LANGUAGE TEACHING Karimova Z.R. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]
Abstract: in article translation problems in modern conditions, their influence on educational process is considered. In article the question of importance and priority of a foreign language is also considered when training the expert meeting the modern requirements. Studying of culture of the learned language and comparison of national holidays, traditions and customs of the learned language with the national culture of other language promote the best assimilation of a foreign language and mentality of people. In this the fact that for successful business it is important to build the relations with partners is analyzed, it is for this purpose important to know not only other language, but also other culture, mentality, customs and traditions.
Keywords: foreign language teaching, curricula, special terminology, culture and mentality, linguistic, translation methods.
Каримова Зульфизар Рустамовна - старший преподаватель, кафедра общегуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин, филиал в г. Ташкенте,
Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются проблемы перевода в современных условиях, их влияние на учебный процесс. В статье также рассматривается вопрос о важности и приоритетности иностранного языка при подготовке специалиста, отвечающего современным требованиям. Изучение культуры изучаемого языка и сравнение национальных праздников, традиций и обычаев изучаемого языка с национальной культурой другого языка способствуют лучшему усвоению иностранного языка и менталитета людей. В данной статье анализируется тот факт, что для успешного бизнеса важно строить отношения с партнерами, для этого важно знать не только другой язык, но и другую культуру, менталитет, обычаи и традиции.
Ключевые слова: обучение иностранным языкам, учебные планы, специальная терминология, культура и менталитет, лингвистика, методы перевода.
DOI: 10.24411/2542-0798-2019-15801
The purpose of foreign language teaching is to prepare students for the use of this language in their future profession. This implies the development of skills and abilities of students in various types of speech activity, which, upon completion of the course, will enable them to read and translate authentic literature in the field of specialization in order to extract information necessary for the realization of production and scientific purposes; to participate in negotiations in a foreign language, to the extent provided by the current program. In the foreign language curricula for non-
language universities a significant role is given to translation, ability to comprehend professionally directed texts, furthermore, knowledge of special terminology.
Regardless of whether it is interpretation or translation, it is important for the interpreter to go beyond two languages. The interpreter needs to have a knowledge of the culture and mentality of the speakers of these languages, and must be competent in terms of communication and language skills. Switching from one linguistic and cultural space to another implies a rapid reflection on another social community. The socio-cultural factor acquires special significance in the process of transformation of speech from language to language with preservation of the unity of form and content.
In order to perform translation in a professionally-oriented situation of communication, the translator needs to have linguistic knowledge, knowledge of translation methods, rules of text division, various types of transformations having specific features at lexical, grammatical (morphological and syntactic) and stylistic levels. It is necessary to know the linguistic and cultural differences of the languages in contact, to be able to work with the dictionary. Interpersonal communication has its own peculiarities in different spheres of communication. It is important not only to know, but also to respect other cultures.
For successful mastering of translation skills, it is also necessary to practice independent work on reading and translation of literature and works of art in the original.
The study of the culture of the language under study and the comparison of national holidays and the traditions and customs of the people of the language under study with the national culture of another language contribute to the better assimilation of the foreign language and the mentality of the people. As you know, for a successful business it is important to build relationships with partners, for this purpose it is important to know not only another language, but also other culture, mentality, customs and traditions.
There are purely national traits inherent in this or that nation. Politicians, businessmen and journalists in their professional activities need to know such factors as social, individual, economic and religious.
Starting from the form of greeting, attitude towards women (equality), age differences, professional status, meals (often business negotiations take place at the dinner table), humor (sometimes the risk of not only being misunderstood, but also unintentional offense to the interlocutor), gift giving, forms of farewell - everything can have its own forms in different peoples, which must be taken into account when communicating with a business partner.
Ignoring the culture of other people, not understanding it when doing business can lead to a negative impression of yourself, the possibility of a number of mistakes made in the negotiations.
Because of misunderstanding or ignorance of some peculiarities of the national character, there are cases of misinterprets, resentments and failures.
Let us consider one of the situations of unpredictable behavior of a clerk.
Muhammad arrives at the immigration department. He is very nervous, but the employee willingly and productively helps him. The clerk quickly fills out all the necessary documents. All of Muhammad's fears about the upcoming difficulties with the immigration authorities turned out to be groundless and in 5 minutes, he leaves. Muhammad was grateful to the clerk and decided to thank him somehow. Besides, it's good to have a friend in the immigration department. A few days later, he returned and brought a box of dates with him for his influential friend. The clerk didn't even recognize him, "We're not allowed to accept gifts, sir," he said, and asked Muhammad to stand back to accept his next client. Muhammad did not understand his behavior, considering him unpredictable.
This case proves that two people can see the same situation differently. Muhammad was happy that someone had taken care of him, helped him with things he was having difficulty with. He decided that a person who had done a good deed without any selfless expectation of gratitude could be considered a friend and could continue to maintain a good relationship.
Good relationships are often accompanied by small mutual gifts. Contrary to him, the clerk had strict instructions to perform his duties effectively, which he tried to do, confident that it would be much quicker if he filled out Muhammad's own questionnaires. He acted in accordance with his
own and the master's goals. When Muhammad showed up with his gift, both sides were irritated -Muhammad - by the fact that the clerk refused his friendship, and the clerk by the fact that the queue was created because of the delay. These are the peculiarities of interpersonal communication.
Uzbeks respect age and value ambition, education, hard work, loyalty and politeness.
The ideological apparatus of some countries has developed and widely used in practice a whole arsenal of methods of using language means, especially in times of cold, psychological wars, and tense relations to manipulate people.
The possibility of language manipulation also stems from the fact that different classes often use the same vocabulary to express their political and ideological goals. However, the content of the terminology of different classes, expressed in the same words, is often clearly class in nature, i.e. it is included in the worldview, a culture interpreted from the standpoint of class struggle, which should be taken into account in translation.
When translating terms reflecting new phenomena, achievements in science, technology, and new economic relations, questions related to the specifics of the text arise. This is relevant, in particular, with regard to financial and economic terminology, where new concepts have emerged. The same term could be interpreted differently by our and foreign economists. The well-known word "expansion" used earlier in the Russian language is very narrow, as the capture of another's territory, in the English language implies the increase, expansion of sales markets, expansion of the economy.In the age of globalization there appeared new words and terms, which were not widespread before: option, bill of exchange, free convertible, know-how and many others related to the issues of marketing, management, entrepreneurship, a lot of words and words of financial, economic, computer, etc. terminology - marketing, broker, dealer, investment, consensus, pager, remake, sales, mobile, cellular communication, poster, blockbuster, multiplex, roaming, summit, killer, etc, The need for information exchange has increased in the country, which has led to the need for rapid translation. It has become difficult to translate common abbreviations in the world that are unusual for our reality, such as NGO, A/V, AC, AV AWB, IOP, which are also difficult to find in existing dictionaries.
Another difficulty for a businessman is the ability to successfully advertise his product: its promotion in the market, description of a new product, its physical and material qualities, size, shape, color, smell, purpose, purpose, purpose of the product, advantages for which group of population (men, women), age, social status, calculated price. Making a successful advertisement that will attract the attention of business partners, customers, buyers (who think - "to buy or not to buy, that is a question") - is an art that also needs to be taught in the course of learning a foreign language in modern economic relations.
Writing official documents, reports, representations to higher organizations, qualified translation activities require knowledge of the exact meaning of the relevant specialty of the term.
Objective comparison of languages by means of linguistic analysis, allocation of the basic semantic elements present or absent in compared languages will help to understand the main and additional senses of the text, a correct choice of equivalents in the native language. It is necessary to remember the order of words in the native and foreign languages, to be guided by the national realities. It is necessary to take into account the ambiguity of words and the synonymy of English language. "Receive" - get, receive, get; or the word train - which has 103 meanings. A good example is the Russian verb "evaluate". A similar situation of choosing lexical conformity appears with the word "useful". Useful work - useful work, but useful vegetables, fruits, or "swimming is useful" can be expressed only by the word healthy, but a person or advice was useful - helpful.
Over the centuries, vocabulary has been enriched and developed through the formation of new words, both on the basis of its own lexical material and through international terms and vocabulary borrowings from foreign languages. Even a number of examples of international vocabulary dating back to Arabic, Turkic, and Persian languages show that it is an integral part of the vocabulary of the languages that adopted it in the process of assimilation in the recipient languages.
It is very important to navigate the translation of a media language that presents its complexities. The printed media have a great influence on the worldview of modern man, forming
the "language taste of the era" as a consequence of globalization - on the one hand, and as an aspiration to increase the expression of the material, its impact on the person - on the other.
The need for special training of translators is determined by the social demands of society, resulting from the restructuring of the economic mechanism, the establishment of direct links with foreign enterprises and organizations, and therefore the importance of a foreign language in the training of a specialist who meets modern requirements increases, making knowledge of the language a priority. The changing situation in the society requires new approaches in education, it is more careful planning, calculation of volumes, selection of appropriate vocabulary and texts, choice of grammar exercises, use of effective teaching methods, introduction of new teaching methods, creation authentic modern manuals, terminological dictionaries taking into account modern language trends.
Naturally, the basis of professionalism and the ability to correctly convey the information being translated is the broad information competence of the translator.
References / Список литературы
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2. Duff Alan. Resource Books For Teachers- Translation, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994. 21.
3. Harmer Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching, Pearson Education Limited, Longman, 2001. 185.
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