PECULIARITIES OF MANIFESTATION OF MEANING DISSONANCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abakumova I.V., Grishina A.V., Godunov M.V.

Modern psychology considers meaning regulation, as an integral mechanism of personal development. A system of personal meanings develops in the processes of understanding reality. Due to their polymodality personal meanings cannot be good or bad, but they are not the same. When confronted with unknown situations, the unevenness of the emerging personal meanings can lead to match or mismatch with the existing system of meanings. Coincidence, as agreement with a new fact, means meaning consonance. Mismatch, as a mismatch between new and existing information, means meaning dissonance, as a kind of cognitive dissonance. An analysis of modern psychological literature shows that there are two main plans for the action of meaning dissonances: the dissonance of individual meanings in the implementation of real interactions and the dissonance of common meanings during the translation of interpersonal meaning formations. It is proposed to consider that meaning acquires a personal coloring due to the processes of both consonance and dissonance positioning of meaning constructs in the meaning sphere of the subject. The revealed dichotomy of the meaning formation processes shows the possibility of manifestation of meanings bipolarity, which is revealed in the process of transition from the internal to the external world and in collisions with other meaning systems. Then it can be assumed that the effect of meaning dissonance manifests itself in two ways: firstly, in terms of real interactions as a discord of individual meanings, and secondly, in terms of translation of interpersonal meaning constructs as a dissonance of common meanings. In the course of such an external formation, meaning becomes already a personal meaning in the consciousness of a particular person.

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"Educational bulletin "Consciousness" /"Образовательный вестник "сознание"




Abakumova1 I.V., Grishina1 A.V., Godunov2 M. V.

1 Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

2 Educational and Methodical Center «Tempus», Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


Абакумова1 И.В., Гришина1 А.В., Годунов2 М.В.

1 ФГБУ ВО «Донской государственный технический университет», г. Ростов-на-Дону, Российская Федерация

2 УОУДПО «Учебно-методический Центр «Темпус», г. Ростов-на-Дону, Российская Федерация

Abstract. Modern psychology considers meaning regulation, as an integral mechanism of personal development. A system of personal meanings develops in the processes of understanding reality. Due to their polymodality personal meanings cannot be good or bad, but they are not the same. When confronted with unknown situations, the unevenness of the emerging personal meanings can lead to match or mismatch with the existing system of meanings. Coincidence, as agreement with a new fact, means meaning consonance. Mismatch, as a mismatch between new and existing information, means meaning dissonance, as a kind of cognitive dissonance. An analysis of modern psychological literature shows that there are two main plans for the action of meaning dissonances: the dissonance of individual meanings in the implementation of real interactions and the dissonance of common meanings during the translation of interpersonal meaning formations. It is proposed to consider that meaning acquires a personal coloring due to the processes of both consonance and dissonance positioning of meaning constructs in the meaning sphere of the subject. The revealed dichotomy of the meaning formation processes shows the possibility of manifestation of meanings bipolar-ity, which is revealed in the process of transition from the internal to the external world and in collisions with other meaning systems. Then it can be assumed that the effect of meaning dissonance manifests itself in two ways: firstly, in terms of real interactions as a discord of individual meanings, and secondly, in terms of translation of interpersonal meaning constructs as a dissonance of common meanings. In the course of such an external formation, meaning becomes already a personal meaning in the consciousness of a particular person.

Аннотация. Современная психология в качестве интегрального механизма личностного развития рассматривает смысловую регуляцию. В процессах познания действительности происходит развитие системы личностных смыслов, которые в силу своей полимодальности, не могут быть плохими или хорошими, но являются неодинаковыми. При столкновении с неизвестными ситуациями неодинаковость возникающих личностных смыслов может приводить к согласованию или несовпадению с имеющейся системой смыслов. Совпадение, как согласие с новым фактом, означает наличие смыслового консонанса. Рассогласование, как несоответствие между новой и имеющейся информацией, означает наличие смыслового диссонанас, как разновидности когнитивного диссонанса. Анализ современной психологической литературы показывает, что имеется два основных плана действия смысловых диссонансов: диссонанс единичных смыслов при осуществлении реальных взаимодействий и диссонанс общих смыслов в ходе трансляции межличностных смысловых образований. Предлагается считать, что смысл приобретает личностную окраску благодаря процессам как консонансного, так и диссонансного позиционирования смысловых конструктов в смысловой сфере субъекта. Выявленная дихотомия процессов смыслообра-зования показывает возможность проявления бипо-лярности смыслов, которая проявляется в процессе перехода от внутреннего к внешнему миру и в столкновениях с другими системами смыслов. Тогда можно предположить, что эффект смыслового диссонанса проявляется двояко: во-первых, в терминах реальных взаимодействий как диссонанс индивидуальных смыслов, а во-вторых, в терминах трансляции межличностных смысловых конструктов как диссонанс общих смыслов. В ходе такого внешнего формирования смысл становится уже личностным смыслом в сознании конкретного человека.

"Educational bulletin "Consciousness" /"Образовательный вестник "сознание"

Keywords: personal meaning, meaning sphere, meaning regulation, meaning formation, meaning dissonance, meaning consonance.

Ключевые слова: личностный смысл, смысловая сфера, смысловая регуляция, смыслооб-разование, смысловой диссонанс, смысловой консонанс.


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Conflict of Interest Statement. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Financing. The article was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research RFBR (Project №. 18-29-22004 (2018) «Psychological and genetic studies of users ' behavior predictors that determine the perception of Internet content of various informational orientation»).

Author Contributions. Abakumova I. V. - conceptualization; Grishina A.V. - writing a text; Godunov M. V. - collection of materials.

"Educational bulletin "Consciousness" /"Образовательный вестник "сознание"

Abakumova I. V. SPIN ID: 2859-0899, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2202-2588. Grishina A.V. SPIN ID: 3773-3150, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4005-8744. Godunov M.V. SPIN ID: 2440-3583, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3696-7347.

Заявление о конфликте интересов. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

Вклад авторов. Абакумова И.В. - концептуализация; Гришина А.В. - написание текста; Годунов М.В. - сбор


Introduction. The works carried out in line with the activity-meaning approach, consider the meaning sphere as a diverse structure with a wide range of ways to implement relevant meanings [1, 2]. In this case, the main formative sign is the presence of hierarchy in the meaning system of personality, capable of variability. Moreover, during the formation of the individual world image, it is difficult to establish a specific set of leading mental acts and perceptual channels, which indicates the polymodal nature of the personal meaning sphere [3]. The multimodality of personal meaning indicates an attribute of its possible alternative. This means that the meaning cannot be regarded as good or bad, but it can be non-identical to other meanings. Therefore, such a dissimilarity, when the personal meaning is simply different, means its optional attachment to actual meanings, as attractors, and inclusion in their dyadic structures, as a complete coincidence with them or opposition. At the same time, during interactions in the internal and external worlds in the continuum of meanings, both coincidences and inconsistencies can occur among systems of meaning constructs [4].

Let us analyze these two possibilities of let us analyze these two possibilities of meaning regulation, leading to different states of the meaning sphere regulation, leading to different states of the meaning sphere. In various processes of cognition of the surrounding reality and interaction with it, the meaning sphere of a person can enter new and unknown situations. Such a collision with change means two possible states:

1) the consonance that occurs as a result of agreement with a new fact and its further inclusion in the consciousness system of the perceiving subject. This condition reflects a partial or complete correspondence with what was already known to the person before. The presence of consonance expresses a satisfactory level of subjective relevance of perceived information in comparison with the expectations in the mind;

2) the dissonance, which reflects the onset of a conflict situation as a discrepancy in the content of perceived new information. This mismatch occurs for

some indicators that become critical for the consciousness of the perceiving subject. A dissonance state expresses a mismatch between new and "old" information, which is manifested by non-relevance in the newly formed pair of subsystem elements of consciousness. The state of arising inadequacy, as a mismatch and different directions, can be considered from the position of meaning regulation as a point of bifurcation containing an alternative.

The relevance of the study of the meaning dissonance specifics is due to the need to identify the features of such a mismatch and harmonization in the meaning sphere, which affects the formation of personal meanings. The aim of the article is a theoretical review of the works devoted to meaning dissonance as a kind of cognitive dissonance for revealing the areas of meaning regulation subject to it. To consider the action of dissonance in different planes, one should take into account the diverse nature and wide range of impacts on the life of modern man and society.

Discussion. Cognitive dissonance, according to L. Festinger, reflects the process of collision in the human mind between conflicting beliefs or knowledge of any subject [5]. Such a mismatched state is not stable and gives rise to a person's desire to go in any way to a more consistent and slightly contradictory state. Cultural dissonance arises in the process of a long cultural and historical development of communities that interact weakly with each other. At the same time, the same concepts and categories begin to be perceived differently by representatives of these communities, due to the non-identity of each other's cultural experience. Disagreements in intercultural communication lead to discrepancies between the linguistic worldviews that describe the same situations and processes. This is due to the accumulation of differences in national behavior, in business ethics, with a mismatch in cultural realities [6].

Psychosocial dissonance shows partial or complete mismatches of the representations of the experiencing subject with the usual representations of the communities around him regarding the perception of social phenomena. In this case, the inconsistencies that arise

"Educational bulletin "Consciousness" / "Образовательный вестник "сознание"

become sources of mental stress of varying degrees and severity [7].

Communicative dissonance reflects the manifestation of local communicative phenomena that contain distortions in the organization of social relationships. In the system of media relations with the public, communicative dissonance can manifest itself as a negative reaction of groups to the use of obscure language means [8].

Value dissonance is an axiological variety of previously considered cognitive dissonance. The consideration of dissonance states from an axiological point of view is of particular importance in the hermeneutic plan for humanitarian research and, in particular, for working with texts. The onset of axiological dissonance occurs when there is a partial or complete discrepancy between the evaluation activity of the author as the subject of the work, together with his sublimated assessment of the object of the work, which form a value system, on the one hand, and a value system of the recipient of the work as a reader or viewer, on the other hand [9].

The meaning dissonance arises in the field of existential constructs with their inconsistency, manifested in diverse communications. This inconsistency of the personal meanings that underlie the existential systems expresses the state of failure of the regulatory mechanisms of the meaning sphere in the course of objectifying and distributive activity. This introduces negative distortions into the quality and orientation of interactions, violating their acceptability by the subject himself and adequacy for external systems in which he is included. For the occurrence of a state of meaning consonance (opposite to dissonance), an important requirement, for example, in an advertising

message [10], is the identification of the translated reference image with the actual existential state of such a message recipient. If there is a mismatch, which means the state of meaning dissonance between the reference image and the recipient, it's necessary to the work on lowering the significance of the translated meanings [10].

Conclusion: The influence of meaning dissonance on the value- meaning plan of personality development is mentioned in psychological studies, but it is not fully developed. It is assumed that meaning communication can, in addition to the meeting of coinciding meanings, proceed under conditions of their mismatch, which means unequal and alternative ways of semantic regulation of interacting subjects. The revealed dichotomy of the meaning formation processes shows the possibility of manifestation of meanings bipolarity, which is revealed in the process of transition from the internal to the external world and in collisions with other meaning systems. In the course of such an external formation, meaning becomes already a personal meaning in the consciousness of a particular person. However, the acquisition of personal attribution by the meaning is due to the processes of dissonance or consonance positioning in the meaning environment. Proceeding from such an interpretation of coincidence or mismatch as acceptance or rejection, peculiar meaning continuums unfold in its current system of meanings in the form of a dyadic space containing regions of bipolar meanings. Then it can be assumed that the effect of meaning dissonance manifests itself in two ways: firstly, in terms of real interactions as a discord of individual meanings, and secondly, in terms of translation of interpersonal meaning constructs as a dissonance of common meanings.

Corresponding Author: Michail Victorovich Godunov - PhD Psychol. Sci., Associate Prof., Educational and methodical center «Tempus» Rostov-on-Don, Russian

Federation, e-mail: [email protected].

Ответственный за переписку: Годунов Михаил Викторович - кандидат психологических наук, преподаватель ЧОУ ДПО «Учебно-методический центр «Темпус», г. Ростов-на-Дону, Россия, e-mail: [email protected].

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