POLITICAL PARTIES - THE MAIN INSTITUTE FOR THE FORMATION OF GOVERNMENT BODIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Yuldashev O.A.

The author analyzes the concept of political party, and its role in society, as well as the functions of parties as an institution for the formation of government bodies. Also he expresses his views and assessments of the current problems in the party system in Uzbekistan and their solutions.

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Опираться на прошлое, открывать двери в будущее, продолжать прикладывать усилия к выявлению новой роли ШОС - речь Ху Цзиньтао на саммите ШОС в Москве) // Министерство иностранных дел КНР. -30.05.2003. - http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/ gjhdq/gjhdqzzЛhg_59/zyjh/t24657.htm. - 18.10.2011

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Yuldashev O.A.

Senior Lecturer at Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology,

the Department of Social Sciences, Uzbekistan


Abstract. The author analyzes the concept of political party, and its role in society, as well as the functions of parties as an institution for the formation of government bodies. Also he expresses his views and assessments of the current problems in the party system in Uzbekistan and their solutions.

Keywords: political party, political process, power, power struggle, elections, civil society, party system, institute, institutionalization, electoral system.

It is impossible to imagine the life of the fastest growing societies in the world today without political parties. Over the past century, political parties have become stronger not only as an institution to represent the interests of social strata in society, but also as an institution for the formation of government bodies. The party has long attracted the attention of scholars as the only institutional unit in the struggle for power. It is no coincidence that the word "party" is derived from the word "part" which means part of a whole (that is, society).

At the same time, according to Mouris Dyuverdge, the founder of the theory of political parties, the French political scientist, the emergence of political parties "created real opportunities for an entire nation to actively cooperate with political institutions". According to M. Dyuverdge, political parties allow "an elite from within the people to govern the people", which can only be replaced by "an elite that has

achieved its privileged status, wealth and position because of its origins".29

A sharp jump in the development of modern parties takes place simultaneously with the spread and development of the institution of universal suffrage, in which the right to participate in the elections of representative bodies is granted to all citizens who have reached the age established by law, without any restrictions on property and estate qualifications. In fact, a mass party appears against the backdrop of the expansion of political participation of various groups and sectors of society (hence the name), as a result of which the traditional liberal idea of the interaction of independent associations of civil society and the state is eroded.30

The definition of the party as a subject participating in the elections and the accentuation of the electoral function as the most significant are some of the central methodological trends of the functional approach. Thus, its supporters virtually completely connect the political life of the party exclusively with the electoral process and the process of legitimate and legal participation in power through elected bodies. So, the political scientist J. La Palombara believes that each party has the following characteristics:

— represents an organization, i.e., a long-term association of people;

— sets the goal of conquering and maintaining power;

— is the bearer of ideology;

— trying to secure the support of the people.31

In this sense, it is natural and logical that in legal science their approaches to identifying the attribute attributes of political parties took shape. So, the Russian lawyer Yu.A.Yudin identifies the following attribute attributes of an organization, the absence of one of which does not allow us to speak of it as a party:

1) orientation to participation in the political process in order to gain power;

2) the party members have common political views and values articulated in a program document;

3) institutionalization (the presence of a permanent formal structural organization)32.

And today, the national state level seeks to draw up the regulatory framework of the political process through the codification of the conditions and norms of activity of all political actors. In accordance with the Law "On Political Parties" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "a political party is a voluntary association of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, formed on the basis of a commonality of views, interests and goals, striving to implement the political will of a certain part

of society in the formation of public authorities and participating through its representatives in the management of state and public affairs"33. The legislator makes the following requirements for the party:

Political parties have the right: to freely disseminate information about their activities, to promote their ideas, goals and decisions; participate through their representatives in elected government bodies in the preparation of relevant decisions; participate in the manner prescribed by law in the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, public authorities; hold meetings, conferences and other events related to the activities of the party; in the manner prescribed by law, establish mass media and use other mass media; enter into alliances (blocs) with political parties of the Republic of Uzbekistan, contractual relations with them and other public associations. Political parties may have other rights provided for by this Law and other legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan.34

During the years of independence, Uzbekistan created a legal framework for the successful functioning of political parties and pluralism of opinions. In particular, laws "On Public Associations" and "On Political Parties" were adopted. Very important from the point of view of strengthening the financial and material and technical base of political parties was the adoption in 2003 of the Law on the Financing of Political Parties. It should also be noted the importance of the Constitutional Law adopted in 2007 "On increasing the role of political parties in updating and further democratizing public administration and modernizing the country", which laid the legal basis for the further deepening of democratic reforms and structuring the political interests of voters and the parliament.

These and other laws gave a powerful impetus to the broad socio-political activities of the parties, opened up new opportunities for further enhancing their role, authority and status in society. Now they exercise control "from below" over the activities of state power, support it or oppose it, offering developed alternative solutions to the problems that have arisen, thereby supplementing the activities of state power, replenishing it with new ideas. Parties also perform the functions of involving the general population in the management process, which contributes to the

29Дюверже М. Политические партии.- М.: Академический проект, 2000,-С.513.

30 Федорова Е.А. Политические партии - связующее звено между государством и структурами гражданского

общества//https://superinf.ru/view_helpstud.php?id=3 666.

31 La Palombara J. Politics within Nations. En-glewood

Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1974. XII, 626 p.

32 Юдин Ю. А. Политические партии и право в современном государстве.-М.:Форум: ИНФРА-М,1998. -С.37-46.

33 Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Political Parties" // National Database of Legislation,

05.09.2019, № 03/19/563/3685, 30.10.2019, № 03/19/575/3972; 07.01.2020, 03/20/600/0023;

18.03.2020, 03/20/612/0326.

34 In the same place

development of political culture and the formation of civil society.35

In order to increase the role of political parties in the formation of state bodies, Article 4 of the Constitutional Law "On Renewal and Further Democratization of Public Administration and Strengthening the Role of Political Parties in Modernizing the Country" of November 9, 2006, the candidate for Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be submitted by the President for approval by the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis after consultations with each of the factions of political parties in the Legislative Chamber and deputies elected from initiative groups of voters.36

In general, the analysis shows that the functions of a political party are the struggle for power, social representation, social integration, development and implementation of the party's political path, political recruitment, i.e the formation of the ruling elite. It is known that any human society lives and develops as a living organism. If any member of this organism fails, society will suffer from some kind of disease. "Political parties" of society cannot fulfill their function, firstly, the political interests of the voters - the electorate - are not reflected in the political system, they are not protected; secondly, because there are no real parties in which citizens participate, they cannot socialize, participate in political processes, control the activities of their representatives - deputies, and as a result the electorate cannot enter into relations not only with the party but also with parliament. Eventually, the party and parliament will begin to operate separately from the people (orally on behalf of the people), not on the basis of the interests and needs of the citizens, but on the basis of their own plans; third, if parties are inactive, they will not even be able to create the cadre reserve they will include in their political elite system. As a result, candidates are not able to function well in parliament or other lower-level bodies due to a lack of socialization and strong party rivalry.

Despite the fact that four of the five political parties operating in Uzbekistan were formed 20-27 years ago, it is difficult to rise to the level of institutions operating on the basis of genuine democratic principles. There are specific objective and subjective reasons for this.

Objective reasons include:

- the absence of political parties in the history of our country, operating in accordance with democratic principles;

- in the last quarter of a century of independence, the layer of potential intellectuals and politicians who can form political parties has not yet been formed:

- the political elite does not feel the need for political parties (they are replaced by various groups of power), and therefore the activities of political parties are declarative, the interference of the executive in the formation of the leadership of the party's central and local authorities;

- incomplete formation of the political culture of the population, typical of civil society, lack of experience in operating on the basis of democratic principles of participation in the activities of political parties.

Subjective reasons include:

- increasing the fact that the management of political parties is carried out not on the basis of collective and democratic principles, but on the basis of individual leadership;

- the fact that the majority of primary party organizations are only official, the party members lack a sense of belonging to the party, the party leadership does not involve potential leaders who are followed by party members;

- failure of the party leadership to take measures to increase the capacity of their parties at the expense of high intellectual potential, free-thinking, enterprising, able to use modern methods of management, the growth of bureaucracy in this area.

However, after the election of Sh.M.Mirziyoev as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan - in 2017, real reforms on the reform of political parties began. During this period, the Electoral Code was adopted, giving party leaders and journalists of the party publication the right to think freely, to express their independent views. Preparations for the December 22, 2019 elections have been going on for almost a year. The country has undergone reforms to improve the political and legal culture of its citizens. Debates between various political parties have intensified in the press, especially on television. That is why the elections in 2019 were more democratic than before. However, there is a need for significant changes in the political system of society in order for the activities of political parties to meet the requirements of international standards.


1. Constitutional Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On modernization and further democratization of public administration and strengthening the role of political parties in the modernization of the country" // Political parties in Uzbekistan.- Tashkent: Regional Policy Fund, 2007. pp. 243-247.

2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Political Parties" // National Database of Legislation,

05.09.2019, № 03/19/563/3685, 30.10.2019, № 03/19/575/3972; 07.01.2020, 03/20/600/0023;

18.03.2020, 03/20/612/0326.

3. Дюверже М. Политические партии.- М.: Академический проект, 2000,-С.513.

4. Сафаров Дж. Усиление роли партий в политической жизни - важный момент в демократизации государственной власти и


35 Сафаров Дж. политической жизни -


роли важный государственной

партий момент власти

управления//http://uzbekistonovozi.uz/ru/articles/inde x.php?ELEMENT_ID= 1585.

36 Constitutional Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On modernization and further democratization of public administration and strengthening the role of political parties in the modernization of the country" // Political parties in Uzbekistan-Tashkent: Regional Policy Fund, 2007. pp. 243-247.

управления//http://uzbekistonovozi.uz/ru/articles/inde х^р?БЬЕМБОТ_ГО= 1585

5. Федорова Е.А. Политические партии -связующее звено между государством и структурами гражданского общества


6. Юдин Ю. А. Политические партии и право в современном государстве.-М.:Форум: ИНФРА-М,1998. -С.37-46.

7. La Palombara J. Politics within Nations. En-glewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1974. XII, 626 p.

Rafikova Gulnoza Valijonovna

Doctoral student of Namangan State University,




Abstract. The article summarizes the current experience of public service delivery in developed countries, as well as the adoption of the concept of administrative reform in Uzbekistan and its essence, analyzes the reforms in the field of public service in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2020.

Keywords: civil service, decentralization, administrative reform, industrialization, urbanization, utilities, public administration, municipal administration, civil service modernization, Neues Steuerungsmodell, public services agency.

At present, the process of modernization of public authorities in the country has intensified. Reforms to liberalize all spheres of public life are deepening in all areas of life. Although the main goal of these processes is to build a civil society and the rule of law in the country. The main goal is to ensure that the idea put forward by President Sh. Mirziyoyev "Not people should serve government institutions, but government institutions should serve people" applies as a basic principle of governance.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 8, 2017 № PD-5185 "On approval of the Concept of Administrative Reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan" approved the "The concept of Administrative Reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan". The main task of the concept is to form a new model of public administration.

The decentralization reforms that formed the basis of administrative reforms first began in France in the early 1980s. Shortly afterwards, similar reforms began in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden. By the end of the twentieth century, these processes had begun in all countries of Europe and North America. Within a decade, the idea of decentralization had spread to most countries around the world. These reforms began to bear fruit in a short period of time.

Well-known Western scholar Robert Ebel described the importance of these processes as follows: "The Western world is a low-cost alternative way of decentralizing social services. Developing countries are doing it to increase economic efficiency and improve governance. The former Soviet Union sees it as a natural step in the transition to a market economy and democracy. Latin America approaches decentralization

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as a means of democratization. Africa sees it as a path to national unity".37

The formation of public services as a social and legal institution began in the countries of Western Europe and the USA around the middle of the 19th century, when the nation-states generated by the revolutions of the previous century were already quite ripe for rethinking their role and place in society, and the liberal bourgeois ideology, having conquered the consciousness of everything enlightened humanity, has already lost its absolute significance and began to give up the position of new political and legal views. The formation of the new institute was influenced by the following main factors:

1. The processes of industrialization and urbanization have fundamentally changed the economic and social conditions of public life. The growth of industrial production required more and more labor resources, which were concentrated in cities, creating new social problems and exacerbating social contradictions.

2. The formation of an administrative state, which took on more and more functions in managing the affairs of society. The growth of the bureaucratic apparatus, combined with a rethinking of the essence and functions of the state in the light of new social and philosophical teachings, led to the formation of such a thing as state social policy.

3. A sharp increase in social contradictions due to the growing pressure from new social groups that require public recognition and inclusion in sociopolitical life. It is not surprising that initially the institution of public services had a pronounced socio-communal orientation. 38

37 Robert D. Ebel, Cerdan Yilmats. Measuring the degree of fiscal decentralization and its impact on macroeconomic

indicators. // Materials of the conference "Budget federalism and financial management at the local level." - M.: RAKS, 2002.-P.14.

38 Conceptual issues of the development of the institution of public services: the experience of Uzbekistan and foreign experience //file:///C:/Users/

Windows_10/Downloads/un_uzb_E-government_promotion_for_improved_public_service_deli very.pdf

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