If we turn the air coming to dust fflter, using equipment of the We can See from the graph, if the angle of air pipe has a = 20°
laboratory which air permeability 10 iMm, we were able to find out comparing to the axis, then dust concentration coming out would
dust concentration via weight filter of dust concentration. Taken be lower. results are shown on the picture 1.
Й 0----------
1 2 3
Number of experiments, Pieces
Pic. 4. With connection to the dust filter for the air pipe as an axis with dependent outgoing dust concentration
1 -angle a = 10°, 2-angle a = 20°, 3-angle a = 30°
As the fiber condenser of the cotton ginning factory "Qorasuv" Conclusion: As a conclusion, we can say that if the dust filters
outgoing dust-air tube was set up as a horizontal axis of the dust filter replacing the air tube as horizon improved a = 20° to the atmo-under the corner of the turning in the operation, it was researched sphere, the outgoing dust concentration can be better for 40-60%.
the effect of the dust filter cleaning as the best fictional result. comparing with previous one.
1. Хожиев М. Т., Аббазов И. З. "Пахтани ;айта ишлаш жараёнида чи;аётган чанг ;авони тозалашда заррачаларнинг моделини ;уриш" механика муаммолари журнали - № 3-4.
2. Гудим И., Сажин Б. С. Вихревые пылеуловители и их применение для обеспыливания воздуха на хлопкозаводах//Хлопковая промышленность. Тошкент - 1988. - № 4. С. 9-12.
3. Мирошниченко Г. И. «Основы проектирования машин первичной обработки хлопка» Москва «Машиностроение» - 1972. -486 с.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-16-9.10-173-176
Amirova Nodira, PhD., Tashkent Institute of Textile And Light Industry, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]
Possibility of silk coloring by natural dyes
Abstract: The development of production based on local resources and the expansion of corporate cross-cutting industry is the main source of economic development. By establishing production based on local resources which replacing imports of these products can achieve the development of the economic independence of the country. Performing program of localization using materials by local secondary resources decrease dependence of external factors and fills markets with consumer products, as well as create opportunities to save [1].
Keywords: Coloring; intensity of color; dyeing; natural dyes; mordant's; silk.
Introduction: In the process of development of our Republic a lot of attention is paid to the implementation in various sectors of non-waste technologies with the use of secondary resources and local chemicals. Therefore we need new innovative ideas aimed at the conservation of natural resources and macrobiotic.
One of the advanced and developing industries of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the textile and light industry. Taking into account
the level of population can be easy to predict an impressive amount of demand for various textile products. On the assumption of the result in the development and introduction of new resource-saving technologies based on the replacement of expensive materials local secondary resources, significant economic benefits the country and tangible environmental and social efficiency in the industry can be dramatically achieved [2].
Considering the above points, the development of technology coloring of various fibrous materials, natural dyes is very actual direction to work on. One of the opportunities of strong, saturable colors and increasing the efficiency ofproduction is the use of natural dyes. These days in our republic synthetic dyes are not produced yet. Meanwhile, in the flora of Uzbekistan grow more than 300 species of dye plants, from which we can highlight the eco-friendly and cheap dyes.
The main advantage of the use of natural dyes in the dyeing of different textile materials is a great strength of color and brightness of the colors. In the world market of fabrics dyed with natural dyes are in great demand. These fabrics unlike, some synthetic colored dyes fabrics do not act on the human carcinogenic during the exploitation [3].
The current global environmental and economic situation of natural resources and human health, as well as the high scientific and standard of living and high demands on the quality of the goods requires making certain adjustments to the traditional recipe and the technology of application of natural dyes.
Analyses: This article presents the results of researches aimed at exploring the possibility of obtaining natural dyes from plants and their waste, widely grown in our region. Usa)
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ing dyes of plants, especially discarded material such as the per carp of walnut, onion peel and pomegranate peel, walnut leaves and many other makes it possible in addition to improving the quality of color replacement of imported synthetic dyes available and cheap raw materials. Application of the above waste for the production of luxury, eco-friendly piece products (shawls, scarves) of natural fibers offers great economic opportunities for private and small enterprises, due to increased competition and the ability to export goods.
The object of the study was boiled crêpe de Chine. During the research process of the influence on the concentration of the colorant color intensity satisfactory result was obtained even at a concentration of coloring agent equal to 3% by weight of silk mordant's all except Fe 3+, for which the black color is at a concentration of 10% colorant. Based on these experiences, to get a different color intensity, the concentration of the coloring material for the black chosen by 10-25%, while for the other colors (mordant's), equal to 3-10% by weight of silk.
Furthermore, it was studied the influence of pH of the medium, temperature, concentration of extract ofpomegranate peel strength and intensity of the given colors in Fig. 1, which shows that were among the best pH 5, at temperature of 95.
£ 5
pH Environments Temperature, C
Fig. 1. Effect of dyeing parameters (as well — the pH; b-temperature °C) on the intensity of color without the salt additives
Natural dyes technical classification classified as mordant. In the presence of metal layers most natural organic dyes form stable water-insoluble complexes. It is because of these properties of color, produced by these dyes have high resistance to wet treatments and sunlight.
In order to improve durability of color and color intensity of the dye solutions pomegranate rind extract were administered mordant — salts ofvarious metals: Cu 2 + Fe 3 +' Al3 +' Cr6 + with concentrations from 0 to 10% by weight of silk.
0 2 4 6 E 10 12
Concentration of salt of metal, % from weight of silk
1 -Fe2 (SO4)3; 2-CuSO4; 3-Al2 (SO4)3; 4-K2Cr2O7 Fig. 2. Effect of the concentration of metal salt in the color intensity
The figure shows that the maximum intensity of the color metals Cu 2+, Al 3+ and Cr 6+ is achieved with a concentration of 2.5% by weight of silk, and for Fe 3+ ions with 5%.
Colorants extract form complexes with metals, which are fixed by the metal on the fiber by means of a coordination bond. Complex formation (for a metal with a coordination number of 6) and the fixation of tannin on the fibroin can be represented as follows:
After determining the effect of the rational concentration of metals was studied in the complex of dyeing parameters: pH, T °C, pomegranate extract concentration peel and electrolyte on the ina)
tensity of the color. The results for all the metals we investigated correspond to the mode selected in dyeing extract of pomegranate peel without the addition of salt (Fig. 3 (a, b)).
1 4-1
w 2
pH Environments
80 90 Temperature, C
1 -Fe2 (SO4)3; 2-CuSO4; 3-Al2 (SO4)3; 4-K2Cr2O7 Fig. 3. Influence of dyeing parameters (a - as well the pH; b — Temperature,0 C) to the color intensity
From Fig. 3 shows that the electrolyte in a concentration of 2.5% by weight of silk has a positive effect on the sorption of the dye and forming a complex with metals (except chromium salt), a further increase in its concentration does not affect the amount of the colorant, but in all cases visually electrolyte improves color to be evenly covered.
Recommendation: On the basis of work performed, it is rec-
I. salts silk etched metal Al 3+, Cu 2+, Cr 6+ 2,5%, Fe 3+ — 5% by weight of silk; temperature 95 ° C time per 60 minutes;
II. Dyeing pomegranate extract in solution crusts at 5 g/l, NaCl — 2,5% by weight of silk; 95 ° C temperature, time per 60 minutes [4].
The results of the characteristics, the intensity of color, visual (subjective), hue and color strength are given in the Table. 1.
ommended to follow two stages technology of dyeing:
Table 1. - Features color silk colored broth pomegranate peels in the presence of various mordant's
Prograsses Concentration of a prograss,% Intensity of color, K/S Color tone (visually) Color tone, \ Color purity,% Brightness of color, k3/m 2
Without prograsses - 18,5 The brown 583 58,9 9284
K2C207 2,5 16,6 The Olive-brown 581 64,5 12567
Al2 (S0^3 5,0 16,5 The yellow 584 70,2 18578
KAl (SO4X 5,0 18,2 Brownish-yellow 582 68,8 15777
Ni (CH3COO)2 3,5 16,8 Beige-brown 581 38,7 12636
Ni (N303)2 4,0 19,0 Light brown 583 61,3 10791
CuS0„ 2,5 18,8 Dark brown 583 58,1 6312
CoCl2 2,5 19,9 Light brown 584 59,4 11474
SnCl2 2,5 18,0 The yellow 581 79,2 19944
Fe2 (S04)3 5,0 19,4 Black-red 582 21,3 2732
From the results presented in the table shows that with the exception of sulphate mordant's Fe3+, Fe 2+ remaining stains all have approximately the same value Dmax, Dmax of iron sulfates value of about 9.5% higher. Depending on the nature mordants ofbroth pomegranate crusts yellow, brown and black colors with different shades are formed. When using dilute solutions of broth produced on silk bedding beautiful tone, and the effect of tissue crapy clearly emphasized.
Additionally, the most pure and bright colors form the metal salts Sn 2+, Al 3+. Introduction to the dye bath mordant's, except Cu 2+ salts and Fe 3+, increases the brightness of color, in the case of salts Sn 2+, Al 3+ more than 2 times as compared with the coloring obtained without stain. It is found that more efficient low salt mordant's are valences of metal (Fe 2+, Cr 3+) in comparison with the higher (Fe 3+, Cr 6+) influenced by the nature of the anion salts. The
concentrations of metal salts chosen 2.5-5.0% by weight of silk, in which the colors were obtained satisfactory of saturation. Quality and stability of color all colors obtained by wet processing is estimated highest score: 5/5/5, and resistance to dry friction is high, few inferior to wet friction, but estimated as good and satisfactory.
Conclusion: Thus, the possibility of getting rich and durable colors on silk using concoctions garnet crusts. Based on a study of various concentrations of salt used as a mordant in dyeing plants in the broth of the above, the possibility of reducing the salt concentration of 7-14% of the traditional silk -5 to 1.5 mass% of silk weight.
When dyeing silk with natural dyes found to increase the strength characteristics at 7.85 and 12.08% in warp and weft, respectively.
1. Каримов И. А. Доклад кабинета министров "Итоги социально-экономического развития в 2014 году и самые главные приоритетные направления представленные на экономическую программу - 2015 года".
2. URL: http://www.balto-slavica.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15984
3. Пирмухамедов Д. М. Исследование возможности повышения эффективности крашения натуральных волокон природными красителями. Автореф. дисс.маг. Т.: - 2013 г.
4. Амирова Н. С. «Разработка эффективных процессов получения насыщенных и прочных окрасок на натуральном шелке», диссертация кандидата технических наук - Ташкент - 2010.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-16-9.10-176-178
Akhmedov Zhakhongir Adkhamovich, PhD., Khanifa Davranovna Bastamkulova, Alimova Khalimakhan, Dr. prof., Daminov Askarali Davlatovich, Dr. prof.
Tashkent Institute Textile And Light Industry, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]
Development of yarn production technology of natural silk
Abstract: This article provides an overview of the spotted shell cocoon, sorting dry Cockney, single cocoon thread and physical and mechanical properties of raw silk obtained after sorting. Proposed ispolzovat in the preparation of surgical sutures from twisted generated raw silk. The proposed new method of process sokrasheno two transition. The structure and properties of surgical thread produced on the new method is given in table form.
Keywords: raw silk, cocoon, hybrid, unwinding, linear density, structure, surgical thread.
Introduction: The researchers of many countries still cannot understand how the protein in the salivary glands of the spider affects the reception ofhigh-strength cobweb. No one knows how the spider manages to make a thread with strength greater than steel at the same thickness. As well as it manages to the silkworm.
For many years with varying degrees of success, scientists are trying to imitate the remarkable properties of natural silk, but all investigations have been unsuccessful yet.
Table 1. - World production of textile raw materials, mln. ton (%)
Analyses: With the growth of population in the world, shortage of land to grow cultures for the textile industry, in the general balance of raw materials the share of natural fibers decreases from year to year, and the production of synthetic fibers and yarns is growing rapidly, it is seen from Table. 1.
Year Cotton Synthetics Cellulose Wool Silk Total (100%)
1980 13,9 (47,3) 10,4 (35,9) 3,24 (11,1) 1,6 (5,5) 0,055 (0,20) 29,20
1990 20,83 (49,5) 16,4 (39,0) 2,9 (6,9) 1,9 (4,5) 0,075 (0,18) 42,1
2000 21,4 (40,7) 25,3 (48) 3,5 (6,7) 2,3 (4,4) 0,1050 (0,20) 52,6
2010 25,5 (30,0) 51,32 (60,3) 5,7 (6,7) 3,3 (3,8) 0,133 (0,15) 85,0
2020 25,0 (26,7) 60,0 (64,0) 5,3 (5,6) 2,8 (3,0) 0,150 (0,14) 93,3
2050 27,0 (19,4) 100,0 (72,0) 7,5 (5,4) 3,5 (2,5) 0,160 (0,12) 139,0