Научная статья на тему 'Phoneticization of loanwords from Russian in the modern Altai language'

Phoneticization of loanwords from Russian in the modern Altai language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ostanina M. A.

The paper observes a problem of borrowing words by the Altai language in the modern period of its development. The principle of vowel harmony is seen as a typological characteristic of the Altai phonological system with reference to loanwords from Russian. The author studies the phoneticization of adopted words and offers 11 types of morphophonological changes that concern either the reduction of a borrowed word, developing new syllables or qualitative changes of its acoustic image. The research also sheds light upon a principle of conservation of phonetic typological self-identification of a language in conditions of increasing vocabulary update by means of loaning words from another language. The paper presents many examples of borrowed words from Russian in modern Altai.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Phoneticization of loanwords from Russian in the modern Altai language»

Итак, исследование показало, что в семантической структуре прилагательного действительный представляется возможным выделить, по крайней мере, три основных значения: действительный 1 - объект Х входит в класс Y-ов в качестве члена и выполняет функции, характеризующие всех членов данного класса; действительный 2 - вносит информацию о соответ-

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ствии Х-а объективной реальности; действительный 3 - вносит информацию о том, что Х обладает валидностью (законностью, юридической силой).

В ряде случае, безусловно, возможна замена прилагательного действительный его синонимом настоящий, однако информация, вносимая данными прилагательными, различна.

1. Виноградов, В.В. История слов. - М., 1999.

2. Ожегов, С.И. Толковый словарь русского языка / С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова. - М., 1999.

3. Философская энциклопедия / под ред. Ф.В. Константинова. - М., 1960.

4. Шабанова, Т.Д. Семантическая модель глаголов зрения в английском языке. Теоретико-экспериментальное исследование: автореф. дис. ... д-ра филол. наук. - М., 1998.

5. Белайчук О.С. Типологически релевантные особенности концепта отказа/отрицания и контрастивный анализ семантики глаголов отказа/отрицания в английском и шведском языках: дис .... канд. филол. наук. - М., 2004.

6. Парфёнова, Г.А. Семантические представления, релевантные для описания концепта начинать/начинаться: автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук. - М., 2009.


1. Vinogradov, V.V. Istoriya slov. - M., 1999.

2. Ozhegov, S.I. Tolkovihyj slovarj russkogo yazihka / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. - M., 1999.

3. Filosofskaya ehnciklopediya / pod red. F.V. Konstantinova. - M., 1960.

4. Shabanova, T.D. Semanticheskaya modelj glagolov zreniya v angliyjskom yazihke. Teoretiko-ehksperimentaljnoe issledovanie: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra filol. nauk. - M., 1998.

5. Belayjchuk O.S. Tipologicheski relevantnihe osobennosti koncepta otkaza/otricaniya i kontrastivnihyj analiz semantiki glagolov otkaza/otricaniya v angliyjskom i shvedskom yazihkakh: dis .... kand. filol. nauk. - M., 2004.

6. Parfyonova, G.A. Semanticheskie predstavleniya, relevantnihe dlya opisaniya koncepta nachinatj/nachinatjsya: avtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. - M., 2009.

Статья поступила в редакцию 12.06.14

УДК 81-114.4


The paper observes a problem of borrowing words by the Altai language in the modern period of its development. The principle of vowel harmony is seen as a typological characteristic of the Altai phonological system with reference to loanwords from Russian. The author studies the phoneticization of adopted words and offers 11 types of morphophonological changes that concern either the reduction of a borrowed word, developing new syllables or qualitative changes of its acoustic image. The research also sheds light upon a principle of conservation of phonetic typological self-identification of a language in conditions of increasing vocabulary update by means of loaning words from another language. The paper presents many examples of borrowed words from Russian in modern Altai.

Key words: phoneticization of loanwords, phonological and morphological adaptation of Russian loanwords, Altai affixation, vowel harmony in Turkic languages.

М.А. Останина, канд. филол. наук, доц. каф. германских языков и МПИН Горно-Алтайского

гос. университета, г. Горно-Алтайск, E-mail: [email protected]


Статья посвящена заимствованиям в алтайском языке в современный период его развития. В ней рассматривается принцип действия гармонии гласных как типологическая характеристика алтайской фонологической системы на материале заимствований из русского языка. Исследуя фонетизацию заимствованных слов, автор предлагает выделять 11 типов морфофонетических изменений, касающихся редукции слова, появления в его составе дополнительных слогов и качественных изменений звукового состава. В работе затрагивается вопрос о принципе сохранения фонетической типологической самоидентификации языка в условиях стремительного пополнения словаря за счет заимствований из другого языка. В работе приводятся многочисленные примеры русских заимствований.

Ключевые слова: фонетизация заимствований, фонетическая и морфологическая адаптация русских заимствований, правила аффиксации в алтайском языке, гармония гласных в тюркских языках.

The rule of vowel and consonant harmony actualizes both in stems of words and in inflections. In an agglutinative Altai language the word-changing and derivational inflections depend on both the ending consonants and the vowels in the stem as in many other Turkic languages, where the rule of harmony remains actual. Because of the rule of consonant and vowel harmony Altai inflections have many variants: e.g. up to 12 phonetic variants for the Elative case and 14 phonetic variants for Dative. This makes the system of affixation phonetically very diverse. The rules of choice of the inflection operate very strictly with all of the language's words. The study of words borrowed from other languages, which lack the

consonant-and-vowel-harmony principal, and accepted by Altai at present time (these are mainly words from the Russian language) shows a surprising effect of the phonological structure of word-forming and word-changing endings even with the borrowed words. It is important to note a high potential of the Altai language to "welcome" and phonetically adapt the new words in accordance with the rules of its phonological system. The phonological and morphological adaptation of Russian words by Altai is a special concern of this research. The modern processes of borrowed Russian words in this language haven't been given a thorough study, in

contrast to the fund of loanwords in Altai, conducted in a diachronic aspect by a great number of researchers.

The phonomorphological adaptation means that words borrowed from a donor language by a recipient language undergo phonetic and morphological changes. Though, not all of the words, borrowed from the Russian language into the modern Altai language show changes, this means that not all of loanwords need the necessity of phonetic or morphological adaptation. The modern Altai speakers also speak Russian, and the use of Russian words in the Altai language context can't stand in the way of clear understanding. It wouldn't work the same, though, with words borrowed from other languages, that the Altai people don't speak as their mother tongue, let's say Chinese or Farsi. On the contrary, Russian words are used every time when an Altai speaker feels difficulty with the expression of some idea in the Altai or due to other reasons.

The questions, connected with loaning words into the Altai language as well as into other Turkic languages, especially if their speakers live in the Russian Federation, are of great importance. They are determined by social interethnic communication in all spheres of life of the society. The nature of many Russian loanwords in a newspaper style is mainly connected with the following reasons:

- compensation of the lack of lexical units in the Altai language;

- a function of transferring of authentic information (like names of laws, newspapers, books, etc.);

- an attempt to attract attention of a reader to some information;

- an intention to make a message in the Altai language sound more expressive, modern;

- economizing the language means.

According to the data that I acquired from counting the borrowed Russian words in a February issue of "Altaidyn Cholmony" in 2014, a republican newspaper published in the Altai language, there is 10.55% of the Russian words in one issue of the newspaper, which is equal to exactly 1,040 words. The percentage of the words with Russian origin is not too high, especially if we view the fact that many of these words appear in texts many times (and still this number is considerable): республика (republic) - 45 times; бюджет (budget)

- 24 times; республикан (republican) - 21 times; федерал (federal)

- 18 times; председатель (chairman) - 15 times; школ (school) -14 times; культура (culture) - 14 times; газет (newspaper) - 13 times; партия (party) - 12 times; министерство (ministry) - 12 times. These ten most frequent words comprise 18.08% of all cases of the usage of words with the Russian origin in one issue of the newspaper. Without considering the frequency of the loanwords their total number is 396, i.e. the vocabulary of one issue of "Altaidyn Cholmony" has 396 of words, including words that have changed their structure in the Altai language, compound words with both Russian and Altai roots, Altai derivatives from Russian words.

The research of N.M. Vasilieva of rules of spelling Russian borrowed words in the Yakut language showed the tendency for a greater degree of borrowing by the Yakut language as showed by the statistics in her research of the Yakut newspapers from 2003 to 2013. The number of loanwords increased from 640 to 940 words in one issue of a newspaper. The researcher has analyzed the phonetic adaptation of the Russian words in the Yakut texts and found interesting results. The phoneticization of the Russian loanwords became more frequent: for only 25.5% of the borrowed words in 2003 and for 42.6% of the borrowed words in a news paper published in 2013 [1, c. 39].

This research of N.M. Vasilieva registers two important correlating processes in the sphere of loaning the Russian words by a recipient language in Russia: (1) a tendency for more frequent borrowing of words and (2) a tendency for their phoneticization. I think that a greater degree of changing the phonetic structure of a loanword (that also may involve the changes in the morphological structure) is a mechanism that a recipient language develops to protect its identity. More frequent phoneticization is connected with a greater number of new words in a language that it tries to recognize as the words of its own because of their considerable quantity. I would name this dependence of a number of a borrowed words and the level of their phonetic adaptation a principle of protection of a language phonetic typological self-identification under conditions of enriching lexical system due to borrowing words from another language. This means that there is a direct correlation between a number of new borrowed words and a of a language's reaction on the level of how these words will be adapted: either the borrowed words sound the same way as in a donor language, or the phonological system of a recipient language will use its means to adapt them to sound the way, which it feels more convenient.

Languages may not only borrow words, but also suffixes, inflections and syntactical structures. A.Yu. Rusakov notes different inflectional affixes for the Gypsy language, which were adopted at different periods of time as a result of interlanguage contacts and were substituted by some new inflectional endings that it acquired from other contacts with some languages later, still keeping its original means for affixation [2, c. 699]. This example should be consider as the language's way for its "protection". The principle that I describe in this paper is mainly connected with saving typological characteristics in phonology of a language, such as the composition of vowel and consonant systems and the typology of a syllable structure.

In this paper I will observe the problem of phonological and morphological adaptation of the Russian lexical stems, when they are used in the Altai written texts. A special focus is done on the norms of derivational and inflectional affixation with the Russian words that are formed due to a journalistic genre.

Though, the study of borrowed words in the Altai language is not a new topic, the question of borrowed words from Russian in the Altai language hasn't been thoroughly studied. The analysis of published research materials shows that in this sphere the study of loaning words is done mainly within a historical approach, when the origin of the Altai words is traced back to their older roots.

The borrowing of lexical units from Russian by other Turkic languages, spoken in the Russian Federation, were observed in the works of T.I. Ibragimov. In his article with a coauthor R.E. Kulsharipova [3] some figures referring to borrowed words in the Tatar lexicon are given. The researchers say that 46% of lexical units in the Tatar language have Russian stems.

The consonant and vowel harmony is a typological property of phonological organization of a word in the Altai language. Talking about vowel harmony in Altai, the type of progressive harmony is typical of a word that means that the first syllable influences the choice of the vowel in the next syllable. For example, the palatal-tending vowels /е/, /и/, /q/ and /e/ in the first syllable determine the use of the same vowels in the following syllables of the stem, wordbuilding suffixes, inflections and even some particles and conjunctions that may come after the word (неме - немелер). The same rule works with not-palatal-tending vowels /а/, /ы/, /о/ and /у/ (Албатыга ба?). What does it mean to the borrowed words from a language that doesn't have the same order of the vowels in its words? To answer this question, I have studied the newspaper "Altaidyn Cholmony", which gave a rich material of how the Russian words are used in the Altai articles.

The material makes it clear that a borrowed Russian word itself doesn't normally change its vocalic structure the way it happens with the Altai words: there is no tendency in vowel alteration at all. In general, the structure of the borrowed Russian words may remain the same except for a few rare words that express reverse vowel harmony. The condition for this type of vowel harmony is when one syllable causes the vowel alteration of the previous syllable (or syllables) in the word. The common example for this phenomenon is the words бугун (today): [у] ^ [у]: бу (this) + кун (day) ^ бугун.

By the typological structure, the reverse harmony cannot be typical for the Altai language because this language belongs to a type of agglutinative languages. The examples of reverse harmony in Altai are very rare; e.g., the Russian word колесо (wheel) changes into the word of кдлдсд under the influence of the second syllable with the front vowel. When the word takes a derivational affix, it reminds about its Russian origin even less: эки кдлдсдлу кдлуктер (two-wheeled vehicles).

When it comes to the Altai affixation rules, the principle of vowel harmony remains actual, and it begins to work from the last syllable of the borrowed stem. A few examples below will show how the Russian words are introduced into the phonological system of the Altai language with the vowel harmony being so strongly followed in every single word. Here the parts of words before "=" correspond to the Russian original form.

Genitive:министерство=нын■ политика=зы (the policy of the ministry); химия=нык [х'им'ийанык] уредучизи (Chemistry teacher).

Locative: литература=да (in literature); факультет=те (at the university department); Dative: видео=го сок- (to make video).

Instrumental: хоккей=ле турнир (hockey tournament).

An only example that I can give in this article, when the rule of vocal harmony takes place earlier than at the last syllable - at the syllable next to the last. This is an example of a spoken variant of

the written from Alt."Связнойдо" (in "Svyaznoy" bank). In the oral speech this word may have a variant of "Связнойдо" [св'изнойдо]. The sound [о] in the second syllable appears under the influence of the qualitative change of the first vowel in the first syllable, when it is pronounced within the norms of the Russian language.

The stem changes or changes of the whole borrowed words that are found in this research have different nature and can be classified into a few groups, depending on the type of their morphophonological adaptation. The words that undergo some phonetic changing are called phoneticized. The level of phoneticization can be different. Zero-phoneticization is found in many Russian words in the Altai language. The analysis of the Russian borrowed words in "Altaidin Cholmony" newspaper says that 89 per cent of the Russian words are not phoneticized. They are used in the form they are used in the Russian language and take derivational and inflectional affixation according to the phonetic rules of the Altai language. In the research conducted by N.M. Vasilieva, from the whole number of the Russian borrowed words in a Yakut newspaper almost 29 per cent were phoneticized [4, c. 169].

I propose to distinguish three types of adaptation of Russian loanwords in the modern Altai language: 1) loanwords with no phonetic and morphological changes in the stem of Russian words; 2) loanwords with some phonetic changes and no changes in morphology of Russian words; 3) loanwords with considerable phonetic and morphological changes in a Russian word. In this work I don't describe the loanwords of the first type, but study the words of the second and the third types.

Being focused on the changes and the degree of changes in words in the process of borrowing, I distinguish 11 kinds of changes in Russian words.

1. Reduction of final vowels in nouns:

Rus. газета (newspaper) - Alt. газет: газед=ис (our newspaper), газет=тип ишчилери (workers of the newspaper);

Rus. каникулы (vacations) - Alt. sing. каникул (vacations), pl. каникул=дар (vacations);

Rus. секунда (a second) - Alt. секунд: секунд=ка (in one second);

Rus. школа (school) - Atl. школ: школ=дыкканикул=ы (school holidays), школ=дор (schools), школ=го бар- (to go to school).

2. Reduction of endings and suffixes in adjectives:

Rus. автономный (autonomous) - Alt. автоном;

Rus. гражданский (civil) - Alt. граждан;

Rus. гуманитарный (humanitarian) - Alt. гуманитар;

Rus. корейский (referring to Korea) - Alt. корей;

Rus. муниципальный (municipal) - Alt. муниципал;

Rus. олимпийский (Olympic) - Alt. олимпий;

Rus. республиканский (republican) - Alt. республикан: рес-публикан байрам (republican holiday);

Rus. электронный (electronic) - Alt. электрон: электрон бедем (electronic / digital form).

3. Reduction of suffixes in nouns:

Rus. кореец [кореец] (a citizen of Korea) - Alt. корей (a citizen of Korea).

4. Reduction of endings in verbs:

Rus. буксовать (to spin (about wheels)) - Alt. буксовайта-(to spin).

5. Considerable reduction of stems:

Rus. граница (a border) - Alt. гран ары jанында (abroad), гран ары jанынаw (from abroad);

Rus. крест (a cross) - Alt. крес: крес=ке туш- (to cross oneself);

Rus. счёт (counting) - Alt. чот: чотко (to the account).

6. Reduction of a stem in borrowed nouns ending with -ист, -сть to -и, when the nouns are used with the relative affix as in Type 3 Isophet:

Rus. артист (actor) - Alt. театрдык арти=зи (an actor of the theater);

Rus. альпинист (mountain climber) - Alt. Барнаулдьт аль-пини=зи (a mountain climber from Barnaul);

Rus. область (district) - Alt. Кемерово обла=зы=н=да (in Kemerovo District).

Though, this rule doesn't work with the word журналист (journalist): Alt. газеттик журналист=и (newspaper journalist).

With case inflections and the suffix of plural form the whole stem of the words that end in -ист is used. The words that end in -сть loose the letter "ь". These are the examples:

Nominative / Plural form: артист=тер, альпинист=тер, област=тер;

Genitive:артист=тик, альпинист=тык, област=тык;

Dative:артист=к&, област=та.

7. Forming of an additional syllable:

Rus. вер-ста (measure of length) - Alt. бе-рис-те (verst, a unit of measuring distance);

Rus. столб (post) - Alt. стол-мо (post);

Rus. цер-ковь (church) - Alt. церк-ве (church): церкве=зи (his church), церкве=ге бар- (to go to church).

8. Change of a vowel in a syllable under the influence of next vowels:

Rus. обрат (skim milk) - Alt. абрат (skim milk);

Rus. замок (lock) - Alt. сомок (lock).

9. Change of a vowel in a syllable under the influence of previous vowels:

Rus. деревня (village) - Alt. деремне (village), where dentolabial [в] also changed into labial [м];

Rus. доска (board) - Alt. доско (board): кундулу доско (a board for honored people); cf. Uig. ix^jj [dos'ka], where the vowel in the last syllable is not adapted to the first syllable;

Rus. картошка (potato) - Alt. картошко (potato);

Rus. неделя (week) - Alt. неделе (week): откон неделе=де (last week); compare with Yak. нэдиэлэ;

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Rus. печка (stove) - Alt. печке (stove).

10. Change of breath consonants [к], [п], [с], [т] and [х] in the final position, if they are not proceeded with other consonants. It is worth noting that words, borrowed by the Altai language and which show no changes in the stem, can still undergo some changes in its structure, when they change their form. This group of words includes those Russian words that end in letters "б", "з", "к", "т" and "х". The change of breath consonants into sonants [п] - [б], [c] - [з], [к] / [х] - [г] and [т] - [д] is found when the root is followed by word-forming suffixes with vowels in the beginning.

Rus. антибиотик (antibiotics) - Alt. меник антибиотиг=им (my antibiotics);

Rus. аттестат (certificate) - Alt. школдык аттестад=ы (school certificate);

Rus. депутат (deputy) - Alt. jербойынык депутад=ы (местный депутат);

Rus. заповедник (reserved area) - Alt. заповедниг=и=н=де (in the reserved area);

Rus. институт (institute) - Alt. институд=ыс (our institute);

Rus. кандидат (candidate) - Alt. билимдердык кандидад=ы (candidate for receiving PhD);

Rus. клуб (club) - Alt. клуб=ыс=та (in our club);

Rus. приказ (order) - Alt. приказ=ын=да (in the order);

Rus. рынок (market) - Alt. рыног=ын=да (on the market);

Rus. (детский) садик (kindergarten) - Alt. садиг=ин=де (in the kindergarten);

Rus. статус (status) - Alt. ишjоктык статуз=ы (status of an unemployed);

Rus. урок (lesson) - Atl. физкультуранык урог=ын=да (на уроке физкультуры);

Rus. цех (workshop) - Alt. цег=и=ник начальниги (workshop's chief).

The Russian words with double "c" at the end also undergo this change. Double letter "c" becomes one letter "з":

Rus. класс (classroom) - Alt. Конфуцийдик клаз=ы (Confucius Classroom);

Rus. конгресс (congress) - Alt. фольклористтердик конг-рез=и (folklorists' congress).

We find exceptions, when the breath consonant [c] that may also be in the end of some words doesn't tend to changes in formbuilding: вирус (virus) - вирусы, градус (grade) - градусы, конкурс (contest) - конкурсы, as distinguished from the Altai words ending with [с] (кебис - кебизи (carpet - his carpet)) and the above mentioned rule.

11. Change of a back-row vowel [э] into a front-row vowel [e]. In the borrowed words with the last syllable containing the Russian sound [э] the quality of its articulation changes under the influence of the phonological system. It moves from the class of back-row vowels to the class of front-row vowels, what is proved by the choice of the Altai affixation:

Rus. мэр - Alt. каланык мэр=и (a mayor of the city);

Rus. поэт - Alt. поэт=тик бичиги (a poet of a book).

These are the most common changes that the Russian words show when they are used in the modern Altai language.

Apart of these main modifications with Russian words, I consider it to be important to mention one rule that concerns words with letters "ё" and "ю". The borrowed words with letters "ё" and "ю" in the last syllable attract the Altai inflections with not-palatal-tending vowels: вертолётту (with a helicopter), дзюдоло [дз'удоло] спорттык узы (sports master in judo), конёкло [кон'окло] чемпион (figure skating champion), самолётло [самал'отло] (by airplane), учёды [учоды] (his accounting), учёттор [учоттор] (measurements), учётто [учотто] тур- (to apply for registration), etc.

In the materials under research very few cases of phonetic adaptation, when multiplying of syllables occur in an Altai word, are found, which may mean that it is not very typical of Altai. Though, it happens with some of the loanwords from Russian in other Turkic languages. Here are examples of the phoneticized of a loanword, where the initial syllable CCV is changed into two syllables CV+CV: from Rus. кровать (a bed) - Uzb. каривот (a bed); Kaz. кереует (a bed); Kyr. керебет (a bed); Yak. кырабаат (a bed); Uig. iiiljjjis [kari'vat] (a bed).

The phonological adaptation of the Russian words to the Altai speech is a complex process that is based on various properties of phonological structure. Today the norm of the usage of the Russian

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words and their affixation cannot be treated as fully developed. The appearance of new notions and their introduction into the written language is done by journalists and writers and they try to rely on their sense of a language.

I would like to conclude, saying that (1) the number of borrowed Russian words by the Altai language in the present time is considerable, and it influences the whole lexicon of this language; (2) though the consonant and vowel harmony is not typical of the Russian language, the Russian words may partially change their structure to express the rule of phonetic harmony as the original Altai words; (3) all Russian words with no exceptions are used with inflectional and derivational endings according to the rules of consonant and vowel harmony and this leads to phoneticization of all Russian words in speech; (4) the high potential of phonetic and morphonogical adaptation of Russian words in Altai means a high degree of the recipient language to possess language specific mechanisms to accept and modify the words in accordance with its own rules.

* Статья подготовлена при поддержке РГНФ;

грант № 14-04-00170.

1. Васильева, Н.М. О современном состоянии орфографирования заимствованных слов в якутском языке (по материалам якутских газет) // Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики: в 2 ч. - Тамбов. - 2013. - № 8(26). - Ч. 1.

2. Русаков, А.Ю. Цыганский язык (Цыганские диалекты Европы) // Языки мира: Новые индоарийские языки. - М., 2011.

3. Ибрагимов, Т.И. Структурные и функциональные изменения татарского языка в контексте теоретических положений И.А. Бодуэна де Куртенэ / Т.И. Ибрагимов, РЭ. Кульшарипова // IV Международные Бодуэновские чтения: в 2 т. - Казань, 2009. - Т. 1.

4. Васильева, Н.М. К вопросу о правописании заимствованных слов в современном якутском языке // Известия Российского государственного педагогического университета им. А. И. Герцена. - 2011. - № 131.


1. Vasiljeva, N.M. O sovremennom sostoyanii orfografirovaniya zaimstvovannihkh slov v yakutskom yazihke (po materialam yakutskikh gazet) / / Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosih teorii i praktiki: v 2 ch. - Tambov. - 2013. - № 8(26). - Ch. 1.

2. Rusakov, A.Yu. Cihganskiyj yazihk (Cihganskie dialektih Evropih) // Yazihki mira: Novihe indoariyjskie yazihki. - M., 2011.

3. Ibragimov, T.I. Strukturnihe i funkcionaljnihe izmeneniya tatarskogo yazihka v kontekste teoreticheskikh polozheniyj I.A. Boduehna de Kurteneh / T.I. Ibragimov, R.Eh. Kuljsharipova // IV Mezhdunarodnihe Boduehnovskie chteniya: v 2 t. - Kazanj, 2009. - T. 1.

4. Vasiljeva, N.M. K voprosu o pravopisanii zaimstvovannihkh slov v sovremennom yakutskom yazihke // Izvestiya Rossiyjskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. A. I. Gercena. - 2011. - № 131.

Статья поступила в редакцию 19.07.14

УДК 821.161.1

Khalifaevs G.A. THE ROLE OF REPETITIONS IN THE EPIC WORK "SHARVILI". In the article the role of repetitions in Lezgian epic work is analyzed. Repetition in the text acts as a structural-semantic element; and it is represented in all language levels: phonetic, intonational, lexical, morphological and syntactic. The text-formative role of repetition is brightly shown in folklore texts.

Key words: repetitions, vocabulary, national heroic epos, lexical level, role of repetitions, stylistic approach.

Г.А. Халифаева, соискатель каф. дагестанских языков ДГУ, г. Махачкала, E-mail: [email protected]


В статье анализируется роль повторов в лезгинском эпическом произведении. Повтор в тексте выступает как структурно-семантический элемент и осуществляется во всех языковых уровнях: фонетическом, интонационном, лексическом, морфологическом и синтаксическом. Текстообразующая роль повтора ярко и своеобразно проявляется в фольклорных текстах.

Ключевые слова: повторы, лексика, народный героический эпос, лексический уровень, роль повторов, стилистический подход.

Стилистический подход к изучению лексики выдвигает в качестве важнейшей проблему выбора слова для наиболее точного выражения мысли. Правильное употребление слов представляет собой не только достоинство стиля, но и необходимое условие информативной ценности произведения, действенности его содержания. Неправильный выбор слова искажает смысл высказывания, порождая не только лексические, но и логические ошибки в речи. Под лексическим повтором понимается повторение слова, словосочетания или предложения в составе одного высказывания (предложения, сложного синтаксического целого, абзаца) и в более крупных единицах коммуникации, охватывающих ряд высказываний.

Вандриес отмечает, что «повторение есть также один из приемов, вышедших из языка эффективного. Этот прием, будучи применен к языку логическому, превратился в простое грамматическое орудие. Его исходную точку мы видим в волнении, сопровождающем выражение чувства, доведенного до его высшего напряжения» [1].

Повтор как стилистический прием является типизированным обобщением имеющегося в языке средства выражения возбужденного состояния, которое, как известно, выражается в речи различными средствами, зависящими от степени и характера возбуждения. Речь может быть возвышенной, патетической, нервной, умиленной и т.д. Возбужденная речь отличается фрагментарностью, иногда алогичностью, повторением отдельных

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