Philosophy of Public Governance: Manpower Policy of Modern Ukraine in the Context of Globalization
Raisa Naumenko
Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (Kyiv, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9992-8922
The recent global civilization shift from material to non-material production caused the fundamental change in information industry. The globalization concept is usually associated with the brands expansion and the activity of transnational corporations. Mentioned significant markers of globalization describe only the superficial consequences of deeper shifts in society, which have to be discovered and researched for better understanding of contemporary social system. Modern philosophy of public administration has to take into consideration the issue of man. It is necessary for its construction and future explications. It is well known, that human factor is always in charge. In this article author focuses on the philosophical foundations of the state manpower policy and reveal its importance for achieving Ukraine's strategic stability in the context of globalization. In particular, the current status of some personnel processes in the sphere ofpublic administration is examined and their legal support is analyzed. Moreover, key problems of inefficiency of the state manpower policy are distinguished.
Keywords: future, globalization, nation-state, manpower policy, public service.
Received 08 July 2017; accepted 26 October 2017
Philosophy and Cosmology, Volume 20, 2018: 106-112
DOI: 10.29202/phil-cosm/20/9
Under conditions of rationalist philosophy, the concept of public governance was characterized by continuity, which, in particular, determined the national identity. Furthermore, the need to participate in the life of the nation-state created a knowledge management system and, accordingly, a training system which kept and showed this knowledge. In other words, the nation-state and national culture were two pillars on which the management system was built. However, the methodological potential of rationalist philosophy was exhausted as a result of the intensification of the globalizing tendencies of modernity. As a consequence, the traditional understanding of public governance has lost its relative static and has become a changing phenomenon. Consequently, it is becoming increasingly difficult to talk about © Naumenko, Raisa, 2018
the public governance system, because it is increasingly difficult to find and fix the stable relationships between its elements. Given this fact, it is highly relevant to explore new theories of public governance that complement and reinforce the classical approaches. In addition, it concerns not only the way of representation of modern public governance as a social institution, but also the management of the future state and society as a futuristic project.
In this regard, the issues of state manpower policy, the creation of the national personnel system are becoming increasingly important for scientific research. Increasing attention to these issues is primarily due to Ukraine's choice of the European direction of the country's development, in which the a systemic vision of public administration, civil service, local government and civil society should be reformed in the context of globalization processes taking place in politics, economy, ideology, culture. All this requires innovative approaches to the reconfiguration of the state manpower policy, the formulation of mechanisms to link the processes of public administration, the adoption of management decisions and social responsibility with a view to building a society of the future.
Methodological Framework and Objectives of the Study
As a methodological background, we will use the well-known philosophical principle: there is nothing more practical than a good theory. The author agrees with George Frederickson, who believes: "Before we can seriously consider these public policy and public administration issues, a certain reliability of understanding will be helpful. How do we comprehend the issues and order the facts? How does our understanding, thus derived, guide policy and action?... When a good theory is based on reliable and replicable knowledge, nothing is more practical. What is the best theory or mix of theories to inform our policy decisions and policy implementation in crime and lawlessness? What could be more practical than the answer to that question? That answer would be especially useful and practical if the theory or theories were based on the observation of specific events and on observations and accumulations of patterns, experiences, and occurrences that, taken together, suggest a way to ameliorate the problem" [Frederickson et al., 2015: 17].
At the present stage, there are many public administration theories, which describe the practical problems of management from different directions and different completeness. "Public administration theory takes various distinct forms reflecting these objectives. (1) Theory in the positivist, scientific sense. This is theory that is premised upon generating universal axioms that can be empirically confirmed. (2) Theory that orders factual material to convey a systematic understanding of the complex and various dimensions of public administration. (3) Theory as a normative argument, a philosophical case for what constitutes "good" or "best" or "just" in administrative practice" [Frederickson et al., 2015: 245].
Table 1. The Performance of Public Administration Theories1
Theory Parsimony/ Elegance Explanator Capacity Replica-bility Descriptive Capacity Predictive Capacity Empirical Warrant
Political Control of Bureaucracy high high mixed mixed mixed high
Bureaucratic Politics mixed high mixed high mixed high
Institutional Low mixed mixed high low mixed
Public Management Low mixed low mixed low mixed
Postmodern Low mixed low high low mixed
Decision mixed low-mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed
Rational High low-mixed high low mixed low
Governance mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed mixed
The development of public administration theory is very slow in Ukraine. The transparent apparatus of public policy has not been developed so far. However, some progress has been made in recent years. The author and his colleagues had the honor to take part in the development of the Reference work "Thesaurus of the State Manpower Policy" [Tezaurus, 2015]. It should be noted that many problems of understanding the philosophy of public administration have not found their systematic research in the scientific literature yet. In particular, the development of an effective system of state manpower policy in the conditions of globalization challenges and the construction of a smart society require detailed study [Voronkova & Kyvliuk, 2017]. An equally important problem is the integration of the domestic theory and practice of public administration into the world space.
It is important to note that management problems have grown since 2014, when a hybrid war was unleashed against Ukraine. Any research studies, which does not take into account these circumstances, cannot be objective. It must be said that the problems of war in the modern world in connection with the Ukrainian situation are actively discussed in the scientific discussion [Bazaluk et al., 2017]. It is also worth noting the analysis of the consequences, which come as a result of hybrid conflicts in the humanitarian field [Gomilko et al., 2016]. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to rethink the philosophy of public governance, namely, the manpower policy of modern Ukraine in the context of globalization.
Philosophy of Manpower Policy in the Context of Globalization
Globalization states that there is a need in the world society to consume as wide a range of information as possible. A man in the Global Age forms his attitude to those things and events which were not even previously the subject of his thinking. Moreover, modern information is discrete, not integral. We perceive the received data from the fragments and plots. Thus, our final representation of the world is applicative, sometimes even inconsistent. As a result, in such a phenomenal picture of the world where information becomes the main source of speech (in the everyday discourse we are increasingly using expression formulas which
1 Frederickson, H. George, et al. The public administration theory primer, 2015: 247.
are inherent in the information networks of our time). There are gaps in knowledge about reality, which, however, are invisible to us, because of the huge volume of that information knowledge which we receive or can receive.
The ambiguous term of global information, in our opinion, hides much more specifically modern features of the experience of the individual or society, than it seems at first glance.
• Firstly, global information is not passive, when the transformation of immediate reality into a sign, the essence of understanding of things changes to some extent.
• Secondly, global information is always superficial, its interpretation and agreement with reality it carries only a partial definition of facts and events.
• Thirdly, as already noted, global information has a discrete character because it does not define the reality gradually and integrally, but it describes some elements of plot, the different in meaning, content, and essence and sometimes even opposite to each other.
Today's globalization forms the ideal of an informed person, for whom the cult is not the integrity and coherence of the understanding of the objects, but their relevance and feasibility. Global information compared to the knowledge of the past, is much more easily to meet the needs of the pragmatic ideal of the present. Moreover, the meaning of such a transition is still hidden from its participants.
At the present stage of globalization processes, the problem of the state manpower policy of Ukraine has become the subject of scientific philosophical, psychological, sociological research and it is considered in the context of the formation, preservation of adaptation and development of human potential. The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Public Administration gives a wide interpretation of the notion of "state manpower policy" as a state policy in the sphere of public service, the main purpose of which is to improve the personnel potential, to create an effective state apparatus capable of effectively implementing the tasks and functions of the Ukrainian state by conscientiously executing the civil servants assigned to them official authority [Kovbasyuk, 2010: 55].
Valentin Malinovskiy considers the state manpower policy as a state policy in the sphere of public service. Its main purpose is to ensure the high professionalism of the management process and all levels of public administration by highly qualified, conscientious employees [Malinovskiy, 2005].
Vitaliy Oluyko, describing the civil service corps, theoretically substantiated and presented the personnel management processes as a model of effective management of human resource development i.e. it is as a purposeful, planned, coordinating and consciously organizing impact of subjects of personnel management on qualitative and quantitative changes in the staff structure in time and space by determination of needs for expertise [Oluyko, 2005].
According to the famous Swedish scientist Jeans Bartelson, there are three concepts of globalization, which manifests itself in three forms such as economic, cultural and political [Bartelson, 2000: 180-196]. Globalization has a multidimensional character because it covers the process of intensification of economic, financial, political, military, cultural, ideological interrelations which lead to the unification of the world in all spheres. In the final analysis, globalization leads to the weakening of the nation-state factor by undermining national structures at all levels of their manifestation including state, national-ethnic and personal.
In today's conditions of deep socio-economic and socio-political crisis, Ukraine has mainly the catastrophic ecological situation practically the whole territory of the country. The influence of globalization processes on all spheres of life activity causes the intensification of crisis phenomena. In addition, the deep political crisis is caused also by the lack of political will of authorities to implement the principles of democracy, freedom, humanism, and
democracy declared in the Constitution of Ukraine and other government documents, which leads to a continuous deepening of the gap between the poor and the rich. The instability in the society is also caused by a high level of crime and corruption, declarativeness of state target programs whose strategic goal is to ensure the growth of well-being, reduce poverty, preserve and restore natural resources and the environment.
Justifying the peculiarities of the manpower policy in the conditions of globalization, Radmila Voitovich argues that the challenges of globalization create real risks for the functioning of the national system of manpower policy in Ukraine. Thus, developed countries manifest unified and standardized criteria for the human capital requirements, following which one can lose the imperatives of national identity in the creation of state policy as a whole. That is why, today Ukraine must find an adequate formula for building up its human resources in order to integrate into the modern globalization processes and take a worthy place in the world arena on the one hand, and on the other hand, not lose its national identity [Voytovich, 2016].
Thus, a real revolution is taking place in a global world, both in content, in methods, and in the forms of government. The destiny of the destroyer-revolutionaries who seek to change the modern Ukrainian state is sad. After all, they will have to start building a new one after they destroy the old one. However, they are not ready for such work. Then, finally, having made their fair share of mistakes and learning how to build, they will create a new state and powerlessly observe how new, young destroyers destroy the fruits of their labor. Although, in any case, the philosophical analysis of these processes will always be important, because the philosophy has enough powerful research optics for adequate study of such complex phenomena as modern public administration and manpower policy.
Discussion and Conclusions
As a result of the analysis, we can suggest the following key points for the discussion. Firstly, the philosophy of public governance declares such principles at all levels of the personnel system such as the lawfulness, the priority of professionalism, patriotism and morality, openness and transparency, rationality and efficiency in the selection and placement of personnel, the promotion of professional and career growth of the employee, the individualization of methods and means of personnel work, the optimal combination of staff stability and their rational, systematic renewal, use of the best national and international experience of personnel management, technological and resource provision.
Secondly, the main philosophical ideas of the future are the principles of social justice, complexity and consistency; balance of public interests and interests of certain social groups; professionalism; balanced representation of experienced and young workers, taking into account gender equality; responsibility for the creation of prerequisites for the realization of vital human interests, the realization by citizens of the right to education and work; mutual respect in the relationship between the person and the state, the employee and the employer; partnership of the state and non-state sector; continuity of learning.
Thirdly, the priority tasks of the formation and implementation of the state manpower policy are: the development of mechanisms for attracting highly qualified specialists in the field of management activities; development of professional standards; mechanisms for assessing and confirming qualifications and competencies, retraining and lifelong learning; reforming the system of bodies in the field of confirmation of qualifications; reforming the financial system for the management of education and science; formation of an effective reserve of personnel in all branches of production and spheres of social and economic activity.
Fourthly, the conceptual framework for the modernization of the future manpower policy includes the following provisions: the creation of a national system of state manpower policy and its components such as regional and branch subsystems which will be based on the innovative human resources technologies; improvement of the legislative and regulatory framework of manpower policy; modernization of the personnel management system in the country, the creation of a special subsystem which has a single state coordinating body of the system and its regional offices; ensuring continuity and continuity of professional development, optimal combination of experienced and young people; maintenance of system scientific support of manpower policy and personnel work, creation of centers of complex scientific researches on studying of advanced experience and innovative human resources technologies; creation of an independent system of professional assessment of personnel in various spheres of society.
Fifthly, an important factor in improving the personnel system is to increase the level of professional competence of civil servants. The law, in which is about the perspective direction of the development of the national personnel system, determines the regulation of the status of civil servant, the strengthening of the personal responsibility of each official, the creation of conditions for transparent activities of state authorities and, accordingly, the strengthening of citizens' trust in the authorities.
Thus, there are many scientific approaches and points of view on the development of mechanisms for increasing the level of professional competence of personnel. Among them, there are justifications for the new criteria to evaluate the qualities, effectiveness and effectiveness of personnel management in the public service, promoting professional growth in the process of annual evaluation, participation in open competitions, etc.
In our opinion, it seems expedient to form the concept of long-term sustainable development of the personnel system in the current conditions of the global crisis and Ukraine's integration into the pan-European space. In measuring the globalization processes of the present and searching for effective ways of optimization, there is an objective need to develop a methodology for analyzing, examining and evaluating crisis problems of a socioeconomic and socio-cultural nature and creating technology for an innovative personnel mechanism as a factor in achieving a futuristic project for the future of Ukraine.
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