Section 7. Pedagogy
The problem is that in order to solve these contradic- be identified and theoretically justified, contributing to the
tions the most effective ways and means of implementing formation of a new type of student — competitive in the labor
the humanistic foundations of educational activities should market, as general pedagogical principle.
1. The Concept of a 12-year Secondary Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan//12-year Education, - 2006, - P. 6.
2. Slivina T. E. The Formation of a Future Competitive Specialist in Educational system of the University., Abstract of the thesis, - Krasnoyarsk, 2007, - P. 52.
3. Amonashvili Sh. A. Reflections on Humane Education/Sh. A. Amonashvili. - M: Publishing House of the “House of Shalva Amonashvili”, 1996. - P. 494.
Zaitseva Evgenia Anatolievna, Senior Lecturer of Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood, ost-graduate Student, Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia E-mail: e. [email protected]
Korotaeva Evgenia Vladislavovna, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood, Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Possibility of educational dialogue in the development of social intelligence of younger schoolkids
Abstract: The paper describes the possibility of social intelligence junior student with the help of the educational dialogue on the lesson.
Keywords: social intelligence, dialogue, educational dialogue, development of younger students.
The situation of contemporary schooling requires the child active new solutions of complex social problems. Given the setting federal state educational standards primary education, children should be formed interest in the social world, history, culture and religion. Junior high school students entering a period of greater development of spiritual values not only the Russian people, but also other peoples of Russia, as well as around the world. Children are members of the communities in which there are representatives of different nationalities, religions and national cultures religion. Firstly, social the situation of children has changed [6]. Junior high school student must adapt to a new school and social environment in which it must be accepted. In this regard, developing function of training comes to the fore. It provides a greater extent the personality of the younger schoolboy and disclosure of his individual abilities.
The basic position of “fundamental core of general education” is the idea that the development of personality in the education system is provided in the course of formation of educational activity or “ability to learn” This involves the formation of a complex educational skills, which is the basis for the intelligence of the individual.
Intelligence is an important structural component of the psyche human. The term intelligence is often used to
emphasize the specificity of human psychological activity. In terms of domestic psychologists (S. L. Rubinstein, B. M. Teplov, B. G. Ananiev, V N. Druzhinin) Intelligence is a set of general abilities, ability to adapt to new situations, using the experience and ability to adapt to the environment.
Today, more and more often used the term “social intelligence.”
The term is controversial, its content, structure, little research methods are developed. However, this phrase is understood in two aspects: cognitive and affective. This gives the key to understanding social intelligence as an interdisciplinary phenomenon.
Any psychological phenomenon can be understood in the context of its taking into account the diversity of manifestations of the factors affecting it. The social intelligence in this sense can be studied in terms of cognitive and social psychology. It can also be studied in the framework of developmental psychology with different conceptual approaches: within the cultural-historical theory (Vygotsky), activity theory (Leontiev, S. A. Rubinshteyn), as well as natural science tradition (P. K. Anohin, N. A. Bernshtein, Luria, I. M. Sechenov et al.). The definition of this concept in modern psychological studies, it is necessary in order to fully analyze the phenomenology of social intelligence.
Possibility of educational dialogue in the development of social intelligence of younger schoolkids
These domestic and foreign studies suggest the possibility of isolation and study of social intelligence as a special kind of social cognition.
The concept of social intelligence can be considered to explain many aspects of its manifestation. The study of this phenomenon has an interdisciplinary nature. In this case, it is important and necessary to include the principle of unity of affective and cognitive aspects of its manifestations. The construct of social intelligence has been allocated in line with the psychometric approach, researchers studied various psychological trends. From the standpoint of modern theories (N. I. Kunitsyna, D. V. Ushakov et al.), the social intelligence is traditionally regarded as the ability to understand other people, their relationships and social situations. It allows you to build a more adequate behavioral strategy when there was the assessment of the situation and the people involved in it. The phenomenon of social intelligence can be solved on the basis of content analysis on the following criteria: cognitive, emotional, behavioral component.
The indicators below can be used for the diagnosis of social intelligence: the existing interpersonal relationships, the nature of the situation, the interpretation of the meaning of the situation, the choice of behavioral strategies on the basis of the interpretation of the meaning of the communicative situation. Thus, we can say that the modern psychological approaches to the study of social intelligence is not.
Only open new perspectives in the study of this phenomenon, but also suggest ways for construction of developing educational programs.
One of the most productive ways to develop social intelligence of pupils can be educational dialogue. Educational dialogue has all the features that stimulate the activity of students and promotes the development of the internal worldview. It opens up new possibilities of vision problems. Dialogue specific settings in the process of interaction in the classroom, in which the “problem tasks are in the form of unresolved paradoxes” (S. Barrows, I. M. Solomadin). With regard to the lessons of literary reading, dialogue is a way of communication — learning where the goal is to motivate students by the process of the development of literary material. Dialogue makes this process intellectually and emotionally appealing to students.
From the viewpoint of S. Y. Kurganova lesson — dialogue is “a special form of learning that cannot be reduced to the problem-based learning, or to other types of training, he shows a comparison of its structure with the structure of the lesson, which is provided by the movement of all students to the total for all cognitive outcome as a result, the unequivocal graduation work” [1].
Consider the example of Russian language lessons. For example, N. N. Mulyarchik is a primary school teacher. She introduced the mini-sketches for the development of the ability
to reason, to anticipate and justify their point of view. Starting from the second class, students are given assignments in which proposed to continue any statement, for example: “Snow is like a ...” “Last day of vacation is similar to ...” “Autumn leaves are similar to ...” etc. These sketches precede work on writing, as well as contribute to the development of logical thinking, communicative function, and the ability to allocate significant signs promotes and inventing puzzles on a variety of topics. In practice, the teacher often uses group work, which provides emotional support, wish to express their views about something unknown.
During the search for truth is actively flowing exchange of information and dialogue of opinions, through the implementation of the game, research, problem activities. Thus, it is important to note the inclusion of all students in the process of dialogue in the classroom.
Thus education develops the ability to think and reason, perform one of the most important tasks of society. Means of achieving this goal is the vocabulary, style and logic of dialogue, which develop students “conscious internally adopted (turned into a need) thinking skills of the literate speech, critical perception of the world. This in turn helps to create a moral, educated person ofthe XXI century” [3, 1]. In the process of learning dialogue occurs educational “meeting” that enriches and students, and teachers with new experiences, ideas and values.
Information-sharing processes of semantic knowledge in accordance with a new experience, but retains the identity of the person, its integrity, its dignity, its human quality. Knowledge is by nature dialogical, because knowledge as a product of learning and cognitive activity is the result of the integration of external and internal exposure to an active learner. Therefore, the dialogue in training generates independence, responsibility, openness, self-culture of life, the ability to use your mind as a tool for understanding.
Thus in the educational dialogue can occur not only the uniqueness of each participant, but also the fundamental equality, difference and originality of their points of view, the orientation of each on the understanding and the active interpretation of the received information, mutual complementarity of the participants in the communication and etc. Consequently, in conjunction with the set educational objectives, educational dialogue has all the features for the development of social intelligence. In defining of social intelligence, scientists emphasize its connection with the social cognition of objects and situations, as well as communication with the understanding of the processes of interpersonal interaction. And the educational dialogue is a necessary condition for the deployment and development of interpersonal and intergroup interactions, as well as a means of natural way of knowing the world and ourselves.
1. Barrows S. Y. Child and adult in the educational dialogue [Text]/S. Y. Mounds, - M.: Education, 1989.
2. Piligin A. A. Teach younger students to learn [Text]/A. A. Piligin//Elementary School - 2007. - № 11. - S. 33-36.
Section 7. Pedagogy
3. Sedov V. A. Pedagogical aspects ofthe dialogue. Dialogue in education. [Electronic resource]. - Available from: http://www. pokrov-
4. Serikov V. V. Education and personality. Theory and practice designing educational systems [Text]//VV. Serikov - M.: Publishing Corporation «Logos», 1999.
5. The fundamental core of general education content [Text]//Ros.akad.nauk, Ros.akad. education; Ed. V. V Kozlov, A. M. Kondakova., 4th ed., Dorab. - M.: Education, 2011. - 79 s.
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Karelina Maria Yuriewna, The Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI), Head of Chair «Machinery details and Theory of mechanisms»
E-mail: [email protected]
Krylov Eduard G., Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Associate Professor at Chair of Mechanics and MMS
E-mail: [email protected]
Sazonova Zoia S.,
MADI, Deputy head of Chair of Engineering Pedagogy, E-mail: [email protected]
Tcherepnina Tatiana Yu., MADI, undergraduate E-mail: [email protected]
Innovative joint master program in engineering: strategy of development and implementation in Russian technical universities
Abstract: The article describes the strategy of Master educational programs’ development for their realization in a networked form. There is also the technology of the program development as well as the piloting conditions stated in the article.
Keywords: educational programs, networked form, innovative educational environment, piloting, target groups, cross-cultural and transversal competencies.
For the development and implementation of basic educational program for master degrees in addition to curriculum and other documents regulating and providing the academic process, the prerequisites are: professional development of faculty members, material and technical supply, development of the system of scientific activity of students, design of assessment tools for routine control of students’ academic progress, intermediate and final academic assessment, the determination of the ratio of general civil and professional elements in the structure of the program.
Today, for the successful implementation of socio-economic reforms in the Russian Federation there are needs for qualified specialists, capable to understand and implement the reforms. In this regard, higher education plays a unique role because being a social institution it is responsible not only for inheritance, accumulation and reproduction of scientific knowledge and expertise, but also for generation and transfer of cultural values and norms of behavior.
Contemporary Russian Higher Education as a system:
- educates professionals for different areas, including other institutions of the education system, being capable of transferring mentioned values;
- carries out researches and transfers the results to the real economy sector and society as a whole;
- to a large extent, having a significant scientific and human potential, it makes impact on the social consciousness, cultural and moral mentality of a society based on national traditions and universal values, on respect and protection of the rights of all citizens, including national minorities.
Considering the current state of educational institutions of higher education in Russia one should, first of all, pay attention to the structure and content of curricula and syllabi, as well as to teaching/learning materials that are directly related to the problem of management of education content.
The curriculum of academic disciplines in the educational organization of higher education is prescribed by