Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Isheryakova Joanna Rinatovna
Student of Bukhara State University Kodirova Dilnoza Kholikovna
Student of Uzbekistan State World Language University Iskandarova Diyora Sophomore student of Uzbekistan State World Language University diyoraiskandarova7@gmail .com
This article is aimed to discuss the concept of oral translation, the types and also its psychological aspects. Another important thing is that it will identify distinctive features of consecutive and simultaneous translation as well.
Key words: oral translation, communal and conference translation, unilateral, multilateral types, understanding of an original message, comprehension.
Данная статья посвящена обсуждению понятия устного перевода, видов, а также его психологических аспектов. Немаловажно и то, что он также выявит отличительные черты последовательного и синхронного перевода.
Ключевые слова: устный перевод, общинный и конференционный перевод, односторонний, многосторонний виды, понимание исходного сообщения, осмысление.
Nowadays many fields require to translate about their affairs, such as documents and several foreign scientific works should translate from one language to another. Also, the government always encourage people who are able to interpret the speech of foreigners during the negotiations and conferences. In this way, interprets make people from all profession easy to work with foreign cooperatives through translating. The translation job is always considered as high-paid job around the globe. Owing to translation, contacts between individuals and nations have been established and more importantly, oral translation has gained worldwide recognition around all nations. Otherwise, people cannot understand the speech of foreign clients and they fail to collaborate with them and set up a partnership. In the following article, we will identify some types of oral translation:
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Types of oral translation. The concept of oral translation includes such types of oral professional translation, which provide with verbal (digital and gestural) transformation of oral message from one language to another. Let us consider varieties of oral translation, the selection of which can be carried out for various reasons.
In fact, many researchers divide translation into two types: communal translation and conference translation. Conference translation represents the translation of public speeches at major international meetings with the usage of two and more languages. Under the communal translation, it is acceptable to understand providing multilingual and multicultural mediation in judicial, medical and administrative institutions, that is type of translational cultural help to residents, dwelling in the country, but who are non-linguistic (immigrants, refugees and etc.)
Mid-term types include:
• translation-accompaniment - multilingual/multicultural mediation in everyday situations of foreign trips
• Media translation - translation in mass media (conferences, interviews, tele-and radio broadcasts, videoconferencing and films);
• Mobile translation - translation of telephone calls, negotiations;
• Negotiation translation - multilingual and multicultural mediation in the field of business;
Oral translation can be carried out without using any kind of technical means and using techniques (for instance, simultaneous translation in the cabin). Modern types of oral translation within using technology are tele-translation (translation of videoconferences, during which translator is in the contact with prominent, but not with the listeners) and mobile translation (translation of teleconferences or mobile negotiations), during it the translator can be either in direct contact with one of the interlocutors or will not hold any contacts with them.
Psychological aspects of oral translation.
According to some psychologists, following psychological mechanisms come first: attention, perception, probabilistic guessing, memory, thinking.
Attention is an indispensable psychological condition of any activity. Questions about the role of attention in the field of translation were considered in the works of E.V.Alikina, I.A.Zimna. Attention assumes simultaneous reflection of some subjects
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
and phenomenon and abstraction of others. During consideration of oral translation, the most paramount seems determination the object of the translator's attention. In terms of oral translation, the main object of attention will be a content of an original message. Besides it, objects of attention will be nonverbal behavior, demonstrative materials and an outside condition. In the process of translation recording and its decoding, translation recording will be an object of attention. Characteristic indicators of attention are selectivity, volume, concentration, sustainability and switching.
Oral translation supposes auditory semantic single perception. The result of auditory perception is understanding or misunderstanding of the original message. E.V.Alikina considered three levels of comprehension while percepting verbal utterance, which were selected by V.I.Ermolovich and I.Ya.Zimna:
Under a probabilistic guessing it is acceptable to understand a capability of prediction of the events based on a past speech experience in the future. According to majority of scientists, there is a close connection between probabilistic guessing and long-term memory. For translation activity probabilistic guessing is one of the key factors of a success. And this is one of the main psychological mechanisms for simultaneous translation, where you should know to predict the ending of the phrase, a structure of a sentence and logic of the development of entire text. In consecutive oral translation an accuracy of translation prediction during the perception of a speech creates an opportunity for rapid fixation of information. Without guessing an interpreter is not able to complete recordings at the same time by finishing the speech of speaker.
According to view of majority psychologists, there are three types of memory: short-term memory, long-term memory and active memory. In the branch of oral translation, it is necessary to have all the three types of memory mentioned above, but their roles can be various according to the type of translation.
From of all processes in thinking, we should identify the most paramount ones: analysis, synthesis, comparison, summarizing, systemation and also classification.
To conclude a general information about oral translation, i would like to advise everyone that the job of an interpretor is unquestionably a tough job, and in order to
1) Understanding of main object (about what?)
2) Understanding a semantic content (what?)
3) Understanding motives, inner logic of semantic content (why?)
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
seek this job, one should be aware of some complicated aspects of this trend. Last but not least, a richness of vocabulary, good communication skills, taking notes and as well as psychological aspects, which were mentioned above can be very handy to tackle with any types of oral translation.
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