L.P. Dodonova, associate professor, Ph.D.
Novosibirsk teachers' professional re-training institute, Novosibirsk
Key words: dialectics, integrity, evolutionary orientation, intensive path of human development.
Summary. The study of an object (man and his development) as a whole based on the system evolutionary approach contributed to the author's generalization, important for the general human theory: every person as a psychobiosystem is distinguished by the principle of life, which duality stipulates for dichotomy of his nature, displayed in the heterogeneous components (mental and corporal). The principle of movement (development), different kinds (including cognitive and motor activities) of which stipulate for human life in the onto-anthropogenesis is derived from the attributive properties of the matter, biomatter. There were proved the intensive path of human development within every person and the strategy of development of the educational system of the country, to match the evolutionary orientation of development of everything on the planet, including man (people). This orientation introduces a person (or generations of people) to the dynamics of the historical-social process not only of a single country, but the whole humanity as an integral psychobiosocial system of the planet Earth. The conceptual novelty of the study is in the fact that design of the sphere of solution in education is defined by the emerging new historical type of world outlook, based on the synthesis of the ideas of philosophical anthropology, natural science, constitutional anthropology, humanitarian sciences, including the sphere of physical culture, and carrying on the traditions of Soviet universalism.
The problem of development "is among the most complex ones and, in essence, eternal in philosophy, sociology and biology. But in pedagogics and psychology this problem is fairly cardinal... Admittedly, such aspects as procedural characteristics, structure, evolutionary forms of changes, mechanisms and driving forces of the progress in the formation of a man as a personality are still insufficiently well developed in respect to theory and need to be experimentally investigated" [12]. The purpose of the study was to determine the philosophic and methodological aspects of the revised nature-conformable (anthropological) pedagogics from the common view to identify the orientation and the grounds for the designed strategy of development of man (people) within the educational system. Materials and methods. The research methods applied in the study involved analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and experience, comparison, abstraction, modeling etc, allocation of various relationships between facts, elements of the common whole, enhancing the logical consistency of the research.
Results and discussion. Solving of the problem of human development determines the strategy and tactics of development of the educational theory and practice with the sphere of physical culture and sport as a part of it.
The reasons of the problem are the fact of destruction of the balance of relations in the spheres "man -nature", "man - society", "man - culture", "man - man". Nowadays the phenomenon of different balance dominates in these systems having been accumulated in the sociohistorical process for a long time. The original cause of the widespread occurrence of this phenomenon is assumed to be the disagreement of interdependent aspects of man: external, represented by organism, body and internal, mental aspects. We define these two components instrumentally, as they characterize a person as a system stipulated by the biomatter properties of different qualities [1; 11], [4] (the detailed description below). The weakness of the modern pedagogics as a part of social practice is one of the reasons restraining the solution of the noted problem, as it does not take into account the regular relations of a person with the world (biosphere). Consequently, the nature conformable approach to the social life organization including educational system is violated. Here the necessity to update the methodology of educational researches is clarified to satisfy a specific practical need.
"The problem of design of the strategy of man's education is undoubtedly relevant and is major in the system of the Russian academy of education, meant based on the integrated psychological-educational construction to reveal the notionally-worldview and theoretical-methodological basics of organization of education" [13].
When studying a man as a whole, determining his nature not only in view of psychological-educational aspects, considered basic in pedagogics [13], first we dwell on the dialectic-materialistic methodology defining the essential basics of objective reality, stipulated by the action of universal laws. They involve the rules of oppositions, duality, rhythm and correspondence common for natural science and detected in constitutional anthropology [2]. We combine the categories of dialectics such as reality and possibility, nature and phenomena, necessity and chance, removal with the categories of system and undulatory oscillations [rhythms and rates (lifts and falls - ascents and descents)] and use them to solve the problem of man's (people's) development in the onto-anthropogenesis.
The Soviet pedagogics has several author's methodological theories and concepts, determining applied developments. But the scale of the crisis in education, including in other countries, proves that the theoretical concepts not fully determine the conceptual aspects of the problem of man's (people's) development and education. The major educational paradigms, being implemented in the world educational process today, have significant defects, which leave the strategy on the isolated level [3]. In the sphere of physical culture and sport as a part of pedagogics the interdisciplinary system of human knowledge and "preconditions for substantially different methodological approach to understanding of the
issues of the modern theory of physical culture" were created thanks to the efforts of numerous scientists
The modern concepts of a person are odd and contradict with each other, showing the irony of the common ideas. Reductionism contributed to the explanation that human vital activity as the basic property of all flesh is stipulated by the simultaneous interaction of interdependent different structural levels defined as morphological, physiological, biochemical and mental. The natural scientific tradition applies man's interpretation in view of biological theories of Darwin's and Pavlov's orientations, separates man from the rest of the living world, forbids to use purposeful or (general) finalist categories in explanations in biology and this ban "deprives" him of the target activity and freedom of choice [15; 270]. Another alternative is represented by the humanistic concept: its psychological-educational aspects define the grounds for educational concepts, laying the basis of the teaching practice. This tradition also contains bans excluding from pedagogics such human features and qualities as morphofunctional and motor, defined by the concept of "vital activity" [10; 21]. The lack of the conceptual unity in human concepts provoked serious theoretical and practical issues in the XIX-XX centuries. In the early XX century in the Soviet pedology they tried to justify the child's integral vision.
It is indisputable, that any living man is a whole like a biopsychosystem meaning that the regulators of this system also exist. The reality is in the fact that space and time characteristics of man (and other levels of organization of biopsychosystems: cohorts, people's populations, humanity as a whole) define its fundamental integrity and this integrated nonsegmented reality cannot exist without motion, shown in different types. As movement is an attributive property of matter, biomatter (biosystems of different levels of organization), here we find the principle of motion (development), originated from the law of kinesophilia and defining human activity (e.g. expressed in cognitive and motor activities) as the basis of human life. According to the morphemic analysis of the Russian term "raz - v - i - ti - e" (development) (Rus. «раз - в - и - ти - е»), in the word-building chain the root "v" (Rus. «в») has "vit'" (Rus. «вить»), "view" (Rus. «вью») in the original stem. The Russian word "view" (Rus. «вью») in respect to conceptual meaning means "twist", "wag", "move curvilinearly" [11; 472]. Various forms of motion describe the undulatory (oscillatory) process with its peculiarities of manifestation at every structural level of organization (from man to space scale). The concept of "development" as a category is characterized the actual process of development as nonlinear. In the modern science nonlinearity is considered as a common rule in nature.
The meaning of the word "man" is in close relation with the phenomenon of life. The author defined the principle of life as a beginning of the nature of all flesh and human, according to which all flesh displayed is an exterior form of expression of this principle [7]. It contains fundamental characteristics of the biosphere (structure, functioning, evolution) as integral basics which determine its inner organization, and development of all its levels, including man and humanity as a common biopsychosociosystem. In reality,
man has an ability to think and be aware of the limit of activity, which stipulate for life perception. Correctness of understanding of the direction of motion of all flesh can be formulated in view of capacities of the examined system. These capacities are determined by the scale of the whole humanity, which sociohistorical path ranges from the faraway past and is striving to the future. We assume that only such an expansion of space and time frames of the path of people's development provides the correct perspective to the content of the present and outlines the motion vector based on the reliable grounds. We use the extended view to the phenomenon of human life lasting millions of years in the conditions of the biosphere of the planet Earth, which will make it easier to understand the complex process of its development as onto-anthropogenesis. The phenomenon of human life is described by the notion "vital activity", which does not come to separate activity of his body (including motor) or mental activity (cognitive), it is displayed only as an integral reaction to exposures during onto-anthropogenesis. Man as an object of study is a natural being, whose characteristics are the results of his development during a long period of time. Since ancient times the conceptual characteristics of man have been described using dichotomy. So man's adaptability has been developed for millions of years. Man and his earthly personality is also the result of the past, achieved on the way of its transformations in sociocultural and biospheric conditions of Earth. Gradually during hundreds of years, especially thanks to preoccupation with technical aspects, man broke his interaction with nature and thus ruined the great balance in the biosphere. But man did not stop being a part of humanity and biosphere and the problems of man (humanity), his roles and functions, as elements of the biosphere, in view of space organization, are not resolved yet. The biospheric concepts consider anthropogenesis as a regular process of human development, inscribed in functioning of the biosphere of Earth and Space in general. On this account, we assume that the role of man (people) is to be realized in the spiral of the planet evolution. On the long path of man's (people's) development only in the last century the mode of training and teaching for all children's population is not only the parents' but the state responsibility. The mentioned above contributes to suggesting a working hypothesis (3), which reflects the psychobiological qualities, features of the object under study as a whole: if human body develops like a conductor (instrument) during millions of years then consciousness can function via it to such an extent that enables him to be a self-conscious individual and be aware of himself as an evolutionary factor capable of acting in the wide range (from reproductive to creative activity). This hypothesis matches the requirements: a) gives hope for explanation; b) can be checked; c) expresses ultimate unity and d) logical simplicity; e) successive regarding existing knowledge; f) extends the boundaries for search of new cause-effect relations.
The hypothesis (3) reproduces the dichotomy of human psychobiological aspects and their development from the unified position of space organization and detects the dialectic nature of the relation of various human phenomena. This dichotomy contains the duality of the life principle, represented by two
components of structural organization of an integral personality [internal (mental) and external (corporal, organism)], whose activity is displayed in the feature of motion (different kinds of it). Then, we assume the law of opposites acts in an integral personality via the duality of the principle of life (stipulating for the human binary nature), so the hypothesis (3) removes the confrontation of modern scientific traditions of natural science and humanities. Dualism here carries on the traditions of antique science and involves new facts of modern science. The hypothesis (3) also contains the generalizing idea of integral personality, correlated with the idea of the self-developing biomatter (various levels of its organization: man, cohorts, people's population, humanity), including the idea of increasing activity of living creatures as a leading form of progressive evolution [15; 239]. Here we use space organization as a unified position based on the idea of the organizing role of Space at all levels of the world system structure, relevant in modern nature science. Meanwhile, these ideas enable systemizing disembodied results, sorting them out, seeing unnoticed before relations and thus releasing new views, methods etc. The abstract treatment of the ideology is assumed to be the basis of construction of the general human theory, which includes the redrafted nature conformable pedagogics (RNCP), to develop which new forms and canons of expression are required.
The study of the human body as a bioobject of research enables us to justify the statement (3) [4]: human physical body (organism) is of instrumental value and subordinates to the generic term "culture", containing human essential characteristics. The statement (3) proves the first part of the hypothesis (3). The logical-meaningful-sense compatibility of the concepts "physical (corporality, body) and "culture" was determined [4]. This index is considered a methodological criterion [15; 10]. The author's treatment of human psychological aspect (his consciousness as an inner component and an evolutionary factor) as the second part of the hypothesis (3) is beyond the goals of this publication.
It is to be added, that the specific nature of a personality is characterized by the combination of certain morphofunctional, motor and mental qualities, features, every man has (the level of the common), regardless of the country of residence. But the level of development and display of these qualities and features differs for every man and, as proved in constitutional anthropology, depends on man's somatotype. The interdependence and the level of development of human psychobiological characteristics, features are displayed in his free choice of trajectory of life, which is mentioned below. The dialectical spiral of socio-historical motion defines the need to understand its trend and manner. These peculiarities of man's (people's) development are associated with the common goal of education, including the goal of classes of physical culture and sport, and determine the problems of man, his development and way of life (as static and dynamic components of his vital activity). Below we explain that any motion is spiral and either up or down. We understand the orientation of human development as a major component of the content of education, associated with the educational goal, based on the
expansion of the traditional framework of a personality and the radius of human science. It agrees with the trend to development of foreign personality concepts [14; 19].
We apply the combination of dialectic, general and particular scientific approaches to organization of the areas of solution of the problems of man's (people's) development and the system of education on the path regardless of people's nationality and place of residence. Since the course of general processes of the big system (Space and biosphere) sets the vector of motion for everything on the planet, the path of man's (people's) development as a part of this system is to match this direction. The course of general processes of the big system is called evolution, and it defines the vector of onto-anthropogenesis. Evolution is defined as an immutable universal law, ensuring progressive motion (as ascent) of everything on the planet, stipulating for the process of man's (people's) development.
The dialectics of the law of unity of opposites includes the existence of two directions of motion (evolutionary and involutional), defining some changes (constructive or destructive). It should be marked that any motion is spiral literally and figuratively since everything moves not only in space but also in time. A spiral motion can be either up as ascending or down as descending. These two directions of motion are qualitatively different and define the manner of changes: first - it is an endless tough climb (as an ascent) which promotes an increase of levels (qualities, features), when it is better not to catch up for general process of the big system (biosphere, Space), not to lag behind events; the second one is a steady drop (as descent) which involves various accelerations as loss of what has been obtained. Ultimately the immutable laws of nature stipulate for the progressive human (humanity) development as a part of the biosphere during millions of years in conditions and influenced by the mix of combinations of space-geo-landscape-climatic, bio-race-ethno-constitutional and sociocultural-psychological-educational factors [5]. These factors are the components of the problem of organized complicacy of psychobiological systems. The interaction of these factors (as a combination of interdisciplinary views) goes through the criterion of generality, as they embrace general concepts of people's vital activity regardless of the country of residence and times. As a common standard the combination of these factors sets the intention of development of both ascent of timeless value as it takes into account the immutable laws of nature. In view of mathematics the progressive motion excludes the chance of stagnation and return to the point of the way having been passed once.
Then the progressive motion "up" is definitely the way of anamorphism. Consequently, the problem of progressive motion as a strategy of development of biosystems, evolution of man, population of people and humanity as a whole is relevant. In these conditions being familiar with the phases of evolution, intended by space for the humanity, enables tracing the reference direction of development of all flesh (as the strategy forecast) and finding the nearest approach to meeting the requirements of the current practical situation (as practice of actions).
Hence the human vital activity in onto-anthropogenesis has only two directions: progressive (evolutionary as ascent, lift) and regressive [involutional as loss (descent) of something achieved]. Hence, evolutionary important criterion should be the feature of development - if it is good for evolution or not. Then everything that contributes to ascent is to be considered useful and everything what slows down or stops it - harmful. New man's (people's) abilities can be stated and assessed in view of the objective criteria of increase of the levels of his (their) psychobiological qualities and features. Such an effective development can take place only in case of correct, conscious and purposeful actions, but not as a result of occasional, "Brownian motion" which is dangerous for the chance of losing what has been achieved. As a result, the state above proves the axiological aspect, prognostic and regulatory-praxiological functions of RNCP. In this connection, the task of working out evolutionary important criteria is relevant for pedagogics and related sciences.
Unlike other nature kingdoms man makes a free choice of direction of motion depending on personal psychobiological qualities, features (showing the obtained level), "developed" during the phases of ontogenesis and genetically inherited. It is common in biology, that the evolutionary unit is a population (of people) but not a single person. It explains why general human interests for the common good in the planetary-evolutionary scale stipulate for selection and organization of people within the population (with the quality of cooperation in its base [6]), who are not taken as personalities who have chosen the involutional path, even if there are lots of them. So the problem of man's choice of direction in life in ontogenesis, taking into account that there are only two of these ways, is relevant. There are a human need to move (activity) and the weak awareness of the direction in which he is to act (thinking- and motor activities and its character) and why this very direction. Nowadays the traditions of life organization and the manner of interactions in social socioeconomic relations seem archaic or unacceptable, their correctness and usefulness (or harmfulness) should be proved and the choice of the path is to be understood deeper by every person and the modern society in general. The justification of two opposite directions in onto-anthropogenesis defines: the deep awareness of the fact that motion should be only forward and up, enables every man to cope with his imperfections (physical and mental). In nature everything is moving up and down and can't stop. Accordingly, the wide path of life requires the conditions of continuous ascent as perfection and the man's position on this path is defined by the level of development of his psychobiological qualities and features.
Here are the reasons of usefulness (suitability) of choosing the evolutionary way and accepting some unified grounds of RNCP. Man cannot change the path of the planet and be responsible for evolution, as it is a multi-million process of planetary-space scale, so he is to join it, be in harmony with it, for he is a living part of humanity and biosphere and the immutable laws of nature act within his psychobiological nature. The conscious adaptation to the future and the use of personal power in life, but not simulation of activity at present or stuckness in the past should be the main base of progress on the evolutionary path.
By free choosing of the evolutionary way a person (people) contributes to consistency of the essence of his mental [thinking, defining the behavioral pattern (correct or "incorrect")] activity with the action of immutable laws, stipulating for natural unidirectional development of human psychobiological qualities, and biosphere (levels of its organization). Everybody is to continue himself the "path" in this direction. The common sense and usefulness of the free choice of the evolutionary path are explained by the fact that each step in the right direction brings closer to victory (as ascent, lift). Such a consistency fits the effect of the universal correspondence rule, and the direction of evolution as a progressive motion of all flesh (development of psychobiological qualities, features of man (people) based on the system of common relevant ideas laid down above) should set the tasks and goals of education, since construction thinking of the future is always right, even if it is hard. The necessity of such a consistency involves the following reasons. The course of the planet evolution and alternating space and spatial conditions of astrophysical moment have a wide range of effect and capacities on everything that exists on the planet and determine the interactions of biosystems of different scale (including people), biosphere and Space, so evolution does not wait, it moves progressively everything that is capable of ascending, regardless of counteractions. Every man makes his choice of which way (evolutionary or involutional) to take, regardless of the extent of awareness of choice.
To return to the fact of debalance in the interaction in the systems of major human relations, we detect the antithesis within man and displayed in the struggle of the biological and psychosocial within him. We assume that it is what defines the driving forces and the source of human development (DFaSHD) at all phases of ontogenesis and in anthropogenesis (genetically). But there is a substitution of notions. It is common in general pedagogics that DFaSHD is a contradiction between new needs caused by activity and the chances to satisfy them and others stipulated by external and internal contradictions [8; 22; 52]. The author's treatment of DFaSHD brings inside the grounds of human development to develop his psychobiological qualities, features, which is clear for every competing athlete. So the problem of enhancement of personal abilities, displayed in mental and physical qualities and features, is relevant for every personality. In other words, the dialectical "removal" is required, man is to change himself (but not to conquer nature or others) by developing viable elements (qualities, features) to advance in development (successively at each phase of ontogenesis and genetically), so that the psychosocial ('supreme") aspect was leading in man. Awareness of the given problem as a priority one reveals the path of development -the intensive path of development is within every person, and various (social, educational etc.) conditions, means and mechanisms in the social and educational environment can enhance development in case of their use by this person. This way enables transformation of human potential qualities to the relevant and immediate development, while the extensive path, dominating today, is limited, derives misunderstanding and lack of sense (the reason of development, when everything is good) and ultimately, is often accompanied by the loss of the level of development of some qualities and features.
Hence, the long-term strategy of man's (people's) development is to agree with the orientation of evolution, stipulated by the laws of nature, active in human body and mind. The general sense of such a development is in gradual transformations in view of psychobiological rules stipulating for man's (people's) ontogensis. The adduced explanation increases the awareness of importance, meaning and substantial essence of the present phase of social development in the onto-anthropogenesis. Man's (people's) progressive (evolutionary) development and of the system of country's education as a strategy can be realized if basing on the set of factors, studied in [5] and relatively monotonously influencing all members of the educational process for many centuries and useful for a single individual and the country's population in general. Such a strategy involves man (and generation of people) in the dynamics of sociohistorical process of not only a single country but the whole humanity as a unified psychobiological system of the planet Earth.
This theoretical-methodological substantiation laid the basis of the integrated program of development, that has been implemented (under the scientific guidance of the author of this paper) as a pilot testing (PT) of educational institution including the use of information computer technology [introduction of the system-cybernetic approach in the result-oriented model of management of educational space] in kindergartens and schools of Novosibirsk for eighteen years. The results of implementation of our research materials were directed to development and application of the work program for the course "Fundamentals of human typology" based on the designed teaching aid [1], examined by EMA Lesgaft NSU FCSaH on "Physical culture". Hence, the dialectic-materialistic methodology of RNCP, developed by the author, includes the following.
Conclusions: 1. The main object of the study was proved to be the human body system which is the medium of specific natural principles from the psychophysical point of view and corresponds to the immutable laws that determine the onto-anthropogenesis. So these principles are the strong foundation of the general human theory, RNCP and the strategy of development of educational system, including physical education and other directions of physical culture and sport. For example, the author derived from the immutable laws (ontogenesis, kinesophilia, evolution) the principles of life, movement, rhythm, compliance and justified epistemological, prognostic, norm-praxeological functions of RNCP. The modern system theory takes into account the internal complementarity and interdependence of principles, their intense unity [15, 31]
2. It is shown that the integrity of an individual (or a group of people) involved in another, more fundamental integrity (biosphere, space) and representing its part, serves a regulatory idea and is, on the one hand, the fundamental anthropological constant (category) and, on the other - existence which is a source of human involvement in the variety of relationships. This category acts as the methodological basis of the human study as it is interconnected with other anthropological constants and existentials, reflecting the common world outlook of the anthropological approach. The latter contains both causal
relationships due to intrinsic qualities, human properties, and functional dependences of its characteristics, so the epistemological function is leading in this approach, underlying RNCP. Here we define the categorical modeling of man as a whole, which matches his view, generated using the systematic approach [1, 11]. When applied these methods ensure that the conformity of our interdisciplinary research with the trends in the world philosophy of the XXI century.
3. The grounds are given (the usefulness is proved and based), that the strategy of development of a person (and people's generation), development of educational system and the common goal of education should agree with the evolutionary orientation of development of biosphere, Space, since in view of space and biospheric organization such a way is immutable, thus strategically invariable and correct. In other words, the natural bases have a common human and evolutionary value and so stipulate for the correct trend of the strategy of man's (people's) development and accordingly the strategies of development of educational system in any country of the world. Then the purpose of education will be related to human ideas as anthropological integrity with a certain ontological status and integral life experience, including patterns of its behavior and levels of development. The basic components of education compared with the statements of the concept of development of the biosphere, ultimately, reveal the proper path of intensive human development (but not extensive as it is now), conditioned by constant growth as improvement, and cooperation between man and nature and in other systems of their relations. The harmonization of human activities in these systems introduces him in the dynamics of the historical and social process of not only a single country but the entire humanity as a unified psychobiological system of the planet Earth. In other words, the evolutionary way is coevolutionary based on the quality of cooperation, specific for people's population [6] and nature in general. This way reveals the areas of solutions to many problems, including the problem of man's (people's) cultural-historical self-identification in its theoretical and practical aspects.
RNCP proceeds from the world outlook, set based on domestic universalism as a principle of construction of the world and man's images, contrary to western individualism. In other words, we use universalism as a principle of construction of man's and world's images (planet's biosphere) within the absolute objective reality (Space), where the system of relationships is determined as a principle of all-encompassing unity, interpreted (after Heraclitus) as harmony of the "unity of opposites".
4. The generic concepts of "life" and human "culture" were justified, these are extremely broad categories, bringing perception to the level of "common" and serving a methodological basis of RNCP. Hence, the major categories of RNCP are: 1) man's (people's) integrity; 2) man's (people's) culture (physical and cognitive); 3) evolution of man (humanity). These categories are interdependent (closed dynamic system) and extend via inclusion of attributive properties of biomatter (man as a biosystem), which reflect the essential qualities, features of man. They are also in relationships with subnotions ("image", "right", "activity", etc.) and create certain term systems as groups of auxiliary concepts
("human activity", "proper habits of living", "human physical culture" etc.). It ensures the main mission of the conceptual framework of this educational research, operationalisation of used concepts and the shifted focus in the framework of categories and concepts of pedagogics with particular scientific study of man as a personality to the interdisciplinary - as a whole. In terms of content these concepts are dialectic, correspond to the principal components (structure) of the object under study (man and his development) and reflect the reality, its intrinsic qualities, features, as they invariantly take into account the nature of various phenomena (physical and mental) and eliminate deformations in the conceptual framework of pedagogics. Projecting these concepts to the area of pedagogics does not change their essence and the traditional interpretation is preserved. That's why the basic concepts of RNCP comply with the principles of completeness, consistency and systemacy, they also include the system of primary research ideas, expressing the author's principled stand.
These system of ideas, framework of categories and principles (methodological and practical) underlie the anthropological approach of RNCP. Creation and normalization of the author's term system matches the current trends to find the reasons to design some unified universal culture, and the organization of the framework of concepts (basic concepts, their definitions, classification) itself is an important component of our study, stipulating for the direction of its course.
5. The identified by the author problem of free choice by each individual of the direction of motion (one of two), the driving forces and sources (defining internal reasons) of his development during onto-anthropogenesis show the primacy of the problem over method, as well as the novelty of the system of ideas, but not the instrument. The theoretical and methodological basis of RNCP is distinguished by the fact it includes agreed models of integral personality (symbolic and categorical) and the system of ideas (human integrity, increase of his activity as a self-development, etc.). They reflect the novelty of our interdisciplinary research as RNCP includes interdependent components of the educational concept (static in the form of models and dynamic expressed in forms, driving forces and strategy of direction of motion). If to compare, humanistic pedagogics involves "short" goals and studies man as a unique object "beyond the highly organized biosphere, and thus it is not bound by it naturally, but is as if in some unstructured and unorganized nature" [15, 22]. As a result, RNCP preconditions elaboration of the new scientific educational paradigm, which can be generally called the "boost" paradigm (creativity).
6. The theoretical relevance of this interdisciplinary work is to formulate hypotheses on the basis of previously accumulated and generalized facts, experimental work in practical education during a quarter of the century, to minimize the description of facts and other aspects. The hypotheses (2) in [7] and (3) generalize knowledge, are beyond particular scientific facts, specialized knowledge and reflect human psychobiological aspects and their development from the unified position. In other words, the theoretical nature of RNCP is verified from three perspectives: empirical (when theoretical and actual data are compared), internal (removal of contradictions) and metatheoretical (in view of more general sciences, in
our case philosophic anthropology and natural science, including physics, general biology, constitutional anthropology, physical culture and sport as an interdisciplinary field).
7. The conceptual novelty of RNCP is that organization of the areas of solution in an educational research is determined by the new historical type of worldview being arranged, based on the synthesis of ideas of philosophy, natural science, including constitutional anthropology, humanities and the sphere of physical culture and sport. The strong point of NRPP is reliance on theoretical concepts: system approach, identification of invariants (search of equivalent concepts, universal laws), theory of stability (which position can be expressed by the metaphor: stability does not reach the goal without progress), and the implementation of statements of RNCP in structural and managerial and technological and informational aspects of the educational process within our experimental work. The specifics of RNCP is presented not as a set of ideas from different philosophic trends or a compilation of common authors' methodologies, but as a new kind of thinking, involving the space-time of reality and way of understanding of the phenomenon of human life, going through the limitations of particular scientific approach to man using general scientific, hermeneutical, sociocultural and particular scientific methods of perception of human vital activity, revealing the multidimensionality of his space and covering his past, present and future in onto-anthropogenesis. RNCP is aimed at justification of the need to modernize the present organization of the educational system by analogy with natural phenomena and laws.
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