yflK 621.3.08; 658.562; 620.179.1
H. M. Hussein, A. G. Yakunin
Outliers are anomalous readings within the measured data set. Whatever the cause of it, which is numerous, it must be detected and eliminated for accurate assessment of the expected behavior. The current work developed novel methods to detect outliers in air temperature measurements in weather monitoring system. Moving average change rate method and candlestick graph. Both methods were applied to a random sample of air temperature measurements. They categorized the measured data into three zones: normal, suspected and outliers. Another three famous methods for outliers' detection were reviewed and compared to the proposed methods. The comparison showed that, the proposed methods detected the outlier boundaries simply and accurately.
Keywords'. Outliers; Moving average; Candlestick chart; modified Z-score; modified Thompson tau; modified boxplot.
An outlier is an observation point that deviate from other observations [1].
In [2] outlier has been considered as an observation (or subset of observations) which appears to be inconsistent with the remainder of that set of data.
Outliers may be occurred due to variability in the measurement environment or it may indicate experimental error; the latter arise due mechanical faults, changes in system behavior, fraudulent behavior and human error. They are sometimes excluded from the data set.
Outlier detection aims to find patterns in the measured data that do not conform to expected behavior. It has extensive use in many applications. But are not rigid mathematical definitions for constituting outliers; determining whether or not an observation is an outlier is ultimately a subjective exercise. Many researches propose different techniques for outlier detection [3-5].
These techniques include Parametric Statistical Modeling [6-9], Neural Networks [10-12], Spectral Techniques [13], Nearest Neighbor Based Techniques [14,15], Bayesian Networks [16,17] and more.
This paper presents new methods for detecting outliers in weather monitoring, specifically in air temperature measurements.
These methods based on change rate for moving average and candlestick graph are proposed to improve the accuracy of outliers' detection for air temperature measurements. However, they may be generalized to cover different observations.
The following sections will describe in detail the proposed methods.
1. Change rate for moving average method.
The moving average[18] depends on dividing the measured data f(t) into symmetrical time slots "s". Then, the average in every time slot will be calculated according to the following equation:
yk(t) = mean (fi(t): fi+8(t)) (1)
Where: k:1,2,......,n(the number of time slots),
i - mean( t, : ti+s),i = 1, s, 2s, ...........; N-s,
N: the size off(t) and s is the time slot width.
After calculating the slots averages, the temperature change rates y(t) will be calculated as the difference between each successive two points using the following equation:
YkC't) = (yk('t) - yk-i('t) )/s (2)
Where: yrft^O, k=2:n.
The average of the change rates d will be calculated using the following equation:
d= Z;=1(|yk(t)|)/n) (3)
Then the temperature changes rates deviation E(t) will be calculated as follows:
E(t)= y(t]-sign[y].d (4)
For ideal case, all values of E(t) should be zero. But that doesn't happen in reality. The actual change rates deviate from the average value within certain displacement value <5, which depends on many factors such as: time slot width "s", the measurement place and the measurement period of the year. It can be determined by observation in normal measurement time periods. In case of air temperature, <5 will be equal
the modified standard deviation of E(t)\
8= l_d)2 (5)
The values of Eft) will be categorized to three zones depending on <5 according to the following equation classification:
!|E(t)| < 8 : Normal zone.
8 < |£(t)| < 28 : Suspected zone. (6) |E(t)| > 28 : Outlier zone.
The following section will summarize the experimental result for the proposed algorithm.
2. Experimental evaluations
The proposed method has been applied to a randomly selected sample of temperature measured data in one day (20 June 2014) using DS18S20 sensors, which is a part of a full academic weather monitoring project. More details about the project can be found on the website "abc.altstu.ru".
This sample has been divided into one hour time slot. Then the average for each slot has been calculated as well as y(t], d, E (t) and <5. The value of d and 5 were 1.4 °C/H and 1.3 respectively.
In figure 3, measured temperature series, y(t] and E(t) have been plotted using Matlab.
As shown in the figure, the measured data has outlier region "the highlighted area", which is outside the boundary 25.
To verify the results, the proposed algorithm has been applied to temperature sample from another weather station "at the city airport" measured at the same time period; the result, that shown in figure 2, indicates that the sample doesn't contain any outliers, which in turn supports the validity of the method.
The cause of the outliers in the measured sample has been discovered. It was the effect of direct sunlight on the temperature sensor measurements.
3. Candlestick chart method
The same procedure can be applied using candlestick chart [19][20], but instead of change rate, the candle height H will be calculated as:
8) 9)
H(t] = Closest] - Open(t)
d= Z;=1(|Hk(t)|)/n) Where n is the number of candles.
E(t)= H(t)-sign(H(t)).d
The value of <5 will be calculated as in equation
This procedure has been also applied to the same sample of measured data; the result shown in figure 1 nearly is the same as in the change rate metho
4. Other outliers detection techniques This section will review three of other well-known techniques in outliers and anomalies detection.
These techniques are modified Z-score, modified Thompson tau and modified boxplot. - Modified Z-score. Z-scores are a very popular method for labeling outliers [21]. But the problem of Z-score is the effect of outlier on its calculations.
0.6745(f(t) -fm)
E(t) =-—-— 10
Where: fm is the median value of f(t), and MAD = rnedian(|f(t)-fm |)
The authors recommend that modified Z-scores with an absolute value of Eft) greater than the threshold value <5 =3.5 will be considered as potential outliers.
This technique has be applied to the measured sample, but it failed to detect the outliers and all the absolute values of E(t) were less than the threshold value 3.5. However, a small modification for calculation of the threshold value 5 maybe solves the problem. The following equation presents a proposed value for 5:
8 — median(| |f(t)-fm |-MAD|) (11)
The modified Thompson tau technique. The Thompson tau technique is excellent for rejecting outliers, but also may reject some good data, so it is better to use the modified Thompson tau technique [22]. This method takes into account a data set's standard deviation, average and provides a statistically determined rejection zone; thus providing an objective method to determine outliers. It will be summarized in the following steps:
• The sample mean / and the sample standard deviation Sf are calculated as usual.
• For each data point, the absolute value of the deviation will calculated as:
f(t) = |f(t)-f| (12)
• The value of the modified Thompson t is calculated from the following equation:
_ tg/2 .(N-1)
Where: N is the number of the sample points, to/2 is the critical student's t value. "It can be calculated using Matlab built-in function TINV".
• Then the outliers can be detected using the following classification: o If f{t) > t* Sf, the sample point is outlier.
o If f{t) < t* Sf, the sample point is not outlier.
This technique has been applied to the measured sample and the result is shown in figure 5.
• * * » Î ! t
J, • ' T • * A * I r A A * * *
O&jOO 03.00 00:00 00 OO 12 00 161» 10 00 21.00 00:00
Fig. 3. Outliers detection using the change rate method.
Îè OO 03 00 OS OO DS QQ 13 OO 16 OO 10 OO »T OO
IIL r > 1 1 .. I . f ■ Î
4 A i I ' • * 4
1 -
cè DO DJ DO Of) OC OSI OO 12 OO *•& OO 1« OO 21 CXI
Fig. 2. Termperature sample in 20/6/2014 at Barnaul airport.
Fig. 1. Outliers detection using candlestick chart.
03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00
Fig. 2. Outliers detection using The modified Thompson tau technique.
Fig. 3. Outliers detection using modified Z-score technique.
Fig. 1. Outliers detection using modified Boxplot.
C2: the upper
- The adjusted boxplot. Boxplots [23] display variation in data samples without making any assumptions of the underlying statistical distribution: boxplots are non-parametric. The spacings between the different parts of the box indicate the degree of spread and data skewness, and show outliers. However, this method has a limitation in outliers' detection, especially for highly skewed measurements.
The adjusted boxplot [24] considers the medcouple (MC), a robust measure of skewness for a skewed distribution.
MC is defined as [25]:
MC = Medianf.<fm<f.h(fi,fj) (1)
With fm the sample median and where for all fi # fj the kernel "h" function is given by:
h(M)= fr^-f"^ (2)
The medcouple always lies between -1 and 1. A distribution that is skewed to the right has a positive value for the medcouple, whereas it becomes negative at a left skewed distribution. Finally, a symmetric distribution has a zero medcouple.
According to [26] the interval of the adjusted boxplot is:
Ql - ke_3,5MC Q3 - Q1 , if MC > 0 Ql — ke-4MC Q3-Q1, ifMC < 0 Q3 + ke4MC Q3-Q1, ifMC > 0 1' 2~ Q3 + ke3,5MC Q3-Q1, ifMC < 0
Where Ci is the lower fence and C2 is the upper fence of the interval. The observations which fall outside the interval are considered outliers. The author in [23] has suggested k=1.5 for the lower fence and k=3.0 for the upper fence. Whereas [27] used k=1.0 and k=1.5. But [28] used k=2. So, which of these values should be used? The authors in [29] answered the question and preferred the standard value for k=1.5.
But, when this methods has been applies on the selected measured sample with k= 1.5, it failed to detect the outliers. The fences have been recalculated with k=1.0, it almost detected the top portion of the outlier. The simulation result is shown in figure 6.
1. Result comparison and dissection
In Previous sections, two new outliers methods detection were proposed and simulated. Also, three general techniques were reviewed and applied for measured sample.
The change rate detected the outliers' boundaries accurately. The accuracy comes from the calculation way of the fence "5", which depends on change rate variation and standard deviation.
Another advantage of that technique was identifying a suspicious zone. A farther study for this zone of data will give very variable information like novelty.
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Аспирант Хуссейн X.M.- (Египет, E-mail: [email protected]) и
Якунин А.Г.- д.т.н., профессор E-mail: [email protected]) - кафедра
вычислительных систем и информационной безопасности ФГБОУ ВПО «Алтайский государственный технический
университет им. И, И. Ползунова», г. Барнаул