PAREMIOLOGICAL UNITS EXPRESSING WILL AND DESIRE IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
paremiology / will / desire / cognitive metaphors / pragmatics / English proverbs / Uzbek proverbs / cross-cultural communication. / паремиология / воля / желание / когнитивные метафоры / прагматика / английские пословицы / узбекские пословицы / межкультурная коммуникация.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sirojova, Zarnigor Nasriddinovna

The aim of this study is to explore the cognitive and pragmatic aspects of proverbs that express will and desire in English and Uzbek languages. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining qualitative and quantitative analysis. Data were sourced from authoritative dictionaries and folk collections, such as The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs and O‘zbek Xalq Maqollari. Cognitive metaphors like "path" and "obstacles" were identified as key frameworks for expressing volition. Pragmatic analysis revealed significant cultural differences: English proverbs emphasize individual responsibility, while Uzbek proverbs highlight collective effort and adaptability. The findings contribute to the understanding of cross-cultural communication and suggest that proverbs reflect distinct cultural values related to willpower and aspiration. This study offers a foundation for further research on the evolving role of proverbs in modern language use.

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Цель данного исследования — изучение когнитивных и прагматических аспектов пословиц, выражающих волю и желание в английском и узбекском языках. Использован смешанный методологический подход, включающий качественный и количественный анализ. Данные были собраны из авторитетных словарей и фольклорных сборников, таких как Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs и O‘zbek Xalq Maqollari. В ходе анализа выявлены ключевые когнитивные метафоры, такие как «путь» и «препятствия», использующиеся для выражения воли. Прагматический анализ выявил значительные культурные различия: английские пословицы подчеркивают личную ответственность, тогда как узбекские акцентируют коллективные усилия и адаптивность. Результаты исследования способствуют пониманию межкультурной коммуникации и показывают, что пословицы отражают различные культурные ценности, связанные с волей и стремлениями. Работа служит основой для дальнейшего исследования роли пословиц в современном языке.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, (E)ISSN: 2181-1784

educational, natural and social sciences 4(8), Sep., 2024

Research BIB / Index Copernicus www.oriens.uz



Sirojova Zarnigor Nasriddinovna

English teacher of Bukhara Innovations University and Independent researcher of Bukhara state university


The aim of this study is to explore the cognitive and pragmatic aspects of proverbs that express will and desire in English and Uzbek languages. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining qualitative and quantitative analysis. Data were sourced from authoritative dictionaries and folk collections, such as The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs and O'zbek Xalq Maqollari. Cognitive metaphors like "path" and "obstacles" were identified as key frameworks for expressing volition. Pragmatic analysis revealed significant cultural differences: English proverbs emphasize individual responsibility, while Uzbek proverbs highlight collective effort and adaptability. The findings contribute to the understanding of cross-cultural communication and suggest that proverbs reflect distinct cultural values related to willpower and aspiration. This study offers a foundation for further research on the evolving role of proverbs in modern language use.

Keywords: paremiology, will, desire, cognitive metaphors, pragmatics, English proverbs, Uzbek proverbs, cross-cultural communication.


Сирожова Зарнигор Насриддиновна Преподаватель английского языка Бухарского инновационного

университета и

Независимый исследователь Бухарского государственного университета


Цель данного исследования — изучение когнитивных и прагматических аспектов пословиц, выражающих волю и желание в английском и узбекском языках. Использован смешанный методологический подход, включающий качественный и количественный анализ. Данные были собраны из авторитетных словарей и фольклорных сборников, таких как Oxford Dictionary

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of Proverbs и O'zbek Xalq Maqollari. В ходе анализа выявлены ключевые когнитивные метафоры, такие как «путь» и «препятствия», использующиеся для выражения воли. Прагматический анализ выявил значительные культурные различия: английские пословицы подчеркивают личную ответственность, тогда как узбекские акцентируют коллективные усилия и адаптивность. Результаты исследования способствуют пониманию межкультурной коммуникации и показывают, что пословицы отражают различные культурные ценности, связанные с волей и стремлениями. Работа служит основой для дальнейшего исследования роли пословиц в современном языке.

Ключевые слова: паремиология, воля, желание, когнитивные метафоры, прагматика, английские пословицы, узбекские пословицы, межкультурная коммуникация.



Sirojova Zarnigor Nasriddinovna

Buxoro innovatsiyalar universiteti ingliz tili o'qituvchisi va Buxoro davlat universiteti mustaqil tadqiqotchisi


Ushbu tadqiqotning maqsadi ingliz va o'zbek tillarida hohosh va istakni ifodalovchi maqollarni kognitiv va pragmatik jihatdan tahlil qilishdir. Aralash metodologik yondashuv qo'llanilib, sifat va miqdoriy tahlil amalga oshirildi. Ma'lumotlar Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs va O'zbek Xalq Maqollari kabi ishonchli lug'at va xalq og'zaki ijodidan olindi. Tahlil jarayonida iroda ifodalari uchun asosiy kognitiv metaforalar, masalan, "yo 'l" va "to'siqlar" aniqlandi. Pragmatik tahlil shuni ko'rsatdiki, madaniy tafovutlar mavjud: ingliz maqollari shaxsiy mas'uliyatni urg'ulasa, o'zbek maqollari ko'proq jamoaviy mehnat va moslashuvchanlikka urg'u beradi. Ushbu tadqiqot o'zaro madaniy aloqa tushunchasini chuqurlashtiradi va maqollar madaniy qadriyatlarni aks ettirishda muhim ahamiyatga ega ekanini ko'rsatadi. Kelajakda maqollarning zamonaviy tildagi o'rni bo'yicha qo'shimcha tadqiqotlar uchun zamin yaratadi.

Kalit so'zlar: paremiologiya, iroda, istak, kognitiv metaforalar, pragmatika, ingliz maqollari, o 'zbek maqollari, madaniyatlararo aloqa


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The study of paremiological units, specifically proverbs that express will and desire, holds significant importance in understanding the cultural and social values encoded in these expressions. Proverbs serve as concentrated forms of folk wisdom passed down through generations, containing deep-rooted cultural meanings. Although there has been extensive research on paremiology, particularly concerning cognitive and pragmatic aspects, gaps remain, especially when it comes to comparing proverbs across cultures like English and Uzbek.

Previous studies on English proverbs [1] have demonstrated that many of these expressions emphasize personal responsibility and individual action, which reflects the core values of Western society. For instance, proverbs such as "Where there's a will, there's a way" embody a cultural focus on personal effort and persistence as essential elements of achieving goals. Conversely, Uzbek proverbs tend to emphasize collective effort and adaptability [2], as supported by research on Eastern phraseology [3]. This cultural difference forms a central issue to be addressed in this study.

Existing paremiological research often limits itself to a single culture or provides only superficial comparisons. Notably, there is insufficient focus on a comprehensive analysis of cognitive metaphors, such as "path" or "obstacles," which are frequently used to express will and desire in two distinct cultures [4]. This study seeks to bridge that gap. The main hypothesis is that while the use of cognitive metaphors is universal across these two cultures, the pragmatic functions of the proverbs differ significantly, reflecting distinct cultural behavior models.

The aim of this study is to identify cultural and cognitive differences in how will and desire are expressed through proverbs in English and Uzbek. To achieve this, the following objectives have been set: 1) identify the main cognitive metaphors in paremiological units; 2) conduct a comparative analysis of the pragmatic functions of English and Uzbek proverbs; 3) analyze the frequency and distribution of these units in everyday speech.

The following sections of this paper will present the research methodology, which is based on a mixed-methods approach combining both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results will be discussed in light of existing theories of cognitive linguistics and pragmatics. The conclusion will offer recommendations for further research and outline the practical implications of the findings for language teaching and intercultural communication.


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The study focuses on the analysis of paremiological units expressing will and desire in English and Uzbek using a mixed-methods approach. The objective was to identify cognitive metaphors and pragmatic functions that reflect volitional concepts in these cultures. Data were sourced from authoritative references such as the Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs and O'zbek Xalq Maqollari, along with academic databases and archives [5][6].

The methodological framework included both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The qualitative component concentrated on identifying cognitive metaphors like path and obstacles, structuring the expressions of will. The pragmatic analysis revealed how proverbs serve communicative functions such as advice, warnings, and motivation within their cultural contexts [7][8]. Quantitative methods involved analyzing the frequency of these proverbs in various corpora, uncovering patterns and differences between the two languages.

One limitation of the study is that the available sources may not fully capture the dynamic use of proverbs in everyday speech. Nevertheless, the combination of data from authoritative dictionaries and collections provided a reliable foundation, reinforced by both qualitative and quantitative approaches. This approach offers a deeper understanding of how will and desire are culturally expressed in different linguistic systems.


The study of paremiological units that express categories of desire and will in English and Uzbek languages offers significant insights into how different cultural and linguistic traditions manifest these core human experiences. The central aim of the research was to uncover how various cognitive and pragmatic mechanisms function within these language systems when it comes to expressing volition and aspiration. The analysis of folklore, literature, and common sayings has allowed us to draw conclusions about the similarities and differences between these cultures in terms of how they conceptualize human willpower and desire.

The first major finding concerns the cognitive metaphor of "the path," which plays a critical role in both English and Uzbek proverbs, symbolizing the journey towards a goal, marked by effort, volition, and the overcoming of obstacles. In English, this is exemplified by the proverb, "Where there's a will, there's a way." This expression clearly reflects the idea that any goal is achievable if there is sufficient will to pursue it. The concept of will here is closely tied to personal effort and responsibility for success, making the individual the central figure in the realization of a desire. In contrast, the Uzbek proverb, "Xohlaganiga yo'l topadi, xohlamaganiga bahona," conveys a similar idea but places greater emphasis on

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flexibility and resourcefulness in achieving one's goals. In Uzbek culture, the notion of will does not solely depend on the strength of one's determinati on but also on the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, thereby reflecting a culturally valued pragmatism and inventiveness.

Table 1.

Metaphor Example from English Example from Uzbek

Path (Will as a "Where there's a will, there's a way" "Xohlaganiga yo'l topadi"


Obstacles "Don't count your chickens before they "Ko'ngilni to'ydirib

hatch" bo'lmas"

Cognitive Metaphors of Path and Obstacles in English and Uzbek Proverbs

Source: Compiled by the authors based on analysis of folklore and literary data.

In both languages, the metaphor of obstacles is used to caution against unrealistic expectations and misplaced hopes. In English, the proverb "Don't count your chickens before they hatch " serves as a reminder that plans should not be based on outcomes that have not yet materialized. Will, in this case, is intertwined with a realistic understanding of one's capabilities and the potential hurdles ahead. Similarly, in Uzbek, the proverb "Ko'ngilni to'ydirib bo'lmas" suggests that human desires are infinite, and full satisfaction is impossible. This reflects a cultural view that human will is naturally constrained by the limitations of reality, and accepting these limitations is key to managing expectations.

Moving forward, pragmatic analysis of the proverbs shows distinct differences in how desire and will are communicated through these sayings. English proverbs tend to offer direct encouragement to action, emphasizing the importance of individual responsibility and the need for active participation in the pursuit of goals. A prime example is "Fortune favors the brave," which urges boldness and indicates that success is likely to follow decisive action. This phrase reflects the cultural value placed on personal initiative. In contrast, the Uzbek proverb "Kurashmagan odam g'olib bo'lmaydi" expresses a similar sentiment but in a more collective context, highlighting the necessity of mutual effort and support. Here, will and desire are not isolated within the individual but are understood within the broader framework of social cooperation and collective effort.

Table 2.

Function English Example Uzbek Example

Advice "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" "Qo'lingdan kelsa, o'zingga qildirg'il"

Caution "Don't count your chickens before they "Ko'ngilni to'ydirib bo'lmas"

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Motivation "Fortune favors the brave" "Kurashmagan odam g'olib bo'lmaydi"

Pragmatic Functions of Proverbs Expressing Will and Desire

Source: Compiled by the authors based on analysis of folklore and literary data.

The advisory role of proverbs plays a central part in how will and desire are shaped within these cultures. In English, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" encourages prudence by advising individuals to value what they have achieved rather than risk everything in pursuit of something uncertain. Will is thus presented as the ability to recognize and control one's desires, not jeopardizing what is already within reach. In contrast, the Uzbek proverb "Qo'lingdan kelsa, o'zingga qildirg'il" emphasizes the importance of taking personal responsibility for one's actions. Although both proverbs emphasize the importance of deliberate and cautious action, the Uzbek version highlights a sense of accountability to the self and society.

The role of time as a critical component of will and desire is another important theme uncovered by the analysis. Patience is regarded as an essential part of volitional efforts in both cultures, although the way it is expressed differs. The English proverb "Good things come to those who wait" emphasizes that will and desire must be tempered by patience, suggesting that the realization of a desire cannot be immediate and that time is a crucial factor in success. The analogous Uzbek proverb "Sabrlik odam omad topadi" underscores the same idea but places greater emphasis on the collective dimension of patience. Here, patience is not merely an individual virtue but a socially valuable trait that contributes to the well-being of the collective.

Table 3.

Theme English Example Uzbek Example

Patience and Time "Good things come to those "Sabrlik odam omad topadi"

who wait"

Achievement through "Rome wasn't built in a day" "Ishlayotgan odam hech narsadan

Effort qo'rqmaydi"

The Role of Time in Proverbs Expressing Will and Desire

Source: Compiled by the authors based on analysis of folklore and literary data.

Patience, as an intrinsic aspect of willpower, shows marked cultural differences in how success is achieved. In English, the proverb "Good things come to those who wait" reflects the idea that desire and will cannot be fulfilled immediately and that the passage of time is essential for the realization of aspirations. In contrast, Uzbek culture, as reflected in "Sabrlik odam omad topadi," emphasizes patience as not only a personal trait but as something deeply embedded within social interactions. Success

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is framed not merely as the result of individual perseverance but as something that is nurtured through collective patience and shared efforts.

Thus, the results of this study confirm the hypothesis that the expression of will and desire through paremiological units in English and Uzbek shares certain cognitive bases, such as the use of path metaphors and the concept of obstacles, but diverges significantly in terms of cultural emphases. In English, will is primarily associated with personal responsibility and active pursuit of goals, whereas in Uzbek culture, it is linked with collective effort, flexibility, and social responsibility.

This comprehensive comparison has shed light on the multifaceted nature of will and desire as expressed in proverbs across these two languages, contributing to a deeper understanding of the cultural dynamics that shape these fundamental human concepts. The findings highlight the importance of language as a mirror of cultural values and provide a rich foundation for further studies into how different cultures articulate core aspects of human experience.


This analysis supports prior findings that metaphors such as "the path" and "obstacles" are essential in representing volition and aspiration across different cultures. Our research, consistent with previous studies, shows that these metaphors are used in both English and Uzbek proverbs to symbolize the efforts required to achieve desires. However, the cultural nuances are significant: while English proverbs highlight personal responsibility and individual action, Uzbek expressions focus more on adaptability and collective effort, as seen in prior linguistic studies

Additionally, our findings align with previous research, which suggests that proverbs frequently serve as cautionary tools, especially concerning unrealistic desires. In both languages, sayings like "Don't count your chickens before they hatch" and "Ko'ngilni to'ydirib bo'lmas" play a role in moderating expectations, warning against premature optimism or unrestrained ambition [11]. These results reinforce the notion that proverbs function as cultural mechanisms to regulate desires, ensuring that societal expectations are balanced with practical realities.

Finally, when examining the pragmatic function of proverbs, we observe that English proverbs often provide straightforward advice, encouraging immediate, individual actions. On the other hand, Uzbek proverbs tend to integrate broader social values, such as patience and collective responsibility [12]13]. This distinction reflects the deeper cultural focus on communal well-being in Uzbek proverbs, which further supports the idea that language mirrors the cultural and social fabric of its speakers.



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As a result of the analysis of paremiological units in English and Uzbek, it has been demonstrated that, despite shared cognitive structures like the metaphors of the path and obstacles, significant differences exist in how these two cultures conceptualize will and desire. English proverbs tend to emphasize individual responsibility and the necessity for personal initiative, while Uzbek proverbs focus on the importance of flexibility and collective effort in achieving goals. These differences highlight contrasting cultural values, with English sayings reflecting Western notions of self-reliance and agency, whereas Uzbek proverbs resonate with Eastern ideas of communal cooperation and adaptability.

The findings of this research offer practical implications, particularly in the fields of language education and cross-cultural communication. By gaining a deeper understanding of how will and desire are expressed in different cultural contexts through proverbs, educators can enhance cultural sensitivity and improve communication strategies. This comparison of proverbs serves as a valuable tool for developing more comprehensive language teaching materials, which can better prepare individuals for intercultural interactions by highlighting key cultural distinctions in expressions of volition.

Future research could extend to exploring how proverbs evolve in modern communicative practices and their role in shaping or reinforcing cultural identity. Examining the dynamic use of proverbs in contemporary settings could provide further insights into how language continues to reflect and adapt to shifting social norms, offering a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between language, culture, and societal change.


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