Научная статья на тему 'Phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer based on washed and dried concentrate from central Kyzylkum phosphorite'

Phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer based on washed and dried concentrate from central Kyzylkum phosphorite Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Nazirova Raxnamo Muxtarovna, Tadjiev Sayfuddin Mukhtarovich, Tukhtayev Saydiaxral

In this article the findings on the production of complex phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer by decomposition of washed and dried phosphoconcentrate from Central Kyzylkum phosphorite with incomplete norms of sulfuric acid with the addition of potassium chloride, sulfate, ammonium nitrate and urea have been given. It has been revealed that the addition of potassium chloride and ammonium salts significantly affect on expansion coefficient and NP and NPK fertilizer generated are quite suitable for use in agriculture.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer based on washed and dried concentrate from central Kyzylkum phosphorite»

16. Soliev L. Prediction ofMarine-Type Multicomponent Systems' Phase Equilibria by Means of Translation Method. Dushanbe, Book 1 [in Russian], - 2000.

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23. Goroshchenko Y. G., Soliev L., Gornikova Y. I. Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry. - 1987, - Vol. 53, - № 6, - P. 568.

24. Kreshkov A. P. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Saint Petersburg, Chemistry, - 1970, - Vol. 2, - 456 p.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-16-90-95

Nazirova Raxnamo Muxtarovna, Junior researcher scientist, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Tashkent, Uzbekistan Tadjiev Sayfuddin Mukhtarovich, PhD in chemistry science, chief of "Complex fertilizer" laboratory, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected] Tukhtayev Saydiaxral, Doctor of Science, academician, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer based on washed and dried concentrate from central Kyzylkum phosphorite

Abstract: In this article the findings on the production of complex phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer by decomposition of washed and dried phosphoconcentrate from Central

Phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer based on washed and dried concentrate...

Kyzylkum phosphorite with incomplete norms of sulfuric acid with the addition of potassium chloride, sulfate, ammonium nitrate and urea have been given. It has been revealed that the addition of potassium chloride and ammonium salts significantly affect on expansion coefficient and NP and NPK fertilizer generated are quite suitable for use in agriculture.

Keyword: Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilize, phosphoriteln-troduction.

Mineral fertilizers play an important role in the growth and development of crops. Uzbek research institute of cotton has been already presented that cotton crop yields by 12/ga without fertilizer application but when application 225 kg/ha of nitrogen, 150 kg/ha P2O5 and 100 kg/ha of K2O under the cotton plant can be yielded a guaranteed yield [1]. Science-based need ofAgriculture ofthe Republic of Uzbekistan is 839.6 thousand tons of nitrogen fertilizers, 518.3 thousand tons of phosphorus and 278.9 thousand tons of potash fertilizers (based on 100% of nutrients). In 2015, the chemical industry of Uzbekistan produced 942.8 thousand tons of nitrogen, 153.8 thousand tons of phosphorus, 120 tons of potash fertilizer (calculated as 100% of nutrients). Nitrogen fertilizers cover the needs of agriculture completely. Deficiency of phosphorus and potash fertilizers is aggravated by the fact that the harvest is removed from the soil a large amount of nutrients.

It is known that one ton of raw cotton takes out annually 45 kg of nitrogen, 15 kg P2O5 and 45 kg K2O from the soil. In addition one ton of wheat takes annually 35kg of N, 10kg of P2O5 and 24 kg of K2O from the soil [2].

It should be noted, because other cultures also carry out of the soil a large amount of nutrients. Therefore, they must be filled in the soil. For that it is necessary rev up production of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. However, the prospect of increasing the production ofpotash fertilizers is obvious that is connected with an increase in production capacity of Dehkanabad potash plant with 120 tons of K2O per year to 360 thousand tons per year of K2O, or in kind, to 200 tons of KCl a year to 600 thousand tons in year of KCl.

The prospect of increasing phosphate fertilizers production on the Kyzylkum phosphorite combine (KPP) increased from 400 to 716 tones per year of washed calcined phosphoconcentrate containing 26% of P2O5 However, these figures cover the needs of agriculture by only 30-35%. The disadvantages of the processing plant KPP is the generation of a huge number of poor, low-grade phosphate rock containing 12-16% of P2O5 due to lack of rational processing technology on fertilizer that pilled and stored in the waste piles.

Central Kyzylkum phosphorites have unique structural features that characterize their high reactivity.

Therefore, scientific and practical interest is the processing of this kind of phosphorite by incomplete normal of mineral acids, salts, used in agricultural production as standard mineral fertilizer in the novel forms of complex fertilizers, such as phosphorus-potassium, and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

Matter of phosphorus-producing and phosphorus-nitrogen-potassium fertilizer is that Kizilkum phosphorite is treated by incomplete sulfuric acid, followed by addition of potassium chloride, ammonium sulfate (nitrate) ammonium and carbamide. The high reactivity of calcareous phosphorite and in principle the possibility of transferring phosphorous of phosphorite in acceptable form in the presence of potassium chloride, ammonium sulfate (nitrate) and urea with minimum acid reagent flow yields novel types of compound fertilizers with different ratios of nutrients that meet the agricultural requirements.

The introduction of superphosphate type fertilizers potassium chloride, ammonium sulfate (nitrate) and urea not only promotes for obtaining complex fertilizers, but also improves the product properties.

As advantages proposed development are the following:

- development of intensive technology allows saving difficult -to-obtain sulfuric acid, energy supply to production;

- reduction of solid and dust-gas emissions;

- increase of phosphorous-potash and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer production;

- reduce of the fertilizer cost.

Proposed results ofthe studies are based on the study of the regularities of interaction ofcomponents in sulfuric acid processing of carbonate rock phosphate in view of features oftheir chemical and mineralogical composition in the presence of potassium chloride, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and urea, will allow to base scientifically and develop a rational technology of obtaining effective complex phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer with minimum energy and resource costs.

There are well-done the technology [3-5] of nitric acid benefication ofphosphorite from Central Kyzylkum and generation of PK- and NPK fertilizer. The studies are preliminary carried out, have shown the fundamental

possibility of applying this method to enrich high calcareous phosphorite. For isolation of calcium nitrate from nitric acid slurry organic solvent was used.

Development of intensive technologies for production of phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer with low consumption of mineral acids and with the involvement ofthe local phosphorite from Kyzylkum in processing is an urgent task for currently.

Materials and Methods

Table 1. - Physico-chemical properties of washed and

To study the technology of novel kinds of complex phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer it was used that washed and dried phosphorite concentrate with the chemical composition (wt,%): P2O5 22.74; CaO 42.9; MgO 2.26; CO2 9.4; SO3 2.24;F 1.71; R2O3 2.76; insoluble residue 8.23; H2O 1.04 and physical and mechanical properties, and potassium chloride (K2O 60%) Deh-kanabad potash fertilizer plant (Table. 1).

dried phosphorite concentrate and potassium chloride

Humidity, Density, Bulk weight, Angle of Fluidity,

% g/œ 3 г/см 3 slide, o С %

Washed and dried 1.67 2.51 1.24 38 15

phosphorite 2.11 2.63 1.32 45 23

concentrate 3.59 2.71 1.64 50 no fluidity

Potassium chloride 2.45 - 1.12 37 10

For determination of the optimum process conditions of the sulfuric acid decomposition of washed dried phosphorite concentrate from Kyzylkum phosphate was used sulfuric acid concentration of 93.0% in its rate of 60%. Norma acid calculated on the decomposition of phosphate and carbonate minerals phosphate mineral to generation of calcium monobasic phosphate and calcium sulfate.

Interaction of phosphorite with sulfuric acid proceeds very easily and practically no foam and is completed in 5-10 minutes. The process is exothermic, the temperature depending on the concentration and rates of sulfuric acid rises to 120 °C.

In order to develop the intensive technology of complex phosphorus-potassium fertilizer nutrients various ratios of sulfuric acid decomposition products of washed dried phosphorite concentrate are mixed thoroughly with fine-grained potassium chloride.

When a phosphorus-potassium fertilizer ratio of P2O5: K2O = 1: (0.3-1), mixture was made of100 grams of the product of the sulfuric acid decomposition phosphorite concentrate (acid norm is 60%) and 8.1027.00 grams of potassium chloride. Granulation was carried out in the presence of water (moisture content 13-15% of H2O).

To study the effect of potassium chloride on the degree of decomposition of washed dried phosphorite concentrate depending on the weight ratio of P2O5: K2O = 1: (0.3-1) at a concentration of sulfuric acid is 93% and 60% of norm, homogeneous products obtained were granulated in a laboratory plate granulator and dried at a temperature of 100-105 °C.

As the synthesis of complex NPK-fertilizer intermediate is wet phosphorous-potassium fertilizer (P2O5: K2O = 1:1), produced by mixing sulfuric acid decomposition products of washed dried concentrate (H2SO4 is 93%, the rate of 60% from stoichiometry) with potassium chloride, treated with nitrogen-containing compounds — ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitrate and urea.

The starting raw material and the products analyzed for the following components: nitrogen, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, aluminum, iron, fluoride, carbonate, insoluble residue, water. Total nitrogen was determined by [6, 7]. The method based on the reduction of nitrate to ammonia nitrogen Devarda alloy, followed by distilling off the ammonia and titrimetric determination.

Determination of phosphate conducted differential photometric method [8]. The method is based on the formation of a yellow-colored complex phosphorus vanadium molybdenum and photometric absor-bance measurements of the complex at a wavelength of! = 430-450 nm. Extraction of total phosphate was performed with nitric acid, acceptable phosphate — citric acid, water-soluble phosphates was carried out. Calcium and magnesium were determined by complexometric [6, 9]. The method is based on the change in color of the indicator (calcein in determining the calcium and the acid chrome dark blue in the determination of magnesium) in the interaction of calcium ions and magnesium Trilon B. Sulphate is determined gravimetrically [6]. The method is based on the precipitation of barium sulphate chloride in acidic

Table 2. — Chemical composition of PK- and NPK- fertilizer based on washed and dried phosphorite concentrate (H2S0493%, norm 60%)

Weight ratio PA% Content,%

Total Acceptable Water co2 N N03 so3 CaO KC1 CaSO, 4 Nitrogen manner H2O

PA: With KC1

1:03 16.13 11.17 1.63 2.59 - - 19.67 30.41 4.82 8.05 33.30 - 2.77

1:0., 5 15.14 10.57 1.62 2.43 - - 18.47 28.56 7.48 12.61 31.30 - 2.61

1:0.7 14.51 10.18 1.65 2.31 - - 17.71 27.37 10.07 16.65 30.00 - 2.50

l:.l 13.40 9.47 1.67 2.23 - - 16.34 25.26 13.24 22.30 30.00 - 2.31

P205:K20:N With(NH4)2S04

1:1:0.3 13.93 9.77 1.42 2.32 4.15 - 17.00 26.28 13.91 23.20 28.80 19.68 2.40

1:1:0.5 12.26 8.76 1.33 2.04 6.02 - 15.38 23.13 12.20 20.42 25.35 28.87 2.81

1:1:0.7 10.95 7.83 1.25 1.82 7.64 - 13.68 20.66 10.85 18.24 22.64 36.16 2.51

1:1:1 9.46 6.83 1.09 1.57 9.40 - 11.54 17.85 9.25 15.76 19.56 44.60 2.17

P205:K20:N With NH4N03

1:1:0.3 15.01 10.37 1.39 2.45 4.55 10.02 18.31 28.31 14.95 25.00 31.03 12.93 2.50

1:1:0.5 13.82 9.59 1.40 2.03 6.81 15.37 16.83 26.06 13.75 23.00 28.57 19.84 2.38

1:1:0.7 13.03 9.08 1.41 2.12 8.95 19.87 15.56 24.06 13.00 21.24 26.37 25.64 2.93

1:1:1 11.72 8.24 1.31 1.90 11.65 25.49 13.98 21.61 11.68 19.07 23.68 32.90 2.63

P205:K20:N With (NH2)2CO

1:1:0.3 15.93 11.03 1.57 2.58 4.63 - 18.98 28.30 15.88 25.89 32.14 9.82 2.67

1:1:0.5 14.51 10.29 1.51 2.41 7.20 - 17.70 27.30 14.51 24.16 30.00 15.80 2.50

1:1:0.7 14.29 10.68 1.64 2.48 10.24 - 18.22 28.20 14.29 24.89 30.90 22.74 2.57

1:1:1 12.44 8.98 1.46 2.07 12.55 - 15.18 23.46 12.42 20.71 25.71 27.14 2.85

medium and subsequent weighing of the precipitate. Iron and aluminum content was adjusted complexo-metric method [6]. The method is based on the titration of the iron in the presence of Trilon B sulfosalicylic acid as an indicator and back-titration of excess Trilon B solution of zinc sulfate to determine the presence of aluminum in the xylenol orange as indicator.

The fluorine content in the feedstock and products of decomposition was determined after nitric acid samples potentiometric method [6]. The method is based on measuring the concentration of fluoride in the solution using a fluoride selective electrode without fluorine extraction.

Carbon dioxide carbonates determined rapid volumetric method [6]. The method is based on the decomposition of carbonates hydrochloric acid and determining the amount of carbon dioxide emissions.

Results and discussion

The results of experimental data, both types ofprod-uct phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (PK- and NPK are summarized in Table 2 in above.

As the results of the analysis of phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, obtained under optimum conditions from washed and dried concentrate phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, derived by the intensive method depending on the rate of potassium chloride contain 13.40-16.13% of total phosphorus of them 9.4711.17% is in the form ofacceptable for plants, 4.82-13.24% of K2O. The amount ofnutrients is 51.36-51.90%.

In the case of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, you can see the following:


Depending on the rate of ammonium sulfate, the compound fertilizer contents 9.46-13.93% of P2O5, 4.15-9.40% of nitrogen and 6.25-9.20% of K2O when moisture 2.17-2.40%. The amount of nutrients is about 43%.

In the application of ammonium nitrate there are 11.72-15.01% of P2O5, 4.55-11.65% of nitrogen and 7.57-9.92% of K2O. The amount of nutrients is 56%.

As carbamide containing nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, depending on the rate of the additive contains 12.73-15.93% of total phosphorus, of which 8.98-11.03% are in acceptable form, 4.63-12.55% of the nitrogen in the amide form, 10.77-12.22% of potassium. The amount of nutrients is 58%.

As the analysis results show that addition of potassium chloride and nitrogen compounds significantly affect on expansion coefficient of washed and dried phosphorite concentrate that is to phosphorus-potassium fertilizer in the range 69.25-70.67%, and in case the application of ammonium salts lies in a range 69.09-72.20%.


Thus, there has been presented the possibility of obtaining phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers on the basis of the sulfuric acid processing of washed dried phosphorite concentrate subsequent by addition of potassium chloride and ammonium sulphate and nitrate and urea. The products have a high amount of nutrients and expansion coefficient. These kinds of products can be recommended as a complex of PK- and NPK fertilizer for different cultures, where their performance will display even rather.

1. 2. 3.




Beglov B. M., Namazov Sh. S. Phosphorites Central Kyzylkum and processing. Tashkent. - 2013. - 460 p. Handbook of chemicals used in agriculture. Moscow. Publishing House "Kolos". - 1980. - 560 p. Nazirova R. M., Tadjiev S. M., Akbarova M. G., Ahmedova D. H., Mahsudova Z. I., Hayrullaev Ch. K. iintensive technology for production of PK and NPK fertilizer on the basis of local raw materials/In materials engineering and Republican Bukhara technological Institute of scientific and technical conference "Actual problems of chemical technology". Bukhara 8-9 April - 2014. - P. 3-4.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Tadjiev S. M., Tuhtaev S., Hayrullaev Ch. K., Shukurov I. D. Rational technology for producing stabilized complex fertilizers/The materials of Republican scientific-technical conference "Actual problems of chemical technology" Bukhara Engineering Technology Institute. Bukhara 8-9 April - 2014. - P. 5-6.

Tadjiev S. M., Tuhtaev S., Hayrullaev Ch. K., Shukurov I. D. The new stabilized nitrogen fertilizer - "bentoseli-tra"/The materials of Republican Bukhara Engineering Technology Institute of Scientific and Technical Conference "Actual problems of chemical technology". Bukhara 8-9. April - 2014. - P. 7-8.

Nazirova R. M., Tadjiev S. M., Akbarova M. G., Ahmedova D. H., Mahsudova Z. I., Hayrullaev Ch. K. Intensive technology for production of RK and NPK fertilizers on the basis of local raw materials/In materials engineering and Republican Bukhara technological Institute of scientific and technical conference "Actual problems of chemical technology". Bukhara 8-9. April - 2014 - P. 3-4.

Obtainment of suspended phosphorus-potassium containing nitrate

7. Methods of analysis of phosphate rock, phosphate and compound fertilizers, feed phosphates./M. Vinnik, Er-banova LN etc. - M.: Chemistry. - 1975-218.

8. GOST 30181.4-94. Mineral fertilizer. Method for determination of total mass fraction of nitrogen in compound fertilizers and nitrate in ammonium and nitrate forms (Devarda method). - M.: Publisher IPC Standards, -

1996. - 8 p.

9. GOST 20851.2-75. Mineral fertilizer. Methods for determination of phosphate. - M.: Publisher IPC Standards, -

1997. - 37 p.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-16-9.10-95-100

Sobirov Mukhtorjon Mahammadjanovich, Junior scientific researcher Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan Institute of General and inorganic chemistry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, E-mail: [email protected] Tajiev Sayfuddin Muhitdinovich, PhD in chemistry, Head of laboratory of Complex fertilizers, Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan Institute of General and inorganic chemistry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, E-mail: [email protected] Sultonov Bokhodir Elbekovich, PhD in technique, senior reseacher of Laboratory of Phosphorous fertilizers,

Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of General and inorganic chemistry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

E-mail: [email protected]

Obtainment of suspended phosphorus-potassium containing nitrate

Abstract: In this study, process of obtaining suspended phosphorus-potassium containing fertilizers based on decomposition phosphorite from Central Kyzylkum in nitric acid subsequence mixing potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate obtained by neutralization of nitric acid with gaseous ammonia, has been studied. It is determined that decomposition coefficient of phosphorite flour depending on the norm of nitric acid. Triple N: P2 O5: K2 O fertilizer was obtained when ratio from 1:0.5:0.5 to 1:1:2.

Keywords: phosphorite flour, nitric acid, potassium chloride, processing phosphorite, and ammonium nitrate.

Introduction. There are some ways of producing com- 21% P2 O5 and it is obtained by granulation method. The

plex fertilizers based on ammonium nitrate with phospho- resulting complex fertilizer contents 32-34% of nitrogen

rus additives [1], potassium [2] or sulfur [3]. A drawback and 2-6% P2 O5, but drawback of the method is limited

of known methods consists in using scarce and expensive possibility of expanding the range of produced fertilizers.

reagents such as thermal phosphoric acid and potassium Besides, the method can not produce a triple NPK-fertil-

nitrate, and fine-dispersed ammonium sulphate. izer with potassium component in form potassium chlo-

In [4] the way for producing complex fertilizer based ride that is available, as the introduction of the latter in

on ammonium nitrate containing, except nitrogen, has the ammonium nitrate melt with a temperature of170 °C

additionally another nutrient, namely phosphor com- will be result in decomposition of the explosive mixture.

prising mixing the ammonium nitrate melt with a phos- A new trend in the improvement of fertilizer is to

phorus reagent. For that way nitrogen-phosphate fertil- create suspended fertilizers, i. e. liquids, in which a su-

izer is used as component which contents from 13 to persaturated solution, the crystals of soluble salt nutri-

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