Khomami A.M.1, Mammadov G. M.2
1Ornamental Plants and Flowers Research Station, Lahijan, Iran 2Institute Soil Science and Agrochemestry of ANAS, Baki, Azerbayjan [email protected]; [email protected]
The aim of the present work was to assess the response of selected peat (PE) physical properties, after applications of two different vermicomposts. Vermicompost from sawdust (SV) and from sugarcanes bagasse (SBV) were used at substation rates into a soil-less plant growth medium (60 % peat: 30 %vermiculite: 10 % perlite) instead of Peat, at rates of (0 %, 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 %, 50 % and 60 % by volume). Result show that after substitution of PE with equivalent amounts of SV or SBV with increase of bulk densities caused a decrease of porosity, Air-fill porosity and container capacity. Evaluation of these parameters is critical since they are directly related to plant growth. In the present experiments substitute of SV or SVB instead of PE were also obtained optimum physical conditions for most substrate.
Keywords: Physical properties; Vermicompost; Sawdust; sugarcanes bagasse.
INTRODUCTION Peat as meanly desirable characteristics when used growing media. The demand for peat as a substrate for plant pot culture has remarkably increased in recent years, thus reducing the availability of the resource, worsening its quality and increasing its cost. Developing peat alternative substrates is necessary for three different reasons: the resources of peat are limited; the pressure for using waste coming from human or industrial activities increases rapidly and the economic necessity to use locally produced waste products. In Europe, approximately 95 % of all growing media for the professional and amateur market are based on high moor Peat (Schmilewski, 1996). The improper and indiscriminate disposal of waste materials is posing a great challenge to Iran and other developing nations. They cause odor problem and are potential source of surface and ground water pollutions. Waste products such as Cow manure sawdust or sugarcanes bagasse have been frequently used for nurseries, the availability of other materials is attracting more attention (Chen et al., 2002).vermicomposting has been recognized as an eco-friendly technology for converting
organic wastes in to high value organic manure (Kale et al., 1982 ; Senapathi, 1993). Vermicomposts are finely divided peat like materials with high porosity, aeration, drainage, water holding capacity and microbial activity, which make them excellent soil amendments or conditioners (Atiyeh et al., 1999; Edwards and Burrows, 1988). They contain most nutrients in plant available forms such as nitrates, phosphates, and exchangeable calcium and soluble potassium (Edwards, 1998). Vermicomposts, whether used as soil additives or as components of greenhouse bedding plant container media, have improved seed germination, enhanced seedling growth and development, and increased overall plant productivity (Mus-colo et al., 1999). In previous studies Azizi et al. (Azizi et al., 2008.) had shown the feasibility of cow manure vermicompost (SV) as substitutes of peat in substrates formulation for growing Dieffenbachia amona plant. The objective of this study was to characterize changes in the physical properties of peat that had been substituted with a range of different concentrations 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 %, 50 and 60 by volume) of SV and SBV vermicomposts, and to determine their variability.
METHODS The experiments were conducted in the ornamental plants research station greenhouse at the Lahijan, The treatments consisted of a control treatment (60 % peat: 30 % vermiculite: 10 % perlite), and the same treatments mixed with substitution of different concentration of SV or SBV instead of PE. The SV or SBV was provided by vermicycle organics and consisted of separated cow solids processed by earthworms (Eisenia foetida) in indoor beds (Azizi et al., 2008). The SV consisted of a mixture of cow manure and sawdust in a ratio of 4:1 (v: v) and SBV, mixture of cow manure and sugarcanes bagasse in a ratio of 4:1 (v: v) in the presence of Eisenia foetida. Vermicompost form SV and from SBV were used at substitution rates into a soil-less plant growth medium, instead of Peat, at rates of 0 %, 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 %, 50 % and 60 % by volume. The substrates tested are shown in table 1.The pH was determined by pH meter (Metrohm 691) in a double distilled water suspension of each mixture in the ratio of 1:5 (W/V) that had been agitated mechanically for 30 min and filtered through whatman No.1
Table 1 - Composition of substrates tested
filter paper. The same solution was measured for electrical conductivity (Metrohm 644) by a conductance meter that had been standardized with 0.01 and 0.1 M KCl (Verdonck and Gabriels, 1992). Total organic carbon was measured by using the method of Nelson and Sommers (1982). Total Kjeldal Nitrogen was determined after digesting the sample with concentrated H2SO4 and concentrated HClO4 (9:1, V/V) by Bremner and Mulvaney (1982) procedure. Total P was analyzed using the colorimetric method with molybdenum in sulphuric acid. Total K after digesting the sample in diacid Mixture (concentrated HNO3: concentrated HClO4, 4:1, V/V), by flame photometer. Each sampling date, were analyzed statically by SAS (SAS Institute, 2001). The means of biochemical parameters at each sampling data were adjusted for multiple comparisons and were separated statically using Tukey's multiple range tests with cow manure without earthworm set as the control. The chemical properties of peat (PE), cow manure vermicompost (SV) and cow manure and sawdust vermi-compost (SBV) over summarized in table 2.
Number of treatment Substrates Composition
1 (Control) 60 % PE : 30 % VE : 10 % P
2 10 % SV 50 % PE : 10 % SV : 30 % VE : 10 % P
3 20 % SV 40 % PE : 20 % SV : 30 % VE 10% P
4 30 % SV 30 % PE : 30 % SV : 30 % VE 10% P
5 40 % SV 20 % PE : 40 % SV : 30 % VE 10% P
6 50 % SV 10 % PE : 50 % SV : 30 % VE 10% P
7 60 % SV 0 % PE : 60 % SV : 30 % VE : 10% P
8 10 % SBV 50 % PE : 10 % SBV: 30 % VE 10% p
9 20 % SBV 40 % PE : 20 % SBV: 30 % VE 10% p
10 30 % SBV 30 % PE : 30 % SBV: 30 % VE 10% p
11 40 % SBV 20 % PE : 40 % SBV: 30 % VE 10% p
12 50 % SBV 10 % PE : 50 % SBV: 30 % VE 10% p
13 60 % SBV 0 % PE : 60 % SBV: 30 % VE : 10% p
SV: sawdust vermicompo st; SBV: sugercan bagasse vermicompost; Control: (60 % peat: 30 % vermiculite: 10 % perlite )
Table 2 - Initial physic-chemical characteristics of Cow manure, Sugarcane bagasse and Sawdust wastes
Waste (%) N (%) P (%) k (%) OC C:N ratio (pH (1:5 (EC (dS|/m
PE 1.27 0.02 0.03 51.1 0 40.34 6.18 0.30
SV 1.47 0.40 1.15 24.02 16.42 7.20 2.46
SBV 1.67 0.46 0.83 21.34 12.81 8.19 01.04.14
SV: sawdust vermicompost; SBV: sugercan bagasse vermicom post; PE: peat; V; vermicompost;Control: (60 % peat: 30% vermiculite: 10 % perlite)
The Physical properties of the various treatments were determined following the procedures described by Gabriels et al., (1993). Samples of each medium were collected in beginning of plant cultivation. The fresh substrate transfer in increments of ± 100ml to the Buchner funnel (a nylon cloth is present on the bottom of the filter/funnel) without causing compaction and fill to the top, put the plastic ring on top and fill also. Cover the upper ring with a nylon cloth whilst saturating in the bucket. Transfer the whole system into a bucket which is already filled with water of 600±50c and flood some more until the level reaches up to a few mm under the top of the under ring. 10minute of saturation time later, remove the system carefully from the water bath and allow to drain for another 10 minute with gravity equilibration. Here the sample slumps to a lower volume. Remove the upper ring and with a sharp knife strike off the material level with the top of the
with absorbent tissue paper and weigh the Buchner funnel + drained substate (G1). Connect the Buchner funnel to the Buchner flask and apply suction to remove excess water. Dry with microwave in 11 minute and weigh again (G2). For determind % moisture and ash content of the substrate, 20 g fresh sample (G3) in the microwave for 10 minute and weigh(G4). 2 g (G5) of the dried material are ashed with a Bunsen burner for 24 minute in tared porcelain crucible (G6). Cool and weigh (G7). Weight of the Buchner funnel (G), volume of the Buchner funnel (V). Form this measurements, the bulk density, particle density, porosity, Air-fill porosity and Container capacity were calculated using the equations of Gabriels, et al., (1993) (table 3). All physical determinations were carried out in triple. The statistical signification of the results obtained was assessed by multiple ANOVA (F and Tokay's multiple range tests) with a probability level of 95 % (SAS Institute, 2001).
Bucher funnel. Dry the outside of the funnel
Table 3 - Equation used to determine the physical properties of treatment (adapted from Gabriels, et al., (1993)
Ash (%) , ^¿=(G5x(G7-G6)/G5)x100
Organic material (%) %OM=100-%Ash
Bulk density (g/cm3) Bd=(G2-G)/V
Particle density Pd=1/(%organic matter/(100xL55)+%ash/(100x2.65))a
Moisture on wet weight basis (%) A=((G1-G2)/( G1-G))x100
Water capacity (%) WC%=((A)/( 100-A))x100
Container capacity (% volume) CC%=((Ax100)/( 100-A))x100
Total porosity (% volume) P=100x(1-(Bd/Pd))
Air-fill porosity (% volume) AFP %=P- CC%
a1.55 and 2.65 are the average particle densities of soil organic and mineral matter, respectively.
Bulk density increased with increasing amount of SV and SBV in the media as found in previous studies (Chen et al., 2002), but were not significantly different between the levels of SV and SBV (table 4). The porosity of substrates decreased with the SV and SBV addition. The comparison between physical properties results from the seven treatments of SV and SBV (table 4) showed that there were no significant differences in total porosity between them. Total porosity is the percentage of the container media volume, which is not occupied by solid media particles. The decreased of porosity with compost addition was also reported by several authors (Guerrero et al., 2002, Ingelmo et al.,1998) for peat and pine bark sewage sludge substrates. The porosity of horticultural substrates is Table 4 - Main physical characteristics of subst
higher than in pure soils where it only represents 50 % vol. or less (Argo, 1997). In general, substrates with peat have a pore volume of 85-95 % depending on particle size as well as on particle density (Michiels et al., 1993). Upon substitution of PE with SV and SBV, the bulk density of the substrates increased with the increasing proportions of vermicompost substituted for PE, and this led to gradual decreases in the total porosity, changed the pore space distribution within the substrates, and resulted in decreased Air-fill porosity, container capacity and Moisture Content (table 4). Where bulk density increases, the number of larger pores is reduced, and the forces of the roots necessary for deformation and displacement of substrate particles readily become limiting, and root elongation rates decrease (Taylor and Ratliff, 1969).
Substrates Total Moisture
porosity (%) Container capacity (%) content (%) Air-fill poro sity (%) Bulk Density (gr/cm3)
(control) ab 84.62 49.76b ab 62.79 34.86a b 0.100
SV 10% ab 84.48 50.68b a 63.31 33.80a ab 0.137
SV 20% ab 83.60 52.16ab ad 60.93 31.44a ab 0.157
SV 30% ab 83.35 52.25ab ad 58.10 31.35ab ab 0.173
SV 40% ab 82.97 52.60ab ad 57.70 30.37ab ab 0.175
SV 50% b 82.53 52.85ab ad 58.10 29.68ab a 0.188
SV 60% b 82.38 54.24a cd 55.12 28.14ab a 0.192
SBV 10% 85.77a 51.59b a 63.01 34.18a ab 0.128
SBV 20% 84.73ab 51.36b ac 62.00 33.37a ab 0.130
SBV 3 0% 83.75ab 49.76b ad 58.30 33.97a ab 0.158
SBV 4 0% 83.60ab 49.98b ad 58.38 33.62a ab 0.160
SBV 5 0% 83.14ab 50.86b bd 55.43 32.28ab ab 0.170
SBV 60% 82.65b 50.54b d 54.66 32.11ab 0.181a
SV: sawdust vermicompost; SBV: sugercan bagasse vermicompost. Control: (60 % peat: 30 % vermiculite: 10 % perlite)
Means followed by the same letters do not significantly differ (p < 0.05).
The percentage Air-fill porosity treatment with the addition of SV or SBV, defined as the percentage by volume of air filled macrospores in saturated substrate (Beeson, 1996), Air-fill porosity is the percent volume of media or media component that is filled
with air after the media has achieved container capacity or its maximum water holding capacity. Water and air content are the most important physical parameters of substrates (Edwards, 1998; Marfa et al., 1998). Water must be available in the substrate at the lowest possible energy status, but at the same time sufficient air in necessary in the root
zone (De Boodt et al., 1974; Inbar et al., vermicompost substitute (table 4). Container
1993). Accordingly, Verdonck and Gabriels capacity is the percent volume of the media
(1992) proposed optimum physical proper- that is filled with water after an irrigated
ties for all ideal substrates for plant growth: media has drained. Water retained by the
container capacity between 55 % and 75 % media is likely to be in smaller pores or
and Air-fill porosity between 20 % and 30 %. absorbed by the material itself, so not all of
The Air-fill porosity required for adequate the actual water held by soilless media, as in
gas exchange should constitute at least 15 %, the case of peat, will be available to the plant.
but ideally it should be 20-35 % of the media According to Fonteno (1996), peat has about
volume depending on the plants (Kasica, a 25 % volume of water that is unavailable
1997). In this experiment, SV or SBV treat- water or water that the plant cannot use at a
ments were obtained ideal range. Container matric tension of 1.5 Mpa. Moisture content
capacity, also called water-holding capacity, decreased with the addition of vermicompost
decreased with increased addition of SV or to the media (table 4). The decrease is proba-
SBV to the treatments. This may have been bly due to the same reason that peat absorbs a
due to the fact that peat has the ability to lot more moisture than vermicompost. absorb a greater amount of moisture than the
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