ОСОБЛИВОСТі РОЗВИТКУ РИНКУ ОРГАНіЧНОї ПРОДУКЦії В УКРАїНі Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kharchenko T., Sagaydack J.

The article is dedicated to the development of new and improvement of existing theoretical and methodological basis of form ing and developing the market of organic products, its correspondence to the present-day situation, determination of problemsand ways of their solving, introduction in practical activity of Ukrainian enterprises. The main objective of the article is to deter mine the specific features of forming and developing organic products market in Ukraine, and the perspective directions of its development based on analysis and practice of functioning of such markets in the world. The environmentally sound productsmarket in the world is being analyzed, some information on the countries with the most commodity turnover of organic products,structure of international market of organic products, volumes of sales of organic products in the European countries is pro vided. As a result of studying the modern trends of economic development the authors reach a conclusion on problems of stan dard introduction, investigate the European norms and requirements for organic products. The conducted research allows dis tinguishing the basic features of Ukrainian market of organic products: it quickly grows, which makes it especially appealing forthe participants of market relations, however entry into this market requires considerable capital investments and is character ized by high risk; criteria for qualifying products as environmentally sound products are unstructured and unclear. The potential for growth of organic products market in Ukraine is examined.

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UDC 631.147 (477)

T. Kharchenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, J. Sagaydack, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The article is dedicated to the development of new and improvement of existing theoretical and methodological basis of forming and developing the market of organic products, its correspondence to the present-day situation, determination of problems and ways of their solving, introduction in practical activity of Ukrainian enterprises. The main objective of the article is to determine the specific features of forming and developing organic products market in Ukraine, and the perspective directions of its development based on analysis and practice of functioning of such markets in the world. The environmentally sound products market in the world is being analyzed, some information on the countries with the most commodity turnover of organic products, structure of international market of organic products, volumes of sales of organic products in the European countries is provided. As a result of studying the modern trends of economic development the authors reach a conclusion on problems of stan-

dard introduction, investigate the European norms and requirements for organic products. The conducted research allows distinguishing the basic features of Ukrainian market of organic products: it quickly grows, which makes it especially appealing for the participants of market relations, however entry into this market requires considerable capital investments and is characterized by high risk; criteria for qualifying products as environmentally sound products are unstructured and unclear. The potential for growth of organic products market in Ukraine is examined.

Keywords: environmentally sound products; organic product; standard; market of environmentally sound products.

Problem definition. The specific feature of development of Ukraine in the last decade is an activation of globalization and integration processes, which creates a desire for reaching the higher level of economic development and life. In the process of development certain difficulties arise, which are namely the need to create the new forms of economic activity organization and production; market dictates its conditions. By building a new economy and reaching a whole new level of development, it must be understood that not only the quantitative indexes of life sustenance are changed but also whole new demands of society, standards of life, requirement for quality of life and environment appear. All progressive community is aware of the fact that man and nature are indivisible and single whole, interdependent and complementary. Such questions as building "green" society, taking into account an ecological component by creating trends of the economic growth, ecologizations of economy as a the whole, development of the market of environmentally sound products and services, providing population with high-quality and environmentally sound products of domestic manufacture acquire actuality.

It is necessary to point out that market of environmentally sound products and organic products is already developing in Ukraine, irrespective of existing legislative conflicts and imperfections, financial problems and limitations. Thus, development of new and improvement of existing theoretical and methodological basis of forming and developing the market of organic products, its correspondence to the present-day situation, determination of problems and ways of their solving, introduction in practical activity of the Ukrainian enterprises are relevant.

Analysis of the recent researches and publications. Problems of ecologization of economy, methods of estimation of the damage caused by anthropogenic activity of man, methods of research of enterprises taking into account the ecological component, the matters of forming and developing the market of environmentally sound products are analyzed and discussed, particularly in papers by V. Artysh, V. Basylevych, N. Galech'yan, O. Geydt, J. Guseva, L. Deyneko, G. Kupalova, D. Legeza, V. Pindus, V. Rekunenko, P. Stetsyshyn, E. Khlobystov, E. Shelud'ko and others. Such large number of publications on the said subjects is explained by the fact that these matters concern vital issues, such as ecological safety of the state, food safety, health of nation, life of the future generations. Despite the extended coverage in scientific publications, some matters

remain to be not fully revealed. Among them the specific features of the development of organic products market in Ukraine are especially noteworthy.

The main objective of the article is to determine the specific features of forming and developing organic products market in Ukraine, and the perspective directions of its development based on the analysis and practice of functioning of such markets in the world. In accordance with the objective to be achieved the following tasks are set:

• to distinguish the specific features of forming and developing the market of organic products in Ukraine;

• to analyze the existing worldwide trends;

• to define the perspective directions of the development of organic products market in Ukraine;

• to provide rationale for the ways of realization of the main programs for development of organic products market.

General scientific and special methods are used in a paper in order to study processes and phenomena in their interconnection. The fundamental provisions of economic theory, scientific researches by domestic and foreign scientists in the field of ecological entrepreneurship, ecological policy, ecologization of economy, theory of management of complex social, ecological and economical systems are the theoretical basis of research.

In order to study the said matters in focus the methods of logical, economical analysis, comparison method, systems analysis method, and the methods of synthesis, induction, deduction, and analogies, are being applied.

Presentation of basic material of research. In recent years Ukraine and planet as a whole went into a long and deep ecological crisis. The further exacerbation of this crisis forces to search for such ways of development of economies, which would take into account its ecological component and include it in the number of priorities.

Operating under the conditions of competitive market brings ecological market to the level of active sector of the economy. It is a new non-traditional segment of the market of environmentally sound products, services and technologies, the products of which are used for providing and maintaining ecological safety of population and environment as a whole. In this market the manufacturers offer environmentally sound products, technologies of their manufacture, and also services to ensure ecological safety (including development and introduction of relevant nature protection and energy-saving technologies), increasing the level of ecological education, wide range of analytical, project, expert and consulting services. The development

© Kharchenko T., Sagaydack J., 2013

of the market of environmentally sound products and services promotes the sustainable utilization of natural resources, introduction of innovations, related to scientific and technical progress, leading to quality improvements in organization of production, producing large economic, social or ecological effect.

Over the last two decades the world market of environmentally sound products is booming and becoming a popular alternative to the consumption of harmful and environmentally unsound products. In 2012 its world volume amounted to 40 billion US dollars, the annual rates of growth in developed countries are 20-30 % [6]. Currently, more than

Source: [13].

The volume of sales in the organic markets of the world is rocketing. Thus, if in 1999 it was 15 billion US dollars, by 2010 it amounted to 59 billion US dollars. According to the leading experts it will increase to 90 billion US dollars in 2015. Thus, as compared to 1999 it will increase 6 times. Such rates of market growth make this segment appealing for investors.

Source: [13].

Today 1.8 million manufacturers are engaged in production of organic products (in 2001 their number amounted to 246.9 thousand). The growth of world market is ensured by the growing demand for organic products in the developed countries and concern for quality of life of population. Currently the demand for organic products is

250 thousand enterprises engaged in organic production are operating in Europe. About 10 million hectares of land is used for organic farming, which is about 2 % of all lands, used for cultivation of agricultural products. The largest amount of lands used for organic production is in Austria, Sweden, and Switzerland (from 10 % to 19 % per farm) [18].

According to the data of FiBL and IFOAM international agencies today organic products are produced in 160 countries worldwide, and a number of countries, which have implemented organic regulations, has reached 84. Thus, the largest manufacturing countries of organic products in the world market are shown in Table 1.

The size of global organic market is about 88 billion US dollars (about 4 % from a global commodity market). The USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, and Spain (Table 2) belong to the countries with the largest commodity turnover of organic products.

concentrated in 2 regions: the North America and Europe. Denmark, Austria, and Switzerland are among countries with the largest sales exposure. Specifically, the largest amount of expenses on organic products in terms of per capita accounts for the same countries (Table 3).

Table 1. The largest manufacturing countries of organic products, 2012

No. of position Country Amount of manufacturers, units.

1 India 400 551

2 Uganda 188 625

3 Mexico 128 862

4 Ethiopia 123 062

5 Tanzania 85 366

6 Peru 44 827

7 Turkey 43 096

8 Italy 41 807

9 Spain 27 877

10 Mali 27 771

11 Ukraine 155

Table 2. Countries with the largest commodity turnover of organic products, 2012

No.of position Country Commodity turnover of organic products, million euro

1 USA 20 155

2 Germany 6 020

3 France 3 385

4 Great Britain 2 000

5 Canada 1 904

6 Italy 1 560

7 Switzerland 1 180

S Japan 1 000

9 Australia 986

10 Spain 905

11 Ukraine 5

Table 3. Structure of international market of organic foods, 2012

Country Market share, % Sales exposure of organic foods, %

USA 45 4.0

Denmark 1.2 7.2

Austria 1.3 6.0

Switzerland 3 5.7

Sweden 1.4 4.1

Germany 14 3.5

Luxemburg 1.6 3.3

Netherlands 1.5 2.7

Canada 4 2.5

France S 2

Ukraine 0.4 1

Source: [13].

At the same time there is an increase in average expenses on organic products per capita in the European countries. On the average this index has increased 1.4 times over the last two years (Table 4).

Table 4. Volumes of sales of organic products in the European countries

Countries Average expenses on organic products per capita, euro

2010 2012

Germany З8 70.7

Italy 24 25

Switzerland 10З 1З1.5

Sweden 47 75.4

Ukraine - 0.1

Source: [16].

The main reasons for growing demand for organic products and increased expenses on such products are the poor quality of ordinary products, public mistrust and the lack of exhaustive information in relation to the genetically modified products and components, ecological food crises of the last decade.

In the developed countries of the world the governments actively supports ecological production, since it contributes to strengthening of internal market, the increase of export and helps to solve economical and ecological problems. Today 32 countries of the world have fully adopted standards for environmentally sound products; 9 countries are engaged in implementation of standardization; 15 countries are engaged in development of such standards [16]. However, the world experience shows that the state supports certain project only when it starts bringing profits and becomes part of economy. The experience of the USA is the most demonstrational one in the noted context. Thus, the idea of environmentally sound products was born in the USA in the 60s. Initially it was some kind of anti-culture, protest against the contamination of planet, and abuse of nature. Sellers and customers were not understood, considered to be obsessed with their health. The range of ecological products was small, the prices were very high, and they could be purchased only in rare specialized stores. Gradually, more and more people began to consume environmentally sound products, and rare farms, engaging in cultivating organic products, started to expand and become large companies. At the same time the state began to pursue a policy of standardization of organic products.

Presently, the greatest recognition was gained by the ISO international standards of 9000 series. In many countries, among which there is also Ukraine, they are accepted as national standards. In our country these series of standards have been brought into force on October 1, 2001. The main idea of developers of this version is that all standards, relating to the protection of environment and quality of life of population, must be based on single scientific and methodical basis. Thus, development and implementation of scale projects for environment protection is impossible without introduction of international standards [15].

Modern trends of development of the economy require the enterprises to introduce ISO standards, regulating the procedure for work in the field of ecological management. The idea of ecological standardization of products was introduced for the first time in Great Britain in 1992, when a standard was worked out for the system of ecological management BS 7750, which was included in the British system of standardization. In accordance with this standard, the level of contamination of environment, the expenses on the production of goods et cetera fall under the regulation. In 1993 this standard was adopted by the countries of the European Union. Today, Netherland, France, Sweden, Spain, Ireland and other countries adopt this system of standardization. Also the ISO committee has

worked out a special system of standards ISO 14000, which regulates ecological standardization of products.

The content of the national American standards for organic products includes: prohibition on the use of artificial chemical fertilizers; prohibition on application of genetically modified technologies; prohibition on the use of growth-promoting substances and fattening, antibiotics and hormonal agents, and also the use of foodstuffs, which are not created on the basis of organics.

Alongside with the law on the National Standards the mandatory certification was introduced, aimed at ensuring that manufacturers and sellers of organics clearly follow the National Standards - not a single uncertified product can be labeled as "organic".

Clear classification of environmentally sound products was adopted, which, in our opinion, is feasible to take as the basis in Ukraine:

1. Natural Products are products, wholly or at least mainly consisting of the ingredients of natural origin, with a minimum of chemical substances, artificial fillers etc. Natural products include primarily Organic Products. It would be more correct to call them "environmentally sound products", namely foods, cultivated on specifically purified soil, without chemicals, using only natural fertilizers, such as fertilizer manures, composted fertilizers etc.

2. Functional Foods are products with artificial addition of healthful substances, increasing the body protective functions (for example, orange juice with addition of Echinacea).

3. Nutraceuticals are the accessory food substances, increasing the nutrient value, for example, the vitamins. They must be of natural origin. The majority of them are various plant extracts.

Organic products in the world market are divided into four types. Depending on how the products were cultivated, they are divided into:

1. 100 % organic (must contain 100 % certified ingredients);

2. Organic (must contain more than 95 % certified ingredients; there are limitations in relation to the methods of production; no more than 5 % inorganic substances are allowed);

3. Those made of organic ingredients (must contain more than 70 % certified ingredients; there are limitations in relation to the methods of production; no more than 30 % inorganic substances are allowed);

4. Less than 70 % organic products (may contain only a small amount of organic substances).

Despite the voluntary application of this system, the number of companies, which introduce it in the practice of their business activity, is growing worldwide. The main reasons, which make companies apply these standards are the following: the expenses on production decrease due to more rational use of resources; ecological problems, related to contamination of environment, are solved; competitive status of enterprise increases in the market; there is a higher possibility of entering the markets of "green technologies";

some banks in the European countries do not provide loans without the ecological substantiation of a project; demand for products increases and so on.

Unfortunately, it is too early to talk about the national system of certification, since today the production of organic products in the country is certified by the representatives of foreign companies, operating in accordance with the regulations and standards, existing in the countries of the European Union, and sometimes in the USA and others. There are about twelve foreign certifying structures in Ukraine. For example, such companies as Control Union (Netherlands), IMO (Switzerland), Etco, Lacon, and also the representatives of Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland and other countries have been working for a long time now. In 2009 the Ukrainian structure "Organic Standard" has obtained an international accreditation for the right to conduct an organic certification. The enterprises have the right to independently choose the certifying institution. Confirmation of certificate must take place annually [7].

It should be noted that organics is not only food products, but the whole variety of goods, such as beauty care products, clothes, hygiene items, and they cannot conform to the standards, worked out mainly for food industry. Presently, the new standards for these products' groups are being developed by the US Trade Association for organics. Everyone, who is involved in cultivation, manufacture and preparation for sale of organic products, must obtain a certificate. Specifically, these are not only manufacturers but also people, engaged in receipt, delivery, treatment, packing and storage of organics. Introduction of standards has a positive impact on the entire ecological industry in the USA. Their presence contributed to a more free import and export of products, also having brought additional funds to the budget and having allowed extending the product market. In addition, consumers began to pay less attention to the high prices on organics, since now they can be sure that they get exactly what they have paid for. Industry of production of environmentally sound products has become a business, bringing good profits. Over the last 10 years this market has increased annually by 20-25 %. In 2010 the sale of environmentally sound products have reached 22.9 billion US dollars, or 3.6% from the general volume of food products market in the USA [12].

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It should be emphasized that in Ukraine the focus on environmentally sound products is associated with a certain risk, which lies in the fact that certain category of consumers does not perceive environmentally sound products on the offered prices. Therefore, production and sales expenses do not pay off and enterprises do not rush to solve this problem. In addition, a concept of "Environmentally sound products " is not clearly defined in our state and it is extremely difficult to do this today, because at all stages of production, transportation and storage a product must not change its properties and should bring its natural characteristics as much as possible.

The conducted research allows distinguishing the basic features of Ukrainian market of organic products:

1. It quickly grows, which makes it especially appealing for the participants of market relations, however entry into this market requires considerable capital investments and is characterized by high risk.

2. Criteria for qualifying products as environmentally sound products are unstructured and unclear. Many consumers consider a prefix "bio" to be a guarantee of ecological cleanness; generally a term "ecological cleanness" is interpreted by all (100%) respondents as absence of preservative agents, synthetic fillers and coloring agents.

3. The separate and very important segment of consumers of environmentally sound products was formed;

these are the children. The scientists have proved, that if a child uses a feeding nipple or soother, made from material injurious to health from the first day of life to 1.5 years, the amount of nitroso compounds, which can get in the child's body over this period of time, is from 700 to 1100 micrograms. Such amount can cause not only allergic reactions but also metabolic disturbance in the child's body. Thus, a production of environmentally sound products can become a special business card of Ukrainian economy, which will allow improving the image of domestic products in the world market, increase the volumes of investment promotion for development of agricultural sector and related industries, and certainly have a positive impact on socioeconomic and cultural development of our country.

We believe that the ability of Ukraine to sustain compliance with the international standards and to be able to meet competition in the world market of organic products is quite high. This can be explained by the following reasons:

1. Some Ukrainian plants are poorly cultivated in the West or not cultivated at all, and some domestic, for example, wild-growing berries, mushrooms, and medical plants simply have no world analogues. According to experts' estimations, development of Ukrainian industry of ecologically sound agriculture is showing potential in such directions, as an ecological plant growing, seed farming, production of industrial crops and market of wild crops.

2. State standards for ordinary Ukrainian products, which are stricter than in the West. Amount of mineral and organic fertilizers, used in our country, is ten times less than in many developed countries, for example, 11 times less than in the USA, and 23 times less than in China [14]. In addition, in Ukraine much less chemical protection agents are used from variety of vermins and diseases in the fields. In this case this fact becomes positive: there are less chemicals in domestic food products, than in imported ones, which makes them more desirable both in internal and international markets.

According to the experts, market of environmentally sound food products in Ukraine will increase in 2013 by 100 %. "Deutsche Welle" reports that Ukrainians already refuse to use genetically modified products and pesticides, and are ready to pay more for environmentally sound certified products. According to the survey, 79 % Ukrainian residents wish to see organic products, cultivated without using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and certificated in accordance with the European quality standards, on their tables. However, now only 0.1 % from the sales of food products in Ukraine is the organic product.

According to Vasiliy Pindus, the chairman of "BIO lan" Association, a very small number of manufacturers are willing to invest money in the environmentally sound production and processing. However, he is sure that situation will change after a law on organic production starts to work. "Now among the obstacles for development of this business are the difficulty to cultivate organic products, insufficient amount of networks, selling these products, lack of state financial backing, insufficient investing in this industry and independent certification". V. Pindus believes that Ukraine has a great potential in this sector, given that the world market of the ecologically cultivated food products amounts to 40 billion euros, while in Ukraine it is only 1 million euro.

Today, in the Concept of state program for development of organic production in Ukraine the organic products are considered to be such products in the process of manufacturing of which:

in the plant growing it is prohibited to use chemical pesticides to deal with weed plants, vermins and plants diseases, and also mineral fertilizers of synthetic origin;

specifically plants protection is carried out mainly by using agents of natural origin, while organic fertilizers are used for feeding soil and plants;

the use of genetically modified organisms is categorically forbidden;

in a stock breeding it is prohibited to apply growth-promoting substances, hormones and antibiotics; prophylactic remedies and homoeopathic medicines are used for treating animals.

Only those products can be referred to as organic, which are manufactured in accordance with the approved rules (standards), and a production has undergone the procedure of certification in accordance with established procedure. Specifically organic products are labeled as required. The label shall include a relevant logotype as well as information about the corresponding certification authority.

Ukraine, having considerable potential for production of organic agricultural products, their export, and domestic consumption, has achieved certain results in development of own organic production. Thus, the area of certified agricultural lands in Ukraine, used for cultivating various organic products, is more than a quarter million hectares; our state ranks honorable No. 21 among the world's leading countries of organic movement. The share of certified organic areas of the total agricultural lands in Ukraine is almost 0.7 %. Specifically Ukraine ranks No. 1 in the East-Europe region in relation to the certified area of organic plough land, specializing mainly in production of cereal, pulse and oil crops. In addition, 200 thousand ha of wild crops are certified in our state. In the past three years there is a tendency of filling of internal market with own organic products due to establishing own processing of organic raw material. In particular, these are cereals, juices, syrups, jams, vegetables and fruits, dry fruits, honey, meat and milk product.

The IFOAM official statistical reviews confirm that if in beginning of 2003, 31 farms have been registered in Ukraine, having received a status of "organic", at the end of 2011 in Ukraine there have been already 157 certified organic farms, and the total area of certified organic agricultural lands amounted to 270330 hectares.

According to data of the Federation of Organic

Movement of Ukraine, the modern internal consumer market of organic products in Ukraine have begun to develop since 2006-2007, and numbered 600 thousand euros in 2008, 1.2 million euros in 2009; in 2010 this figure has increased to 2.4 million euro, and in 2011 it has increased to 5.1 million euro [16].

However, relatively slow development of organic

production in our country is mainly due to the incompleteness of legislative and legal and regulatory framework, which could clearly define public policy in the field of organic production, create conditions for legislative recognition and protection of organic products, formation of the national system of certification, adoption of rules, standards and a clear, effective system of state support and promotion of organic production development.

So far there is no single domestic legislative instrument, which would regulate the organic production in Ukraine.

Accordingly, domestic manufacturers undergo the

procedure of organic certification of their production according to existing international standards; mostly these are the norms of the European Union.

However, today the state is trying to support this sector of economy. Through implementation of government's purpose-oriented Program of village development until 2015 it is planned to increase the volume of organic products' share in the total volume of gross agricultural products by 10 percent, to promote the conduction of organic agriculture, to

standardize development of organic farming agriculture and establish a system of its certification.

It is worthwhile noting that Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has passed the Law of Ukraine "On organic production" on April 21, 2011. The document defines legal, economical, social and organizational frameworks of conducting organic agriculture, requirement for cultivation, production, processing, certification, marking, transportation, storage and realization of organic products and raw materials. The law entered into force on April, 2012.

Passing the Law is very relevant for our state, since it allows starting development of full package of regulatory acts to form effective legislative framework of the European level and create real legal environment for providing business entities of organic direction with equal conditions for operating.

The main advantages of development of environmentally sound products market in Ukraine will be the following:

Organic products are safe for man and environment; they are not contaminated by nitrates, heavy metals, residues of pesticides, herbicides and other substances of chemical synthesis.

Organic products do not contain pathogenic organisms, parasites and allergenic components.

Organic products do not contain genetically modified organisms and substances, produced from them.

Organic products retain nutritive properties, quality, safety and natural ingredients at processing, since only natural methods of processing and traditional recipes, natural substances and materials are used for packing; the use of aromatic chemicals, preservative agents, additives and others is forbidden.

The use of organic products indirectly contributes to the preservation of the environment, namely has a positive impact on reproduction of natural fertility of soils, helps to increase natural biodiversity; improves the health of the animals, as such methods are applied for their keeping and which are connected to their natural needs and do not cause suffering to the animals.

Unfortunately, by introducing the methods of ecological production, the following problems associated with it should not be forgotten, these are namely:

1. The expansiveness of projects of ecological agricultural production. The main and, perhaps, the most expensive problem of the Ukrainian farms is a lack of necessary equipment for including the certified fertilizers and place for their proper storage, lack of equipment for mechanical withdrawal of weeds and lopping of branches, and sprinkling systems. Financial expenses, required for introduction of these technologies, amount to 200-1000 dollars per 1 hectare for grain crops and in 5000-8000 dollars per 1 hectare for cultivating fruits [6]. However, such production is considered to be very profitable, because it offers products of a better quality and guarantees to the manufacturer higher prices on realization.

2. Lack of certified lands (in Ukraine only 0,003 % of the total area of all agricultural lands). Their certification can take at least four years provided that cropping history and other documentation were properly maintained, and the chemical soil criterions correspond to the acceptable levels.

3. Increase of time expenditures and costs on production of environmentally sound products, which are several times higher than the time required for production of ordinary products. For example, two years are needed in order to cultivate environmentally sound wheat, and 6 months - to raise chickens.

4. Pre-sale preparation of goods, their storage and shipping. Since the volumes of environmentally sound products are relatively small, it is necessary to ensure avoidance of risk of mixing them with the other inorganic products.

5. However, the main factor, which puts a break on this market development in Ukraine, is a lack of state standards for environmentally sound products. The lack of clear definition of concept "Environmentally sound product" (organic or bioproduct) and mass unauthorized marking lead to discrediting of the concept among consumers. Some market experts insist that using the term "environmentally sound" should not be allowed, as in Ukraine the criteria for estimation of ecological friendliness have not been worked out yet.

Conclusions of research and prospects for further development. Basic indexes, adopted in international practice, which give evidences of the growth of organic products market, are the number of manufacturing countries, number of manufacturers in a particular country, country's share in the general structure of international market, area of organic lands and their growth, level of consumption per capita and variety of organic products. The conducted analysis allowed distinguishing the main problems of forming and developing the organic products market in the short term. Thus, the main factor, which slows down its development in Ukraine, is the lack of the centralized state policy, poor development of necessary infrastructure, which creates additional risks for this sector of economy and reduces investment attractiveness for business. The specific features of the Ukrainian market are the lack of coordination and weak links between farms, distributors, consumers and suppliers of organic products. Lack of systematic approach to solving complex problems of organic products market hinders introduction of the newest technologies of production, processing and storage of organic products. Due to the low-level standard of living of country's population, there is no stable and growing demand from consumers for such products. Thus, development of organic products market in Ukraine is the promising sector of economy, as evidenced by the experience of European and other countries. Stable and positive dynamics of its development can be achieved provided that there is a results-oriented and stable state support.


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Received 13.05.13


У статті розглядається світовий ринок органічної продукції і особливості його розвитку в Україні. Авторами досліджується сегмент ринку екологічно чистої продукції, переваги і перспективи його розвитку, основні проблеми впровадження методів екологічного виробництва у світовому масштабі та в Україні. У роботі обґрунтовано причини та потенціал можливого зростання конкурентоспроможності країні на світовому ринку органічної продукції.

Ключові слова: екологічно чиста продукція; органічна продукція; стандарт; ринок екологічно чистих товарів.

Т. Харченко, канд. экон. наук, доц.,

Ю. Сагайдак, канд. экон. наук, доц.

КНУ имени Тараса Шевченко, Киев


В данной статье рассматриваются рынок органической продукции в целом и особенности его развития в Украине. Авторами исследуется сегмент рынка экологически чистой продукции, преимущества и перспективы его развития, основные проблемы внедрения методов экологического производства в мировом масштабе и в Украине. В работе обоснованы причины и потенциал возможного роста конкурентоспособности страны на мировом рынке органической продукции.

Ключевые слова: экологически чистая продукция; органическая продукция; стандарт; рынок экологически чистых товаров.

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