Ataniyazova Raushan, Research Institute of Sanitary, Hygiene and Occupational diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The official data analysis showed a positive dynamics of population growth which has increased by 6% in 2016 comparing to the figures in 2012. Along with the growth of the total population, the number of the population of the regions of the republic has also increased with the growth rate of 7.7%.
According to the retrospective analysis of the general morbidity of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the total incidence in the period 2012-2016 increased by 7.7%over the last 5-year period. Respiratory diseases, blood and hematopoietic organs, digestive system, circulatory system and the endocrine system diseases were recognized as the leading pathology among the population and accounted for 68% of all the 19 classes of diseases.
Keywords: Number of population, retrospective analysis, general and primary morbidity.
Population health, being the most important economic and social potential of the country, is determined by the complex impact of socioeconomic and biological factors and is estimated by a number of indicators, such as demographic indicators, physical development, morbidity, and disability.
Ensuring the quality of life of the population is the issue of especial importance for Uzbekistan as for the state with accelerated development of the economy. The ongoing state reforms have a positive impact on the development of social infrastructure in the regions of the republic [1; 4; 5].Along with the social and economic development of the regions, the dynamic development of the primary health care unit, the availability of medical care at rural medical posts, regional medical associations and regional centers of medical diagnostics, one of the main tasks of which is providing timely and qualitative diagnostics, are of particular importance for the regions of the republic. Improvement of the medical care in rural areas is becoming increasingly urgent and acute issue in the country. Analysis of the morbidity of the population will allow identifying shortcomings and needs to improve the health system and develop socio-hygienic, therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at improving the health of the population.
The purpose of the study was to analyze the dynamics of the population morbidity of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period of 2012-2016 in order to optimize further the hygienic basis for the provision of targeted diagnostic assistance to the population of the regions of the republic.
Material and methods There was conducted an observational (descriptive) research. Statistical data of state and sectoral health reporting, as well as materials of the State
Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the time period of 2012-2016 [3; 5] were used in the paper. The morbidity is analyzed for 100 thousand of the population in terms of "registered total" and "newly diagnosed" indicators. Calculations and graphical analysis of the data were carried out using the Microsoft Excel program.
Results and discussion According to the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the average annual population of the republic has been growing. Hereby, in 2016 the total population was 31575332 people, which is 1800884 more compared to 2012 figures and the growth rate was 6% (Figure 1).
The process of urbanization and changes in the population distribution of the republic between the village and the city are relevant for Uzbekistan. In accordance with the agrarian orientation of the sectoral structure of the economy, there is a significant predominance of the rural population in the country.
In 2005, 63.9% of the total population was from rural areas. After the organizational and administrative measures to accelerate the urbanization processes, including transformation of a number of rural settlements into urban, there was a reduction in the rural residents share to 48.2%at the beginning of2008. However, in subsequent years, the share of the urban population was gradually decreasing, mainly due to persistent differences in birth rates between the village and the city, as well as due to migration [1; 2].
Accordingly, in 2016, urban population of the republic has decreased slightly albeit stably, and amounted to 50.56% comparing to 2012 figures(51.34%), the rate of decline was 0.78%.
Section 2. Medical science
Number of population
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Figure 1. Population dynamics of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period of 2012-2016
Figure 2. Rural population dynamics of Uzbekistan for the period of 2012-2016
Accordingly, the rural population of the republic is gradually increasing and in 2016 it reached 15611449 people, which is 1122010 more than in 2012 (growth rate 7.7%) (Figure 2).
By conducting the analysis of the morbidity dynamics of the population of Uzbekistan over the last 5-year period,
it was revealed that the overall incidence is characterized by the gradual growth, and in 2016 it reached 87,228.1 cases per 100.000population, which is 7.7% higher compared to the 2012 index (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Overall morbidity dynamics of the population of Uzbekistan for 5-year period (2012-2016) per 100,000 population
Based on the results of ranking of the population's general morbidity indicators by disease classes, it was found that the diseases of the respiratory system were the most common, and the average value was 19073.94 cases per 100,000 population
or 23% in the total morbidity structure. The growth rate was 23.43% in 2016 relative to 2012. The share of primary morbidity caused by respiratory diseases is on average 81.4%.
Figure 5. Structure of the overall morbidity of the population (average for 2012-2016)
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, average value of which is 15692.05 cases per 100.000popula-tion, are the second most common diseasesin the structure of the general morbidity. At the same time there is a constant decrease in the morbidity rate by years, and the rate of decline amounted to -22.7% by 2016. The share of the blood and blood-forming organsdiseases accounts for 19% in the structure of populationgeneral morbidity, and was formed mainly due to anemia (98%). The number of primary incidence cases of blood diseases and hematopoietic organs is 6365.33 per 100.000 people and is amounted to 40.6% in total morbidity structure.
The incidence of diseases of the digestive system averaged 9817.74 per 100.000 population and has increased by 20.25% over the last 5 years, thereby ranking third in the structure of the overall morbidity; the share of primary morbidity is 64.5%. The main nosologies that form this group of diseases are gastritis and duodenitis (11.9%), diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract (4.7%), peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum (3.6%).
Diseases of the circulatory system rank forth in overall morbidity structure of the population and are determined by diseases characterized by high blood pressure and coronary heart disease (40.3% and 18% respectively). Growth rate (22.14%) ofthe circulatory systemdiseases is characterized by
the greatest dynamic incremental changes. The average value for five years was 5935.62 per 100,000 people with a primary morbidity share of 34.2%.
IV class (diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders, metabolic disorders), with an even and consistent pat-ternover the last five years, is the last on the list of the most common diseases. The growth rate has a tendency to increase (by 3.4%), but remains below the national indicators (7.7%).
1. According to the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the average annual population of the republic has been growing. Hereby, in 2016 the total population was 31575332 people, which is 1800884 more compared to 2012 figures and the growth rate was 6%.
2. Rural population of the republic is gradually increasing and in 2016 it reached 15611449 people, which is 1122010 more than in 2012 (growth rate 7.7%)
3. The general morbidity of the population of Uzbekistan in the period of 2012-2016 increased by 7.7%. The leading pathology among the population is considered to be respiratory diseases (23%), blood and blood-forming organs (19%), digestive organs (11.9%), circulatory system (7.2%) and endocrine system diseases, eating disorders, metabolic disorders substances (7%), which account for 68% of all morbidity cases among 19 classes of diseases.
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3. Statistical materials on the activities of public health institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan // Statistical compendium 2010-2016 // Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan.- Tashkent, 2017.- 300 p.
4. Stojarova N. K., Makhsumov M. D., Sadullaeva Kh. A., Sharipova S. A. Analysis of the morbidity of thepopulation of Uzbekistan with circulatory systemdiseases // Young Scientist. 2015.- No. 10.- P. 458-462.
5. Khudayarov A. A., Mutalova Z. D., Magdaliev O. D. // Public health and public health in the Republic of Uzbekistan // Information statistical collections // MH RUz.- Tashkent, 2004-2014.- 296 p.