PILGRIMAGE TOURISM IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: FEATURES AND DEVELOPMENT TENDENCIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
tourism / pilgrimage tourism / visa facilitation / city travel / halal tourism / infrastructure. / туризм / паломнический туризм / упрощение визового режима / городские путешествия / халяль-туризм / инфраструктура.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — O. Davlatova

Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries. Its development will have a positive impact on almost all sectors, leading to the dynamic growth of the country's economy. In the global economic activity, the tourism sector is of special importance as a source of high income. Tourism has a positive impact on the economic and social life of the country, increases foreign exchange earnings, creates jobs and encourages small business and private entrepreneurship. The article describes the role of tourism in the world economy and the features of its development, including the development trends and prospects of pilgrimage tourism and other tourist destinations. The share of pilgrimage tourism in the GDP of developed countries, various statistics are also analyzed.

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Туризм – одна из самых быстрорастущих отраслей. Его развитие окажет положительное влияние практически на все отрасли, что приведет к динамичному росту экономики страны. В мировой экономической деятельности сектор туризма имеет особое значение как источник высокого дохода. Туризм оказывает положительное влияние на экономическую и социальную жизнь страны, увеличивает валютные поступления, создает рабочие места и стимулирует малый бизнес и частное предпринимательство. В статье описывается роль туризма в мировой экономике и особенности его развития, в том числе тенденции и перспективы развития паломнического туризма и других туристических направлений. Также анализируется доля паломнического туризма в ВВП развитых стран, различные статистические данные.


Builders of The Future SJIF-2022-5.752


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O. Davlatova


Uzbek State University of World Languages Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Key words: tourism, pilgrimage tourism, visa facilitation, city travel, halal tourism, infrastructure.

Received: 02.06.22 Accepted: 04.06.22 Published: 06.06.22

Abstract: Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries. Its development will have a positive impact on almost all sectors, leading to the dynamic growth of the country's economy. In the global economic activity, the tourism sector is of special importance as a source of high income. Tourism has a positive impact on the economic and social life of the country, increases foreign exchange earnings, creates jobs and encourages small business and private entrepreneurship.

The article describes the role of tourism in the world economy and the features of its development, including the development trends and prospects of pilgrimage tourism and other tourist destinations. The share of pilgrimage tourism in the GDP of developed countries, various statistics are also analyzed._



O. Davlatova


O'zbekiston davlat jahon tillari universiteti Toshkent, O'zbekiston


Kalit so'zlar: turizm, ziyorat turizmi, Annotatsiya: Turizm eng tez

vizani soddalashtirish, shahar sayohati, halol rivojlanayotgan sohalardan biridir. Uning turizm, infratuzilma. rivojlanishi deyarli barcha tarmoqlarga ijobiy

ta'sir ko'rsatib, mamlakat iqtisodiyotining jadal o'sishiga olib keladi. Jahon iqtisodiy faoliyatida turizm sohasi yuqori daromad manbai sifatida _alohida ahamiyatga ega. Turizm mamlakatning

iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy hayotiga ijobiy ta'sir ko'rsatib, valyuta tushumlarini ko'paytirish, ish o'rinlari yaratish, kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlikni rag'batlantirish imkonini bermoqda.

Maqolada turizmning jahon iqtisodiyotidagi o'rni va uning rivojlanish xususiyatlari, jumladan, ziyorat turizmi va boshqa turistik yo'nalishlarning rivojlanish tendentsiyalari va istiqbollari yoritilgan. Rivojlangan mamlakatlar yalpi ichki mahsulotida ziyorat turizmining ulushi, turli _statistik ma'lumotlar ham tahlil qilingan._



О. Давлатова

преподавател ь

Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков Ташкент, Узбекистан


Ключевые слова: туризм, Аннотация: Туризм - одна из самых

паломнический туризм, упрощение быстрорастущих отраслей. Его развитие визового режима, городские путешествия, окажет положительное влияние практически халяль-туризм, инфраструктура. на все отрасли, что приведет к динамичному

росту экономики страны. В мировой экономической деятельности сектор туризма имеет особое значение как источник высокого дохода. Туризм оказывает положительное влияние на экономическую и социальную жизнь страны, увеличивает валютные поступления, создает рабочие места и стимулирует малый бизнес и частное предпринимательство.

В статье описывается роль туризма в мировой экономике и особенности его развития, в том числе тенденции и перспективы развития паломнического туризма и других туристических направлений. Также анализируется доля паломнического туризма в ВВП развитых стран, различные _статистические данные._


Today, tourism is one of the main factors contributing to the rapid development of the economy, which leads to the development of transport, food, hospitality, trade, handicrafts, construction and other services. In addition, it serves to modernize the appearance of the country, the development of the hotel and restaurant industry, as well as the formation of links between industries such as transport and communication systems.


The global development of tourism is the most reliable and robust system in bringing the countries of the world closer together and activating their mutual relations. The development of tourism has a positive impact on almost all sectors, leading to the dynamic growth of the country's economy. In addition, the investment in the company will pay off in the short term, expand the opportunities of tourism companies and increase profits, which will help to increase the volume of investments. Therefore, many countries and entrepreneurs pay great attention to the development of tourism.

Pilgrimage tourism, which is one of the traditional directions of tourism, is now gaining in importance. In particular, the rapid growth of the Muslim population and the steady growth of their incomes are contributing to the rapid development of halal tourism. Therefore, the organization of these routes is given special attention not only in Muslim countries, but also in a number of countries in the world with developed tourism. Extensive reforms are underway in Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt and Malaysia to promote halal tourism. Also, in the United States, Germany, England, France, Spain and other countries, tours that meet the standards of halal tourism are developing rapidly.

Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries and is becoming one of the most lucrative industries of the 21st century. It now ranks third in the world after the automotive and oil refining industries. Tourism also leads to the development of transport, food, hotel, trade, handicrafts, construction and other services.

The role of tourism in the world economy is growing from year to year. Today, tourism is an important component of the global economy and makes a worthy contribution to improving the socioeconomic well-being of the world. Tourism has a significant impact not only on economic development and GDP growth, but also on employment, improving living standards and quality of life, prosperity and development of the country. According to experts, every 30 tourists will create one new job in the tourism industry of the country, and two new jobs in related systems. In the last five years, one in five of all global jobs has been created in tourism. According to experts, over the next 10 years, 100 million additional jobs are expected to be created in the global tourism industry. This means that in the next decade, one out of every three new jobs will be created by the tourism sector. Work in the field of tourism, in particular, serves to increase the employment of women, youth and other strata of society. It is considered to be the main source of job creation in countries that are very important for the tourism economy.

The United States and China are the countries with the largest tourism economies in the world, accounting for 35.2% of the world's gross domestic product, followed by Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. Turkey (+ 15.0%), the Philippines (+ 8.9%), Hong Kong (+ 7.5%), China (+ 7.3%)

are among the 20 countries with the highest GDP growth in the tourism sector in 2018. India (+ 6.7%), Thailand (+ 6.0%), Russia (+ 4.2%) and France (+ 4.1%). According to experts, over the next decade, strong growth in this area will continue, and China will overtake the United States as the world's largest tourism economy. It is also expected that the share of the tourism sector in India's GDP will double in the next decade, from 2018 to the third place from the eighth place in the tourism sector in terms of GDP growth.

In terms of the growing share of tourism in GDP, developing countries dominate among the fastest growing countries in the world. Another distinctive feature of this sector is that it allows for the redistribution of income around the world.

The largest share of pilgrimage tourism belongs to Asian countries. In 2020, their total spending will be $ 29.6 billion. The most active tourists are Indonesia, China and Malaysia. Their expenditures account for 17% of the total expenditures in the tourism sector among Muslim countries.

Eighty percent of pilgrimage tourism in the world market is in 19 countries. This applies not only to Muslim regions, but also to a number of countries with developed tourism. In 2019, the share of tourism in the GDP of these countries due to pilgrimage tourism amounted to $ 148 billion, while the employment of the population in this sector amounted to 4.7 million people. According to forecasts, by 2020 this figure will increase to 183 billion and 5.6 million people will be involved in the tourism industry. In addition, the U.S. tourism industry employs 300,000 people and has a combined revenue of $ 43 billion.

Although the number of tourists is growing at a high rate, but the average share of female tourists has not increased, travelers are much younger, 75% of whom are between 25 and 44 years old. Most of them have higher education.

The concept of halal is understood to mean the needs based on a certain traditional belief, for example, the preparation of food in accordance with the rules of halal, the preparation of food in the month of Ramadan, the adjustment of the time, the offer of entertainment programs.

Saudi Arabia is the world's largest exporter of fossil fuels, with a large infrastructure, all the amenities needed by visitors, and state-of-the-art technology. The country is using all modern technologies to implement the 2030 Vision program and provide high-quality services to pilgrims and pilgrims.

Every year, Mastercard & Crescentrating publishes reports on the Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) for the most convenient places to visit. According to the results of 2019, for the ninth time Malaysia was recognized as the best tourist destination for tourists. In recent years, Indonesia has improved its index on the index to Malaysia. The next places were taken by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Obviously, first of all, when we talk about the general features of these trends, to their essence if we stop. Pilgrimage tourism as a type of religious tourism is the purpose of pilgrimage for representatives of various religions. Pilgrimage tourism is associated with visiting certain places that are sacred and the presence of monasteries, churches, mausoleums, natural objects - mountains, rivers, lakes, gardens, caves. The idea of pilgrimage tourism is to voluntarily find yourself in these conditions, despite certain difficulties, it means to move. These are temporary and transient material things in the name of the eternal spirituality of man symbolizes readiness for sacrifice. Extreme tourism is adventure and sport in one way or another.

The main purpose of the tour is to make a strong impression on the tourist in extreme conditions and is an independent type of tourism that is exciting. Foreign experience shows that the true followers of religion are in dangerous, extreme areas, they visit holy places.

A tourist traveling for religious purposes is a person who travels outside the country of permanent residence for a period not exceeding six months to visit holy places and centers of religions. Religious tourism should be understood as activities related to the provision of services and satisfaction of the needs of tourists traveling to holy places and religious centers that are outside their usual environment. Religious tourism is divided into two main types:

- pilgrimage tourism;

- religious tourism excursion

- cognitive orientation.

In pilgrimage tourism, spiritual pilgrimage tourism stands out. Pilgrimage tourism is a set of trips of representatives of various faiths for pilgrimage purposes. Pilgrimage is the desire of believers to bow to holy places.

Among the reasons for making a pilgrimage are the following:

- the desire to be healed of mental and physical ailments;

- pray for family and friends;

- find grace;

- to do pious work;

- forgive sins;

- express gratitude for the blessings sent from above;

- show devotion to the faith;

- striving for asceticism in the name of faith;

- find the meaning of life.


Pilgrimage presupposes a certain relation of a person to reality. The idea of pilgrimage implies action in conditions of special difficulties, voluntarily undertaken obligations to be in these

conditions. This symbolizes the willingness of a person to sacrifice transient material values in the name of eternal spiritual ones. Hinduism, Orthodoxy and Catholicism have developed foot pilgrimages. People go on pilgrimages when ritual actions in places of their usual living environment are not enough for them.


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