietnamese Philosophical thought

Philosophical thought reflects the socio-economic conditions, to resolve the historical tasks set for each society. Historically, the sense of community, of independence and sovereignty has arisen from the beginning and gradually developed and became patriotic thought, Vietnamese patriotism - the core of Vietnamese history of thought and culture.

2.2.1. The expression forms of the Vietnamese Philosophical thoughts

If the Western philosophical thought is represented in the form of abstract reasoning in pre-theoretical writings, in the Estern (including Vietnam), philosophical thought is not only expressed in pre-theoretical writings, in the form of reasoning but in many another forms. First of all, through the activities of nationalist movements. So the studying the history of Vietnamese thought requires an interdisciplinary approach, first of all is the interdisciplinary of social and humanistic sciences.

2.2.2. The basic contents of Vietnamese philosophical thought

Patriotic thought - Political, ethical and humanistic thought

2 Ngo Thoi Nham, Dap Hai Phai Doan Hau.

It is a moral and humanistic thought, which is thought by Vietnamese thinkers reflecting on philosophical depth and become Vietnamese patriotism and a core content of Vietnam's philosophical thought including concepts about nationality and national independence; about an independent country and the origins and motives of the war for national salvation.

(1) Demonstrate and assert the independence and parity of the Lac Viet geography as compared to the Han ethnic group: Lac Viet in the behind of Sao Duc, Sao Chan - in the south (based on the ancient calendar calculation), Hoa Ha in the direction of Sao Dau - the north; Toc Viet is located at the south of the Ngu Linh Mountain - south of China, and the Han ethnic group is in the north of Ngu Linh. Inheritance and spiritualize that view, Ly Thuong Kiet monastery to "Thien Ly" as the base and affirmed: Vietnam Sovereignty by the reign of Vietnam kings; that was written in heaven.

(2) From the demands of against the foreign invasions, the thinkers generalized higher and more comprehensive about the Vietnamese community. In the letter sent to the Minh army and Proclamation of Victory, Nguyen Trai proved and affirmed: Vietnamese clans have enough geographic, geographical, cultural, historical, talents as a community of nation with a long history of peer dependent of the northern community.

Nguyen Trai pointed out the essential elements of a nation: political and geographical entities; cultural entity. This is the basis for the national independence - the pinnacle of the concept of independence in the feudal period of Vietnam, contributing to the strength of victory over the Minh army.

In confronting the French colonialists (there is ideology was based on a more advanced economic model), the theory above was powerless, and Vietnam became a colony. By the beginning of the twentieth century, Ho Chi Minh found new theories to the nation salvation and raise the concept of nation and ethnic independence to the level of the era.

b. The concept of the state of the independent nation is equal to the North

In Vietnamese history, the category of the nation was in the ideology of the feudal class, linked to the nature and positition as well as to the political and social system of the feudal class. It is a form of consolidation of national constituent elements and a condition for the exercise of national rights. Prior to the Northern Dynasty, the Vietnamese had Van Lang and Au Lac. When the Han invaded, those states no longer existed, the territory became part of the Han. The Vietnamese fight against Han domination, regain national independence, state organization and individual regime. In the state building, thinkers have taken into account the elements of the offcical name of the nation, the capital, the emblem, the name of the reign's year,.... It both demonstrates national independence, showing sustainability, development and equality with the Northern dynasties.

The kings of Vietnam abolished the names imposed by the Northern dynasty: such as "Giao Chi", "Giao Chau", "Nam Giao", "Linh Nam", etc., and named the nation Van Xuan, Dai Co Viet, Dai Viet ... "Title" of the kings switch from the King to the Emperor. The capital from Co Loa moved to Hoa Lu, to Thang Long to get to the "center of the border of the country ... the position in the middle of the four directions, the rich and the beautiful creations... the gathering place of the four directions"3, worthy of being the capital of an independent country and prosperous development. Thus from the beginning of the independence period, Vietnam was a feudal nation with sufficient criterias.

c. Thought about the origins and motivities of the war for national salvation and defense

3 Based on the capital movement of Ly Cong Uan.

The cause of building and defense the nation needs a general theory of reality. From the study of cause of success and failure to draw experience and generalization into the theory of independent and sovereign nation and spread to the community, handed down to the next generations. That theory is a weapon of war, but not enough to win. The problem is to mobilize the strength of the whole people of the nation, to move from weak to strong. Philosophical reflections on the origins and motivities of the war for national salvation and defense have become one of the most important and fundamental contents of Vietnamese philosophical thought.

(1) Appreciate the strength of the community

The Vietnamese community is formed in history and strengthened by members of the same race, the same territory, the same living activity and the same destiny. The community will be weak if the members do not stick to solidarity, and in the oppsite it becomes a force if it is combined with the right conditions: there is a right of responsibility, the relationship will be united.

Tran Quoc Tuan has asked: "One heart, unshakeable heart of the people",

"Because "The king and the slaves with the same heart, the harmony of brothers and sisters, the whole country contribute, the enemy must be arrested. It should encourage the people strenth to do the rooted strategies, firmed foundation that is the top of the strategy of the defense of the nation"4. Nguyen Trai stated and raised to the philosophy for thinking about the role and strength of the people. In Proclamation of Victory, expressed the idea of secure people, except violence: "Human good work is in the core of the securing the people. Defeating the enemy, prior must take care to except of violence"5. Nguyen Trai summarized about the cause of winning the Minh: "The name of the reign's year to be the flag, gathered all four direction's people. Establishing harmonic military in the country, the whole nation in one heart. He considered the people as the water, the feudal dynasty was the boat, "Driving boat is the people, turnning boat is also the people"6; asserting the responsibility of the rulers: "As people who hold the position of ruling people must follow the equality of law ... change the habit of embezzlement, except bad lazy habits, consider the career of the country as their own work; consider the anxiety of the people as the anxiety of the century"7. Enhancing the strength of the community, resolving conflicts: turning the enemy from strong to weak and turning our strength from weak to strength. "Be respectful of


people, consider the people as the root of the nation - People of the state" is an important point in the history of Vietnam.

Positive attitude towards the people

Ly Cong Uan stated: "First obey the fate of heaven, then following the ideas of the people, considering the change if it is convenient." Ly Thuong Kiet said, "The master of the rules of the people in raising the people."... By the period of Ho Chi Minh, the concept of people was developed to a higher level by the principle of "Unity, unity, great unity; success, success, great success"9. This is the basis for the Humanity, Sentimental, and the policy of leninence, for measures to limit social conflict. Overcoming class limitations, the era, the great patriots, stood at the highest of the patriotic movement has seen is required to unite the community, promote the strength of the nation.

4 Tran Quoc Tuan, Answering Tran Anh Tong The strategies of national defence before the loss.

5 Nguyen Trai, Full episode, Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 1976. Pg.201.

6 Nguyen Trai, Full episode, Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 1976. Pg. 200.

7 Nguyen Trai, Full episode, Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 1976. Pg. 199.

8 That thought has come from Manh dynasty (Ancient Chinese) is considered and inherited by Vietnamese thinkers.

9 Ho Chi Minh, The Speech at the Second Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, dated April 25th 1961.

Vietnamese patriotism is different from that of other nations and is a particularly important part of the history of Vietnamese philosophical thought.

d. Thought about Humanism in the history of Vietnamese philosophical thought

Humanism is one of the issues that are closely related to the identification of the basis of thought for politic, morality and human life, which is of particular interest to Vietnamese thinkers. In Vietnam, there are three approaches to unification of religions: Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in a unified ideology in accordance with Vietnamese conditions and embodied in authorship, in lifestyle. Depending on the specific situation in which the spirit of any religion that outstanding. In the period of Ly-Tran Dynasty, Buddhism and Taoism tend to develop more than others. In the Le - Nguyen Dynastry period, Confucianism was honored more than others. Every thinker, when they serve the king to reign the nation often influenced much from the Confucianism; When returning to sequestration during the peaceful times tended to honor the ideals of Buddhism and Taoism.

(1) Philosophical thought of Buddhism

During the Ly - Tran Dynastry period (X - XIV centuries), Buddhism played a central role in ideological and scholarly activities. philosophical thought of Buddhism used to interpreting on the world and human life on the national spirit. From the three schools of Zen, Pure Land and Tantric Buddhism of Mahayana Buddhism, the Vietnamese founded two schools: Thao Duong (Ly dynastry) and Truc Lam (Tran Dynasty). About the thought in the Ly-Tran Dynastry period, Zen has played an important role in the intelligentsia; the writings cover the contents of Zen philosophy. Buddhism humanism thought has a profound influence on the progressive thinkers of Le - Nguyen dynasty period: Nguyen Trai, Ngo Thoi Nham, Nguyen Du, etc.

Vietnamese philosophical thought of Buddhism including metaphysics and human view of life. Metaphysics is the philosophical thought in depth, becoming the basic content in philosophical thought of Ly Dynastry intellectual people. The central category is "Essence of Absolute Truth" or "Real Nature" of dhammas or the nature of "Tathagata". That is the unifying principle of the world. The world of phenomena (Constitutive Dhamma) is constantly changing as a manifestation of the Absolute Truth. Consciousness needs to go from phenomena to attain the Essence of Absolute Truth - enlightenment to the path of transcendence through phenomena. Thus, the category of "uninhabited" becomes the basic category in Zen cognitive theory. Accordingly, the world is manifested in the diversity of differences and contradictions, but of the same nature.

The center of Buddhist humanism philosophy in Vietnam is the category of "Mercy": tolerance between people and people, and with all species. The deep philosophical essence of this category is the category of "selflessness." This is also the philosophical thought of humanity of Buddhism: human beings saving - a practical spirit, resulting from the enlightenment of compassion.

Indeed, the Vietnamese philosophical thought of Buddhism has added a theoretical foundation for the thought of Vietnamese philanthropy; together with the factual basis is the cohesive national community.

(2) Philosophical thought of Confucianism

Confucianism was born in ancient China, was systematized by Confucius into the doctrine, then Tuan, Meng disciples develop into Confucianist in ancient times. In the feudal period, Confucianist became Confucianism, which was further developed by Han, Tang, Tong, Nguyen, Minh, Thanh dynasty thinkers continuted to develop in order to establish a basis for the ideological system of social domination.

Confucianism was introduced in Vietnam from the beginning of AD and during the Northern domination of the upper classes of society. The independent Vietnamese feudal

dynasties actively took over and revived Confucianism to establish the foundation of political ideology. Ly Dynasty built Temple of Literature - Queren worship Chu Cong, Confucius. After that, through feudal dynasties, this place became a large national institute for feudal nationalism, taking Confucianism as the basic content, in order to train pupils to play an important role in the national ruling system and in the field of academic thought. At that time there appeared two trends: absolutize the values of original Confucianism thought and study of Confucianism with the spirit of Vietnamese creativity. According to the second trend, there are many Confucianism values, especially at times of urgent history, have been inherited and brought into play by Vietnamese thinkers.

Confucianism includes Metaphysics and Pedophysics. The Metaphysics delves into the exploration of philosophy at the metaphysical level, associated with Trung Dung and commentaries attached to the Chu Dich font. These ideas have a great influence on Nguyen Binh Khiem, Ngo Thoi Nham,...

The Pedophysics delves into the moral and political philosophical theories to establish a feudalist ideology in the model of high centralization of power and inherited in the spirit of the Vietnamese reality. From that, forming the ideas: the people, the noble; humanity, sentimentality in socio-political life; Two-dimensional relationship: the king-slaves, father-son, husband-wife, ... These are the categories of loyalty, honor, self-controlling and sentimentality, etc., but there has been a change in meaning: noble has a new meaning is the whole nation, the category of humanity with the meaning of the labor community; the category of loyalty and honor are expanded into loyalty with the national and honor with the peoples, etc. In Vietnam has "mercy", "sentimentality" and "great mercy" or "great sentimentality"; have "loyal with the king" and "patriotism"; have "noble people" and "micro people" etc...

(3) philosophical thought of Taoism

Taoism in China is associated with a class of intellectual mandarins who have lost their positions, abandoned their positions, alienated from politics, returned to live close to nature. When it came to Vietnam, people are associated with heaven and earth, religious theology, the formation of ideas on moral education, family stability, family links with the community in the spirit of harmony and reconcilation of natural Dharma.

e. The contrast between materialistic and idealistic, philosophical and religious worldviews

The history of Vietnamese philosophical thought is always the history of contending between materialism and idealism, philosophy and religion in the form of special expression until there was penetration of Western philosophy. As Vietnam always has the exchange, inheritance and modification with the external ideology, in the oriental of Asia reference.

(1) In fact, the distinction between positions, philosophical expressions is only relativity, the conception of oriental thought - thought of demand; to resolve not only the specific issues that spread across many issues. But the idealistic trend associated with religious thought is the worldviews overarching, with theoretical depth and high systematic. The materialistic viewpoint and atheism are only blurred in addressing a number of specific issues in a particular context, such as the factors of perceive the nature of experience.

(2) The content of that contending is about the relationship between the categories of Mind and Material; Soul - Physical; Sense - Spirit; God rule - Human rule etc ...; the causes and origins of social events and human destiny: security and safety; prosperity, decay for the dynasty; the issue of the nature and destiny of every human being;...

(3) The idealistic viewpoint of Vietnam is often linked and expressed in the form of religion or belief due to the unifying intersection of four dimensions of thought: Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Vietnamese folk beliefs. It is represented by the

concepts of heaven, Karma, Samsara of life, Soul, Physical Body, etc. But there are self-disclosure limitations when explaining socio-political events, creating the opportunity for materialistic and atheistic perspectives, even spontaneously. Derived from the practice of labor and the protection of national sovereignty, the building of an independent nation, the materialist trend and atheism considering the "Heaven mission" as objective natural forces of the natural world; the concept of "Timing" is based on the principle of materialism and is deeply dialectical when it needs to liberate the nation and revive the country.

Those ideas became the arguments of the advanced intelligentsia, of the rulers and of the people, in order to transform the destiny of the nation in line with human philosophies..

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Throuhg the above analysis, it confirms the relationship between the history of Vietnamese philosophical thought and history of philosophy of the world. The regularity of history of Vietnamese philosophical thought expresses vividly and complements the regularity of history of philosophy in the world.

History of Vietnam is a reflection of the national history of Vietnam. It is also a process of exchanging, innovating and creating with philosophical thought systems at home and abroad, contributing to the deepening and enrichment of the spiritual and academic life of the nation. In the period of independence, independence period, many philosophical thought of Confucianism and Buddhism became the basic contents of Vietnamese philosophical thought. On the structure of thought, Vietnam's patriotism is the central content of the history of Vietnamese thought about nation and national independence; of an independent sovereign state on equality with the northern states; about the origins and motives of the war for national salvation and defense. From the beginning of the twentieth century until now, these ideas have been raised to a new height in the Ho Chi Minh period.


1.Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Full episode, Episode 20, Episode 21, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 1995.

2.Associate Professor-Doctor. Nguyen Tien Dung, History of Western Philosophy Curriculum, Ho Chi Minh General Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City, 2005.

3.Ho Chi Minh, Full episode, Episode 10, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2000.

4.Ly Cong Uan, Proclamation of Victory, A saved copy of Proclamation of Victory at the National Library of Vietnam.

5.Nguyen Trai, Full episode, Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 1976.

6.Tran Quoc Tuan, Answering Tran Anh Tong about strategies of the national defense before the loss, Posted on August 31st 2016, Tran Hung Dao.


Ле Нгок Чонг

Национальный экономический университет, Ханой, Вьетнам e-mail: thongleh@yahoo.com

Используя метод анализа документов, можно сказать, что аналитико-синтетическая мысль имеет некую согласованность между историей и логикой, между постоянством в истории философии и противоборством этой согласованности с историей вьетнамской философской мысли. В статье делаются выводы о связи истории философии и истории Вьетнамской философской мысли через соответствующее познание.

Проведенный анализ подтверждает взаимосвязь между историей вьетнамской философской мысли и историей философии мира. Постоянство истории вьетнамской философской мысли ярко выражает и дополняет постоянство мировой истории философии.

История Вьетнама является отражением национальной истории Вьетнама. Это также процесс обмена, инноваций и сотрудничества с отечественными и зарубежными философскими течениями, способствующими углублению и обогащению духовной и научной (академической) жизни нации. В период независимости, философские мысли о конфуцианстве и буддизме стали основным содержанием вьетнамской философской мысли. Для Вьетнама патриотизм является важнейшим пунктом в содержании истории вьетнамской мысли о нации и национальной независимости; о независимсти суверенного государства в равенстве с северными государствами; о происхождении и мотивах войны за национальное спасение и оборону. Начиная с периода правления Хо Ши Мина и по сей день, эти идеи являются ключевыми для Вьетнама.

Ключевые слова: история философии, философия, философская мысль, постоянство.

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