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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Roba Yadollahzadeh, Mir Mohammad Kashef, Hasan Mohamadzadeh, Mehrdad Hefzollesan

Management has a significant importance in sport organizations, specially, if it is accompanied with a strategic and program-oriented approach. Now in this progressing and developing world sport is not an exception, and many sport organizations are in rapid progress and in most cases the strategic approach of these organizations is the top priority. This study aims at evaluating the fields of strategic management in West Azarbaijan province offices of sport and youth. The subjects of the study are 47 managers and their assistants of W.Azarbaijan youth and sport offices. The tool of gathering data is a standard questionnaire which is made by Vic Gilgeous (improving strategic concerns).The method of descriptive research is a kind of analysis that, it is performed in a field study. For data analyzing, some parameters of descriptive and inferential statistics such as standard deviation, mean, frequency and some other like one sample t-test were used. The results show that the amount of realization of the culture, information and the strategic management resources in offices of youth and sports of W. Azerbaijan, are not in an appropriate condition (p

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Evaluation of strategic management fields culture, capability, information and human resources of youth and sport offices

of west azerbaijan province

Roba Yadollahzadeh1, Mir Mohammad Kashef1, Hasan Mohamadzadeh1, Mehrdad Hefzollesan2

Urmia University1 Sahand University of Technology2


Management has a significant importance in sport organizations, specially, if it is accompanied with a strategic and program-oriented approach. Now in this progressing and developing world sport is not an exception, and many sport organizations are in rapid progress and in most cases the strategic approach of these organizations is the top priority. This study aims at evaluating the fields of strategic management in West Azarbaijan province offices of sport and youth. The subjects of the study are 47 managers and their assistants of W.Azarbaijan youth and sport offices. The tool of gathering data is a standard questionnaire which is made by Vic Gilgeous (improving strategic concerns).The method of descriptive research is a kind of analysis that, it is performed in a field study. For data analyzing, some parameters of descriptive and inferential statistics such as standarddeviation, mean,frequency and some other like one sample t-test were used. The results show that the amount of realization of the culture, information and the strategic management resources in offices of youth and sports of W. Azerbaijan, are not in an appropriate condition (p < 0.05).So according to the results of the study we can deduce that the culture, information and strategic management resources in W. Azerbaijan offices of youth and sports, are significantly different with the society average and these fields need to be improved and strengthened.

Key words: strategic management, culture, capability, information and human resources.

Роба Ядоллахзадех, Мир Мохаммад Касхеф, Хасан Мохамадзадех, Мехрдад Хефзоллесан. Оценка стратегического управления спортивными соревнованиями, способностями, информацией и человеческими ресурсами молодежи спортивных клубов Западной Азербайджанской провинции. Управление является неотъемлемой частью спортивных организаций, в частности, если оно сопровождается стратегически-ориентированными программными подходами. В существующем прогрессирующем и развивающемся спорте не исключено, что многие спортивные организации быстро прогрессируют и в большинстве случаев стратегический подход этих организаций является высшим приоритетом. Целью исследования является оценка области стратегического управления в спортивных молодежных организациях Западной Азербайджанской провинции. Предметом изучения были 47 менеджеров и их ассистентов. В исследовании использовалась стандартная анкета, созданная Виком Гилджеузом (улучшение стратегических проблем). Метод исследования - анализ публикаций по теме исследования. Для анализа данных использовались некоторые параметры описательной статистики, таких как стандартное отклонение, частота и ^критерий. Результаты показывают, что количество реализации культуры, информации и стратегических ресурсов управления в спортивных юношеских организациях Западного Азербайджана не находятся в надлежащих условиях (р<0.05). Так, согласно результатам изучения, которое мы можем получить, культура, информация и стратегические ресурсы управления в Западных Азербайджанских спортивных организациях значительно отличаются от средней величины, и, как результат, эти области должны быть усовершенствованы и усилены.

стратегическое управление, культура, способность, информация, человеческие ресурсы.

Роба Ядоллахзадех, Мир Мохам-мад Касхеф, Хасан Мохамадзадех, Мехрдад Хефзоллесан. Оцшка стра-тепчного управлшня спортивними змаганнями, здiбностями, шформа-фею i людськими ресурсами молодi спортивних клубiв ЗахщноТ' Азер-байджанськоТ провшцм. Управлшня е невщ'емною часткою спортивних ор-гаызацм, зокрема, якщо воно супро-воджуеться стратепчно-ор1ентованими програмними пщходами. У юнуючому прогресуючому спорт1, що розвиваеть-ся, не виключено, що багато спортивних оргаызацш швидко прогресують I в б1льшост1 випадк1в стратепчний пщхщ цих оргажзацш е вищим прюритетом. Метою дослщження е оц1нка област1 стратепчного управлшня в спортивних молод1жних орган1зац1ях ЗахщноТ Азер-байджанськоТ провшцм. Предметом вивчення були 47 менеджер1в I Тх асис-тенти. У дослщжены використовувала-ся стандартна анкета, створена В1ком Гилджеузом (пол1пшення стратепчних проблем). Метод дослщження - анал1з публ1кац1й за темою досл1дження. Для анал1зу даних використовувалися дея-к1 параметри описовоТ статистики, таких як стандартне вщхилення, частота I ^критерий. Результати показують, що ктькють реал1зацп культури, шформа-ц1Т I стратепчних ресурав управл1ння в спортивних юнацьких орган1зац1ях За-х1дного Азербайджану не знаходяться в належних умовах (р<0.05). Так, зпдно з результатами дослщження, яке ми мо-жемо отримати, культура, шформац1я I стратепчы ресурси управл1ння в Зах1д-них Азербайджанських спортивних орга-н1зац1ях значно в1др1зняються в1д серед-ньоТ величини, I, як результат, ц1 област1 мають бути вдосконален1 I посилен!.

стратегЧне управлiння, культура, здат^сть, шформац/я, людсью ресур-си.


One of the most important tools for organizations to be successful in future is Strategic management. This is so important that in today competitive world of 21st century, organizations, especially, service organizations cannot have any success without a specific look at it (Sanchez et al, 2011). Strategic management is one of the most important subjects of nowadays management and According to this, that rapid environment changes has got to a high speed recently and the fact that organizational decisions are becoming more and more complicated, the sense of using a comprehensive plan to deal with such concerns, is more tangible of any time before.

If management, is accompanied with a strategic

© Roba Yadollahzadeh, Mir Mohammad Kashef, Hasan Mohamadzadeh, Mehrdad Hefzollesan, 2013 doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.639262

and program-oriented approach, it is so vital and has a significant importance in today sport organizations. Now in this progressing and developing world sports is not an exception and many sports organizations are in rapid progress and in most cases the strategic approach of these organizations is the top priority. Competition to win and gain superiority amongst all aspects of physical education and sport through proposing long-term, mid-term, and short term plans and programs is clear evidence to above claim (Khosravizadeh et al, 2012).

Strategic Management is a various and flexible management nowadays. But world is changing permanently and traditional management cannot be consistent with new conditions and environment. Management has to change its strategy and politics for being consistent with new conditions and environment, and because of this is



known as strategic management (Khorasani et al, 2008). Today strategic management is an important topic and also an attractive field of development, management, and a systematic and important approach of public management, that puts organization in a way which ensure its success (Jorfi, 2011). Strategic Management in a definition is a logical , systematic and obvious method to take big decisions in an organization .In such a management, the efforts are done to regulate the quantitative and qualitative information in a way that can make effective decisions under uncertain circumstances(Fered, 2012).

Result of kriemadis (2007) study about strategic planning models in governmental and non-beneficiary sport organizations (case study: British Columbian Rugby) showed that strategic planning helps them to think and act strategically. Strategic planning and management in organization depends on organization leadership, culture , complexity of organization environment and etc. (Kriemadis, 2007).

Results of a study (2012) done on Boxing Amateur Federation of Egypt, showed that there is not any clear perspective about strategic plans and management . There is also no analysis of organization environment and strengths and weaknesses and financial and official capabilities investigations, which can affect the present and future of organization (Abd et al, 2012).

In another study (2009) in Albanian companies, they found that maximum number of Albanian companies have official modified strategic management rules and methods, which bring them long-term benefits and consistency to permanent changes in international bazaars , they also showed that strategic management is a cause for organization to know their strengths and opportunities and try to minimize their weaknesses and threats (Kume, 2009). In fact organization with lower levels of advantages are those that have not any strategy for their organizations. Management of such organizations with strategic goals are active and performance-oriented and permanently use conditions and opportunities in advantage of their organizations, and also codify their responsibilities and goals as long- term ones and act like an integrated strategic plan .They perform selected strategies harmonically, too. We can say strategic management is the key factor organizations to achieve the performance (Nedelea, 2009). First and the most important required factor for a logical and strategic planning is diagnosing its culture. Culture is a strong, motive that affects whole aspects of an organization. In fact one way of development in sports organization in cases of quantity and quality is developing organizational culture (Rezayi et al, 2012). One of key factors and an important stage to extend sports organizations activities is organizational culture .Strategic culture is a culture which its existence in organization increases the capability of appropriate and in-time reaction in cases of environmental conditions changes (Ghorbani, 2011).

An organization activities success is in relation with its organizational culture .Culture is power and

social strength that motivates the organization or stops it Important issue for strategists is the conception of the fact that respected organization is a culture social system. Relation between organization culture and strategies are determiners of its success (Oliver, 2008). Study results in Australia and New Zealand (2010) showed that the process of strategic management is solution of many problems in organization and collected data also showed that in Australia and New Zealand they are codifying strategic management and are trying to select strategic priorities (Babiak et al, 2009).

Totally many modern organizations are dependent of information technology, gradually. Information strategy describes a thorough and public structure, in which information resource and processes must be managed in a way that organization achieves its most important goals (Nicolac, 2009). Study results in Australia showed that: one of important strategies of Australia national sports plan is providing national data accurately and up to data. It has been predicted in Australia long-term plan, that all of national sport organization equipped with data collecting groups. This country in order to solve the problems related to collecting, processing and distribution of sports data , is using sport net virtual network. This net is a powerful tool to make connections between various sport units and organizations (Launched et al, 2010).

Organization capability to extend resources that are integrated consciously for specific goals, forms its abilities and capabilities (Farahi, 2006). In successful organization knowledge core of organization is placed in to abilities and capabilities and is under their effect and is an important resource of benefits in competitive perspective of 21st century. Because of the fact that organization knowledge basis is in its organization activities , organization abilities become more strategic and tougher through exercise and repetition. basis of many of abilities and capabilities is routed in skills and knowledge of staff and also their performing capacities. With this value we cannot ignore human resources importance in extending and using of capabilities and finally original capacities(Julia, 2012).Firkins (2010) A study with the title of " extending strategic capability of sport groups" showed that sports groups can extend their strategic capabilities. The main finding was that strategic management in groups has important influence in communications between organizations.

New age which is known as information age, brings the good news of a new world with new methods of using information. Information technology which was a competitive superiority and a strategic weapon in past years, is a competitive need now. Generally many modern organizations are dependent of information technology, gradually. Information strategy describes a thorough and public structure, in which information resource and processes must be managed in a way that organization achieves its most important goals (Parmelli, 2011). Study results in Australia showed that: one of important

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strategies of Australia national sport plan is providing national data accurately and up to data. It has been predicted in Australia long-term plan, that all of national sports organization equipped with data collecting groups. This country in order to solve the problems related to collecting, processing and distribution of sports data, is using sports net virtual network. This net is a powerful tool to make connections between various sport units and organizations (Sahlman, 2010).

The human resources field of strategic management is a managerial approach that ensures human-being as a source to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Strategic management of human resources emphasizes an increase in staff efficiency and their capability to approach their missions. Now the most important competitive benefit resource in an organization, is to own an appropriate system for absorption and management of organization human resources (Ayanda, 2010).

Result of a study done by strategic supervision and planning center (2006), showed that in the field of planning, country sports section, lacks a comprehensive strategic plan and the main emphasis is on budgeting , but there is not also a certain tool for budgeting, and the reason was mentioned lack of budget and need for financial aids, lack of capacities and abilities of instructed human resources.

Basically science of strategic human resources is a new science which attracted much attention of strategic planning of human resources management in late 70s. Early years of 80s spent to propose theories about strategic principles of human resources. Human resources are the most valuable assets of any organization. It must be funding here. Human resources management is useful for all organizations because we can use it to reach goals and objectives and decrease expenses (Peppard & Ward, 2004).

The main reason for many organizations in giving less and inadequate attention to the field of human resources management is that they look at their staff as administrative expenses, not as benefits or vital and main funds of organization. This is a clear issue that human resources planning is a long-term process which needs long-term programming and attention. Job-owners think that human resources planning is a short-term administrative plan and not a significant power that relates to their strategic plans. Human resources management in Iranian organizations is a new-born idea and is related to 4 or 5 years ago (Seyyed Javadian, 2009).

Physical education and sport organization also suffers many problems like other ones and has countless limitation which is in front of it and decrease its growth. In respect of solving problems and reaching high level goals of stable development, it is needed to use strategic management methods and techniques .In this view we have no clear perspective future of sport, in other words, our country sports part doesn't have a thorough strategic plan. and this fact makes its importance double

to have strategic management . Study and evaluation of strategic management and their accurate analysis determines strengths and weaknesses of the plan and also the realization of the goals of these plans in achieving to physical education indexes (Duhan, 2007). Actually the results of such investigations are solutions for future plan modifying and according to the fact that our country is a developing country and also research activity in the field of strategic management in physical education and development plan parts are done very little, the need to diagnose and apply such a method to facilitate plans seems important and vital.


47 managers and staff of west Azerbaijan province sport and youth office were In this investigation, and personal features of the subjects was shown in the table. The gathering tools of this survey was retrieved from the standard questionnaire of Vic Gilgeous which its validity by management professes, and its reliability was certificated by 81% kronback Alpha . Information related to study were gained through library study and available articles about the subject of present study .We used descriptive statistics ( frequency, means, standard deviation) for data analyzing and also for describing data and analyzing them we used inferential statistics (one -sample t-test). Moreover them, we use SPSS16 and EXCEL software.


According to table-1, most of subjects were between 41-50 years(42/6%) and 4/3 % of subjects of the study were under 30 and most of the subjects have bachelor degree(76/6).Results of table 2 show that 38/3 % of subjects have Job antecedent 21 years. And also data on table show that 40/4 % of subjects have physical education degree.

Results presented in table 1 shows that the maximum number of samples were in age range of 41-50 years old (42.6%). and 4.3 percent of them were under 30 years old. More samples were a Bachelor of Art (B.A) (76.6%). Results in table 2 shows according to job antecedent of sample 38.3 percent had an antecedent of 21 and upper, and also 40.4% of them had physical education subject of study.

Inferential finding:

We used Kolmogrov - Smirnov test for being sure of data distribution normality. Then to investigate the level of occurrence of each of culture, information and capability fields of strategic management one-sample t test was used.

As we can see in table 3 in all variables, level of significance is more than 0.05 that indicates the normal distribution of data.

Results of West Azerbaijan sport and youth offices strategic management culture field in table 4 and 5 shows that culture field of strategic management of sport and youth offices of West Azerbaijan province are not in a good and proper conditions and have statistical meaning



Table 1. Frequency and percent offrequency of subjects respect of ages and educations.

Variable Age Level of study

Under 30 years 31-40 41-50 51-60 diploma diploma B.A M.A and higher

frequency 2 17 20 8 4 3 36 4

Percent of frequency 4.3 36.2 42.6 17.0 8.5 6.4 72.6 8.5

Table 2. Frequency and percent offrequency of subjects in respect of Job antecedent study subject.

Job antecedent study subject

Variable Under 5 years 6-10 11-15 16-20 21and upper Physical education management Basic sciences engineering Other

frequency 2 17 20 8 18 19 9 3 3 13

Percent of frequency 10.6 19.1 23.4 8.5 38.3 40.4 19.1 6.7 6.4 27.4

Table 3. Results of Kolomogrov - Smirnov test

human resources information capability culture variables

0/89 0.80 0/81 0.65 Kolmogrov -Smirnov

0/40 0.55 0/53 0.79 sig

Table 4. Descriptive statistics indexes related to strategic management culture field

Error of mean deviation Standard deviation mean number Variable/ index

1.14 7.83 22.51 47 Field of strategic management culture

Table 5. Result of one-sample t test of strategic management culture field

Population 95% level of assurance Mean significance Degree of t

mean High limit Low limit difference freedom

27 -2.19 -6.79 -4.49 0.000 46 -3.93

Table 4. Descriptive statistics indexes related to strategic management capability field

Error of mean deviation Standard deviation mean number Variable/ index

0/99 6/82 19/49 47 Field of strategic management capability

Table 5. Result of one-sample t test of strategic management capability field

Population 95% level of assurance Mean difference significance Degree of freedom t

mean High limit Low limit

27 -5/51 -9/51 -7/51 0/000 46 -7/75

Table 7. Results of one -sample t test of information field of strategic management.

I ПЕДАГОГ1КА I та мeдикo-бioлoгiчнi

^■■^■■■■шнннш пpoблeми фiзичнoгo U^S^U0^0^1^! виxoвaння i спopтy

Table 6. Descriptive statistics indexes related to information field of strategic management.

Error of mean deviation Standard deviation mean number Variable/ index

0.90 6.14 23.53 47 Field of strategic management information

Population mean 95% level of assurance Mean difference significance Degree of freedom t

High limit Low limit

30 -4.66 -8.27 -6.47 0.000 46 -7.22

Table 8. Descriptive statistics indexes related to human resources field of strategic management

Error of mean deviation Standard deviation mean number Variable/ index

0/84 5/78 22/57 47 Field of strategic management human resources

Table 9. results of one -sample t test of human resources field of strategic management.

Population mean 95% level of assurance Mean difference significance Degree of freedom t

High limit Low limit

30 -5/73 -9/12 -7/43 0/000 46 -8/81

full difference with population mean (p<0.05). Thus the culture field of strategic management needs to be improved.

Results of West Azerbaijan sport and youth offices strategic management capability field in table 4 and 5 shows that capability field of strategic management of sport and youth offices of West Azerbaijan province are not in a good and proper conditions and have statistical meaning full difference with population mean (p<0.05). Thus the capability field of strategic management needs to be improved.

In table 6 and 7 we can see the results of strategic management information field, it shows that information field in west. Azerbaijan province offices of sport and youth is not in a proper condition and has a meaning full statistical difference with population mean (p<0.05). Thus the field of information of strategic management needs to be improved.

In table 8 and 9 we can see the results of strategic management human resources field , it shows that human resources field in West Azerbaijan province offices of sport and youth is not in a proper condition and has a meaning full statistical difference with population mean ( p<0.05). Thus the field of human resources of strategic

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management needs to be improved.


Strategic management as agent of coordination to achieve organizational goals is considered key role in the success of an organization.

Given that today it is one of the main variables in organizations, organizational culture is one of the factors that can act to stimulate innovation among the members. In fact, culture is a driving force for innovation and one of the main elements of the organization strategy.

Kriemadis results Platter (2007) A model of strategic planning in the public and non-profit sports organizations, (Rugby, British Columbia case study) showed that strategic planning for public and non-profit sports organizations helps to strategic thinking to act. Management and strategic planning of the organization is depending on the leadership, culture, complexity of the environment, etc (Kriemadis, T, 2007). Hosynjany and his coworkers Study (2010) Analysis of Gilan province "achievement of the third and fourth development plan objectives in Gilan province in Physical Education showed that physical education programs during the years of third program and of early years for the program, on average72%of the planned objectives have been achieved but there are still



many loopholes.

With regard to the future of the world in the twenty-first century which is full of, competition, the development of emerging markets, uncertain environmental factors, relevance of high technology and business development, success in this field will require the condition that corporate culture and environment is well known in order to remain competitive in the world with choosing appropriate strategies. In order to the effective functioning of an organization's strategic culture of the organization should be strengthened. In fact, strengthen the culture for effectiveness of the strategies and long-term goals of the organization is essential.

According to information from the field of culture and Strategic Management Department of Youth and Sports of West Azerbaijan Province, Strategic management is not desirable and of subjects perspective has significant difference with the average of society Statistically(p<0.05). Therefore field of strategic management in the Youth and Sports offices in this province Needs improvement.

The second area of strategic management fields which was analyzed in the sports and youth agencies in the West Azerbaijan province was capability. In the highly competitive and changing world of today, managers play an essential role in creating competitive advantages and achievement of strategic goals of the organization. The feature of how to play this role inevitably is dependent on the ability and competence of managers; executives have acknowledged that the development of managers is a continuous struggle because the Successful Entrepreneur eligibility today will not work tomorrow so instead of sectional programs we should seek continuous learning programs of managers, (Razayi, M, 2012).

According to information, the field of capability of Strategic Management Department of Youth and Sports of West Azerbaijan Province is not desirable and of subjects perspective has significant difference with the average of society Statistical (p<0.05). So field of capability of strategic management in offices of Youth and Sports in this province Needs improvement.

Information technology was the third field of strategic management that has been evaluated at the Office of Youth and Sports in West Azerbaijan Province. Information technology is one of the most important sources of competitive advantages and the best factor for the formation of strategic management of organizations

process in the information age. Since the organization is becoming more complex, non-centralized and more dispersed around the world continuously adds to the importance of information systems (Duhan, S, 2007).

With regard to the role of information technology in a competitive environment, Strategic Management of Information Technology has important roles for organizations. For long term success, Develop and maintain themselves, Due to the effects of indoor and outdoor Organizations need Technological capabilities.

During the 80's, by various authors, strategic technology management was seeking a potential solution to management, complexity and dynamics of the organization (Run, 2011) Two necessity of information systems strategy, first, information technology systems should be considered as strategic objectives of organization. Second, the opportunities provided by information technology systems should be identified as a competitive advantage (Jorfi, H, 2011)

According to information, the field of information technology of Strategic Management Department of Youth and Sports of West Azerbaijan Province is not desirable and of subjects perspective has significant difference with the average of society statistically (p<0.05)

So we can say that the field of information technology of strategic management needs an improvement.

Results of research on the role and importance of human power are that any society has not developed unless it is their human resource development. Human resources are considered the most valuable asset of any organization.

It is necessary to invest in this area. In the field of international sports, Strategic Management of Human Resources play a key role that influences Development of Sports organization and Organization Strategies.

According to information, the field of Human Resources of Strategic Management Department of Youth and Sports of West Azerbaijan Province is not desirable and of subjects perspective has significant difference with the average of society Statistically(p<0.05).So this area needs improvement. The evaluation of West Azerbaijan province in physical education and sport shows that despite having natural conditions, geographical conditions and appropriate staffing, yet strategic management and use of goals and strategies and development of objectives has not reached its position.

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- - проблеми ф1зичного


вихованняi спорту


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Cite this article as: Roba Yadollahzadeh, Mir Mohammad Kashef, Hasan Mohamadzadeh, Mehrdad Hefzollesan. Evaluation of strategic management fields culture, capability, information and human resources of youth and sport offices of west azerbaijan province. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2013, vol.2, pp. 106-112. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.639262 V ' ' J Цитируйте эту статью как: Роба Ядоллахзадех, Мир Мохам-мад Касхеф, Хасан Мохамадзадех, Мехрдад Хефзоллесан. Оценка стратегического управления спортивными соревнованиями, способностями, информацией и человеческими ресурсами молодежи спортивных клубов Западной Азербайджанской провинции // Педагопка, психолопя та медико-бюлопчш проблеми фiзичного виховання i спорту. - 2013. - № 2. - С. 106-112. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.639262^

Information about the authors Robab Yadollahzadeh: r [email protected]; Urmia University; P.O.Box 165, Urmia, 57135, Iran. Mir Mohammad Kashef: [email protected]; Urmia University P.O.Box 165, Urmia, 57135, Iran. Hasan Mohamadzadeh: r [email protected]; Urmia University; P.O.Box 165, Urmia, 57135, Iran. Mehrdad Hefzollesan: [email protected]; Sahand University of Technology; PO. Box 51335/1996, New Sahand Town, Tabriz, Iran. Информация об авторах Роба Ядоллахзадех: [email protected]; Университет Ур-миа; п/я 165, Урмиа, 57135, Иран. Мир Мохаммад Касхеф: [email protected]; Университет Урмиа; п/я 165, Урмиа, 57135, Иран. Хасан Мохамадзадех: r [email protected]; Университет Урмиа; п/я 165, Урмиа, 57135, Иран. Мехрдад Хефзоллесан: [email protected]; Саханд Университет Технологий; п/я 51335/1996, Новый Саханд город, Табриз, Иран.

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Received: 28.01.2013 Published: 28.02.2013 Дата поступления в редакцию: 28.01.2013 г. Опубликовано: 28.02.2013 г.

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