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Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Bogdanenko Anatoliy Ivanovych

Corruption has only been perceived as a particularly dangerous socio-political phenomenon in the last three or four decades. Interest in this problem has grown markedly at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries: it was estimated that in the early 1990s the word “corruption” appeared in influential media on average about 500 times a year, and at the beginning of the XXI century, this figure increased dozens of times. This indicates an increasing threat of corruption to the national security of any state. This understanding of this phenomenon has shaped a broad approach to the development of in-depth anti-corruption programs by international organizations and individual developed countries. Thefirst of them had the main purpose of destroying not so many corrupt practices as the kleptocrats themselves. Today, there are a large number of specialized anticorruption institutions in the world, which have organizational and functional features, depending on the national, cultural, legal, and administrative characteristics of each country. On October 5, 1995, the Law of Ukraine “On Combating Corruption” was adopted. It defines the legal and organizational principles of preventing corruption, detecting and stopping its manifestations, restoring the legal rights and interests of individuals and legal entities, and eliminating the consequences of corruption. The law contains a list of anti-corruption bodies, which include the relevant units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine and the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine. In 1998, they were joined by newly created units of the tax police, and in 2003 by the Military Law Enforcement Service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Despite the intensification of the work of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine to combat corruption expansion, the growth rate of the latter could not be stopped. This has led to the perception of Ukraine in the world as a corrupt state with an unfavorable investment climate, the penetration of corruption in most relations between the population and the government, the creation of deep distrust of the state’s ability to ensure constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms. The scale of corruption in the country in the late 1990s and mid-2000s showed that attempts to overcome it in a society with a high level of tolerance to corruption without the creation of a truly independent state body with real powers would be in vain.

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UDC: 342.9


Bogdanenko Anatoliy Ivanovych,

Ph.D. in public administration, Doctor of Science in Economics, Associate Pro fessor of Public Administration Department, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 2, Frometivska st., 03039, Kyiv, tel.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: Anatoliy_Bogdanenko@ ukr.net, https//оrcid.org/0000-0003-0758-5809

Богданенко Анатолш 1ванович,

кандидат наук з державного управлгн-ня, доктор економгчних наук, доцент кафедри публичного адмтстрування, Mi жрег! опальна Академия управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фроме-тгвська, 2, тел.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected], https// orcid.org/0000-0003-0758-5809

Богданенко Анатолий Иванович,

кандидат наук в области государственного управления, доктор экономических наук, доцент кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected], https// orcid.org/ 0000-0003-0758-5809


Annotation. Corruption has only been perceived as a particularly dangerous socio-political phenomenon in the last three or four decades. Interest in this problem has grown markedly at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries: it was estimated that in the early 1990s the word "corruption" appeared in influential media on average about 500 times a year, and at the beginning of the XXI century, this figure increased dozens of times. This indicates an increasing threat of corruption to the national security of any state. This understanding of this phenomenon has shaped a broad approach to the development of in-depth anti-corruption programs by international organizations and individual developed countries. The

first of them had the main purpose of destroying not so many corrupt practices as the kleptocrats themselves. Today, there are a large number of specialized anticorruption institutions in the world, which have organizational and functional features, depending on the national, cultural, legal, and administrative characteristics of each country.

On October 5, 1995, the Law of Ukraine "On Combating Corruption" was adopted. It defines the legal and organizational principles of preventing corruption, detecting and stopping its manifestations, restoring the legal rights and interests of individuals and legal entities, and eliminating the consequences of corruption. The law contains a list of anti-corruption bodies, which include the relevant units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine and the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. In 1998, they were joined by newly created units of the tax police, and in 2003 by the Military Law Enforcement Service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Despite the intensification of the work of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine to combat corruption expansion, the growth rate of the latter could not be stopped. This has led to the perception of Ukraine in the world as a corrupt state with an unfavorable investment climate, the penetration of corruption in most relations between the population and the government, the creation of deep distrust of the state's ability to ensure constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms.

The scale of corruption in the country in the late 1990s and mid-2000s showed that attempts to overcome it in a society with a high level of tolerance to corruption without the creation of a truly independent state body with real powers would be in vain.

Keywords: National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, anti-corruption activities, fight against corruption, prevention and counteraction of corruption.


Анотащя. Як особливо небезпечне сощально-полгтичне явище корупцш почали сприймати лише в останш три-чотири десятилггтя. Пом^но 3pic ш-терес до ще! проблеми на зламi ХХ-ХХ1 столггь: було шдраховано, що на початку 1990-х роюв слово "корупщя" зус^чалося у впливових засобах масово! шформаци у середньому близько 500 разiв на piK, а на початок ХХ1 столтя цей показник збшьшився в десятки pазiв. Це вказуе на наростан-ня загрози корупци нащональнш безпещ будь-яко! держави. Таке розумш-ня означеного явища зумовило широкий шдхщ до розробки мiжнаpодними оргашзащями й окремими розвиненими кра!нами поглиблених антикоруп-цшних програм. Пеpшi з них мали головною метою знищення не так коруп-цшно! практики, як самих коpупцiонеpiв. У свш на сьогодш юнуе значна кшьюсть спецiалiзованих шституцш з протиди корупци, як мають оргашза-цшш та функцiональнi особливостi залежно вщ нацiональних, культурних, правових та адмшютративних особливостей кожно! кра!ни.

5 жовтня 1995 року прийнято Закон Украши "Про боротьбу з корупщею", яким визначено правовi та оргашзацшш засади запобiгання корупци, вияв-лення та припинення 11 проявiв, поновлення законних прав та штереав фiзич-них i юридичних осiб, усунення наслщюв корупцiйних дiянь. Закон мютить перелiк органiв з протиди корупци, до складу яких увiйшли вщповщш шд-роздiли Мiнiстерства внутрiшнiх справ Украши, Служби безпеки Украши та прокуратури Украши. У 1998 рощ до них долучилися новоствореш шдрозд^ ли податково! мшци, а в 2003 Вшськово! служби правопорядку в Збройних силах Украши.

Незважаючи на активiзацiю роботи правоохоронних органiв Украши що-до протиди корупцiйнiй експанси, темпiв зростання останньо! зупинити не вдалося. Це призвело до сприйняття Украши у свт як корумповано! дер-жави з несприятливим швестицшним клiматом, проникнення корупци у бшьшють вiдносин мiж населенням i владою, породження глибоко! недовiри людей до спроможносп держави забезпечити гарантованi Конститущею !хш права i свободи.

Масштаби поширення корупци в кра!ш наприкшщ 1990-х — серединi 2000-х роив засвщчили, що спроби подолати П в суспiльствi з високим рiв-нем толерування корупци без створення справдi незалежного державного органу з реальними повноваженнями залишатимуться марними.

Ключовi слова: Нацiональне антикорупцiйне бюро Украши, антикоруп-цiйна дiяльнiсть, боротьба з корупщею, запобтання та протидiя корупци.


Аннотация. Как особо опасное социально-политическое явление коррупцию начали воспринимать лишь в последние три-четыре десятилетия. Заметно вырос интерес к этой проблеме на рубеже ХХ-ХХ1 веков: было подсчитано, что в начале 1990-х годов слово "коррупция" встречалось во влиятельных средствах массовой информации в среднем около 500 раз в год, а к началу XXI века этот показатель увеличился в десятки раз. Это свидетельствует о нарастании угрозы коррупции национальной безопасности любого государства. Такое понимание этого явления обусловило широкий подход к разработке международными организациями и отдельными развитыми странами углубленных антикоррупционных программ. Первые из них имели главной целью уничтожение не так коррупционной практики, как самих коррупционеров. В мире сегодня существует значительное количество специализированных институтов по противодействию коррупции, которые имеют организационные и функциональные особенности, в зависимости от национальных, культурных, правовых и административных особенностей каждой страны.

5 октября 1995 был принят Закон Украины "О борьбе с коррупцией", которым определены правовые и организационные основы предупреждения

коррупции, выявления и прекращения ее проявлений, восстановления законных прав и интересов физических и юридических лиц, устранения последствий коррупционных деяний. Закон содержит перечень органов по противодействию коррупции, в состав которых вошли соответствующие подразделения Министерства внутренних дел Украины, Службы безопасности Украины и прокуратуры Украины. В 1998 году к ним присоединились созданные подразделения налоговой милиции, а в 2003 — Военной службы правопорядка в Вооруженных силах Украины.

Несмотря на активизацию работы правоохранительных органов Украины в противодействии коррупционной экспансии, темпов роста последней остановить не удалось. Это привело к восприятию Украины в мире как коррумпированного государства с неблагоприятным инвестиционным климатом, проникновению коррупции в большинство отношений между населением и властью, порождению глубокого недоверия людей к способности государства обеспечить гарантированные Конституцией их права и свободы.

Масштабы распространения коррупции в стране в конце 1990-х — середине 2000-х годов показали, что попытки преодолеть ее в обществе с высоким уровнем терпимости к коррупции без создания действительно независимого государственного органа с реальными полномочиями останутся тщетными.

Ключевые слова: Национальное антикоррупционное бюро Украины, антикоррупционная деятельность, борьба с коррупцией, предотвращение и противодействие коррупции.

Problem statement: European experience and the experience of other developed countries (USA, Israel, South Korea, Japan) convincingly shows that the fight against corruption is successfully solved mainly through the effective operation of the prosecutor's office, police and individual specialized units directly in law enforcement agencies, as well as all other law enforcement and administrative structures of the state and public formations. But this requires a successful socio-economic policy, an effective, democratic, and transparent system of government and independent law enforcement agencies, staffed with highly professional personnel with appropriate powers and adequate resources.

The Coordination Committee for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime under the President of Ukraine and the Prosecutor's Office have been tasked with coordinating the activities of law enforcement agencies to combat crime and corruption since Ukraine's independence. The Committee performed the function of coordinating the activities of all state bodies, which are obliged by law to carry out this combating, and its decisions were recognized as binding for the state bodies and officials to whom they are addressed. However, in 2001, with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office", the coordination function of the Prosecutor's

Office for Combating Crime was finally enshrined at the legislative level.

An important stage in combating corruption was the adoption in 2014 of several new anti-corruption laws, which were designed to improve the system of preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine. In particular, the laws of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption", "On the principles of state anticorruption policy in Ukraine (AntiCorruption Strategy) for 2014-2017" and "On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine" had been passed.

Analysis of recent publications on research issues. Principles of organization of activity of law enforcement system of Ukraine and separate law enforcement bodies, as well as separate questions of activity of National anticorruption bureau of Ukraine, were considered in the scientific works, in particular, of V. V. Halunko, R. V. Iho-nin, E. S. Dmytrenko, V. V. Kovalska, A. M. Kulish, I. E. Danylieva, V. I. Ma-liuha, Yu. M. Domin, D. V. Pryimachen-ko, P. V. Shumskyi, M. K. Yakymchuk, S. P. Pohrebniak, R. V. Hrechaniuk, Z. A. Zahynei, O. M. Yurchenko, Yu. P. Bytiak, and others.

Purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to consider the peculiarities of the organization of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and to determine its place in the system of public authorities of Ukraine.

Presenting the main material of research. According to its administrative and legal status, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine is defined as a legal institution consisting of the following elements:

• functions, competence, and guarantees of their implementation;

• structure, order of creation and principles of activity;

• legal liability.

All these elements are enshrined in the rules of administrative law.

According to the Law "On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine" NABU is formed by the President of Ukraine under this and other laws of Ukraine [1]. The activities of NABU are carried out by its Director. He is also appointed and dismissed by the President of Ukraine in the manner prescribed by this Law. There is a certain danger in this. Article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine contains an exhaustive list of powers of the President, and there are no such powers in it, which has been repeatedly emphasized in the scientific literature. [2, p. 57]. According to Art. 8 of the Constitution of Ukraine, its provisions have the highest legal force. Laws and other normative legal acts are adopted based on the Constitution of Ukraine and must comply with it. Under Part 2 of Art. 19 of the Constitution of Ukraine, state authorities, local governments, and their officials are obliged to act only on the basis, within the powers and in the manner prescribed by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. It is clear that in such a situation the legitimacy of a body established in violation of the Basic Law is in doubt. The assumption is made that this issue can be resolved by making the necessary changes to the Constitution of Ukraine.

The National Bureau is a legal entity under public law, which consists of central and territorial offices, and their structure and staffing to ensure the implementation of its tasks is approved by the Director of NABU.

According to the law, the structure of NABU departments may include: subdivisions of detectives performing operative-search and investigative actions; information-analytical and operational-technical subdivisions; units that identify property that may be subject to confiscation or special confiscation; rapid response units, ensuring the safety of participants in criminal proceedings and ensuring the safety of employees; units of representation of interests in foreign jurisdictions; expert, financial, personnel and other departments.

It should be noted that in the structure of NABU, each unit is responsible for the implementation of its assigned functions and reports on the results of its activities to its Director. Only the Director of the said body has the right to appoint to the body or fill the relevant position. According to his orders, the staff list and the structure as a whole are approved. As of today, three NABU territorial offices have been established: in Lviv, Odesa, and Kharkiv. Directors of NABU territorial offices are appointed and dismissed by the Director of NABU, which is an additional confirmation of its independence and organizational and structural autonomy.

The Institute of Detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine is new in the system of pre-trial investigation bodies. The activities of NABU detectives are aimed at investigating crimes already committed. But in recent years, many scholars have emphasized the need to expand the powers of detectives to prevent crime, right up to the creation of a separate unit of detectives, whose main purpose is not to prosecute, but to pre-

vent corruption, ie to detect crimes at the stage of preparation [3, p. 352].

Corruption takes many forms. It is often seen as a problem that mainly affects developing countries. But while the damage it causes is increasing in poorer countries, corruption has no national borders — it can be found anywhere.

An important area of NABU's activity is international cooperation. During 2017-2018, NABU concluded many cooperation agreements with the competent authorities of other states and other institutions. These include the Advisory Services Agreement with the Basel Institute of Management (The International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) (2017); Cooperation agreement with the Estonian Center for Eastern Partnership (2017); Memorandum of Understanding with the FBI (Department for Combating International Corruption) (2017); Agreement with the National Anti-Corruption Directorate in the Prosecutor's Office at the Supreme Court of Cassation of Romania (2017); Agreement with the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Republic of Poland (2017); Agreement on cooperation with the National Anti-Corruption Center of the Republic of Moldova in the field of preventing and combating corruption (2018); Memorandum of Understanding between the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and the European Investment Bank (2018).

In Ukraine, NABU cooperates with the National Bank of Ukraine, the State Property Fund of Ukraine, the Antimo-nopoly Committee of Ukraine, the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption, the State Border Guard Service, the State Tax and Customs Service, the central executive body implementing

state policy in the field of prevention and counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, terrorist financing, and financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and other government agencies.

NABU interacts within the framework of criminal proceedings with an independent structural unit of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine — the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office. After all, this unit is responsible for supervising compliance with the law during operational and investigative activities, the pre-trial investigation by the National AntiCorruption Bureau of Ukraine, support of public prosecution in relevant proceedings, representation of citizens or the state in court in cases provided by this Law, and related with corruption or corruption-related offenses.

Investigative and operational units of the National Police, the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, and the State Bureau of Investigation are also the subjects of cooperation with the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine in criminal proceedings on issues connected with the vindication of criminal proceedings and operational and investigative cases by decision of the Director of the Bureau, agreed with the prosecutor.

Since the beginning of its operation, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine has concluded agreements (memoranda) on cooperation and exchange of information with certain state bodies. O. Skomarov calls such interaction contractual and notes that the contractual interaction of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine with other state bodies is an

example of optimal establishment and improvement of its relations to perform the assigned tasks and functions [4].

Unlike the contractual one, the initial interaction of NABU with other state bodies does not provide for the conclusion of memoranda and agreements. It is implemented with the application of a wide range of rights of the National Bureau, provided by the Law of Ukraine "On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine" and other regulations.

Conclusion and prospects for further research. Thus, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine is a specially authorized state law enforcement body in the field of anti-corruption, which has a special administrative and legal status and is designed to prevent, detect, stop, investigate and disclose corruption offenses committed by senior government officials.

It is determined that the place of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine in the system of public authorities of Ukraine is determined primarily by the tasks of the Bureau defined by the current legislation of Ukraine. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, a position on the special status of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine is formulated, due to its functions, procedure, structure, powers, and principles of activity.


1. Zakon Ukrainy "Pro Natsionalne an-tykoruptsiine biuro Ukrainy" [Law of Ukraine "On the National AntiCorruption Bureau of Ukraine"]. (n.d). zakon.rada.gov.ua. Retrieved

from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/1698-18 [in Ukrainian].

2. Kozlenko V. H. (2016). Administra-tyvno-pravovi osnovy diialnosti Nat-sionalnoho antykoruptsiinoho biuro Ukrainy [Administrative and legal bases of activity of the National AntiCorruption Bureau of Ukraine]. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis. Dnipropetrovsk: DSUIA [in Ukrainian].

3. Voitiuk R. V. (2017). Porivnialnyi analiz povnovazhen detektyva Nat-sionalnoho antykoruptsiinoho biuro Ukrainy ta komisara Nezalezhnoi antykoruptsiinoi komisii Honkonhu [Comparative analysis of the powers of the detective of the National AntiCorruption Bureau of Ukraine and the Commissioner of the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission of Hong Kong]. Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii vnutrishnikh sprav. - Scientific bulletin of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, 1, 346-358. Retrieved from http://www.irbis-nbuv. gov.ua/cgi-bin/irbis_nbuv/cgiir-bis_64.exe?I21DBN=LINK&P21D BN=UJRN&Z21ID=&S21REF=10 &S21CNR=20&S21STN=1&S21F MT=ASP_meta&C21COM = S&2_ S21P03 = FILA = &2_ S21STR=Nvknuvs_2017_1_34 [in Ukrainian].

4. Skomarov O. V. (2017). Vzaiemodiia Natsionalnoho antykoruptsiinoho bi-uro Ukrainy z inshymy derzhavnymy orhanamy: osoblyvosti ta klasyfikat-siia [Interaction of the National AntiCorruption Bureau of Ukraine with other state bodies: features and classification]. Verkhovenstvo prava. -Rule of Law, 1. Retrieved from http:// sd-vp.info/2016/vzayemodiya-nat-sionalnogo-antikoruptsijnogo-byuro-ukrayini-z-inshimi-derzhavnimi-or-ganami-osoblivosti-ta-klasifikatsiya/ [in Ukrainian].


1. Закон Укра!ни "Про Нащональ-не антикорупцшне бюро Украши" [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/ laws/show/1698-18.

2. Козленко В. Г. Адмшштративно-пра-вовi основи дiяльностi Нащональ-ного антикорупцшного бюро Украши: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. юрид. наук: спец. 12.00.07 "Адмшштративне право i процес;фшансове право;шфор-мацшне право". Днiпропетровськ : ДДУВС, 2016. 22 с.

3. ВойтюкР. В. Порiвняльний аналiз по-вноважень детектива Нацiонального антикорупцшного бюро Украши та комюара Незалежно! антикорупцш-но! комiсii Гонконгу [Електронний ресурс] // Наук. вюн. Нац. акад. внутр. справ. 2017. № 1. С. 346-358. Режим доступу: http://www.irЫs-nbuv.gov.ua/cgi-bin/irbis_nbuv/ cgiirbis_64.exe?I21DBN=LINK&P2 1DBN=UJRN&Z21ID=&S21REF= 10&S21CNR=20&S21STN=1&S21 FMT=ASP_meta&C21COM=S&2_ 821Р03 = Р1ЬА = &2_ S21STR=Nvknuvs_2017_1_34.

4. Скомаров О. В. Взаeмодiя Нащо-нального антикорупцшного бюро Укра!ни з шшими державними органами: особливостi та класифжа-цiя [Електронний ресурс] // Верховенство права. 2017. № 1. Режим доступу: http://sd-vp.info/2016/ vzayemodiya-natsionalnogo-antikoruptsijnogo-byuro-ukrayini-z-inshimi-derzhavnimi-organami-osoblivosti-ta-klasifikatsiya/

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