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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Shapovalova I.B.

Изложены результаты анализа материалов осенних и весенне-летних натурных исследований, проведенных в 2020-2021 гг. в верхнем течении р. Вязьма (левый приток Уводи), а также в лесо-болотных угодьях северной части зоны смешанных и широколиственных лесов на югозападе Тейковского района, Ивановской области. Цель исследований - изучение состояния орнитокомплексов пойменных экосистем в условиях усиливающегося антропогенного воздействия и климатических изменений. В ходе проведенных работ были изучены физикогеографические особенности района территории, проведены геоботанические и почвенные исследований долины р. Вязьма и водно-болотных угодий, по которым были охарактеризованы состав и структура отдельных компонентов экосистем (почвы, растительность). В работе проанализированы материалы литературных источников и использованы данные осенних и весенне-летних орнитологических учетов за 2020-2021 гг. Дана экологическая характеристика и современная оценка состояния прибрежных и лесо-болотных орнитокомплексов при антропогенном воздействии (видовое разнообразие, численность и обилие птиц). Выявлены основные особенности трансформации среды, играющие роль ведущих факторов при на изменении авиафауны долины реки Вязьма. Ключевые слова: Россия, Ивановская область, оценка, фактор воздействия, зона смешанных и широколиственных лесов, пойменные экосистемы, речная пойма, интразональный ландшафт, аридизация, гидрологический режим, климат, видовой состав, численность, плотность населения, обилие, орнитокомплексы, популяция, болотно-околоводный комплекс. Благодарности. Автор выражает особую благодарность Главному редактору и рецензентам журнала «Экосистемы: экология и динамика» за участие в подготовке статьи к публикации. Особую благодарность выражаю Ж.В. Кузьминой и Е.И. ТоболовойIn this article we present the analysis results of the materials that were obtained during the autumn and spring-summer field studies in 2020-2021. The studies took place in the upper reaches of the Vyazma River (left inflow of the Uvodi River), and in the forest-marshlands of the northern part of the zone of mixed and deciduous forests in the southwest of the Teikovsky District, one of the central ones in the Ivanovo Region. The aim of the studies was to investigate the state of floodplain ecosystems under the increasing anthropogenic impact and climate change. We studied the physical and geographical features of the area, and carried out the geobotanical and soil researches of the Vyazma River valley and wetlands. This helped us to determine the composition and structure of individual ecosystem components, such as soil and vegetation, in the river floodplain in the north of the mixed and deciduous forests. In this article we analyzed the literary sources and studied the data of the autumn and spring-summer ornithological censuses that took place in 2020-2021. We provide an ecological characteristic and an actual assessment of the coastal ornithocomplexes (species diversity, birds’ number and abundance in the bog-semi-aquatic complex) and the forest-bog ones under anthropogenic impact. We determined the main features of this transforming environment, because they are the leading factors influencing the changes in the aviafauna of the Vyazma River valley.

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In this article we present the analysis results of the materials that were obtained during the autumn and spring-summer field studies in 2020-2021. The studies took place in the upper reaches of the Vyazma River (left inflow of the Uvodi River), and in the forest-marshlands of the northern part of the zone of mixed and deciduous forests in the southwest of the Teikovsky District, one of the central ones in the Ivanovo Region. The aim of the studies was to investigate the state of floodplain ecosystems under the increasing anthropogenic impact and climate change. We studied the physical and geographical features of the area, and carried out the geobotanical and soil researches of the Vyazma River valley and wetlands. This helped us to determine the composition and structure of individual ecosystem components, such as soil and vegetation, in the river floodplain in the north of the mixed and deciduous forests. In this article we analyzed the literary sources and studied the data of the autumn and spring-summer ornithological censuses that took place in 2020-2021. We provide an ecological characteristic and an actual assessment of the coastal ornithocomplexes (species diversity, birds’ number and abundance in the bog-semi-aquatic complex) and the forest-bog ones under anthropogenic impact. We determined the main features of this transforming environment, because they are the leading factors influencing the changes in the aviafauna of the Vyazma River valley.


ECOSYSTEMS: ECOLOGY AND DYNAMICS, 2021, Vol. 5, No. 4, P. 103-125



UDC 574.4; 574.5


© 2021. I.B. Shapovalova

Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences 3, Gubkina Str., Moscow, 119333, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]

Received November 15, 2021. Revised December 01, 2021. Accepted December 01, 2021

In this article we present the analysis results of the materials that were obtained during the autumn and spring-summer field studies in 2020-2021. The studies took place in the upper reaches of the Vyazma River (left inflow of the Uvodi River), and in the forest-marshlands of the northern part of the zone of mixed and deciduous forests in the southwest of the Teikovsky District, one of the central in the Ivanovo Region. The aim of the studies was to investigate the state of floodplain ecosystems under the increasing anthropogenic impact and climate change. We studied the physical and geographical features of the area, and carried out the geobotanical and soil researches of the Vyazma River valley and wetlands. This helped us to determine the composition and structure of individual ecosystem components, such as soil and vegetation, in the river floodplain in the north of the mixed and deciduous forests. In this article we analyzed the literary sources and studied the data of the autumn and spring-summer ornithological censuses that took place in 2020-2021. We provide an ecological characteristic and an actual assessment of the coastal ornithocomplexes (species diversity, birds' number and abundance in the bog-semi-aquatic complex) and the forest-bog ones under anthropogenic impact. We determined the main features of this transforming environment, because they are the leading factors influencing the changes in the aviafauna of the Vyazma River valley. Keywords: Russia, Ivanovo Region, assessment, impact factor, zone of mixed and deciduous forests, floodplain ecosystems, river floodplain, intrazonal landscape, aridization, hydrological regime, climate, species composition, population numbers, population density, abundance, ornithocomplexes, population, bog-semi-aquatic complex. DOI: 10.24412/2542-2006-2021-4-103-125

The problem of transforming natural ecosystems of the river floodplains (ornithocomplexes in particular) as a result of human activities, such as plowing, pasture load, river over-regulation, irrigation, are well covered in the works of some authors: V.I. Azarov (1984), V.I. Drobovtsev (1972, 1977, 1979), V.G. Krivenko (1981, 1991), V.A. Minoransky (1961) and R.S. Chalova (2000). The natural ecosystems in the central regions of Russia have changed significantly due to the agricultural activities, recreational load, land plowing, pasture load and construction of water reservoirs (Potapov, 1959; Ekzertsev, 1961, 1963). Nowadays the water regime, landscape structure, soil and vegetation covers keep transforming in the floodplains of large and small rivers of forest and forest-steppe zones due to the increasing anthropogenic load, as well as the economic regime and the climate changes (Kuzmina, Treshkin, 2014, 2015, 2018; Ulanova, 2010; Natural complexes ..., 2014; Shapovalova, 2016a, 2016b, 2017, 2019, 2020). Along with this the nature of the impact, caused by the river system on the adjacent territories, changes as well. This leads to the transformation of the structure and functions of the natural ecosystems in the river valley, including the composition and structure of their most active part, the ornithocomplexes.

It is an important task to determine the features of anthropogenic impact on the elements of the natural complexes along the river banks (mainly, birds) in the floodplains of the forest-steppe zone,

and to determine how much the medium and small rivers support and preserve species diversity of the regions. Once studied, it can help us to develop the most rational management for land and water resources in the central regions of Russia (Central Federal District).

Materials and Methods

Study Area. The study took place in the Teikovsky District in the southwest of the Ivanovo Region, in the zone of mixed forests (coniferous trees - 46%). It also included an urban area in the town of Teikovo that was located on the bank of the small river Vyazma (left inflow of the Uvodi River), and the areas near the Bogatyrevo and Melushevo villages, plus the wetlands of the Sakhtysh peat fields (the northern part of the Sakhtysh-Rubskoe fields) and adjacent agricultural landscapes (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Physical map of the Ivanovo Region, the study area is marked with the red ellipse.

The territory of our research has a mosaic landscape, large forests with big open areas. Some of its agricultural lands have been abandoned for a while, resulting in them overgrowing with weeds, trees and shrubs (Zubkova et al., 2012). The wetlands within Teikovo belong to the Vyazma River valley (left inflow of the Uvodi River), while in the southwest of the Teikovo Region the territory is occupied by mixed and birch forests, with open mesophytic meadows, farmlands, and large depleted bogs formed by the complexes of overgrowing peat bogs (peat quarries and fields).

The territory of settling tanks on a pig farm was studied the most, because its biodiversity was of high interest. It is formed by 6 artificial ponds, or the former peat quarries with high banks, lined with concrete. The old hydraulic structures indicate that the ponds were connected before. Only 5 of them have banks, extremely overgrown with aquatic and semi- aquatic vegetation, such as reeds and cattails. They are also covered with mixed grasses. The territory of the Sakhtysh peat wetland is a

key ornithological area of a regional importance.

The main aim of our research was to provide an ecological characterization of the natural components (and avifauna) in the ecosystem of the Vyazma River floodplain and the forest bogs in the Sakhtysh River valley under the constant anthropogenic impact. Our objectives were to determine the species composition and components structure in the floodplain (including ornithocomplexes), as well as to identify what types of anthropogenic impact they undergo in the forest zone.

The main object was the river valley ornithocomplexes of the forest zone in the central regions of Russia. The subject of research was the assessment of their transformation on the basis of such indicators as species diversity, population numbers and population density in the floodplain habitats.

We used both the published literary sources and the data of the complex environmental observations that was collected during the autumn and spring-summer censuses in 2020-2021 on the Vyazma River and in the forest-bogs near the Bogatyrevo and Melushevo villages.

Table 1. Comparison of birds' categories, using the scales of abundance that were invented by A.P. Kuzyakin (1962) and V.A. Valuyev (2007).

Categories A.P. Kuzyakin (1962), ind./km2 V.A. Valuyev (2007) for birds of prey, ind./km2

absolutely dominant (CCC) 100> 1-9

numerous (CC) 10-99 0.1-0.99

common species (C) 1-9 0.01-0.09

small (R) 0.1-0.9 0.001-0.009

rare (RR) 0.01-0.09 0.0001-0.0009

extremely rare (RRR) <0.001 <0.00001

We carried out our ornithological studies according to standard methodologies, using the census route and working at stations (Ravkin, 1967; Larina et al., 1981; Vergeles, 1994). To analyze the bird population within the individual landscape sections we also used a special scale (Kuzyakin, 1962; Valuev, 2007; Belik, 2000; Table 1). The Russian and Latin names of bird taxa are given according to L.S. Stepanyan (1990, 2003) and E.V. Koblika et al. (2006); the types of fauna are provided according to B.K. Shtegman (1938), with additions (Ravkin, 1967). We used a specific method to assess the avifauna transformation in the bog-semi-aquatic complex under the changing water regime, and took into account the intra-zonal factor (Shapovalova, 2018, 2019, 2020).

The avifauna was studied in accordance with the specific botanical-geographical zoning, which largely characterizes the landscape structure of the territory and the Ivanovo Region in general, causing a significant impact on the distribution of terrestrial fauna.

We have determined that the study area of Teikovsky District, Ivanovo Region (1,290 km2 in total) is located in the forest zone and belongs to the forest area of the region and the area of coniferous-deciduous (mixed) forests of the European part of Russia. This study area is characterized by the mixed and deciduous forests, alternating with zonal meadow cenoses and agricultural landscapes. Its forest cover is relatively high, making the district the richest forest area of the Ivanovo region (64,026 ha).

The result of our reconnaissance studies was the ecological characterization of the components of the Vyazma River floodplain ecosystem and forest-bog lands in the southwest of the Teikovsky District, as well as the creation of a database for the main objects of our research.

Results and Discussion

Geographical location and relief. The Ivanovo Region is located in the center of the non-chernozem zone of the European part of Russia and occupies the northern part of the Oka and Volga Rivers interfluve. Its coordinates are as follows: from 57° 45' N to 56° 21' N from north to south, and from 39° 23' E to 43° 14' E from west to east (Borisovskiy, 1968, with additions). The territory is a semi-concave plain, which is dissected evenly and shallowly by river valleys, ravines and numerous wide hollows (Fig. 1). The highest relief contrast can be found between the elevated northwestern part with the Galich-Plyos Moraine Ridge, and the outskirts of the Balakhninsly Lowland in the southeast. In the west the region includes part of a large elevated plateau that goes along the right bank of the Nerl River (Borisovskiy, 1968).

Climate of the region is moderately continental, with cold, snowy winters and moderately hot, short summers. The region is mostly influenced by the air masses of moderate latitudes, which are carried by the dominant western currents. The humidification through the precipitations is done mainly due to the moisture of the Atlantic Ocean. The territory is often influenced by the cold air from the polar basin, being both of low moisture and temperatures. In winter the weather is frosty, and the temperature drops down to -32°C. The average annual air temperatures range from 2.6°C to 3.3°C. The southern and central regions are usually warmer. The average annual temperature below 3°C is common for the northwestern, northern and northeastern parts of the region. The average annual precipitations are 550-600 mm, which indicates excessive moisture. The southeastern territories are the most humid (up to 600 mm), while the southwestern ones are the least humid (up to 525 mm). The precipitation distribution throughout the year is uneven.

Hydrology. The local river network is part of the Volga River basin and its right inflow, the Klyazma River (Fig. 2). The total number of rivers and streams of the region is about 1,700, with 183 of them being more than 10 km long. The largest are Uvod, Nerl, Teza and Luh. All rivers are of the plain type, recharged mainly with snow and rain. Their average annual flow (95% of supply per year) is 7 km3. Moreover, there are 86 water reservoirs in the territory, with their total volume of about 126 million m3 (excluding the Gorky Reservoir). The largest one is Uvodsk; its surface area is 10.2 km2, the total volume is 82 million m3. It provides drinking water to Ivanov town. There are also about 150 lakes in the region; the largest ones are Rubskoye (its water surface area is 2.97 km2) and Svyatoe (2.78 km2). A significant amount of small lakes is bogged, and many have formed where the depleted peat fields once were. Most of the peat bogs are located in the northwest, with their total area being 1.4 thousand km2.

The Vyazma River in our study area is a small one and belongs to a plain type. It is a right inflow of the Uvodi River and part of the Klyazma River basin (Volga basin), stretching for 86 km, with its catchment area being 827 km2 (State water registry ..., 2021). It is located in the center of the East European Plain, flowing from the northwest of the Ivanovo Region to the southeast, through its center, parallel to the Ukhtokhma River (left inflow of the Uvodi River), crossing the town of Teikovo. Its source is located in the lowland Shinilovo Bog near the village of Nikolskoye, Teikovsky district. The river has a small slope and a slow flow, which causes its channel to heavily overgrow with algae during summer. The Vyazma River has a mixed type of recharge thanks to snow, rain and groundwater, with the runoff of the melting snow being the most dominant source of recharge. Its riverbed in the upper reaches is rather narrow, overgrown with abundant semi-aquatic vegetation. Its width never exceeds 5-15 m, and its depth can reach 2 m; its banks are rich with forests and partially bogged. In winter the river is recharged mainly by groundwater, in summer and autumn it is fed by rain and groundwater, in spring the recharge is provided by melt water. The melting snow plays the main role in the annual runoff, providing 60-80% of it; the rainfall and groundwater recharge are of less importance, being only 20-40% of it. The distribution of runoff over the year is uneven; about 70-80% or more is provided by the spring flooding during March-

April. The ice on the Vyazma River breaks in late March - early April and drifts for 3-8 days. During the flooding period, the river widens significantly, overflowing into its floodplain, which can last for 10-20 days. In the upper reaches and in Teikovo the river is badly polluted.

1 ftororo ЦлнГКОО

2 6offt*. Оэерсное

3 старинны* пруд с нсгснйвй

чаен в д Выоолзовз

4 болото Большое-Долгое

5 болота Шитииоесное

6 болото PbnyfHHO

7 боло'О Ш ¿тройское

8 боло*э Сввтиновсмсе

9 озеро Нрлении Остр?»

10 озеро Чернов И озеро Рубсиое

12 озеро С ер* овей о*

13 било »о Мо*оое

14 более Ьерестеео

15 болото Бапево

16 Уводьсиое водо*ра*иг1»щ€>

17 f-ac^OH роии У* д* у парна

им Степанова в f Иванове

18 роднин на ул Челмысва

в г иваново

19 озеро Высонсвсное

20 озеро CiíCCHOe (Лосеесиов) 21 водо«ранилище на рене Таги«?

22 озеро Западное

23 озеро Потерэевсмое

24 озеро Валдайское

25 водохранилище на рен« Харинне

26 вода«&аи*лище 9 ' Ноте <3алрудча)

27 озеро Се/шциое

28 озеро Филатов , и г*»

29 нарстовые озера у д Иурьиннисв

30 бопото Лентьевснов

31 бопото Тазоесчое

32 озере. Сорокине

33 озеро Ловннсное

34 »одоиранигище в I Юме (Вазаль)

35 озеро Ламеное

36 озеро Заборм»

37 озеро Рассохи

38 болото Плетни-Ношнннз

39 сзеро Лебединое

40 озеро Шадрино

41 озеро Ламсное

42 сзеро По*-ыхар*

43 озеро Бегь-ное

44 озеро Мегь^а

45 озеро Святое

46 Согсто Дичеаснов

47 болото Нозиисное

48 озеро Песгвновское

Fig. 2. Hydrography map of the Ivanovo Region, the study area is marked with the red ellipse (Ivanovo region ..., 1996).

Soils. The Ivanovo Region belongs to the sod-podzolic soil zone. This type of soils is dominant in the regions, along with the bog and waterlogged ones (Baranov, Vetchinina, 1976).

Vegetation. The region represents the southern edge of the European taiga and, mainly, the subzone of coniferous-deciduous forests that have been severely transformed by human activities (Kurnaev, 1982).

The native forests of the territory consist of spruce, pine and coniferous-broad-leaved species with oak and linden (Fig. 3). The secondary small-leaved forests with birch and aspen, which have

formed due to the human activities, are also widespread (Shalyganova, 1976). The Zavolzhsky, Kineshemsky, Teikovsky, Yuzhsky districts of Ivanovo Region and Sokolsky district (the modern territory of the Nizhny Novgorod Region) have the largest amount of forests. Oak forests are common in the floodplains of the Lukh and Klyazma rivers.

Photo 1. The Vyazma River floodplain, its riverbed in the upper flow within the Teikovo town, June 2021 (photo by I.B. Shapovalova).

The upper reaches of the Vyazma River are located in the Teikovsky District, in the south-west of the region. Its forest cover is more than 52.4% (Forest plan ..., 2015; Table 1). The riverbanks are occupied by deciduous forests, widespread in the lower floodplain along the entire riverbed. The forests are also quite rich in its valley and upper floodplain. Since the flow of the Vyazma River is very slow, the banks are gentle and usually overflown during the spring flood. The territory around the banks in the study area is rather muddy. The lower floodplain of the river is heavily flooded (groundwater level <0.5 m), since the river section in the town is over-regulated by several low-pressure dams (that belong to several enterprises, using the river water), therefore, the width of its channel within the town is larger than in the middle flow, the downstream. The former middle floodplain now belongs to the lower floodplain, which is always overflown during the spring flood from mid-March to mid-May.

The nature of the vegetation on the banks shows that the floodplain is heavily flooded (Photo 2). The first floodplain levels of the Vyazma River are occupied with the plant communities of large swamp grasses, a strip of Scirpus sylváticus1, patches of Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia and Calamagróstis canéscens. The lower floodplain is occupied with broad-leaved trees, such as Sálix álba and Salix triandra, with Úlmus laévis, Tilia europaea, occasional Betula alba and Pópulus trémula. The undergrowth is formed by Sórbus aucupária, Córylus avellána, Acer platanoídes, Prúnus pádus and Sambúcus racemósa. After the urban section of the Vyazma River was over-regulated, and due to the shallow groundwater level, the flooding is frequent in the area, some parts are waterlogged and the soils of the lower floodplain are of high gleization. This, in its turn, causes an almost entire soaking of oak forests (Kuzmina, Treshkin, 2015). Only the individual oak seedlings can be found here rarely (Photo 2).

1 The Latin names of plants are given according to S.K. Cherepanov (1995).


Fig. 3. The vegetation map of the Ivanovo Region (Ivanovo region ..., 1996).

Animals. According to the latest data, the number of terrestrial invertebrates' species in the Ivanovo Region is about 100-120 thousand. The biodiversity of vertebrates, according to preliminary estimates (including those animals that have disappeared recently) is represented by 395 species, or about 27% of their total diversity in Russia (excluding marine fish, because there are more than 3000 species in Russia, as it is said in the Appendix to the Decree of the Governor of Ivanovo Region, 11.10.2019, No. 95-ug). The recent findings indicate there are 2 species of lampreys (Barinov, 2018), 56 species of fish (Barinov, 2018), 10 species of amphibians, 6 species of reptiles (Guseva, 1998), and 67 species of mammals in the region. At the end of 2013, a total of 289 bird species were registered in the territory of the region (Zubkova et al., 2014), 127 of which are rare and 25 are included in the "Red Data Book of the Russian Federation" (2001), with different protected status. 76 animals that are considered the hunting resources in the territory include 50 species of birds and 26 species of mammals (Table 2).

As a result of our studies of the amphibians and reptiles, we registered 6 amphibian species: Bufo bufo, Pelophylax lessonae, Pelophylax ridibundus, Rana arvalis, Rana temporaria, Lissotriton vulgaris; and 5 reptile species: Zootoca vivipara, Anguis fragilis, Natrix natrix, Vipera berus, Coronella austriaca (Photo 3).

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Photo 2. The flooded part of the low floodplain of the upper stream that was a middle one before the over-regulation, June 2021 (photo by I.B. Shapovalova).

The visual encounters and traces of activities allowed us to register 27 mammal species: Capreolus capredlus, Alces alces, Sus scrofa, Vulpes vulpes, Lynx lynx, Mustela putorius, Mustela nivalis, Martes martes, Erinaceus europaeus, Talpa europaea, Sorex araneus, Nyctalus noctula, Pipistrellus nathusii, Castor fiber, Ondatra zibethicus, Arvicola amphibius, Myodes glareolus, Microtus arvalis, Sciurus vulgaris, Pteromys volans, Apodemus uralensis, Apodemus agrarius, Mus musculus, Micromys minutus, Rattus norvegicus, Lepus timidus, and Lepus europaeus.


Photo 3. Herpetofauna species: A) Anguis fragilis, September 2020, B) Pelophylax ridibundus, June 2021 (photos by I.B. Shapovalova).


Photo 4. Lepidoptera species: A) Pterophorus pentadactyla in the lower floodplain of the Vyazma River, June 2021, B) Anthocharis cardamines (photos by I.B. Shapovalova).

Avifauna. According to our studies in the territory of the Teikovsky District that took place in the late August and September 2020, as well as in May-June and August-September 2021, 115 constantly nesting bird species were found, belonging to 13 orders, 31 families and 65 genera. Among them 17 species are listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (2001). Among the total amount of bird species encountered during the entire period of our researches near the village Bogatyrevo, 115 species were registered. Meanwhile, in the biotopes of the Vyazma River banks within the town of Teikovo, the species diversity significantly declined, and we found only 64 of them, which could be due to a strong recreational load in the territory, and a high disturbance from people, as well as a strong pollution of the riverbed and the floodplain banks. However, the ecological distribution of the species diversity in the northwestern part of the Sakhtysh-Rubskoye peat fields near the Bogatyrevo and Sakhtysh villages and in the urban part of the floodplain were similar. In the ornithocomplexes near the Bogatyrevo the dendrophilic group was predominant (51%), followed by the limnophilic group (31%). The campophilic group had the smallest number

of species (8%). The sclerophilic group was only 10% of the entire avifauna that we had encountered. However, due to the specificity of the environment in the urban part of the floodplain, the sclerophilic species (15.6%) were significant, while the campophilic ones were very low (1.6%). The dominant ecological groups have the same trends; the main position is represented by the dendrophilic species (53.2%), followed by the limnophilic ones (28.8%; Fig. 4).

Photo 5. The activities of Castor fiber : A) the dam, B) the gnawn trees and the path to the water, May 2021 (photos by I B. Shapovalova).

Photo 6. The activities of Dendrocopos major: A) wood pecking, B) "forge", May 2021 (photos by I.B. Shapovalova).

When the ecological groups in the ornithocomplexes of the region were analyzed by their species richness and abundance, we discovered that the species diversity of the floodplain was significantly lower than the one of the forest biotopes around the peat fields. However, in both territories the dendrophilic (59 and 34 species) and limnophilic (32 and 19 species) groups were dominant (Fig. 5). The smallest ones were the sclerophilic (11 and 10 species) and the campophilous (only 9 species were found in the peat fields) groups, while at the banks of the Vyazma River this group was almost absent due to the strong overgrowth of the floodplain.

The abundance in ecological groups had the same trends. The density and species richness were the highest in the dendrophilic group (73.2 ind./km2 in the peat fields, 63.2 ind./km2 in the floodplain) and limnophilic group (36.1 and 22.8 ind./km2), and the lowest indices were in the campophilic group (12.9 and 0.8 ind./km2), which corresponds to the geographic location and landscape type of the area (or vegetation zone; Fig. 5). However, in the territory of the floodplain within the town, in contrast to the natural area, the sclerophilic group (110.8 ind./km2) was significantly larger than the rest of the ecological groups, which slightly changes our picture of the bird species distribution in ornithocomplexes of forests and bogs in the peat fields and in the overgrown floodplains. If we disregard this factor and exclude the overlap of the urban

environment, the distribution trend of the species abundance in both territories will correspond to the peculiarities of the habitat (i.e. type of vegetation and climate zone), where the dendrophilic and limnophilic groups play the main role.

Photo 8. The nests in the forest near the peat fields of the A) fieldfare (ransacked), B) northern goshawk (inhabited), May 2021 (photos by I.B. Shapovalova).

After analyzing the general distribution of bird species from different ecological groups by their abundance, we found out that most species of almost all groups belong to the common (C) and small (R) abundance groups, which corresponds to the normal distribution in the biocenosis (Fig. 6). The numerous (CC) and rare (RR) species are not significant, while the absolutely dominant species (CCC) and rare (RRR) species are almost absent. The dendrophilic group (26 species in both C and R) and limnophilic group (23 predominant R species and only 9 C pecies) prevail among the common and small groups of species. In the common (C) and small (R) groups of species, the sclerophilic (6 and 1 species respectively) and campophilic (5 and 4 species) ones are insignificant.

When analyzing the population density of bird species from different ecological groups, we revealed that the dendrophilic group of the most common species (C) with the highest population density among other groups (39.6 ind./km2) was dominant in the site peat fields (Fig. 7). It also has the

greatest variability (CC, C and R) in comparison with other ecological groups. However, in the urban area of the floodplain the sclerophilic group (86.2 ind./km2) is highly prevailing, which is not typical for the same natural conditions in the area of our research. In other groups, the forest species remain dominant (C with 47.9 ind./km2 from the dendrophilic group).

In other groups the species abundance is distributed evenly (22-25.6 ind./km2). The lymphophilic and sclerophilic groups are evenly distributed (C/R and CC/C, respectively). The campophilic group has the lowest population density and variability (C with 10.8 ind./km2, R with 2.1 ind./km2). If we disregard the numerous urban sclerophilic species, then in the urban part of the floodplain of the Vyazma River, the forest species continue to dominate.



Photo 9. Gallinago gallinago: A) its nest, May 2021 (photo by I.B. Shapovalova), B) during the spring migration, 04/16/2016 (photo by E. Safronov).


The Vyazma River is a small river of a plain type, located in a mixed forests zone. Its floodplain within the town is under a strong recreational load. The climate of the study area is moderately continental. The soils are mainly sod-podzolic, often alternating with bogged and waterlogged ones. The floodplain vegetation is very diverse, but the forest species prevail. The research area is located in the Teikovsky District of the Ivanovo Region, the forest cover of which is 52.4%.

During our reconnaissance studies we registered 115 constantly nesting bird species, belonging to

13 orders, 31 families and 65 genera. They are 40% of the total 289 bird species that were registered in the region. Among them there are 115 constantly nesting ones. The limnophilic group has the highest species richness (31% in the peat fields, 29.7% in the floodplain) and dendrophilic group (51.0% and 53.1%). The dendrophilic group also has the highest population density (73.2 and 64.4 ind./km2). The campophilic group has the lowest values (8% and 1.6% of the total species diversity).

sclerophilic 9.9%

campophilic 8.1%

limnophilic 28.8%


campophilic 1.6%

sclerophilic 15.6%




Fig. 4. Biotopic distribution of nesting fauna in the territory of A) the northwestern part of the Sakhtysh-Rubskoye peat fields and B) the urban part of the Vyazma River floodplain within Teikovo town in the southwest of the Ivanovo Region.




i * S -M

a 'S w a


S «

.S '15 «


« «M

a ©



120 100 80 60 40 20 0


Vyazma River

Species divercity (aamount of species) ■ limnophilic ■ dendrophilic

peat fields

Density (ind./sq.km)

campophilic ■ sclerophilic

Fig. 5. The ratio between biodiversity and population density in the territory of the Vyazma River floodplain within the town and the northern part of the Sakhtysh-Rubskoye peat fields near the Bogatyrevo Village.


S s


30 25

.S 20

w «





Abundance groups


limnophilic ■ dendrophilic ■ campophilic ■ sclerophilic

Fig. 6. Species representation in the different ecological groups by their abundance. Legend: CCC -absolutely dominant, CC - numerous, C - common species, R - small, RR - rare, RRR - extremely rare.



Table 2. Species abundance and population density in the abundance groups in the northern part of A) the Sakhtysh-Rubskoye peat fields and B) the urban part of the Vyazma River floodplain.

Ecological group CCC CC C R RR RRR

1* 2** 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

limnophilic 0 0.00 0 0.00 9 25.0 23 11.0 3 0.08 0 0.00

dendrophilic 0 0.00 2 22.2 26 39.6 26 11.2 5 0.18 0 0.00

campofilic 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 10.8 4 2.1 0 0.00 0 0.00

sclerophilic 0 0.00 4 23.8 6 25.6 1 0.003 0 0.00 0 0.00

Total 0 0.00 6 46.0 46 101.0 54 24.3 8 0.26 0 0.00



Ecological group CCC CC C R RR RRR

1* 2** 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

limnophilic 0 0.0 0 0.0 9 16.2 23 6.7 3 0.0 0 0.0

dendrophilic 0 0.0 2 10.8 26 47.9 26 4.4 5 0.18 0 0.0

campofilic 0 0.0 0 0.00 5 0.0 4 0.8 0 0.0 0 0.0

sclerophilic 0 0.0 4 86.2 6 24.2 1 0.4 0 0.0 0 0.0

Total 0 0.00 6 97.0 46 88.30 54 12.30 8 0.18 0 0.00

Notes to Table 2: 1* - amount of species in a group, 2** - population density, ind./km2.

We discovered that within the dendrophilic and limnophilic groups in both areas, the abundance groups of common (C) and small (R) species have the highest richness, with 26 species each. These two are closely followed by the limnophilic group, with 9 and 23 species, respectively. The species diversity

of the campophilic and sclerophilic groups is relatively low. The sclerophilic group is represented by 4 numerous species (CC), 6 common species (C), and only 1 small species (R). The campophilic group is represented by 5 common (C) and 4 small (R) species. This distribution corresponds to the normal species distribution within the community, confirming that it is stable.


45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

limnophilic dendrophilic campophilic

Ecological groups

limnophilic dendrophilic campophilic

Ecological groups


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Fig. 7. Abundance in the main ecological bird groups of the nesting fauna in the northern part of the A) Sakhtysh-Rubskoe peat fields and B) the urban part of the Vyazma River floodplain (B).

When analyzing the species density of different ecological groups, we found out that the dendrophilic group is dominant in the peat fields, abundant with the most common species (C) with the highest population density of 39.6 ind./km2. It also has the greatest variability (CC, C and R) among other ecological groups. However, in the urban area of the Vyazma River floodplain, the sclerophilic group (86.2 ind./km2) is predominant, which is not typical for the same natural conditions of the region. In other groups the forest species remain dominant (C with 47.9 ind./km2 in the dendrophilic group). In other groups the species abundance is distributed evenly (22-25.6 ind./km2). The lymphophilic and sclerophilic groups are evenly distributed (C/R and CC/C). The campophilic group has the lowest density and variability (C with 10.8 ind./km2, R with 2.1 ind./km2). If we disregard the numerous urban sclerophilic species, then in the urban part of the floodplain of the Vyazma River, the forest species continue to dominate.

The forest species prevail in the mixed forests, where the most abundant are the common (C) and small (R) species, which indicates the stability of local ecosystems. A small amount of the birds common for the open spaces confirms this theory.

The intrazonal woodlands in the river valley and the urban part of the floodplain have an important role in maintenance and preservation of the species diversity, providing all the necessary places for nesting, shelter and feeding to the birds. They also serve as a refugium for the species of forests and margins, which is especially important for residential areas under the increasing anthropogenic load, such as recreational load and disturbance.

Acknowledgements. The author would like to thank the Editor-in-Chief and the reviewers of the "Ecosystems: Ecology and Dynamics" Journal for helping to prepare this article for publication, and especially Zh.V. Kuzmina and E.I. Tobolova.

Funding. This study was carried out within the fundamental research of Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 2018-2019 "Modeling and Forecasting of the Restoration Processes of Waters and Ecosystems Quality under Various Scenarios of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activities" (No. 0147-2018-0002), State Registration No. AAAA-A18-118022090104-8, Theme 2.6 "Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Changing Natural Environments".


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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38. Шаповалова И.Б. 2017. Состояние биоразнообразия редких и исчезающих видов птиц внутренних водоемов степной зоны Юга России (республика Калмыкия) за 2008-2015 годы // Экосистемы: экология и динамика. Т. 1. № 4. С. 59-100.

39. Шаповалова И.Б. 2018. Методика оценки состояния прибрежных орнитокомплексов на примере искусственных водоемов сухостепной зоны юга России (республика Калмыкия) // Аридные экосистемы. Т. 24. № 4 (77). С. 58-65. [Shapovalova I.B. 2018. A Technique for Assessment of the State of Shore Ornithocomplexes Based on the Example of Artificial

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УДК 574.4; 574.5


© 2021 г. И.Б. Шаповалова

Институт водных проблем РАН Россия, 119333, г. Москва, ул. Губкина, д. 3. E-mail: [email protected]

Поступила в редакцию 15.11.2021. После доработки 01.12.2021. Принята к публикации 01.12.2021.

Изложены результаты анализа материалов осенних и весенне-летних натурных исследований, проведенных в 2020-2021 гг. в верхнем течении р. Вязьма (левый приток Уводи), а также в лесо-болотных угодьях северной части зоны смешанных и широколиственных лесов на юго-западе Тейковского района, Ивановской области. Цель исследований - изучение состояния орнитокомплексов пойменных экосистем в условиях усиливающегося антропогенного воздействия и климатических изменений. В ходе проведенных работ были изучены физико-географические особенности района территории, проведены геоботанические и почвенные исследований долины р. Вязьма и водно-болотных угодий, по которым были охарактеризованы состав и структура отдельных компонентов экосистем (почвы, растительность). В работе проанализированы материалы литературных источников и использованы данные осенних и весенне-летних орнитологических учетов за 2020-2021 гг. Дана экологическая характеристика и современная оценка состояния прибрежных и лесо-болотных орнитокомплексов при антропогенном воздействии (видовое разнообразие, численность и обилие птиц). Выявлены основные особенности трансформации среды, играющие роль ведущих факторов при на изменении авиафауны долины реки Вязьма.

Ключевые слова: Россия, Ивановская область, оценка, фактор воздействия, зона смешанных и широколиственных лесов, пойменные экосистемы, речная пойма, интразональный ландшафт, аридизация, гидрологический режим, климат, видовой состав, численность, плотность населения, обилие, орнитокомплексы, популяция, болотно-околоводный комплекс. Благодарности. Автор выражает особую благодарность Главному редактору и рецензентам журнала «Экосистемы: экология и динамика» за участие в подготовке статьи к публикации. Особую благодарность выражаю Ж.В. Кузьминой и Е.И. Тоболовой.

Финансирование. Работа выполнена по теме НИР фундаментальных исследований ИВП РАН за 2018-2019 гг. «Моделирование и прогнозирование процессов восстановления качества вод и экосистем при различных сценариях изменений климата и антропогенной деятельности» (№ 01472018-0002) № государственной регистрации АААА-А18-118022090104-8, раздел темы 2.6 «Эволюция наземных экосистем в изменяющихся природных условиях». DOI: 10.24412/2542-2006-2021-4-103-125

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