Temirov A. S.
TSUE independent researcher
Abstract: This article explores the pedagogical conditions for training modern managers in the higher education system. Emphasizing innovative educational approaches, it discusses active learning methods such as training, case studies, and role-playing games, which enhance leadership skills and practical decision-making abilities for future leaders.
Keywords: higher education, management training, active learning methods, leadership development, educational technology, case study.
Temirov O.S.
TDIU mustaqil izlanuvchisi
Annotatsiya: Maqolada oliy ta'lim tizimida zamonaviy menejerlarni tayyorlashning pedagogik sharoitlari tahlil qilinadi. Inovatsion ta'lim yondashuvlari, jumladan, treninglar, keys-metodlar va rolli o'yinlar, kelajak rahbarlari uchun liderlik ko 'nikmalarini va amaliy qaror qabul qilish qobiliyatini rivojlantirishga xizmat qiladi.
Kalit so'zlar: Oliy ta'lim, menejerlar tayyorlash, faol o'qitish metodlari, liderlik rivojlanishi, ta 'lim texnologiyalari, keys-metod.
To date, as a leading trend of modern innovative changes in the field of higher education of our country, the personality-developing direction of educational processes determines the transition of subjects of educational activity, including subjects of management activity, from authoritarian-communicative to humanitarian-communicative interaction. It is characterized by the attitude to the democratization of management activities in the socio-economic environment and the creation of educational partnerships in the community, which is also reflected in the innovative approaches to training in the system of advanced training of modern leaders in higher education. Today, in the modern practice of training highly qualified personnel in our country, the following active teaching methods are widespread: trainings, programmed, computer-based training, group discussions, case studies (analysis of concrete, practical situations), educational and role-playing games.
In order to meet the requirements of the times, the educational process is being strengthened in higher education institutions by introducing active
educational technologies, creating a psychologically comfortable environment that ensures freedom of choice of educational forms and methods of future specialists. Currently, the ever-increasing flow of information requires the introduction of modern teaching methods that allow transferring a large amount of knowledge in a very short time, ensuring a high level of assimilation of the material studied by the audience and strengthening it in practice.
Trainings mean training sessions focused on the practical development of the studied material, during which, in the process of modeling specially defined situations, students have the opportunity to develop and strengthen the necessary knowledge and skills, change their attitude to their experience. The concept of training has a general collective meaning. Various methods and means of active learning are widely used in trainings: educational, role-playing and simulation games, analysis of specific situations and group discussions.
At the beginning of the 21st century, when the higher educational institutions of our country began to familiarize themselves with Western teaching methods, the following types of training became very popular among managers: training of negotiation skills and training of presentation skills. This type of training is of great importance even now in training leaders, especially the basics of business communication in a foreign language.
Nowadays , leadership skills training for leaders is becoming more and more widespread in HEIs, they learn various aspects of management during their education, such as motivating subordinates, making decisions, properly organizing work in teams, etc. As a result of such training, managers not only analyze the process of management activities (planning, decision-making, evaluation, control, etc.), but also learn to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities to solve management tasks and use them to develop their leadership potential.
The essence of programmed education is to structure the presented material at a high level and to assess the level of its mastery step by step. With programmed teaching, information is presented in small blocks in printed form or on a computer monitor. After working on each block, the student is also required to complete tasks that demonstrate the level of mastery of the material studied.
The advantage of programmed learning is that it allows the student to move at his or her own pace. The transition to the next block of material occurs only after the previous one has been mastered. One variant of programmed learning is computer-based learning. The computer evaluates the students' responses and determines which material to present later. A special feature of computer learning is that the feedback here can be as rich and varied as in modern computer games. Currently, computer training is an integral part of other active training methods used in personnel training. For example, many computer business games have been developed that allow you to manage an educational organization, conduct advertising campaigns, and conduct negotiations.
Educational discussion as a method of teaching consists of conducting educational group discussions on a specific problem in relatively small groups of
students (from 6 to 15 people). Traditionally, the concept of "discussion" is understood as the exchange of ideas in all its forms. The experience of history shows that without an exchange of ideas. development of society is impossible without debates and disputes. This is especially related to development in the field of spiritual life and professional development of a person. Discussion as a group discussion can have different character depending on the process being studied, its level of problem and the judgments expressed as a result.
For the teacher organizing the learning discussion, the outcome is usually known in advance. The goal here is a search process that is objectively known, but subjectively should lead to new knowledge from the students' point of view. In addition, this search can naturally lead to a task planned by the teacher , and it can only happen if the search for a solution to the problem (group discussion) is fully controlled by the teacher.
Here, management is of two-fold importance, namely:
First, in order to conduct a discussion, the teacher creates and maintains a certain level of relationship between students, a relationship of goodwill and openness, that is, the teacher's management of the discussion is communicative in nature.
Second, the teacher directs the truth-seeking process. It is generally accepted that educational discussion is allowed, provided that the teacher can ensure the validity of the conclusions.
Summarizing the above, we can identify the following characteristics of a well-organized and conducted educational discussion:
1) high qualification of the teacher-organizer on the problem under consideration and, as a rule, the presence of sufficient practical experience in solving such problems among students;
2) a high level of predicting solutions to typical problem situations due to serious methodological training of the teacher-organizer, that is, a relatively low level of improvisation by the teacher. At the same time, there is a very high level of improvisation by students, so the need for the teacher to manage the discussion process;
3) that the purpose and result of the educational discussion is to acquire real knowledge at a high level by students, to eliminate misconceptions, and to develop dialectical thinking in them;
4) the source of real knowledge is variable, depending on the specific problem situation, the teacher-organizer or the students, or the latter receives real knowledge with the help of the teacher.
It should be noted that this method allows the full use of the listeners' experience and contributes to a better mastering of the material they are studying. The reason for this is that in a group discussion, it is not the teacher who tells the audience what is right, but the students themselves develop arguments, justify the principles and approaches proposed by the teacher, and make the most of their personal experience.
Discussions in small study groups in the classroom are most effective in learning and developing complex material and in building the right attitude. This active learning method provides good opportunities for feedback, reinforcement, practice, motivation, and transfer of knowledge and skills from one domain to another.
In today's practice, one of the most popular methods of improving the qualifications of senior personnel is the analysis of specific practical situations (case study). In the last ten years, this method is increasingly used in the study of various subjects in the higher education system of Uzbekistan. This method involves moving from a practice-oriented approach to the actual activity of the leader, based on the activities of gathering knowledge. It is one of the most proven methods of teaching decision-making and problem-solving skills in the training of highly qualified personnel.
The purpose of this method is to teach students to analyze data, identify key problems, select alternative solutions, evaluate them, find the best option, and formulate action programs. When analyzing specific situations, it is especially important to combine the individual work of students with a problem situation and the group discussion of proposals prepared by each member of the group. It allows students to develop group and team work skills, which expands the possibilities of solving typical problems within the studied subjects. As a result of personal analysis, group discussion, identifying problems, finding alternatives, choosing actions and their implementation plan, students will have the opportunity to develop analysis and planning skills.
The development of practical situations can occur in two ways: based on the description of real events and actions or on the basis of artificially constructed situations. Listeners are more interested in analyzing practical situations taking into account the specific characteristics of our country. This may include challenges faced by new managers in today's volatile economic environment, as well as typical challenges faced by leaders at various levels.
In the context of today's globalization, local researchers have developed recommendations for solving a specific problem situation:
the problem situation, as a rule, is not limited to one subject or discipline of the course, usually it is interconnected with other problems, students use the skills of finding interdisciplinary connections;
in the process of analyzing a problematic situation, students can identify not only external but also internal causes;
students demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, ideas, and approaches described in the course, as well as the ability to use them to analyze a specific situation and make recommendations, and that a problem situation can be interpreted from multiple perspectives and that the audience is prepared to identify ambiguity;
you should not stop when you find one problematic side of the situation, you should try to find other problems and areas of analysis;
students are instructed to provide examples from personal experience that confirm the correctness of the analysis and the proposed proposals;
the approach to work with a practical situation is also required to be systematic.
Summarizing the analysis of the case-study method, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of this method for the formation of special, methodological and communicative competence among students , namely: establish interdisciplinary relationships; analytical and systematic thinking; evaluation of alternatives; presentation of analysis results;
assessing the consequences associated with decision-making; mastering communication skills and teamwork skills. A number of active learning methods have the general name "role-playing games". This method is a complex role-playing game, with different, often conflicting interests of its participants and the need to make decisions at the end of the game or during the game. Role-playing games help leaders develop important key skills such as communication skills, tolerance, ability to work in small groups, independent thinking, and more. When conducting role-playing games, the teacher requires methodological training, the ability to predict the results and draw appropriate conclusions.
Business games in higher educational institutions are aimed at solving specific practical problems, acquiring the skills of performing specific techniques of activity. The need for this type of games arises when the existing abilities of the participants of management activities are not sufficient to implement ready-made norms of activity or when there is an inconsistency in activity as a result of changes in external conditions. Therefore, there is a need to develop skills that are lacking in the business game process on a special model platform.
Business games, as a rule, are carried out in the form of a coordinated group brainstorming, which requires the involvement of all participants in the game. Basically, this teaching method is a special form of communication.
In any type of communication, one of the participants takes the role of the author, who expresses his point of view. The second participant is the receiver, who perceives the author's text and creates an image of what he understands in order to recreate his point of view. The third participant in the dialogue within the business game can be a more formalized and perfected critic who develops his point of view based on the results of the decision. And the fourth participant, the communication organizer, coordinates all kinds of work and transforms various actions into a purposeful action to improve the author's point of view.
The business game ends with a conclusion, where the main focus is on analyzing the results that are most important for practice. However, the final stage can be expanded to reflect the entire direction of the game. The objects of such reflection can be: the dynamics of individual, group and intergroup trajectories of
thought processes; dynamics of formation of collective opinion based on changes in interpersonal relations; players' positions and positional relationships, etc.
If the goal of professional development is to master effective management models, to test new projects of organizational activity, then the most effective method of training is a game. It can be a business game with the ability to reproduce, design and model activity-oriented relationships, cooperative communication links involving representatives of different subsystems of the organization. Consequently, leaders develop not only organizational, but also methodological and game-technical abilities during the training process.
Summarizing the analysis of active learning methods used in leadership development programs, it should be noted that they increase the ability of leaders of different levels to identify and structure problems, collect and analyze data, prepare alternative solutions when necessary, and choose the most optimal option. It should also be noted that recently, in the local practice of professional training, the experience of training managers based on active methods of training is increasingly used.
Active educational technologies in higher educational institutions are considered as methods of acquiring knowledge, forming skills and competencies, and developing necessary competencies in the process of communication and interaction between the teacher and the student as the subject of educational activity. The center does not consider the teacher as an expert who answers all the questions correctly, but as a teacher-moderator who creates conditions for independent work in the lesson, self-development of students, strives for the form of consultation. The essence of active educational technologies is that they rely not only on the processes of perception, memory, and attention, but also, first of all, on the creative, effective thinking, behavior, and active communication of all participants of the educational process.
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