UDC: 377.81
Rejapov A.A.
of department offoreign languages faculty of agro engineering and hydro melioration Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro technologies
Abstract: The integration of authentic texts into teaching practice is becoming increasingly important. It is known that a song, especially an authentic one, is an important element of any language and therefore deserves the closest attention. In addition, a song is a great means of increasing interest in both the country of the language being studied and the language itself, as well as a very effective way of repeating language material, especially at the senior stage of education.
Key words: authentic materials, foreign language communicative activity, listening skills, intercultural, songs.
In modern methods of teaching foreign languages, the possession and process of mastering foreign language communicative activity are qualified as intercultural communication. Among the features of intercultural communication in learning foreign language is the use of authentic materials that contain cultural references. Authentic materials are understood as text materials that are not specially processed and reflect natural language use.
Teaching a foreign language should be structured in such a way that the student himself naturally and organically comes to the need to produce precisely those authentic texts that are provided by the teacher. The student should know some cultural patterns well enough, have an idea of some cultural patterns and adequately respond to the speech and non-speech behavioral codes of his foreign interlocutor.
An English song is a wonderful methodological tool for developing various skills and primary knowledge about another culture. It is used for various purposes, including: developing phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills, improving pronunciation and listening skills.
But in order for the song to play its positive role, it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm for its use. You need to start with a careful selection of the song. Here you should adhere to some principles, namely: the song must be authentic, it must correspond to the age and interests of the students (ideally, chosen by the students themselves). It is also necessary for the song to correspond to the level of the students' language, the methodological value of the song and
some correlation with the curriculum. If the choice of the song corresponds to these principles, then it can potentially be very useful. Then the teacher develops a system of exercises for this song.
After listening, which should be preceded by a preparatory stage, since listening to a song is a fairly complex level of listening, the teacher conducts some tasks, depending on the goal set by him. If the teacher has the goal of developing socio-cultural competence, then the system of exercises will be aimed at focusing the students' attention on those elements of cultural information that are contained in the text.
If this algorithm is followed, the effectiveness of using the song will be high. It is also necessary to remember that not only the lyrics of the song are of interest to us, but also the music itself, which can create a favorable creative atmosphere in the classroom, stimulate the imagination of students.
For the development of socio-cultural competence, it is important for the text to contain the following information: geography and history of the country of the language being studied, facts of political and social life, facts of everyday life, the presence of ethno-cultural information, various kinds of symbols, the presence of information about the behavioral culture, including the peculiarities of behavior in various situations, conversational formulas, norms and values of society.
Some features of the environment and property are also reflected in the songs. For some reasons, the everyday culture of Uzbek differs from that of Great Britain and the USA, so some realities in the environment of Americans and Britons may be unfamiliar to an Uzbek person. For example, one of the songs mentions a mantelpiece. Students should learn that a fireplace and a mantelpiece with a ticking clock are part of the home furnishings of any British person, and that the story in the song is about an ordinary resident of England.
Songs can tell you how people spend their time in the country of the language being studied. For example, the concept of "party" is often found in songs. Students should be explained that a party in an English-speaking country is held at someone's home. A large number of people are invited to the party, but it is considered impolite to come without an invitation. This is different from how people have fun in our country.
The song "An Englishman in New York" depicts the traditional image of an English gentleman, leisurely strolling with a cane in his hands along the streets of New York. Here, the British gentleman, true to his traditional views, encounters the misunderstanding of American society. With the help of this song, one can trace the formation of the British mentality: what factors could have influenced it, what ideal of behavior arose among the British in historical development (the image of a gentleman and a lady), whether this phenomenon finally disappeared, or whether gentlemen simply changed their manner of dressing.
Thus, it is obvious that the song material is really rich in information necessary for the development of socio-cultural competence, with the help of a song one can really raise its level.
However, it should be noted that not all songs carry the same cultural load. Some songs can be used to study a topic, others contain only individual facts that can affect the development of socio-cultural competence and this is a problem, because in this case we simply do not have enough time to listen to a large number of songs in order to learn some of the facts contained in them. In the context of strict time frames of the curriculum, one of the tasks of the teacher is the effective use of study time in such a way as to fulfill educational tasks to the maximum extent. Thus, we are faced with the problem of how to use study time most effectively using interesting, motivating types of work, in this case, authentic musical material.
As a solution to this problem, we can offer several types of work with a song that contains the information we are interested in.
The first type is working with a whole song. In order to use this type of work in the classroom, it is necessary to have an English-language song that is truly saturated with socio-cultural information. However, it is quite difficult to find a song that would meet several requirements at once: it would be interesting to students and would have methodological value.
Communicatively oriented teaching of listening to authentic materials involves developing the ability to understand foreign language speech in acts of natural oral communication, and songs are quite effective material for this.
Despite the importance of teaching listening, it is often considered a byproduct of speaking, and therefore work on it is episodic; in addition, teachers are poorly aware of the psychological and linguistic complexities of listening, levels of perception and ways to determine them.
The task of developing the ability to understand foreign language speech in natural conditions is not only to achieve an understanding of the meaning of a foreign language text, but to provide students with the opportunity to communicate in the language being studied, i.e., to teach auditory reception as a communicative act at the intercultural level.
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