I.V. Varenykh, Graduate Student Belgorod State University (Russia, Belgorod)
DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2020-10209
Abstract. The article discusses the possibilities of applying the technology of project activity in teaching Geography and identifies projects that can be implemented as the part of Geography courses in 5-9 grades. The author gives a brief description of one of the projects implemented in Geography of Continents and Oceans (7th grade).
Keywords: technology of project activity, FSES, practice-oriented approach, creative personality, social self-determination, school subject geography.
In the modern period Russian state educational standards (FSES) are implemented in Russian schools. In accordance with FSES requirements, the key goal of basic general education is the formation of a diversified person who is able to find non-standard solutions for all kinds of problems and tasks [1]. According to these requirements, one of the most important tasks of a modern school is to develop the personality of students, their creative interests and skills to work with information sources, the creation of conditions for self-realization, the formation of the ability and skills to apply the knowledge mastered in the course of educational activities, in practice and in everyday life.
Now let us consider how some scientists determine the project activity. The technology of project activity is an activity which is focused on a specific plan to solve search, research and practical problems. The purpose of this technology is the development of a free creative personality of a child [2]. The technology of project activity is aimed at the implementation of a practice-oriented approach which helps to increase the readiness of students for professional and social self-determination that is so important for the society nowadays [3]. The personality-oriented approach contained in FSES is also relevant for a modern school and can be implemented through the project activity.
We believe that the school subject Geography plays a very important role in the education and upbringing of the younger generation. This subject has enormous potential for
the application of project activity technology in teaching students. Geography is a multifac-eted subject of the natural cycle which considers natural, socio-economic processes and phenomena. This means that the topics for students' project activities are very diverse that in its turn meets the requirements of the new education standards implemented in the modern Russian school. Establishing intersubjective integration links between Geography and such subjects as Biology, History, Chemistry and Health and safety training course allow to create complex projects. Let us examine the possibilities of applying the technology of project activity in the process of teaching the school course Geography.
Such teaching aids as textbooks, atlases, workbooks, workshops containing questions and assignments designed to use active teaching methods in the educational process (problem presentation and research method) are used for applying the technology of project activity in the process of teaching Geography. The initial Geography course for 5-6 grades opens up the great opportunities for the application of project activity technology. In this case it can be implemented both short-term and long-term projects. For example, in the framework of the topic History of the development and discovery of the Earth the following projects can be done:
- Travelers' names on a map;
- History of maps;
-Why Afanasy Nikitin's diary is called "Walking Over Three Seas".
In the process of studying the topic Planet of Water, the most interesting project for students is Creating own itinerary around the world on a yacht. The theme Land relief makes it possible to implement the project Relief forms in works of art. This is only a small part of the projects that can be completed in the initial course of Geography.
We proceed to consider the possibilities of applying the technology of project activity in the 7th grade course Geography of the Continents and Oceans. Project examples:
- A virtual tour around Africa;
- Establishment of a national park in Tanzania;
- Flying over Australia;
- From Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro;
- Making a tourist route around Europe.
Many projects can be implemented in the
Geography textbook of the Polar Star series, for example, "Are there countries colder than Russia?", "Construction of a hydroelectric power station: harm or benefit?". These are tasks for creating projects, together with foreign companies, for the development of pet-
rochemical complexes in Western Siberia and projects for solving water and environmental problems in a number of Russian regions.
A huge amount of projects can be done as part of studying the Physical Geography of Russia in the 8th grade, for example, to conduct research on a river located near the place of residence applying the principle of local lore in teaching. In the 9th grade, it is possible to make tourist routes around Russia (for example Developing a travel route along the Trans-Siberian Railway) as a project. This is one of the forms of project activity which is partly aimed at career guidance of schoolchildren that has one of the key values in the modern standard of education in Russia. Table 1 presents the project options for schoolchildren. Projects conducted as part of studying Geography in a primary school allow schoolchildren to prepare for secondary vocational establishments and continue their education in 10-11 grades of a specialized school where the implementation of a project or research work is a prerequisite for certification according to FSES.
Table. Options for training projects in the course Geography of Russia
Section of the course Geography of Russia Training Project Option
General Physical Geography of Russia The climate of Russia and its impact on the distribution of the population on the territory of the country
Large natural areas of Russia Differences in the geological structure and minerals of the Cis-Ural region, Urals and Trans-Urals
Nature and a human being The rational use problem of natural resources exploitation in Russia Creating an ecological map of the Moscow region
General overview of Russia The population of Belgorod and Kursk regions Moscow City Transport: Problems and Development Prospects Life and traditions of the Russian village
Economic areas of Russia Comparative characteristics of the West Siberian and East Siberian economic regions
Here are the main structural elements of a project conducted as part of studying Geography and implemented by 7th grade schoolchildren from the secondary school in Novy Gorodok, Moscow region. This project confirms that the technology of project activity helps to realize successfully the goals and objectives of FSES.
Project theme: Establishment of a national park in Tanzania.
Project aim: to study the problem of creating national parks and design a national park in Tanzania.
1. To analyze scientific sources, encyclopedias, a geography textbook, Internet sources that contain information about national parks.
2. To study the natural conditions of the area where the national park will be created.
3. Design a National Park in Tanzania.
Object of study: a National Park.
Subject of study: establishment of a national park in Tanzania.
Research methods: studying various literature on the project theme and reviewing the rules for creating national parks.
The structure of the project:
- Introduction;
- History of creating national parks;
- National parks in Tanzania;
- Establishment of a national park in Tanzania;
- Conclusion;
- References.
The project type:
- It is a creative research by dominant activity;
- It is an interdisciplinary project because of connection with Ecology and Biology by complexity;
- It is a group design by the form of organization;
- It is a short-term project by duration (2 lessons).
Thus, a school project is the link between academic and research work. The independent acquisition of knowledge necessary in the work on the project makes the learning process at school active and significant personally. Project activity in Geography classes is not limited by the acquisition of knowledge. Students learn to apply the knowledge in their practice that increases their interest to the subject. The technology of project activity is a tool for the development of personal qualities, motivational attitudes and a way to maintain interest to Geography, as well as a means of appropriating cultural values and making familiar with scientific knowledge [4]. Therefore, the application of project activity technology in the framework of FSES implemen-
tation is relevant and significant.
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2.SultanovaM.S. Technology of project activity (work experience) // Innovative pedagogical technologies: materials of the VI International scientific conference (Kazan, May 2017). - Kazan: Buk, 2017. - pp. 86-87.
3. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: textbook for students of higher educational institutions / E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkin, M.V. Moiseev, A.E. Petrov / edited by E.S. Polat. - Third edition, update. - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academiya", 2008. - pp. 272.
4. Evstafieva N.S., Grishaeva Yu.M., Borisova E.A. On the relevance of the implementation of project activity in teaching Geography (at the level of general education) / Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Geography and Ecology: Scientific Creativity, Interdisciplinary and Educational Technologies". - Moscow. - Information and Publishing Management of Moscow State Regional University. - 2017. - pp. 262-265.
И.В. Вареных, магистрант
Белгородский государственный университет
(Россия, г. Белгород)
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются возможности применения технологии проектной деятельности в обучении географии, выделены проекты, которые можно осуществить в рамках курсов географии 5-9 классов. Дано краткое описание одного из проектов, реализуемых в курсе географии материков и океанов (7 класс).
Ключевые слова: технология проектной деятельности, ФГОС, практико-ориентированный подход, творческая личность, профессиональное самоопределение, школьный предмет география.