Organization of all-russian events to develop
sports event tourism
UDC 796.075
PhD, Associate Professor T.I. Okonnikova1 Dr.Sc. Hist., Professor G.V. Merzlyakova1 PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Batalova1 1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to analyze the potential benefits of the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon for the sports event tourism sector and its modernization options to lure the flow of visitors.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was designed to include the following stages. Stage 1 included a questionnaire survey of supporters who visited the 49th Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon competitions in December 26-29, 2018. We surveyed 150 out of 800 supporters (18.75% of the total) to find 66.6% of Izhevsk residents and 33.4% visitors from other regions. Furthermore, 55.34% of the sample were reportedly newcomers to the event; 26% regular fans; and 18.66% occasional visitors. Stage 2 was designed to interview the leading biathletes and sport experts (n=11). One of the questions was on what should be done to promote the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon event and make it an attraction for the sports event tourism sector. And Stage 3 offered a survey of the sports event tourism expert team from the Udmurt Republic (n=7) on what should be done to encourage a tourist flow to the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon.
Results and conclusion. Our survey of three key stakeholder groups found that the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon competitions may facilitate progress of the sports event tourism in the area conditional on the A.M. Demidov Republican Shooting Sports Complex rehabilitation project to make it compliant with the international standards and meet the needs of competitors, supporters, referees and journalists for modern services, including new international terminal at the Izhevsk airport. The Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon organizing committee composed of the local governmental officers and sports managers should give places to the local sports event tourism business managers. The event should be promoted by the large-scale advertising and public information campaigns to have every interested group timely informed on the schedules and services including new tour routes and attractions. The supporters should be offered thematic souvenirs and special service options including sightseeing tours and excursions in Izhevsk and Udmurt Republic. The event should be further promoted by solemn opening and closing gala ceremonies with invited biathlon celebrities and veterans; with all the above initiatives facilitating the local sports event tourism development projects under the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon brand name.
Keywords: Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon, sports event tourism, Udmurt Republic, supporters, athletes, sports expert, tourism business expert.
Background. Modern sports event tourism specialized in serving flows of visitors to major sports competitions is presently ranked among the tourism business sectors most spectacular and beneficial for investments [3, 4, 7]. The Udmurt Republic, however, its vast potential for sports event tourism is still hardly noticeable on the global map of the top-ranking sports events [5]. The only major popular sports event traditional for the Udmurt Republic for the last 50 years (since 1969) is the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon event. The event is hosted by
a Republican Shooting Sports Complex named after Major General A.M. Demidov, head of the local military construction business and sponsor for the SSC construction project [6]. The Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon is very popular in the national elite biathlon and supporter communities as a qualifier event for the World Cup and the IBU Cup in January. The Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon popularity reached its peak in the Soviet period when the event attracted leaders of the national biathlon, and the opening ceremony was a sort of a municipal holiday with a march of
athletes on the central streets [1, 2]. The Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon tradition was still alive in the 1990s when the roller ski track of the A.M. Demidov Republican Shooting Sports Complex was upgraded to comply with requirements for the world class competitions for hosting the 1999 European Biathlon Championship.
Presently there is still a risk for the Republican Shooting Sports Complex to fall in the ranking of the potential global hosts for the major events due to the outdated assets and growing competitiveness of the modern biathlon complexes worldwide. Nevertheless, the Republican Shooting Sports Complex and Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon potential is still high, with its track certified for the international class competitions and ranked among the best in the country.
Objective of the study was to analyze the potential benefits of the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon for the sports event tourism sector and its modernization options to lure the flow of visitors.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was designed to include the following stages. Stage
1 included a questionnaire survey of supporters who visited the 49th Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon competitions in December 26-29, 2018. We surveyed 150 out of 800 supporters (18.75% of the total) to find 66.6% of Izhevsk residents and 33.4% visitors from other regions. Furthermore, 55.34% of the sample were reportedly newcomers to the event; 26% regular fans; and 18.66% occasional visitors. Stage
2 was designed to interview the leading biathletes and sport experts (n=11). One of the questions was on what should be done to promote the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon event and make it an attraction for the sports event tourism sector. And Stage 3 offered a survey of the sports event tourism expert team from the Udmurt Republic (n=7) on what should be done to encourage a tourist flow to the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon.
Results and discussion. Supporter community survey data: Optional reported reasons for visits to the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon were grouped as follows: 69.33% of the sample mentioned their interest in the biathlon competitions; 35.33% said they support the Russian biathlon team; and 26.66% wanted to get autographs and make selfies with the sports celebrities and veterans. The event organization and servicing were scored by 5 and 4 points on a 5-point scale by 47.33% and 40.66%, respectively. Positive aspects of the event were grouped as follows: great
emotions (31.33%); happy animation (28.66%); hot tea (27.33%); and free transportation to the venues (22.66%). The sample mentioned the following inconveniences for the crowd: need for more options and freedom of access to different positions on the track to watch the race (including extra screens, extra access sites on the tracks, more broadcast points, more stalls for the crowd, etc.). Going next are recommendations to make more comfortable the stalls for supporters in cold weather including hot meals, warm pavilions, etc. (12.66%); some wanted to visit other sports events in Izhevsk at the same time (12.66%); have information about sports in Izhevsk and Udmurtia, local sports celebrities and Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon history (8%); and some wanted to shoot not only in the amateur shooting range, but in a rifle range with 50m targets (6.66%).
Leading athletes' and sport experts' survey data (summarized):
(1) The A.M. Demidov Republican Shooting Sports Complex needs a rehab project to meet the modern requirements to hosts of the world class competitions and to attract tourists. The sample recommended to: build a separate office for the service personnel; upgrade the guest house for the refereeing team; establish an office for journalists; modernize and expand the hotel to offer more comfort for the athletes and referees, with some accommodations for the fans; (2) As soon as they are licensed for hosting the European Cup and World Cup events, the hosts should immediately send their premade announcements to the Russian Biathlon Union and then to the IBU. The higher is the rank of the competition, the greater will be the inflow of tourists;
(3) The hosts should better promote the event, renew the traditional gala opening and closing ceremonies with the award ceremonies on the central square of Izhevsk; offer commemorative Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon medals as souvenirs for the supporters; offer raffle prizes for the fans; and
(4) Offer paid entry tickets to the events; and expand the payable parking lots.
Sports event tourism expert's survey data (summarized):
(1) The Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon should be promoted under a brand name of Udmurtia with its regional attractions. Advertising and information should be readily accessible online for the general public and biathlon supporter communities, with the outdoor
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I November № 11 2021
advertising in Izhevsk and via mass media organizations nationwide;
(2) The sports event tourism business community should enter the organizing committee to have its say in discussions of agenda, conveniences for the crowd and public information campaign to keep the potential tourists well and timely informed on the event and the travel/ service options;
(3) The A.M. Demidov Republican Shooting Sports Complex needs a rehab project to modernize the infrastructure for spectators;
(4) The opening and closing ceremonies should be solemn, entertaining and memorable, with special options and attractions for the visitors, with invited sports celebrities, photo sessions, etc.; and
(5) The Izhevsk airport should be reconstructed to include an international service terminal.
Conclusion. Our survey of three key stakeholder groups found that the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon competitions may facilitate progress of the sports event tourism in the area conditional on the A.M. Demidov Republican Shooting Sports Complex rehabilitation project to make it compliant with the international standards and meet the needs of competitors, supporters, referees and journalists for modern services, including new international terminal at the Izhevsk airport. The Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon organizing committee composed of the local governmental officers and sports managers should give places to the local sports event tourism business managers. The event should be promoted by the large-scale advertising and public information campaigns to have every interested group timely informed on the schedules and services including new tour routes and attractions. The supporters should be offered thematic souvenirs and special service options including sightseeing tours and excursions in Izhevsk and Udmurt Republic. The event should be further promoted by solemn opening and closing gala ceremonies with invited biathlon celebrities and veterans; with all the above initiatives facilitating the local
sports event tourism development projects under the Izhevsk Rifle Biathlon brand name.
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