УДК 625.12.033.38
Kakharov Z.V.
Associate Professor of the Department of Railway Engineering Tashkent State Transport University (Uzbekistan Tashkent)
Islomov A.S.
Assistant of the department "Construction mechanics" Tashkent State Transport University (Uzbekistan Tashkent)
Abstract: this article discusses the technology of building passive houses in areas with a continental climate. The analysis of the construction of energy-saving houses, the classification of buildings depending on their level of energy consumption are given.
Keywords: passive house, temperature difference, cold air, hot air, energy consumption.
Today, passive house construction technology does not always allow to refuse active heating or cooling, especially in regions with constantly high or low temperatures, or sudden temperature changes, for example, in areas with a continental climate. However, an organic part of the passive house is the heating, air conditioning and ventilation system, which consumes resources more efficiently than in conventional houses.
In ordinary houses, ventilation is carried out due to the natural induction of air movement, which usually enters the room through special slots (sometimes through window ventilators - supply ventilation valves) in the windows and is removed by passive ventilation systems located in the kitchens.
In energy-efficient buildings, a more complex system is used: instead of windows with open grooves, soundproof sealed double-glazed windows are used, and the supply and exhaust ventilation of the premises is carried out centrally through a heat recovery unit. An additional increase in energy efficiency can be achieved if the air leaves the house and enters it through an underground air duct equipped with a heat exchanger. In the heat exchanger, the heated air gives off heat to the cold air.
In winter, cold air enters the underground air duct, where it is heated by the heat of the earth, and then enters the heat exchanger. In the recuperator, the exhausted domestic air heats the incoming fresh air and is thrown out into the street. The heated fresh air entering the house results in a temperature of about 17 °C.
In summer, hot air, entering the underground air duct, cools there from contact with the ground to approximately the same temperature. Due to such a system, comfortable conditions are constantly maintained in the passive house. Only sometimes it is necessary to use low power heaters or air conditioners (heat pump) for minimal temperature regulation.
Currently, the cost of building an energy-saving house is about 8-10% more than the average for a conventional building. Additional construction costs pay off within 7-10 years. At the same time, there is no need to lay water heating pipes inside the building, build boiler houses, fuel storage tanks, etc.
In Europe, there is the following classification of buildings depending on their level of energy consumption:
• "Old building" (buildings built before the 1970s) - they require about three hundred kilowatt-hours per square meter per year of300 kWh/m2 year for their heating.
• "New building" (which were built from the 1970s to 2000) - no more than 150 kWh / m2 year.
• "Low energy house" (since 2002, the construction of houses of a lower standard has not been allowed in Europe) - no more than 60 kWh / m2 year.
• "Passive house" - no more than 15 kWh / m2 year.
• "Zero energy house" (a building architecturally of the same standard as a passive house, but engineered in such a way as to consume only the energy that it produces) - 0 kWh/m2 year.
• "House plus energy" or "active house" (a building that, with the help of engineering equipment installed on it: solar panels, collectors, heat pumps, recuperators, ground heat exchangers, etc., would generate more energy than it consumes itself).
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, adopted by the European Union in December 2009, requires all new buildings to be close to energy neutrality by 2020.
In the UK, a passive house must use 77% less energy than a conventional house. Since 2007, every house sold in England and Wales must receive an energy efficiency rating. The Energy Efficiency Certificate will be a mandatory part of the House Information Pack. Each home sold will be inspected by an independent inspector who will rate the home's efficiency in terms of energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
In Ireland, a passive house must use 85% less energy than a standard house and emit 94% less CO2 than a typical house.
New homes in Spain from March 2007 must be equipped with solar water heaters to provide between 30% and 70% of their hot water needs, depending on the location of the home and expected water consumption. Non-residential buildings (commercial centers, hospitals, etc.) should have photovoltaic equipment.
By 2006, more than 6,000 passive houses, office buildings, shops, schools, kindergartens have been built all over the world. Most of them are in Europe.
In a number of European countries (Denmark, Germany, Finland, etc.), special targeted state programs have been developed to bring all objects of regular development to a conditionally passive level (ultra-low consumption houses - up to 30 kWh / m3 per year).
Passive building technologies can significantly reduce energy consumption. For example, in the 1990s in Germany, energy consumption in the housing and
communal sector decreased by 3%. And households in the UK consume about 30% of the country's energy.
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