Научная статья на тему 'Peculiarities of students’ artistic creative ability in the fine arts'

Peculiarities of students’ artistic creative ability in the fine arts Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Samuratova T. K., Amanduk T.

In the way of being one of fifty competitive states in the world there are many objectives of upbringing the intellectual, highly educated and cultural generation who can meet new life requierments before society of Republic of Kazakhstan. That is why it is necessary to form a new scientific viewpoint in the spheres of education and upbringing.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Peculiarities of students’ artistic creative ability in the fine arts»

Список литературы:

1. Андреев В.И. Педагогика. Учебный курс для творческого саморазвития. - Казань: ЦИТ 2000. - 606 с.

2. Городецкая С.В. Развитие художественно-творческой активности студентов 1-3 курсов ХГФ педагогических вузов в процессе изучения орнаментального искусства: дисс. ... канд. пед. наук. - М., 2004. - 210 с.

3. Лапина Т.С. Этика социально активной личности. - М: Высшая школа, 1974. - 17 с.

4. Петровский А.В. Вопросы истории и теории психологии. Избранные труды. - М.: Педагогика, 1984. - 271 с.

5. Сокольникова Н.М. Развитие художественно-творческой активности школьников в системе эстетического воспитания: дисс. ... докт. пед. наук.

- М., 1997. - 472 с.


Eurasian national university n.a. L.N. Gumilyov, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

In the way of being one of fifty competitive states in the world there are many objectives of upbringing the intellectual, highly educated and cultural generation who can meet new life requierments before society of Republic of Kazakhstan. That is why it is necessary to form a new scientific viewpoint in the spheres of education and upbringing.

A big importance is given to be the active former, continuer and owner of the native culture of young generation through raising the cultural point and forming the ability of beauty perception in the state education sphere of republic of Kazakhstan. The main direction of education is to prepare the person who is able to think creatively and to solve different social and industrial difficulties independently and who is confident of his or her opportunities. The main objectives of Fine Arts are formation of sensitive esthetical relations to the culture, traditions of the country, people and the place where he or she lives, upbringing the feeling of the native region beauty and respect the artistic authors.

There are many scientific researches regarding the influence of fine arts the young generation’s development in the direction of spiritual and aesthetical points and the effective pedagogical methods of using fine arts types in the studying and upbringing process.

Regarding the fine arts education and upbringing one can achieve positive results only teaching effectively fine arts, accustom art constantly and systemati-

* Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor.

* Postgraduate student.

cally increasing interests in different tastes in arts. In order to develop conci-ousness, character, intellect of young generation we should work on students’ creative abilities and their self management.

According to scientist L.GDirksen’s opinion who began his work with the words by Deny Didro «If the country teaches drawing its people as it teaches them writing the country will take the first place in the technique, science and arts» one has to take into consideration problems of starting the fine arts classes in the secondary schools with creativeness».

He also proves the importance of the child’s attempt to recognize the realistic art taking into consideration his or her individual abilities given from the nature.

Creativeness and creative work are the special kinds of spiritual culture and art, social consciousness and artistic knowledge of human being.

Creativeness and creative work are the result of human being spirit.

Creative work is not a art work it is artist’s action to make it.

Creative work and creativeness are the process. Creativeness is artist’s psychology in the recognition of life, it is a dynamics of the picture from the appearing in the imagination to the end, it means a common and individual process in the art work creating [1].

In the accomplishing the national policy of the society according to the new social, political, economical changes artistic education and aethetical upbringing of the young generation are the actual problems of nowadays.

The aesthetical, philosophical, social, human ideas of the fine arts are combined with the theory of fine arts. It’s necessary to accomplish students’ logical thinking abilities on the basis of interdisciplinary relations. We should pay attention to developing students’ creative skills.

The main requierment of the society in the studying and upbringing process is the forming the future creative person who will have take the important place in the level of social, cultural, political and economical development of our independent country.

Fine arts takes a special place in the upbringing process. In the Law «On education» of Republic of Kazakhstan «The development of creative, spiritual and physical opportunities of the individual is the forming of human life prospectives» is stated [2]. That’s why one should emphasize the role of fine arts in the forming of students’ creative abilities.

Through fine arts we can bring up students to be polite, to feel beauty, to respect history of Motherland, gifted people and authors of artistic woks.

We should pay a great attention to having fine arts classes and we should do it with a big responsibility. If we have our classes effectively and skillfully our students won’t do any negative things, it’s also very important to organize optional courses in fine arts. For example, the child who is fond of fine arts will never break things in the park, he will never say bad words, he will never throw rubbish in the street, and the child will have only positive qualities. The importance of fine arts is in its positive influence the environment.

The fine arts teacher must not only make students draw but he also has to have a conversation explaining its upbringing sides. We have to teach students not only in classes but also we have to organize optional courses in fine arts and attract students who are free. According to the requirement of using new technologies in the education the teacher has to change his or her teaching styles [3].

Creative drawing implements when a child has artistic images and ideas. In the process of creative seeking the effort takes a great place. Students are always surprised by the things happening in the life. Students’ opportunities or ability development are formed in the early age. For example, Shokan Walikhanov could read in the age of seven, he could tell extracts from long folklore songs. Tole by could give advice at the age of thirteen. Famous Russian artist K. Brullov was accepted to the academy of arts at the age of nine and A.Ivanov at the age of eleven [4].

Creative work is connected with independent action. Initiative does not appear when you just act. When the action is initiative different opportunities like results or satisfaction appear. Every artistic work will be decided through forming a new idea.

The main sign of correct paying attention is attentivenes. If the work is done unattentively it will have a lot of mistakes. One can define the level of attentiveness through the picture. In order to develop the attentiveness of the child during the drawing one should practice through exercises.

We distinguish three types of the attentiveness:

1. General attentiveness. We do not give any task here. A student draws only things that he or she has seen. We should observe just by the similiarity of the shapes.

2. Directed attentiveness. We give definite tasks to draw here. We observe the colour, relation, shade of the picture.

3. Attentiveness directed to definite purpose.

We give a definite topic to draw. We should observe following things here: matching the picture with the topic. Memory is one of the requierments too. It is very difficult to draw when you understand what you are drawing but it’s unattentively. That’s why when drawing we should take into consideration that it’s important to draw paying attention to everything in the picture as possible. For example, Aivasovsky drew his pictures remembering and could create artistic products. For example, a primary teacher when explaining the exact colour or shade of the rain bow and making students remember the order of Russian names of the rainbow could develop it by means of sentences matching its spectors. R -red, o - orange, y - yellow, g - green, b - blue, v - violin. On other subjects, especially by decreasing the hours of mathematics one could increase the hours of fine arts experimental students had great results in intellectual development in short time. Their general progress especially mathematics progress went up.

«In thinking process the artist is armed with knowledge and concepts. They are definite power in forming creative ability» by V.C. Kusin [5].

The artist can reach achievements not only when he or she observing the everyday life, imagining, observing, remembering what he or she has seen or emotional strong - willed qualities but also having learnt theoretical basis.

The main action of the children at school age is studying. The game is a supplementary action. The use of game elements is one of the pedagogical methods in fine arts classes. The opportunity of fine arts in development of students’ creative abilities is unlimited. We do not have strict rules or decisions each student draws a thing or scene by his or her perception. That is why the decision of one student is not the same as another student’s. This helps students to be involved in learning process, because all students are tallented and during the game students’ creative ability, opportunity are discovered. It is normal when a child wants to show his or her abilities during th e lesson.

Art is one of the tools in forming child’s mental thinking, outlook, character. It is the most important thing of the aesthetical sources. It also influences the increasing the artistic tastes of the child and contributes to grow cultural and conscious. All the wonderful qualities form at the childhood in human’s life. At this point a great writer Mukhtar Auezov told «If you want to have a good generation you should begin to bring up your children from his or her birth». We should bring up our children from the birth; we should absorb the most important qualities from early beginning of his or her life.


1. Ismakova A. Psychology of creativeness / Kazakh Literature. Encyclopedia. - Almaty: Publishing house, 1999. - 750 p.

2. Rechitskaya E.G., Soshina E.A. Development of creative imagination of young schoolchildren in the conditions of normal and broken hearing: Tutorial.

- М.: Humanitarian publishing centre; VLADOS 1999. - P. 45-47.

3. Amanzholov S. A. The theory and technology of fine arts teaching methodology - Astana: ENU, 2009. - P. 9.

4. Tazhibaev T. General psychology, Tutorial. - Almaty: «Kazakh university», 1993. - P. 93.

5. Kuzin VS. Psychology. - М.: Higher school, 1981. - 208 p.


Усольский гвардейский кадетский корпус, г. Усолье-Сибирское

Проблема формирования толерантности является «глобальной задачей»1, а также одной из самых важных в современном российском обществе в силу его многонациональности, культурного и социального

* Преподаватель истории и обществознания.

1 Декларация принципов толерантности. Утверждена резолюцией 5.61 Генеральной конференции ЮНЕСКО от 16 ноября 1995 г. Статья 3., п. 3.4.

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