Научная статья на тему 'Parabadminton as a means of improving motor abilities of people with impaired musculoskeletal system'

Parabadminton as a means of improving motor abilities of people with impaired musculoskeletal system Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kostenko O.Yu., Emelyanova Yu.N.

The presented work is the initial stage in the study of parabadminton as a means of development of motor abilities of people with disorders of the ODE. The main mechanism for the implementation of the results of this study will be the introduction of the developed program in the practice of working with children and adolescents with disorders of the ODE, checking its effectiveness and further development of parabadminton in Kazan to prepare athletes to participate in competitions at various levels. Therefore, there was interest in the study of the influence of steam badminton on the motor capabilities of people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

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Парабадминтон как средство повышения двигательных возможностей людей с нарушением опорно-двигательного аппарата

Представленная работа является начальным этапом по изучению парабадминтона как средства развития двигательных возможностей людей с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата. Основным механизмом реализации результатов данного исследования является внедрение разработанной программы в практику работы с детьми и подростками, имеющими нарушения опорно-двигательного аппарата, проверка её эффективности и дальнейшее развитие парабадминтона в Казани для подготовки спортсменов к участию в соревнованиях различного уровня. Поэтому и возник интерес по изучению влияния занятий парабадминтоном на двигательные возможности людей с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата.

Текст научной работы на тему «Parabadminton as a means of improving motor abilities of people with impaired musculoskeletal system»

yflK 796.323 EEK 75.566


O.Ya. Kostenko, Yu.N. Emelyanova

Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan, Russia

The presented work is the initial stage in the study of parabadminton as a means of development of motor abilities of people with disorders of the ODE. The main mechanism for the implementation of the results of this study will be the introduction of the developed program in the practice of working with children and adolescents with disorders of the ODE, checking its effectiveness and further development of parabadminton in Kazan to prepare athletes to participate in competitions at various levels. Therefore, there was interest in the study of the influence of steam badminton on the motor capabilities of people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Keywords: adaptive sport, people with disabilities, violation of the musculoskeletal system, parabadminton, training process.

Introduction. People with disabilities are not just a social phenomenon that requires special attention from the state, the public and every citizen. Today, the attitude towards such people is also an indicator of the level of economic, spiritual and social development of society and the state. Therefore, in Russia more and more attention is paid to people with disabilities. Such a person especially needs to feel necessary, to have a success appreciated by the people around him; so that he can develop and realize his opportunities; that, thanks to all of the above, he was able to lead a full, meaningful and socially active life.

Currently, our Republic is a home to 323 544 of persons with disabilities, including 14 100 children with disabilities. According to the annual statistical reports, 6.1 % of disabled people or 19 254 people in the Republic of Tatarstan are engaged in adaptive physical culture and sports [1]. Within the framework of the program «Social support of citizens of the Republic of Tatarstan» for 2014-2020 the subprogramme «Accessible environment» wasdeveloped, the main directions of which are adaptive physical education, recreation, sports and rehabilitation [2].

I would like to note that it is a sport for people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system that gives new opportunities for self-discovery. Therefore, the study and search for effective, affordable sports and recreational facilities for people with disabilities and the development of the program of their implementation seems relevant to us.

One such means is, in our opinion, parabadminton. In 2014, this sport was included in the program of the XVI Paralympic summer games 2020 in Tokyo

(Japan), as a result of which parabadminton has become not just a means of adaptive physical culture, but also an opportunity for self-realization of athletes with disabilities. It is in the process of preparation for the competition, awareness of the possibility of performance at the highest level, competition, characteristic of sport contribute to the development of commitment, strong-willed qualities, increase motivation for self-improvement, strengthen the immune system, generally positively affecting the state of a person with disabilities, making him a person with unlimited opportunities [1; 5; 6].

Not only to achieve high results in sports, but also to solve the problems of rehabilitation and socialization of disabled people, you need a well-thought-out training process at all stages of training. Primary sports training in addition solve the problem of attracting children and adolescents to systematic training. A correct organization depends on the continued commitment of young athletes to the formation of physical qualities, increase of technical and tactical skills and implementation of the youth level. The most important desire and determination from the athlete, and from the trainer—the correct approach to training and support, after all disabled people are the same people as we; simply they need a little more attention.

The analysis of scientific and methodical literature has shown that in Russia there are not enough developed techniques for working with athletes with musculoskeletal disorders, and those that do exist, are aimed at training high-class athletes and psychologically stable people, while methods for training children and young people are absent. At the same time, the

O.Ya. Kostenko, Yu.N. Emelyanova

availability of this type of adaptive sport for people with disabilities of different categories is obvious. In addition, there are many gyms in Kazan, where you can engage in this sport, which led to the relevance of our study [4].

The purpose of the study: to develop and scientifically justify a program of parabadminton for people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system at the initial stage of preparation and to design guidelines for its use for specialists in adaptive physical culture and badminton.

The object of the study: the pedagogical process of sports training of parabadmintonist with violation of musculoskeletal system.

The subject of the research: means of implementation of the program at the initial stage of preparation of badminton players with violation of the musculo-skeletal system.

Research problem:

1. To study the state of the issue on the method of preparation in parabadminton and the prerequisites for the development of this species in Kazan.

2. To determine the means and methods used in parabadminton and badminton.

3. To develop a programme of initial training in parabadminton for athletes with violation of the mus-culoskeletal system.

Practical significance. The developed training program for parabadmintonists at the stage of initial sports training will contribute to: improving the efficiency of training in motor actions of badminton players with a violation of the musculoskeletal system; increasing the level of physical and motor training of people with a violation of the musculoskeletal system.

The main methods of research are the analysis, synthesis and synthesis of scientific and methodological data.


In the study, based on the identified characteristics of people with impaired musculoskeletal system was designed a program at the initial stage of training. The program is aimed at solving educational, developmental and correctional problems, contains 3 stages of training: initial learning, in-depth learning and improvement. The combination of means used in the educational process, as well as their volume, and orientation vary depending on the objectives of each stage of training and the degree of mastery of the training material to athletes with a violation.

This program will make it possible to use new technologies in this important sphere of activity of society

and the state, as well as to analyze the best experience in working with people with disabilities, which already exists, to generalize and disseminate this experience in all regions of Russia.

In conclusion, I want to say that each person is unique; each has its own huge inner world. And experts should help everyone who decided to engage in adaptive sports to reveal their capabilities and talents, to live "here and now", to actively participate and express them in life. The main task during communication in the classroom was to see these hidden treasures and help them develop these skills, which will contribute to the implementation of the developed program.


1. Zatsiorskiy V.M. Fizicheskiye kachestva sports-mena: osnovy i teorii i metody vospitaniya [Physical qualities of the athlete: bases and theories and methods of education]. Moscow, 2013. 200 p. (In Russ.).

2. Informatsiya po adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul'ture i sportu (forma N3-AFK (godovaya) [Information on adaptive physical culture and sport (form N3-AFK (annual)]. Gosudarstvennoye byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie «Sankt-Peterburgskiy tsentr fizicheskoy kulturyi i spor-ta» [State budgetary institution «St. Petersburg center of physical culture and sport»]. Availabl at: http://gducfkis. ru/otdel-po-informacionno-analiticheskoj-rabote/for-ma-3-afk (In Russ.).

3. Podprogramma «Razvitiye fizicheskoy kulturyi i sporta dlya invalidov v Respublike Tatarstan na 20142016 godyi» gosudarstvennoy programmyi «Razvitie fizicheskoy kulturyi, sporta, turizma i povyishenie ef-fektivnosti molodezhnoy politiki na 2014-2020 gody» [Subprogram «Development of physical culture and sports for disabled people in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014-2016» of the state program «Development of physical culture, sports, tourism and increase of efficiency of youth policy for 2014-2020»]. Ofitsial'nyy portal pravo-voy informatsii Respubliki Tatarstan [Official portal of legal information of the Republic of Tatarstan]. Availabl at: http://prav.tatarstan.ru/rus/docs/post/post1.htm?pub_ id=1366817 (In Russ.).

4. Osenkova D.I., Volchkova V.I. Motivatsiya i psi-khologicheskaya adaptatsiya invalidov k obucheniyu v universitete [Motivation and psychological adaptation of disabled persons to study in the University]. Fiziologo-biohimicheskiye osnovy i pedagogicheskiye tekhnologii adaptatsii k razlichnyim fizicheskim nagruzkam: mate-rialy IIMezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy kon-ferentsii, posvyaschennoy 40-letiyu Povolzhskoy gosu-darstvennoy akademii fizicheskoy kulturyi, sporta i tur-izma [Physiological and biochemical fundamentals and educational technologies of adapting to different physical workloads: materials of II International scientific-practical conference, devoted to 40th anniversary of Volga


Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. 2018. Т. 3, N№ 4

Parabadminton as a Means of Improving Motor Abilities of People with Impaired Musculoskeletal System

region state Academy of physical culture, sport and tourism]. Kazan, 2014. Pp. 606-607. (In Russ.).

5. Dobryinina A.I., Golubeva G.N., Volchkova V.I. Povyishenie massovoy zanyatosti v badmintone v Ta-tarstane [Increasing mass employment in badminton in Tatarstan]. Problemy i perspektivy fizicheskogo vospi-taniya, sportivnoy podgotovki i adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kulturyi: materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-praktiches-koy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnyim uchastiem [Problems and prospects of physical education, sports training and adaptive physical culture: materials of the all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation]. Kazan, 2016. Pp. 928-929. (In Russ.).

Поступила в редакцию 15 ноября 2018 г.

6. Dolgova O.Yu., Ageyeva G.F., Volchkova V.I. Analiz podgotovki sudey po badmintonu v Respublike Tatarstan [Analysis of the training of judges in the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of badminton]. Problemy i perspektivy fizicheskogo vospitaniya, sportivnoy podgotovki i adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul'tury: materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezh-dunarodnym uchastiyem [Problems and prospects of physical education, sports training and adaptive physical culture: materials of the all-Russian scientific and practical conference with the international participation]. Kazan, 2016. Pp. 930-931. (In Russ.).

Для цитирования: Kostenko, O.Ya. Parabadminton as a Means of Improving Motor Abilities of People with Impaired Musculoskeletal System / O.Ya. Kostenko, Yu.N. Emelyanova // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2018. — Т. 3, № 4. — С. 67-70.

Парабадминтон как средство повышения двигательных возможностей людей с нарушением опорно-двигательного аппарата

О. Я. Костенко, Ю. Н. Емельянова

Представленная работа является начальным этапом по изучению парабадминтона как средства развития двигательных возможностей людей с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата. Основным механизмом реализации результатов данного исследования является внедрение разработанной программы в практику работы с детьми и подростками, имеющими нарушения опорно-двигательного аппарата, проверка её эффективности и дальнейшее развитие парабадминтона в Казани для подготовки спортсменов к участию в соревнованиях различного уровня. Поэтому и возник интерес по изучению влияния занятий парабадмин-тоном на двигательные возможности людей с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата.

Ключевые слова: адаптивный спорт, люди-инвалиды, нарушение опорно-двигательного аппарата, парабадминтон, учебно-тренировочный процесс.

Список литературы

1. Зациорский, В. М. Физические качества спортсмена: основы и теории и методы воспитания / В. М. Зациорский. — М. : Совет. спорт, 2013. — 200 с.

2. Информация по адаптивной физической культуре и спорту (форма Ш-АФК (годовая) / Санкт-Петербургский центр физической культуры и спорта. — URL: http://gducfkis.ru/otdel-po-informacionno-analiticheskoj-rabote/forma-3-afk/

3. Подпрограмма «Развитие физической культуры и спорта для инвалидов в Республике Татарстан на 2014-2016 годы» государственной программы «Раз -витие физической культуры, спорта, туризма и повышение эффективности молодёжной политики на 20142020 годы» // Официальный портал правовой информации Республики Татарстан. — URL: http://prav. tatarstan.ru/rus/docs/post/post1.htm?pub_id=1366817

4. Осенкова, Д. И. Мотивация и психологическая адаптация инвалидов к обучению в университете /

Д. И. Осенкова, В. И. Волчкова // Физиолого-био-химические основы и педагогические технологии адаптации к различным физическим нагрузкам : материалы II Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., посвящ. 40-летию Поволж. гос. акад. физ. культуры, спорта и туризма. — Казань, 2014. — С. 606-607.

5. Добрынина, А. И. Повышение массовой занятости в бадминтоне в Татарстане / А. И. Добрынина, Г. Н. Голубева, В. И. Волчкова // Проблемы и перспективы физического воспитания, спортивной подготовки и адаптивной физической культуры : материалы Всерос. науч.-практ. конф. с междунар. участием. — Казань, 2016. — С. 928-929.

6. Долгова, О. Ю. Анализ подготовки судей по бадминтону в Республике Татарстан / О. Ю. Долгова, Г. Ф. Агеева, В. И. Волчкова // Проблемы и перспективы физического воспитания, спортивной подготовки и адаптивной физической культуры : материалы Всерос. науч.-практ. конф. с междунар. участием. — Казань, 2016. — С. 930-931.

O.Ya. Kostenko, Emelyanova

Сведения об авторах

Костенко Оксана Яковлевна — магистрант, Поволжская академия физической культуры спорта и туризма. Казань, Россия. [email protected]

Емельянова Юлия Николаевна — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Поволжская академия физической культуры спорта и туризма. Казань, Россия. [email protected]


Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. 2018. Т. 3, 4

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