Научная статья на тему 'Philosophy of the primacy in the world-perception of physics of informational space'

Philosophy of the primacy in the world-perception of physics of informational space Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
philosophy / information / space / time / being / material and spiritual / space periphery / "burnout of information" / space equilibrium / thinking / філософія / інформація / простір / час / буття / матеріальне і духовне / периферія простору / "вигорання ін- формації" / рівновага простору / мислення

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — M. S. Kravets

Innovative approach to reveal the relationship between matter and consciousness has been proposed. It is shown that the relevance of the problem is determined today by new discoveries of the natural sciences which cannot be explained from the standpoint of the existing categorical apparatus and features of the development of modern human civilization. Individual and collective awareness of the physical picture of the world and the place of individuals in it began to significantly lag behind the achieved level of research in natural sciences. Earlier, mankind was simply interested in the laws of nature as such, but the question arises now: why are they exactly like these, and not different? Do they contain any "intelligence"? What forces keep in equilibrium the world given to us in our sensation? The analysis of space physics in the present context is, first of all, an analysis of the primacy or secondariness of being, matter and information. According to the author's assumption, we move in time on the scale of informational exploration of the world in the opposite direction with respect to the information which becomes exhausted on the periphery of the world, but not on the scale of distances.With this view of the physics of the process, we can imagine that it is not galaxies that are moving apart, but information contained in the radiation from other galaxies has a redshift effect. The farther away a galaxy, the more exhausted is the information, the less it is and the slower time should go by. The red shift (cosmological, the Doppler effect) in the spectrum of galaxies can be a consequence of hunger for information on the horizon of the events of the development of the Universe. So, the galactlic dispersal must take place in all directions, which provides an equilibrium between space, time, mass, and information. In this, motion does not act as a form of existence of matter. The form of the existence of matter is the information about it. In this case, radiation is the energy form of information about the object of radiation. Therefore, space boundary cannot be the presence of physical objects. The boundary of space is the availability of information about space, its growth or 'burnout', which is equivalent to the dispersal of galaxies or their collapse. The information expires, the purpose of the existence of our material-spatial dimension will end. In our opinion, the paradox of our knowledge may consist in the fact that galaxies are moving away from one another on the information scale rather than on the physical one, and we perceive the real world in the form of information about it. In terms of primacy, it is our thinking and being that are secondary in relation to information which in its entirety covers and extends its influence on the entire space. If this were not the case, space would have lost its stability, becoming chaos. Consequently, it should be concluded that information is a highly organized system capable of "self-awareness and thinking".

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Запропоновано нетрадиційний підхід до розкриття співвідношення між матерією і свідомістю. Показано, що актуальність проблеми визначається сьогодні новими відкриттями природничих наук, які неможливо пояснити з позицій наявного категоріального апарату та особливостей розвитку сучасної людської цивілізації. Індивідуальне і колективне усвідомлення фізичної картини світу і місця індивідів у ній стало істотно відставати від досягнутого рівня природничих досліджень. Якщо раніше людство цікавили закони природи, то сьогодні постало питання – чому саме такими, а не іншими вони є? Чи містять вони розумне начало? Які сили утримують у рівновазі даний нам у відчуттях світ? Аналіз фізики простору в сучасних умовах – це, насамперед, аналіз первинності чи вторинності буття, матерії та інформації. За припущенням автора, ми рухаємося в часі за шкалою інформаційного освоєння світу у протилежному напрямку відносно інформації, що вичерпується на його периферії, а не в шкалі відстаней. За такого погляду на фізику процесу можна уявити, що не галактики віддаляються одна від одної, а інформація, що міститься у випромінюванні з інших галактик, набуває ефекту червоного зміщення. Чим далі галактика, тим більше вичерпана інформація, тим її менше і тим повільніше має плинути час. Червоне зміщення (космологічне, ефект Доплера) у спектрі галактик може бути наслідком інформаційного голоду на горизонті подій розвитку Всесвіту. Отже, "розбігання" галактик має відбуватися у всіх напрямках, що забезпечує рівновагу між простором, часом, масою і інформацією. При цьому рух не виступає формою існування матерії. Формою існування матерії виступає інформація про неї. У такому випадку випромінювання є енергетична форма інформації про об'єкт випромінювання. Тому межею простору не може бути наявність фізичних об'єктів. Межею простору є наявність інформації про простір, її зростання або вигорання, що рівноцінне розбіганню галактик або їх колапсу. Закінчиться інформація, закінчиться мета існування нашого матеріальнопросторового виміру. На наш погляд, парадокс наших знань може полягати у тому, що галактики віддаляються одна від одної в інформаційній шкалі, а не у фізичній, і ми сприймаємо реальний світ у формі інформації про нього. З точки зору первинності, то наше мислення і буття є вторинними відносно інформації, яка у своїй сукупності охоплює і розповсюджується у своєму впливі на весь простір. Якщо цього не було б, то простір втратив би стабільність, перетворившись у хаос. Отже, потрібно зробити висновок про те, що інформація є високоорганізованою системою, здатна до "самоусвідомлення і мислення".

Текст научной работы на тему «Philosophy of the primacy in the world-perception of physics of informational space»






Науковий BicH и к НЛТУ УкраТни Scientific Bulletin of UNFU http://nv.nltu.edu.ua https://doi.org/10.15421/40280330

Article received 25.04.2018 р. Article accepted 26.04.2018 р.

УДК 101-021.62:53-021.3:002

ISSN 1994-7836 (print) ISSN 2519-2477 (online)

@ El Correspondence author M. S. Kravets [email protected]

M. S. Kravets

Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv, Ukraine



Innovative approach to reveal the relationship between matter and consciousness has been proposed. It is shown that the relevance of the problem is determined today by new discoveries of the natural sciences which cannot be explained from the standpoint of the existing categorical apparatus and features of the development of modern human civilization. Individual and collective awareness of the physical picture of the world and the place of individuals in it began to significantly lag behind the achieved level of research in natural sciences. Earlier, mankind was simply interested in the laws of nature as such, but the question arises now: why are they exactly like these, and not different? Do they contain any "intelligence"? What forces keep in equilibrium the world given to us in our sensation? The analysis of space physics in the present context is, first of all, an analysis of the primacy or secondariness of being, matter and information. According to the author's assumption, we move in time on the scale of informational exploration of the world in the opposite direction with respect to the information which becomes exhausted on the periphery of the world, but not on the scale of distances.With this view of the physics of the process, we can imagine that it is not galaxies that are moving apart, but information contained in the radiation from other galaxies has a redshift effect. The farther away a galaxy, the more exhausted is the information, the less it is and the slower time should go by. The red shift (cosmological, the Doppler effect) in the spectrum of galaxies can be a consequence of hunger for information on the horizon of the events of the development of the Universe. So, the galactlic dispersal must take place in all directions, which provides an equilibrium between space, time, mass, and information. In this, motion does not act as a form of existence of matter. The form of the existence of matter is the information about it. In this case, radiation is the energy form of information about the object of radiation. Therefore, space boundary cannot be the presence of physical objects. The boundary of space is the availability of information about space, its growth or 'burnout', which is equivalent to the dispersal of galaxies or their collapse. The information expires, the purpose of the existence of our material-spatial dimension will end. In our opinion, the paradox of our knowledge may consist in the fact that galaxies are moving away from one another on the information scale rather than on the physical one, and we perceive the real world in the form of information about it. In terms of primacy, it is our thinking and being that are secondary in relation to information which in its entirety covers and extends its influence on the entire space. If this were not the case, space would have lost its stability, becoming chaos. Consequently, it should be concluded that information is a highly organized system capable of "self-awareness and thinking".

Keywords: philosophy; information; space; time; being; material and spiritual; space periphery; "burnout of information"; space equilibrium; thinking.

Introduction. If we take into account that Moses said that everything is from God, Solomon - everything is from the mind, Jesus - everything is from the heart, Marx -everything is from the needs, Einstein - everything is relative, then we will say: everything in the world is information about the Universe. Therefore, it is precisely from these considerations at the beginning of the 21st century that it is expedient to get back to the question of what is primary, and what is secondary: consciousness, matter, or some other substance.

The peculiarity of contemporary worldview is that until now mankind put on the agenda the question: what are the laws of nature like? Now it is time to ask the question: why are the laws of nature like these and not different. Do they contain any "intelligence"? Can they be violated at a certain

point in time? What forces hold steady the world given to us in our sensations? How long will these forces be such as we know them, etc.? In the early 21st century - the century of the information society, mankind has matured to a new understanding of the problem. The analysis of the physics of space, in our opinion, is the analysis of the primacy or se-condariness of being, matter and information. An individual acts as an integral element of space physics. In the machines that we have created each part is an element of the physics of the functioning of the machine. The machine parts are not randomly arranged, they are located in the places we have specified. We are located in space in a certain information place and perform a certain function as intellectual beings transforming the world on the reasonable principles of transformation and preservation of information.

1нформащя про автора:

Кравець Микола Степанович, канд. фтософ. наук, доцент, кафедра фшософм. Email: [email protected]

Цитування за ДСТУ: Кравець М. С. Philosophy of the primacy in the world-perception of physics of informational space. Науковий

вкник НЛТУ УкраТни. 2018, т. 28, № 3. С. 147-151. Citation APA: Kravets, M. S. (2018). Philosophy of the Primacy in the World-Perception of Physics of Informational Space. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 28(3), 147-151. https://doi.org/10.15421/40280330

Presentation of the main material. Today, there exist dozens of concepts about the functioning of the cosmos and the place of man in it (Kravets, 2018, p. 163). Humanity feels that our knowledge of the world as a complete picture lacks some important puzzle that would allow the picture to be seen as a whole. This puzzle, most likely, is built on another categorical device of world description which we do not possess. In the author's opinion, today there is a lack of a non-trivial vision of the problem which could question a number of the developed scientific achievements in man's knowledge of the physical picture of the world in close connection with himself.

In our opinion, the question of what is primary - matter or consciousness - must be considered today not in terms of the reflection and transformation of the world, as it was done at the junction of the 19th and 20th centuries, but from the point of view of the existence of the Universe, its origin and development. "If the laws of the material world are viewed and studied through the context of man, then the material world must be a mirror image of another - the spiritual dimension, and visible events, in this case, should act as a mirror image of their information dimension. In this case, the information about the world is primary, everything else is secondary (Hegel, 2000, p. 165).

Today, to answer the question of what is primary means answering the question of what humanity can expect in the future. When considering this problem in the 19th century, the researchers were impressed with the achievements of the first technological revolution. Yet at the same time, public relations experienced a complicated and long-term crisis. In society, a new understanding of the social order, the place of an individual in the system of power relations and rights was being formed. It is the simultaneous action of these two vectors that led to the formation of mutually exclusive theories of what is primary: consciousness or matter.

In the question of primacy: material, spiritual, or "something else" (the author's interpretation), it is now appropriate to once again carefully analyze the laboratory of G. V. F. Gegel's thinking, in particular his work "Phenomenology of the spirit." The scientific community of the 19th century - the first half of the 20th century, fascinated by philosophical sententia of the great scientist, decided on the opposites: material - spiritual, not paying attention to some " thing" that is present in H. V. F. Hehel's thinking. "The activity of the observing mind should be considered in the moments of its movement as the mind perceives nature, spirit and, finally, the relationship between one and the other as a sensual being and how it seeks itself as a reality endowed with being" (Hegel, 2000, p. 127). Apparently, G. V. F Hegel represents knowledge as an activity, as an independent dynamic system of nature and spirit.

In this regard, interesting, though ahead of his time, were the thoughts of I. Kanth. In his work, The Critique of Pure Reason, I. Kant seeks to overcome the postulates of rationalism and empiricism regarding the nature of the source of knowledge. I. Kant realizes that the source of knowledge can be neither experience nor intelligence. In the categorical apparatus of that time, there was no information concept. True knowledge, in I. Kant's opinion, is possible, but its source is the a priori forms of sensibility and understanding "... what the mind completely molds from itself can-

not be hidden, but is extracted by the intellect itself, as soon as the general principle of this systematization is discovered. The perfect unity of this kind of knowledge, namely, [knowledge] consisting exclusively of pure concepts, despite the fact that nothing from experience, or even only a separate contemplation, which should lead to definite experience, cannot have any effect on them." (Kant, 2000, p. 20). In the context of the modern understanding of the physics of cognition processes, the thinking movement of G. V. F. Gegel, a priori forms of I. Kanth are nothing but information that individuals have the ability to process. So far, we continue to evaluate the person in spatial-temporal format as it was in the Modern Age era. We reflect on the basic life principles on the basis of our earthly life, our values: aspirations to power, money, oppression of others, wealth, etc. We believe it is time now to give thought to the fact that perhaps our forms of co-existence and the development of the world, dictated by the material requirements, have been unsuccessful, that similar forms had already been on Earth, and we are another chance for Homo sapiens to begin to think and live in a different way. The values, which we profess, for other, highly developed civilizations are a mystery. They do not think in our terms, and, therefore, the search for contacts with them should be based on other criteria.

From the standpoint of modern scientific achievements, primacy or secondariness should not be considered at the level of the analysis of everyday life, as did G. F. F. Hegel, I. Kant and other researchers, but on the worldview principles of the development of space and its reflection by man.

According to contemporary views, the equilibrium of elements and their location in the space of any mechanical system is associated with motion. A question arises: relative to what? If there is no "some thing", then we cannot determine if the material object is moving (except when the movement is accelerated or information is received from the object about its movement). Galaxies consist of billions of systems such as our Solar system plus black holes, dark matter, dark energy, and so on. The equilibrium in the galaxy is maintained due to the fact that the stars remain in certain places over billions of years. We record the recession of galaxies, and not the dispersal of a particular galaxy. Why is the dispersal characteristic of intergalactic space, and not of objects of galaxies?

In the article (Kravets, 2018, pp. 163-167), the author tried to substantiate the thesis that we are moving in time on the scale of information development of the world in the opposite direction with respect to the separation of space as information that gets exhausted on its periphery, and not on the distance scale. With such a view of the physics of the process, we can assume that it is not galaxies that are moving away from one another, but the information contained in the radiation from other galaxies has the effect of the redshift. It is the information that provides the stability of space system as a whole. That is, an accelerated run of galaxies means an accelerated loss of previously accumulated information. In this presentation, galaxies can be in two states: in certain stable points in space that we record as moving on the scale of information, and they can be in the state of dispersal. For us, as an observer, this will be recorded as a similar-type phenomenon. By analogy, a squirrel can move in the wheel cage being at the same time at a fixed

point. It does not move away from the observer, however, spatial information is lost, which is equivalent to the galactic dispersal. Space expands on the information scale while material objects (galaxies) are in its information-determined coordinates. The galaxies move apart in relation to us on the scale of information depletion.

The further the galaxy is from us, the greater is the amount of information that is being exhausted, the faster it is 'moving off' informationally. The acceleration with which we learn the world must be commensurable with the acceleration with which the information is depleted (galactic dispersal), which provides an informational balance, making the informational and material chaos impossible.

Over the past years, more than half a century, we have treated the galactic dispersal similar to terrestrial physical categories, as cosmological redshift, associated with the movement on the scale of distances. If you add a spatial-information dimension, time will act as a function of information. The farther the galaxy is, the more information is exhausted, the less it is, the slower the time has to pass. Hence, the redshift may be due to hunger for information on the event horizon of the Universe development. From this perspective, the galactic dispersal should occur in all directions, providing an equlibrium between space, time, mass and information.

Suppose that an observer in the "A" galaxy concludes that the "B" galaxy is moving off him. The same conclusion is made by an observer in the "B" galaxy. A third observer outside these galaxies also concludes that the two galaxies are moving away from him. It can be in two cases: the galaxies are physically moving apart (if the center of such dispersal is absent, then it should be chaotic, which would lead to total chaos), or we move on the scale of information in the opposite direction (towards its origin) and we observe the information burnout. In this case, our fixation point is simultaneously at the observer's point and throughout the space. In the author's opinion, the fringe of space cannot be the presence of physical objects. The fringe of space is the presence of information about space, its accumulation or burnout, which is equivalent to the recession of galaxies or their collapse. When the information ends up, the purpose of the existence of our material-spatial dimension will end. In our view, the paradox of our knowledge may consist in the fact that galaxies are moving from one another on the information scale, not on the physical one, and we perceive the real world in the form of information about it. Notice that motion does not act as a form of existence of matter, the form of existence of matter is information about it. In this case, radiation is the energy form of information about the object of radiation. It is logical to assume that the information across the entire volume of space should be equal to the information prior to the Big Bang (we do not observe the formation of something fundamentally new (elements, laws, new galaxies, etc.). We drink the same water that people drank a thousand years ago, we use the mineral resources that arose long before us, we use the laws of nature which were used by our predecessors). There occurs only a process of changing the states in the information field accumulated before the Big Bang.

If we come to know the world (reality tells us that it is so), then we are moving towards increasing information density. And if so, then intelligent life on the periphery of

the galactic world is simply impossible. Or if it was there, it had to disappear. According to our belief, intelligent life is a necessary element of awareness of the Universe, one of the physical measurements. In this regard, in the Ukrainian epic, as in the epic of other nations, there are many interesting thoughts, the contents of which we have not yet realized (Bossyi, 1999, pp. 34-52). Therefore, the question of what from what is moving away in space is simply not correct. It is the result of our perception of the world, the category that exists as long as there is a Homo-sapiens. In this sense, our perception of the world is a function of our learning of the world, a function of the information we have gained. The world in its modern sense exists for a particular individual as long as he exists himself as an information system.

Imagine how the structure of material objects resembles the structure of galaxies on a very small scale. Take a certain amount of matter, let us call it a "small galaxy". It contains nuclei of atoms, as in the galaxy there are stars, there are electrons (planets). Inside the material, there occur processes which we are not fully aware of (as in galaxies). But this piece of matter ("small galaxy") is stable in a certain aggregate state in the absence of an excess of energy that can lead to its destruction. If you give this "small galaxy" a different shape, it will remain stable again. If you imagine a "small galaxy" in the state of a biological object, then such a "small galaxy" may increase, decrease, change shape, develop, grow old, grow on a periphery (in the presence of external energy), but it will remain a stable, unified and integral object in space. Let us put the question: are not internal forces and relations inherent in our "small galaxy" similar to processes occurring in large galaxies? From the standpoint of an individual electron (distances in the atom), our next "small galaxy" is infinitely far away. An electron is unable to independently overcome this distance as we cannot do this. It can exchange information with a neighboring "small galaxy" only by going over to another field measurement. The author suggests the idea that the entire cosmos is constructed on the basis of minimum "information matrices" which then get grouped, expand and create new entities. As an example, we construct all discrete systems on the basis of binary numerical system, all living matter is based on DNA, the physics of all living systems is based on the ability to move, the system of fixation in space - by means of our eyes or on the basis of location. At the same time, the cosmic galaxy itself is a stable (no chaos) formation, like our "small galaxy". If we have a certain amount of such material objects ("small galaxies") at a certain distance, then we obtain an analogy of stable cosmic galaxies. Their movement in our small galactic world depends on us. In other words, it depends on the information that we possess about where these objects ("small antics") should be placed. It is reasonable to assume that the galaxies themselves and the intergalactic world are created and develop precisely after this universal pattern (law), where each galaxy is given a certain place on the scale of information, time, distance and mass.

As stated above, any radiation is an energy form of information. Any radiation contains information about the whole object of radiation. Thus, one quantum contains full information about the electron, its structure (which we are not completely aware of), the history of its "life". In this ca-

se, the Breit-Wheeler process is possible only if the energy is converted into a mass, not a virtual substance, but tangible substance, provided that such radiation contains information about the structure of the substance. In other words, each quantum of radiation must have its "information passport." In it, in addition to the electrical and magnetic components of the stress field, there must be another component. In the author's opinion, this should be a high-energy field form of information memory (perhaps, it is dark energy, dark matter, etc.), a kind of informational matrix that provides the location of energy in stable information cells. The stability of natural elements from the Mendeleev table is provided not only by the totality of forces known to us, but by the aggregate of information as a kind of original, "created-by-somebody" matrix that presents an existing element of this table.

If radiation is information about the source of the radiation, then the rate of its propagation cannot depend on the speed of the source itself in relation to the observer in a 3-D space. What can change are its density (quantity) per unit volume of space and power (intensity) at a specific point of space due to direct or inverse transformation (the Breit-Wheeler process). If the information about mass is provided with the property of its transformation into mass, then it possesses all the properties of mass, including the redshift effect.

Radiation, traveling to us in space, moves away from us on the information scale. It gets into a denser informational space (as evidenced by the knowledge of the world on the ascending path of our development). In this case, the redshift indicates the rate of information "burnout" on the periphery of the Universe. The periphery in this case is not a space limit, but is a function of the available information.

Let us draw an analogy. From the standpoint of time intervals of space, human life is an energy impulse (arose and disappeared). This overall impulse contains many more ones (as in the case of the expansion of an electric impulse in the Fourier series). However, for cosmic scales, they are insignificant. To see these impulses (the entire history of a particular individual's life) is possible only by moving directly into the temporal dimension of this individual, where time flows slowly in relation to the world. So, in order to see the history (information) of a particular electron, we must move into the temporal dimension of this electron. We have somehow already approached this process, analyzing the behavior of the pairs of tangled electrons, but we are not able to explain their relationship using the conventional categories.

Therefore, it will be logical to ask a question about the unit of "information and energy bricks" of the microcosm from which the entire macroworld is built and develops. In the proposed analysis of the primacy of world perception, the "burnout of information" can be a certain cosmic-spatial constant which we record as galactic dispersal. Parameters of this dispersal are indicators of the size of the visible part of the Universe and its approach to the beginning of the reverse process. In addition, we note that most scientific theories about the past and future of the Universe are based on the presence of random fluctuation changes that lead to the reverse process or the second Big Bang. For example, as a result of the Higgs boson destabilization (Big Bang, 2018).

In our view, such fluctuations in a discrete information system are impossible. All the processes of development and stability of space are embedded in the information that fills this space.

In terms of primacy, our thinking and being are secondary in relation to information that in its entirety should cover the whole space and spread in its influence on the entire space. If this were not the case, then space would have lost its stability, turning into chaos. So, as noted above, information is a highly organized system capable of self-awareness and thinking. Let us say this: the Universe "thinks" in terms of its state and, at the information level, it is self-aware. An individual thinks in the categories of his state (practical or theoretical). These categories, in which we think, are just packaged information about the surrounding world.

The author believes that the development of the material world and the presence of Homo-sapiens in it are programmed, say, intelligent information blocks of the development of the Universe. However, in its development, humanity has come to the point, at which the possibility is noticeable of breaking (with the consequences unknown to human civilization) the reasonable organization of Cosmos. Today, the pace of our processing and assimilation of information about the world is approaching the critical point, which, most likely, lies beyond the possible self-awareness of information of another dimension, dominated by categories that are not typical of the human communityIt is possible that this boundary serves as a barrier behind which the destruction of more than one civilization took place which did not produce a categorical apparatus that is comparable to the main idea (we do not know it) of the Universe. If the above considerations are inherent in our worldview and world development, then, according to the author, our material world is most likely not the goal of the cosmos, but an instrument for achieving something more complex which is defined by the concepts: matter-space-time-information.

Conclusions and suggestions. It should be noted that today our behavior is conditioned by the limits of the discrete field of values: good - evil; joy - sorrow; happiness - misfortune; love - hatred and so on. The state of physical systems also contains opposite discrete levels. Our condition and the state of physical matter correlate with the close-fitting categories the content of which is information. It, in our opinion, is primary, which is, to a certain extent, recorded and reflected by our organs of the world perception.

nepe^iK BHKopHeraHHx g»epe.n

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М. С. Кравець

Нацюнальний лкотехтчний утверситет Украши, м. Львiв, Украта


Запропоновано нетрадицiйний пiдхiд до розкриття спiввiдношення мiж матерiею i свiдомiстю. Показано, що актуаль-шсть проблеми визначаеться сьогоднi новими в^риттями природничих наук, якi неможливо пояснити з позицiй наявного категорiального апарату та особливостей розвитку сучасно! людсько! цивЫзацп. Iндивiдуальне i колективне усвщомлення фiзичноl картини свiту i мсця шдивщв у нiй стало ютотно вiдставати вiд досягнутого ршня природничих дослвджень. Якщо ранiше людство щкавили закони природи, то сьогоднi постало питання - чому саме такими, а не шшими вони е? Чи мiстять вони розумне начало? Яю сили утримують у рiвновазi даний нам у в^уттях свгг? Аналiз фiзики простору в сучасних умо-вах - це, насамперед, аналiз первинностi чи вторинностi буття, матери та шформацп. За припущенням автора, ми рухаемося в чаи за шкалою шформацшного освоення свгту у протилежному напрямку вдаосно шформацп, що вичерпуеться на його периферп, а не в шкалi ввдстаней. За такого погляду на фiзику процесу можна уявити, що не галактики в^аляються одна вiд одно!, а шформащя, що мiститься у випромшюванш з iнших галактик, набувае ефекту червоного змщення. Чим далi галактика, тим бiльше вичерпана iнформацiя, тим 11 менше i тим повiльнiше мае плинути час. Червоне змщення (космолопч-не, ефект Доплера) у спектр галактик може бути нааидком iнформацiйного голоду на горизонта подш розвитку Всесвiту. Отже, "розбггання" галактик мае вiдбуватися у вах напрямках, що забезпечуе рiвновагу мiж простором, часом, масою i ш-формацiею. При цьому рух не виступае формою юнування матери. Формою юнування матерп виступае шформащя про не!. У такому випадку випромшювання е енергетична форма шформацп про об'ект випромшювання. Тому межею простору не може бути наявшсть фiзичних об'ектiв. Межею простору е наявшсть шформацп про простiр, 11 зростання або вигорання, що рiвноцiнне розбiганню галактик або 1х колапсу. Закшчиться iнформацiя, закiнчиться мета юнування нашого матерiально-просторового вимiру. На наш погляд, парадокс наших знань може полягати у тому, що галактики ввддаляються одна вiд одно! в шформацшнш шкалi, а не у фiзичнiй, i ми сприймаемо реальний свiт у формi шформацп про нього. З точки зору пер-винностi, то наше мислення i буття е вторинними вiдносно шформацп, яка у сво!й сукупностi охоплюе i розповсюджуеться у своему впливi на весь простар. Якщо цього не було б, то простар втратив би стабшьшсть, перетворившись у хаос. Отже, по^бно зробити висновок про те, що шформащя е високооргашзованою системою, здатна до "самоусвщомлення i мислення".

Ключовi слова: фiлософiя; шформащя; простар; час; буття; матерiальне i духовне; периферiя простору; "вигорання ш-формацп"; рiвновага простору; мислення.

Н. С. Кравец

Национальный лесотехнический университет Украины, г. Львов, Украина



Предложен нетрадиционный подход к раскрытию соотношения между материей и сознанием. Показано, что актуальность проблемы определяется сегодня новыми открытиями в естественных науках, которые нельзя объяснить с позиций имеющегося категориального аппарата и особенностей развития современной человеческой цивилизации. Индивидуальное и коллективное осознание физической картины мира и места человека в ней стало существенно отставать от достигнутого уровня естественных исследований. Если раньше человечество интересовали законы природы, то сегодня поставлен вопрос - почему именно такими, а не иными они есть? Содержат ли они разумное начало? Какие силы удерживают в равновесии данный нам в ощущениях мир? Анализ физики пространства в современных условиях это прежде всего анализ первичности или вторичности бытия, материи и информации. По мнению автора, мы движемся во времени по шкале информационного освоения мира в противоположном направлении по отношению к информации, которая исчерпывается на его периферии, а не в шкале расстояний. При таком взгляде на физику процесса можно представить, что галактики удаляются друг от друга, а информация которая содержится в излучении с других галактик, владеет эффектом красного смещения. Чем дальше галактика, тем больше исчерпана информация, тем ее меньше и тем медленнее должно течь время. Красное (космологическое, эффект Доплера) смещение может быть следствием "информационного голода" на горизонте событий развития пространства, времени и информации. При этом "разбегание" галактик должно происходить во всех направлениях, что обеспечивает равновесие между пространством, временем, материей и информацией. Движение здесь не выступает формой существования материи. Формой существования материи выступает информация о ней самой. В таком случае излучение есть энергетическая форма информации об объекте излучения. Поэтому границей пространства не может быть наличие или отсутствие материальных объектов. Границей пространства будет выступать наличие информации о нем, ее возрастание или выгорание, что равноценно разбеганию галактик или их коллапсу. Исчерпается информация, исчерпается и цель существования нашего материально-пространственного измерения. На наш взгляд, парадокс наших знаний и восприятий может состоять в том, что галактики отдаляются одна от другой в информационной шкале, а не в физической, а мы воспринимаем реальный мир в форме информации о нем. С точки зрения первичности (материальное, духовное, бытие, информация), то наше мышление и бытие есть вторичными по отношению к информации, которая в своей совокупности должна охватывать и распространяться на все пространство. В отсутствие этого фактора пространство потеряло б устойчивость, наступил бы хаос. Следует сделать вывод о том, что информация есть сложноорганизованная система, способна к "самоидентификации и мышлению".

Ключевые слова: философия; информация; пространство; время; бытие; материальное и духовное; периферия пространства; "выгорание информации"; равновесие пространства; мышление.

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