5.5.4 Международные отношения,
глобальные и региональные исследования
(политические науки)
International Relations, Global and Regional Studies
DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2024-14-6-114-120 УДК: 327 ГРНТИ: 11.25.47 EDN: DYQIGN
Policy of the BRICS Countries in the Field of Digitalization of Education: Digitalization as the Basis of Modern Dialogue of Cultures
Yu.P. Kozina3 ©, N.V. Bogdanovab ©
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
a E-mail: [email protected] b E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. Research objective. This article is devoted to the digitalization of education in the BRICS countries. It is highlighted that digitalization at the present stage of the development of our society has affected various spheres of public life, and the spheres of education and culture are no exceptions. This trend reflects the relevance of this work. The purpose of this work is to consider the relationship between the digitalization of education and changes in the parameters of the dialogue of cultures in the digital era as both digitalization and education are closely intertwined with the concept of dialogue of cultures in the modern world. Methodology. The basis of this work is represented by the methods of analysis of scientific literature, analysis of the documents of the BRICS countries on the digitalization of education, and synthesis is used to bring together fragmented information from various sources. Findings. Within the framework of this article, various stable trends associated with the process of transformation of education in the digital era are presented. Moreover, the strategies of the BRICS countries in the field of digitalization of education are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of this process are noted from the perspective of intensifying the dialogue of cultures.
Key words: BRICS, culture, digitalization, education, international relations, dialogue of cultures
FOR CITATION: Kozina Yu.P., Bogdanova N.V. Policy of the BRICS Countries in the Field of Digitalization of Education: Digitalization as the Basis of Modern Dialogue of Cultures. Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024. Vol. 14. No. 6. Pp. 114-120. DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2024-14-6-114-120. EDN: DYQIGN
DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2024-14-6-114-120
Политика стран БРИКС в области цифровизации образования: цифровизация как основа современного диалога культур
Ю.П. Козинаа ©, Н.В. Богдановаb ©
Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого (СПбПУ), г. Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация
a E-mail: [email protected] ь E-mail: [email protected]
Аннотация. Цель исследования. Данная статья посвящена цифровизации образования в странах БРИКС. Отмечено, что цифровизация на современном этапе развития нашего общества затронула различные сферы общественной жизни, и сферы образования и культуры не являются исключениями. Данная тенденция отражает актуальность работы. Целью данной работы является рассмотрение взаимосвязи цифровизации образования и изменения параметров диалога культур в цифровую эпоху, поскольку и цифровизация, и образование тесно переплетены с концепцией диалога культур в современном мире. Методология. В основу данной работы положены научные и общелогические методы анализа научной литературы, анализа документов стран БРИКС по цифровизации образования, а синтез используется для объединения разрозненной информации из различных источников. Выводы. В рамках данной статьи представлены различные устойчивые тенденции, связанные с процессом трансформации образования в цифровую эпоху. Кроме того, проанализированы стратегии стран БРИКС в области цифровизации образования. Отмечены преимущества и недостатки этого процесса с точки зрения интенсификации диалога культур.
Ключевые слова: БРИКС, культура, цифровизация, образование, международные отношения, диалог культур
ОБРАЗЕЦ ЦИТИРОВАНИЯ: Козина Ю.П., Богданова Н.В. Политика стран БРИКС в области цифровизации образования: цифровизация как основа современного диалога культур // Социально-политические науки. 2024. Т. 14. № 6. С. 114-120. DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2024-14-6-114-120. EDN: DYQIGN
Digitalization in various areas of life has become a sustainable trend in modern reality. Education is also undergoing comprehensive digitalization: new digital models, platforms, and tools, etc. are used, both on the part of teachers and on the part of students and administrative entities. Both digitalization and education are closely intertwined with the concept of dialogue of cultures in the modern world. This reflects the relevance of this work. Withinthe framework of educational projects cultural ties are deepened. Technological development primarily simplifies the way of communication and interaction. It is highlighted that digitalization at the present stage of the development of our society has affected various spheres of public life, and the spheres of education and culture are no exceptions. The purpose of this work is to consider the relationship between the digitalization of education and changes in the parameters of the dialogue of cultures in the digital era as both digitalization and education are closely intertwined with the concept of dialogue of cultures in the modern world.
Although, the process of digitalization of education and its impact on the dialogue of cultures has both positive and negative sides. Each state adheres to general principles
in this area and at the same time develops its own strategies and adapts general provisions to its national style, shares its successful experience with its partners, exporting ideas or technologies, or borrows something, importing innovations and innovative solutions. Digitalization of education and its results for intercultural dialogue are considered in discussions of many international organizations and blocs of states. Considerable attention to the issues of digitalization, primarily of the economy, but also ofeducation, as an inextricably linked area, is given within BRICS which is an interstate association of five states. The first letters of the name of the initial member states give the symbolic name to this union (B is for Brazil, R is for Russia, I is for India, C is for China and S is for South Africa).
The basis of this work ina theoretical and methodological sense is represented by the following general scientific methods ofcognition:
• analysis of scientific literature on current issues of digitalization of education, in general and in the BRICS countries, as well as of works related to the topic of motivation in education;
• analysis of the documents of the BRICS countries on the digitalization of education, as well as of news publications with joint statements on these issues;
• synthesis is used to bring together fragmented information from various sources.
The following sources were identified as the main ones that were used to fully disclose the topic under consideration:
• official regulations onthe digitalization project, particularly in the field of education, e.g., "Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 9, 2017, No. 203 on the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030"1;
• valuable theoretical works used for further analysis of the topic such as the work of I.A. Strelkova [5] on current aspects of digitalization of Russian education, L.K. Fryer, A. Shum and K. Nakao on motivation to learn in open, distance, and digital education [8]. The following examples helped to theoretically understand the topic of dialogue of cultures, intercultural communication, and international exchange: T.G. Grushevitskaya, V.D. Popkov and A.P. Sadokhin [3]. Fundamentals of intercultural communication, S.N. Artanovsky [1] Historical unity of humanity and mutual influence of cultures, I.B. Sergeantova [4] Intercultural dialogue, media culture and modern sociocultural situation.
Digitalization at the present stage of the development of our society has affected various spheres of public life, and the sphere of education, despite its conservative nature, is no exception. As a result of technological development, the education sector is becoming saturated with digital innovations that make learning more accessible and flexible in every sense. Digitalization of education is a transition to an electronic learning system, when not only technologies and tools such as computers or various online educational platforms are used to master courses in various disciplines or simply for didactic developments, but also the implementation of the principle of lifelong learning is guaranteed.
It is worth mentioning that the concept of e-lear-ning (digital learning) itself has a long history. Active discussions on this topic began in 1999 [6]. It is obvious that the results of technological progress were introduced into the educational process gradually: the widespread use of computers, at least as part of work in certain classes, has become commonplace, and smart boards and other digital tools are also available in many educational institutions. However, distance learning technologies began to be actively and widely used only after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in 20202, even though before
1 Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 09.05.2017 № 203. URL: http://www.kremlin.ru/acts/bank/41919 (дата обращения: 15.11.2024).
2 Digital transformation in education: Redefining the experience of everyone involved. Mindk. URL: https://www.mindk.com/blog/ digital-transformation-in-education/ (data of accesses: 15.11.2024).
that there were various educational platforms for online learning (for example, Openedu or Moodle).
Many universities have introduced online courses as a complement to the main educational programs, which were created not only toenable studentsto continue studying in their free time or to make the educational process more flexible, but also to develop their digital skills. Moreover, the development of digital competencies also plays a decisive role in the process of digitalization of education. For example, in the Russian Federation, a regulatory framework has been created aiming at establishing digital education and the formation of a digital society. For example, by presidential decree in May 2017, a strategy for the development of the information society in Russia until 2030 was adopted3.
Nowadays the following stable trends are observed in digitalization of education around the world. Firstly, it is necessaryto notethe use ofartificialintelligence.Experts in the field of education and digital technologies consider artificial intelligence not only as part of the educational process itself, but also note the growing use of artificial intelligence tools and digital services within education management4. Artificial intelligence in education helps reduce self-interest and bias in the assessment system. With the help of neural networks, an analysis of academic performance, as well as of the effectiveness of classes, can be carried out. In addition, neural networks can help generate new learning materials in order to diversify the educational process.
Secondly, some researchers have found that the development of digital technologies and their use in the classroom has significant potential for increasing motivation of students [8], which is important for obtaining a quality in education. It should be emphasized that the process of gamification of education plays a significant role in increasing motivation for learning. Gamification reflects the natural way of acquiring knowledge and skills, which, moreover, meets the interests of the modern generation of digital natives. Thirdly, digitalization of education is connected not only with the educational process. Digital resources and opportunities also penetrate other components of the education system, bypassing the pedagogical process itself and the interaction along the "student-teacher" line.
First of all, this concerns the higher education system. First, it facilitates the possibility of conducting midterm control, interim and final certification of students using remote technologies, as well as using the capabilities of artificial intelligence mentioned above. Second, digitalization is also related to the admission process, considering the possibility of remote submission of applications to the admission offices of universities, the opportunity to pass entrance exams online, etc., which facilitates the admission of students from different regions to universities around the world. This is related to the issue of equal and accessible education. In each country and groups of countries united in various international
3 Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 09.05.2017 № 203. URL: http://www.kremlin.ru/acts/bank/41919 (дата обращения: 15.11.2024).
4 Digital transformation in education: Redefining the experience
of everyone involved. Mindk. URL: https://www.mindk.com/blog/
digital-transformation-in-education/ (data of accesses: 15.11.2024).
organizations, the strategies for digitalization of education are different and are at different levels of development. Let us consider the BRICS strategy in the field of digitalization ofeducation.
BRICS is "an interstate association of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China, and the Republic of South Africa", created in 2006s. The potential for BRICS expansion is constantly increasing, as evidenced by a new wave of expansion. The main areas of work within this organization are naturally trade and economic issues, but other topics are not ignored either. Digitalization (primarily in the field of the economy) also occupies a significant part ofthe discussions. Digitalization ofthe economy, however, is not isolated from the digitalization of related areas, one of which is the field of education since education is one ofthe engines ofeconomic progress.
Since the 2020s, issues of ensuring quality education in the context of digital transformation, as well as sustainable development of the educational space, have always been on the agenda. In 2022whenthere was the presidency of China in the organization, the spotlight was on the development of a common system of further education in BRICS. Moreover, there was discussion of the downloading of online courses of the member states on their national platforms. It was agreed that it would have a positive impact on the academic mobility of students in the virtual environment6.
The desire to strengthen cooperation around digital and sustainable education was also affirmed at the XV summit next year, chaired by South Africa7. In this regard, the initiative of the BRICS Network University8, a format that has existed since 2013, is of great interest.The Network University is more of a league of selected universities of the member states, jointly acting as a platform for the implementation of common expert and academic programs, comparative research on the basis of several united universities, as well as the implementation of international projects of a multilateral and bilateral nature. Withinthe framework of this approach to organizing interuniversity cooperation and academic mobility programs, such an innovative model of the educational process as Flex Blended Learning is of particular interest. This model characterizes the synthesis of various most successful and effective practices from the field of education, such as a combination of traditional offline classes with modern online educational elements.
5 БРИКС // Министерство экономического развития Российской Федерации. URL: https://www.economy.gov.ru/ material/directions/vneshneekonomicheskayadeyatelnost/ mnogostoronneeekonomicheskoesotrudnichestvo/briks/ (дата обращения: 15.11.2024).
6 Страны БРИКС договорились усилить развитие цифровиза-ции в сферах науки и образования // Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации. URL: https:// minobrnauki.gov.ru/press-center/news/mezhdunarodnoe-sotrudnichestvo/51855/ (дата обращения: 15.11.2024).
7 Страны БРИКС обязались укреплять сотрудничество в сфере об-разования//ТАСС. URL: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/18577235 (дата обращения: 15.11.2024).
8 BRICS Network university. URL: https://nu-brics.ru/ (data of accesses: 15.11.2024).
If we consider the national programs for digitalization of education of the BRICS member states (only initial members were selected for analysis), the following steps that have been taken in this area should be noted:
Since 2007, Brazil has been actively developing a digital strategy, within which education is considered one ofthe priority areas for the further development. As a result of the adopted provisions, the vast majority of higher education institutions have taken as a goal the improvement of digital technologies and infrastructure to provide flexible education. As noted above, the coronavirus pandemic has made a significant contribution to the development of the digital agenda. However, the process of developing digital education in Brazil has both advantages and disadvantages. As an advantage, we can highlight the high degree of decentralization of the educational system, which facilitates local decision-making. On the other hand, national accessible projects in the field of digital education are also being developed on the basis of leading universities, for example, University of Campinas9 or State University of Sao Paulo10, which offers over 73 online courses. However, the promotion of Brazilian e-courses and the active use of foreign ones is limited by some desire to preserve digital sovereignty, which is inherent, of course, in any state in the modern digital era [9].
Turning to the issue of digitalization in Russia, in addition to the already mentioned strategy for the development of the information society, it is worth mentioning some other dates that are important for understanding the evolution of the digitalization process. 2015 was marked by the opening of a special platform for online education with the participation of leading Russian universities from different regions of the country. Since 2016, the priority project "Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation" has been implemented as part of the state program for 2020. The impetus for the development of this project was the recognition of the need to train competent personnel who play a significant role in the digital economy, for which, accordingly, it was necessary to modernize the system of education and professional training of all categories of citizens. Many companies are also involved in creating a digital educational environment, promoting their own projects and creating charitable foundations, for example, to train modern teachers ofthe digital generation11.
The digitalization of education in India is primarily associated with the concept of equality and equal access to education throughout the country, regardless of the region or financial status of the student. Digital education in India favors imports over exports. Thus, since 2020, the country has created special conditions for foreign universities to open their campuses using progress in information and computer technologies12, and also created its own projects, for example, DIKSHA (National
9 Jornal da Unicamp. Unicamp. URL: https://www.unicamp.br/ unicamp/ (dataofaccesses: 15.11.2024).
10 UNESP. URL: https://unespaberta.ead.unesp.br/ (data of accesses: 15.11.2024).
11 Digital transformation in education: Redefining the experience of everyone involved. Mindk. URL: https://www.mindk.com/blog/ digital-transformation-in-education/ (data of accesses: 15.11.2024).
12 DIKSHA - National Digital Infrastructure for Teachers. National portal
of India. URL: https://www.india.gov.in/spotlight/diksha-national-digital-infrastructure-teachers (data of accesses: 15.11.2024).
Digital Infrastructure for Teachers), the program which enables, accelerates and amplifies solutions in the realm ofteacher education.
The digitalization of education in China also received special attention back in 1999 at the initial stage of intensifying discussions on this topic. China's well-known educational initiative, the "Double-First Class" initiative, aims to ensure that China is a leader in global education by 205013. Interesting, that China tends to use the term "Informatization" of education. China is distinguished by its already highly developed network of MOOC platforms. The digitalization of education finds great support in the government's plans, as a result of which this area is well regulated. The digitalization of education in China evenly affects all educational levels.
The already mentioned pandemic served as an impetus for the development of digital education in South Africa. When educational institutions were granted an "emergency break" due to the urgent coronavirus situation, decision-makers had the opportunity to fully realize the benefits of distance learning. It was a unique opportunity to explore related issues, among which are the following: digital infrastructure necessary for educational process and digital tools used for the transformation of the classes according to the relevant trends in digitalization, development of teacher' digital skills, the digital transformation of education [9]. The only major national online platform was MOOC SA (Massive Open Online College South Africa). In this context, discussions not only about the digitalization of education, but also about the decolonization of the pedagogical process within the framework of the integration of the digital environment and Africanization initiatives remain relevant [7].
Digitalization of education has advantages not only for its scope, but also for the development of cultural cooperation between countries, since education is one of the components of soft power and foreign cultural policy. By strengthening interstate ties in such projects, the dialogue of cultures is intensified, and in the era of the development of digital technologies, the dialogue of cultures takes on a new character.
The dialogue of cultures should be understood as the interaction of cultures, their mutual influence and interpénétration. First of all, this is connected precisely with intercultural communication as a kind of communication between representatives of different cultures. The definition of intercultural communication was given by E.M. Vereshchagin and V.G. Kostomarov [2], "adequate mutual understanding of two participants, belonging to different national cultures, in a communicative
13 China to develop 42 world-class universities. People's Daily Online. URL: http://en.people.cn/n3/2017/0921/c90000-9272101. html#:~:text=The%20plan%2C%20also%20known%20as,as%20 emerging%20and%20interdisciplinary%20subjects (data of accesses: 15.11.2024).
act". In the work of T.G. Grushevitskaya, V.D. Popkov, A.P. Sadokhin [3] intercultural communication is presented as "a set of various forms of relations and communication between individuals and groups belonging to different cultures". A related concept is also intercultural exchange. From a scientific point of view, the concept of intercultural exchange was studied by A.M. Khodzhaev Issues of cultural interaction were also considered by S.N. Artanovsky [1] within the framework of his concept of cultural communication and cultural contacts. Having developed his own classification, the author identified the following stages ofcultural communication:
1) first touch, contact between peoples, acquaintance with
culture and another way of life;
2) establishing relationships at a certain level, more
targeted study of another culture and selective exchange
of cultural values;
3) cultural synthesis.
Cultural synthesis as a result of the dialogue of cultures and intercultural exchange is defined in positive sense by the process of combining different elements of separate cultures. Hence, it is assumed that because of this, it is possible to form a coherent entity with a single set of characteristics, which is limited only by the sum of the components but represents a qualitatively new phenomenon caused by the fact of mutual influence of components of different cultures. According to Wundt's terminology, we are talking about "creative synthesis". It is obvious that with the advent of the digital era, the format of dialogue between cultures is also changing. The dialogue of cultures, like many other things, is transferred to a high-speed and rapidly changing digital environment, facilitated by globalization communication processes.
We are talking about the formation of the so-called media culture [4], which is characterized by an increased degree of dialogue, dynamism, human interaction and the digital information and communication environment. Considering, however, the widespread opinion about the existence of media culture for many centuries since the emergence of the first media, it is worth noting that the modern concept is distinguished by the "digital" prefix, since the very nature of the media has changed significantly. A related concept is digital cultural relations14, defined as cross-cultural practices carried out with digital and networked technologies. Among such technologies, the Internet with developed social networks and means of remote communication stands out. The transition of the dialogue of cultures to the digital environment is also associated with the democratization of intercultural communication and the growth in the number of its participants. Due to the accessibility of the environment of intercultural communication, literally every individual can become an active subject and a participant in the dialogue ofcultures.
Thus, the dialogue ofcultures in the digital environment has three levels depending on the actors involved. Firstly,
14 Digital cultural relations: Literature review. British Council. URL: https://www.britishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/digital_cultural_ relations_literature_review.pdf (data of accesses: 15.11.2024).
the spotlight is on the dialogue of cultures as a related process within the framework of the state foreign cultural policy. This is the first stage of actors in the dialogue of cultures. In this case, the concept of digital diplomacy as a subtype of cultural diplomacy is relevant. A clear example is the blogs ofgovernment officials from different countries, heads of parties, etc., as well as the simple use of information and communication technologies to organize meetings, summits, etc. Cultural diplomacy, as an integral component of soft power, is closely related to the field of education. Educational programs, exchange of educational, scientific, and other achievements is one of the tools for engaging aspects of culture and implementing diplomatic tasks.
Secondly, the middle level of dialogue of cultures by various major actors distinct from the state and not part of its legislative, judicial, or executive branches, but which are an integral part of it and act in the official role of its representatives. Various non-profit organizations, state-funded and non-state-funded organizations, in particular educational organizations fall into this category. This is the second stage of actors in the dialogue of cultures. Thirdly, the micro level and the third stage of actors in the dialogue of cultures are represented, as noted above, by ordinary citizens of the digital space, for example, Internet users.
Digitalization of education contributes to the development and deepening of cultural and educational projects between the BRICS member states and the intensification of communication which allows to build a dialogue of cultures. First of all, the development of online technologies for distance communication provides an opportunity for cooperation between partners from remote areas, as well as for maintaining continuous contact during the project. In addition, contacts in distance projects of various scales among the BRICS member states, for example, language tandem projects at partner universities and other educational projects, determine the formation of a positive image of the actors in this cooperation, ensure the establishment of friendly relations between partners and the training of future specialists for strengthening further cooperation and continuing joint work within the BRICS framework.
BRICS as an expanding group with growing potential is capable of leading not only financial, economic and technological changes and modernization, but also taking a leading position in the field of digitalization of education, which will help to encourage cooperation and promote the development of an ever-growing number of participants in the organization and the number of interested potential participants and partners in the field of culture and education, because culture and education are among the most significant values that can ensure effective communication in line with mutual respect of cultures. As practical recommendations for intensifying cooperation between BRICS countries in these areas, the following can be highlighted:
• increasing the number of partner universities of BRICS countries, especially regional ones, which can be facilitated by distance technologies and distance education;
• expanding this type of partnership to schools and colleges;
• increasingthe number of international projects, including online projects involving students/schoolchildren of BRICS countries. A positive example is the practice of organizing language tandem projects to study the languages and cultures ofBRICS countries, etc.
Such practice in promoting the BRICS agenda can contribute to improving mutual understanding, deepening cooperation and, importantly, educating future generations and future leaders in the spirit of BRICS values, which in turn directly affects the homogeneity of the international system and, consequently, its stability.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the digitalization of education is a widespread phenomenon. The BRICS countries occupy one of the leading positions in the desire to modify themselves in line with digitalization. Each country has its own national strategies, but within the framework of a single union, the BRICS countries are developing a consensus on digitalization of education and the impact of this process on the dialogue of cultures. As already noted in the main part of the work, the actors involved in the implementation of cultural and educational programs are different, therefore, the levels of depth of cultural dialogue also differ. The BRICS member states strive for cultural synthesis in diversity within their association. The development of the digitalization process, as well as its impact on the dialogue of cultures, as has already been stated, has both positive and negative sides that need to be considered. Advantages of digitalization are the following:
• flexibility of both the educational process itself and those adjacent to it;
• interactivity and increased motivation in the learning process and intercultural communication;
• maintaining constant contact in various remote areas, which has a positive effect on maintaining a continuous dialogue of cultures and effective collaboration on educational projects;
• cost reduction, etc.
Among the main negative aspects are the following:
• technology issues related to the development of the necessary infrastructure in the field of information and communication technologies, which the BRICS member states continue to work on;
• issues of digital sovereignty, as well as cybersecurity, are also relevant, on which the BRICS member states are actively working, developing collective decisions on Internet governance issues, touching on such areas as infrastructure and legal aspects, economic issues, promoting the achievement of sustainability, as well as social issues and cultural policy.
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Статья проверена программой Антиплагиат. Оригинальность - 87,35%
Рецензент: Погодин С.Н., доктор исторических наук; профессор; Высшая школа международных отношений, Гуманитарный институт; Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого (СПбПУ)
Статья поступила в редакцию 16.11.2024, принята к публикации 12.12.2024 The article was received on 16.11.2024, accepted for publication 12.12.2024
Козина Юлия Павловна, аспирант, Высшая школа международных отношений, Гуманитарный институт; Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого (СПбПУ); г. Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация. ORCID: 0000-0003-0386-3066; Scopus ID: 57501851300; РИНЦ Author ID: 1149139; SPIN-код: 3712-6103; E-mail: [email protected]
Богданова Надежда Викторовна, кандидат педагогических наук; доцент, Высшая школа международных отношений, Гуманитарный институт; Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого (СПбПУ); г. Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация. ORCID: 00000002-8604-7306; РИНЦ Author ID: 76399; SPIN-код: 87016177; E-mail: [email protected]
Yulia P. Kozina, graduate student, International Relations Higher School, Humanitarian Institute; Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. ORCID: 0000-0003-0386-3066; Scopus ID: 57501851300; RSCI Author ID: 1149139; SPIN-code: 3712-6103; E-mail: [email protected]
Nadezhda V. Bogdanova, Cand. Sei. (Pedag.); associate professor, International Relations Higher School, Humanitarian Institute; Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. ORCID: 0000-0002-8604-7306; RSCI Author ID: 76399; SPIN-code: 8701-6177; E-mail: [email protected]