УДК 634.836:531.19
Zlenko Valerii Anatolievich Cand. Agr. Sci.
Kotikov Ilia Viktorovich senior scientific employee
Volynkin Vladimir Aleksandrovich Dr. Sci. Agr.
Institute of Vine and Wine “Magarach”, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine
Troshin Leonid Petrovich Dr. Sci. Biol., professor
Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Russia
Nutrient media for shoot development from shoot tips 0.5-0.8 mm with several leaf primordia in four grapevine genotypes were optimized by means of a mathematical design of experiment. Over the range of component concentrations CaCl2 had considerable the highest effect on shoot tip development compared to other components of the media. Grapevine genotypes were different in their needs for concentrations of macro-elements to optimize the process of their growth and development. Shoot development from shoot tips in each grapevine genotype as a function of macroelement concentrations in media must be described by an individual regression equation. The proposed method of result evaluation and the mathematical design of experiment may be used in physiological and agricultural research for optimization of processes affected by numerous factors. The optimized media for shoot tip development may by used for sanitation of grape plants from viruses in meristem cultures
UDC 634.836:531.19
Зленко Валерий Анатольевич к. с.-х. н.
Котиков Илья Викторович старший научный сотрудник
Волынкин Владимир Александрович д. с.-х. н.
Институт винограда и вина «Магарач», Ялта, Автономная Республика Крым, Украина
Трошин Леонид Петрович д. б. н., профессор
Кубанский государственный аграрный университет, Краснодар, Россия
Питательная среда для развития побегов in vitro из верхушек побегов размером 0,5-0,8 мм с несколькими листовыми зачатками (примордиями) у четырех генотипов винограда была оптимизирована с применением математического планирования эксперимента. Среди исследуемых концентраций компонентов питательной среды
CaCl2 оказывал наиболее сильный эффект на развитие верхушек побегов по сравнению с другими компонентами среды. Г енотипы винограда различались в их потребности в концентрациях макроэлементов для оптимизации процессов их роста и развития. Развитие побегов из верхушек побегов у каждого виноградного генотипа является функцией концентраций макроэлементов в среде и может быть описано (представлено) индивидуальным для каждого генотипа уравнением регрессии. Предлагаемый метод оценки результатов и математическое планирование эксперимента может быть использовано в физиологии и сельском хозяйстве для оптимизации процессов, зависящих от многих факторов. Оптимизированные среды для развития верхушек побегов могут быть использованы для оздоровления виноградных растений от вирусов в меристемных культурах in vitro
BA = N6-benzyladenine;
IAA = indole-3-acetic acid;
MS = Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium.
Virus elimination in grapevine may be achieved by heat therapy and shoot tip culture (Gribaudo et al., 1994; Regner et al., 1995; Anaclerio et al., 1999). Nepoviruses may easily be eradicated by heat therapy at 36°C for four weeks and by shoot tip culture while closteroviruses is much more difficult to achieve, and the size of shoot tip explants is of crucial importance (Regner et al., 1995). Grapevine plants were obtained from shoot tip explants containing one or two leaf primordia and not more than 0.3 mm long (Bini, 1976; Blaich, 1984; Duran-Vila et al., 1988; Maekawa et al., 1993; Regner et al., 1995).
Genotypes of the genus Vitis differ in their ability to uptake macro-element ions from the soil and their optimum concentrations in shoots and roots which are needed for plant growth (Scienza et al., 1986). Various concentrations of MgSO4 and KH2PO4 in liquid and solid media were optimum for plant growth of four grapevine genotypes (Slenco et al., 2001). For development of shoots from shoot tip explants of different grapevine genotypes, media containing N6-benzyladenine (BA) and different concentrations of macro-elements were used (Novak and Juvova, 1983; Harris and Stevenson, 1982; Gribaudo et al., 1994; Maekawa et al., 1993).
This report attempted to optimize component concentrations levels of the nutrient medium using a mathematical design of experiments in order to improve shoot tip survival rate and to increase shoot growth from the explants. Optimized media for shoot tip development may be used for sanitation of grapevine plants from viruses in meristem cultures.
Materials and methods
Plant material
The experiments were based on four grapevine genotypes: the root stock Riparia x Rupestris ‘Kober 5 BB’ and cultivars released by the Institute for Vine and Wine ‘Magarach’: ‘Podarok Magaracha’ (interspecific cross of a Vitis vinifera L. and a Franco-American hybrid), ‘Zhemchug Magaracha’ and seedless ‘Sverkhrannii bessemyannyi’ (intraspecific crosses of Vitis vinifera L.).
Shoot tip culture and conditions Green shoots collected from a mature vine released from dormancy or from field-grown plants in the beginning of the vegetation period were used as a source of explants. Shoots, about 1.0-1.5 cm long, were surface sterilized in 70% (v/v) ethanol for 20 s and then in 1% sodium hypochlorite with 0.1%. Tween 20 for 15 min, and then rinsed four times in sterile water. Shoot tips with several leaf primordia (0.5-0.8 mm long) were excised under a stereomicroscope and cultured on different medium versions solidified with 7 g l1 Difco agar. The
medium versions were supplemented with 0.5 mg l1 BA, and the pH was adjusted to 5.6-5.8 with NaOH prier to autoclaving at 103 kPa for 25 min. The compositions of the media used in experiments are indicated in ‘Results and discussion’. All shoot tip cultures were maintained in culture tubes with 22 mm in diameter containing 5 ml of culture medium under a photon flux density at the culture surface of 55 • mol m-2 s-1 provided by cool white fluorescent tubes with a 16-h photoperiod at 27°C.
Plant growth and development To obtain rooted plants, shoots with well-developed leaves grown from shoot tips were divided into single buds with one leaf and established on solid medium for rooting. The thick basal portion of the arms was not used for rooting. Vitrified shoots and leaves sometimes developed on medium with BA. In such cases, only shoots with two or three leaves were established on the
rooting medium. The rooting medium composition was described by Zlenko et al. (1995) and Slenko et al. (2001) containing: 308 mg l NH4NO3, 922 mg l KNO3, 597 mg l-1 MgSO4 7H2O, 122 mg l-1 KH2PO4, 331 mg l-1 CaCl2 (MS), 1/2 Fe-EDTA and 1/2 micro-elements MS, 20 mg l myo-inositol, 0.1 mg l thiamine (MS), 0.5 mg l nicotinic acid (MS), 0.2 mg l pyridoxine, 0.2 mg l
indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 10 g l1 sucrose and 7 g l1 Difco agar. Subsequent in vitro propagation of plants was by dividing them into single-bud explants with one leaf and establishing the latter on the same rooting medium (Slenko et al., 2001) except for the presence of 0.1 mg l IAA.
Mathematical design of experiment and statistical analysis
Evaluation of results and calculation of the overall quality criterion.
The development of shoot tips after 50 days was evaluated using the following criteria: survival rates (%), shoot length (cm) and leaf development by means of a 1-5 point numerical scale. The trait ‘leaf development’ enters as the subjective (visual) evaluation of cytokhinin-induced vitrification and leaf lobation scored in points: 1 - very high vitrification and lobation or no leaf development at all, 2 - high vitrification and lobation, 3-4 - medium vitrification and lobation, and 5 - no lobation with the typical leaf shape of each cultivar.
Survival rates of shoot tips may be high but shoot tips may fail to develop into shoots with leaves. Therefore an overall quality criterion was needed calculated as follows (Zlenko et al., 1995). Since each trait (variables: Ix1,2,... i; IIx1,2,... i .... nx1,2,... i) varies to a larger or smaller extent depending on the medium composition, variation of the traits must be reduced to certain limits which reflected the usefulness of a trait, i.e. a more useful trait provided a wider scale of variation and the scale of variation of a less useful trait is narrower. Variation of traits (variables: It1,2,... i; IIt1,2,... i .... nt1,2,... i) on different
medium versions within limits determined by us and the overall quality criterion (o.q.c.) were calculated using the following equations:
_ Ixi - Ia
t MT It1,2...i _ (2);
Ia _ — Ixmax — M'Ixmin (1). xmax — Ia
_ M — 1 o.q.c. = It • IIt ... • ... nt (3)
where Ixmax; IIxmax ............. nxmax and Ixmin; IIxmin .............. nxmin are
extreme values of traits; xi is the value being estimated of a trait; M is a random number determined depending on the usefulness of a trait, e.g. if M = 10, ti varies over a range of 0.1-1.0 and if M=2, ti varies over a range of 0.5-1.0. In this paper M = 10 for the traits of all processes.
Mathematical design of experiment. To calculate component concentrations in medium enabling optimum shoot development from shoot tips, a mathematical design basing on the random balance method was used (Hartmann et al., 1977). Since it is practically impossible to do a full polyfactorial experiment if too many factors are involved, each at three or two levels (such factors were component levels in numerous medium versions used in the experiment). Algorithms of multiple curvilinear stepwise regression were applied. The influence of the factors was evaluated based on the significance of the members of regression equations describing processes. Stepwise optimization of each process was calculated using the steepest ascent method of Box-Wilson. Component concentrations in media were used to increase the overall quality criteria of shoot development from shoot tips in four grapevine genotypes, therefore, optimum medium for each process was determined. This mathematical design used in the experiment was described in the previous study (Zlenko et al., 1995).
Statistical analysis. Each medium version for each cultivar was in 15 replications. Confidence limits of average values of the traits were calculated
with significant at P<0,05. Deviations (variation coefficient V with significant at P<0,05) of shoot tip development from average values were not more than 23% for survival rates (%), 31% for the shoot lengths (cm), 34% for leaf development and 29% for the overall quality criteria (conventional units).
Results and discussion
Calculation of regression equations describing shoot tip development in four grapevine genotypes and individually in rootstock ‘Kober 5BB ’
Shoot growth in grapevine is affected by various nitrogen-containing salts presented in the nutrient medium and their concentrations (Villegas et al., 1992). Therefore, not only nitrogen sources of the MS formulation (NH4NO3 and KNO3) but also some other substances [(NH4)2SO4 and NH4Q], KCl and
K2SO4 as a source of the K ion were used in the media (Table I).
Table I. - Meaning of factors expressed as natural and coded variables. Experiment focused on optimizing medium for shoot tip development in four grapevine genotypes: ‘Kober 5 BB’, ‘Podarok Magaracha’, ‘Zhemchug Magaracha’ and ‘Sverkhrannii bessemyannyi’.
Factors (variables) Highest level Intermediate level Lowest level
In natural In the In natural In the In natural In the
units, coded units, coded units, coded form
mg l-1 form mg l-1 form mg l-1
fa) NH4NO3 1650 +1 825 0 0 -1
fa) (NH4)2SO4 1360 +1 680 0 0 -1
fa) NH4Cl 1112 +1 556 0 0 -1
fa) KNO3 1900 +1 950 0 0 -1
fa) KCl 1412 +1 706 0 0 -1
fa) K2SO4 1637 +1 818 0 0 -1
fa) CaCl2 662 +2 331 0 166 -1
fa) MgSO4 7H2O 370 +1 - - 185 -1
fa) KH2PO4 170 +1 - - 85 -1
faci) NaH2PO4 H2O 170 +1 - - 0 -1
(х11) Fe-EDTA MS +1 - - 1/2 MS -1
(х12) micro-elements MS +1 - - 1/2 MS -1
fas) myo-inositol 100 +1 - - 10 -1
fa4) thiamine 5 +4
faj) pyridoxine 5 +4
fag) nicotinic acid 5 +4
fa,) para-aminobenzoic 5 +1
(х18) sucrose 40 g l-1 +1
1 0 0-1
1 0 0-1
1 0 0-1
- - 0 -1
- - 20 g l-1 -1
These substances were applied at levels leading to the content of nitrogen
in the form of ammonium or nitrate and the content of the K ion equal to those in the macro-elements of the full- and the half-strength MS medium. High cytokinin levels induced development of malformed shoots with subsequent poor rooting (Slenko et al., 2001), so a low level of BA(0.5 mg l1) in the experiments were needed. To determine factor (component) levels and factor interactions influencing the process, the random balance method was used. The experiment included 18 factors, each at three or two levels and expressed in natural units (mg l1 or g l1 ) and in the coded form (Table I). Design of the experiment using the random balance method is shown in Table II, with variables in the coded form. Green shoots collected from a nature vine released from dormancy were used as a source of shoot tip explants. Taking into consideration characteristics of shoot tip development (survival rates, shoot length and leaf development scored in points) after 50 days in culture on each of 20 medium versions, the overall quality criterion (see ‘Material and methods’) for each of the four genotypes and the average value of the overall quality criteria were calculated (Table II).
Shoot tip culture on the medium version 20 containing MS mineral elements did not improve shoot development in any of the four genotypes (Table II). In this respect, root stock ‘Kober 5 BB’ performed the best on the medium version 8, cvs. ‘Podarok Magaracha’ and ‘Zhemchug Magaracha’ did so on the medium version g, and the version 11 was the most beneficial medium for cv. ‘Sverkhrannii bessemyannyi’. The highest value (0.58) of the average overall
quality criterion for the four genotypes was achieved on the medium version 6 (Table II).
Table II. - Design of experiment using variables in the coded form (Table I) and results pertaining to shoot tip development in four grapevine genotypes (expressed as units of the overall quality criterion). The variation coefficient (V) for each medium version of each __________________________genotype is not more than 29% (P < 0.05)___________________________
Medium versions Meaning of factors as variables in the coded form Shoot tip development after 50 days of culture (expressed in units of the overall quality criterion)
х1 х2 х3 х4 х5 х6 х7 х8 х9 х10 х11 х12 х13 х14 х15 х16 х17 х18 ‘Ko- ber 5 BB’ ‘Poda- rok Maga- racha’ ‘Zhem- chug Maga- racha’ ‘ Sver-khr-annii besse-myan -nyi’ Average valu e for the four geno type s
1. +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 0 0 +1 + 1 + 1 0 0 -1 + 1 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.11 0.05
2. -1 0 0 +1 -1 -1 +2 + 1 +1 -1 -1 -1 + 1 +1 0.08 0.03 0.11 0.19 0.10
3. +1 -1 -1 0 0 +1 -1 + 1 + 1 +1 0 -1 -1 -1 0.04 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.03
4. -1 0 0 +1 +1 -1 +2 + 1 +1 + 1 0 0 -1 + 1 -1 0.57 0.32 0.25 0.46 0.40
5. +1 -1 0 0 +1 +1 -1 + 1 +1 + 1 +4 0 +4 +1 + 1 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02
6. 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1 +2 + 1 0 0 -1 + 1 -1 0.01 1.00 1.00 0.31 0.58
7. 0 +1 0 0 +1 -1 0 + 1 +4 -1 0 + 1 +1 0.04 0.12 0.11 0.47 0.19
8. -1 0 -1 +1 0 +1 +2 + 1 +1 + 1 0 +4 +4 + 1 1.00 0.08 0.09 0.18 0.33
9. +1 0 +1 0 -1 0 -1 + 1 +1 -1 0 -1 + 1 -1 0.01 0.01 0.40 0.33 0.19
10. +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +2 + 1 + 1 + 1 +4 +4 0 -1 0.01 0.13 0.08 0.19 0.10
11. 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 + 1 +1 + 1 + 1 0 -1 +4 +1 + 1 0.02 0.05 0.08 1.00 0.29
12. -1 +1 -1 -1 0 +1 -1 + 1 +1 + 1 -1 0 0 -1 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.09 0.04
13. 0 -1 0 +1 +1 0 -1 + 1 + 1 +4 -1 0 + 1 -1 0.02 0.16 0.23 0.04 0.11
14. 0 +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 +1 + 1 + 1 +4 -1 0 -1 0.01 0.08 0.03 0.07 0.05
15. 0 +1 -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 + 1 +1 -1 -1 +4 -1 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.25 0.08
16. 0 +1 0 0 0 +2 + 1 +1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 1 +4 +4 -1 + 1 0.04 0.10 0.03 0.25 0.10
17. -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +2 + 1 + 1 +1 + 1 +4 +4 0 + 1 -1 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.03
18. -1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 +1 -1 +4 +4 + 1 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.02
19. -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +1 0 + 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +4 +4 + 1 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.02
20. +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 -1 0 + 1 +1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 1 0 +4 +4 + 1 +1 0.05 0.38 0.03 0.03 0.12
Based on the average values of the overall quality criteria, regression equations for shoot tip development as functions of concentrations of substances in medium versions (Tables I and II) were calculated for the four genotypes (y^ and individually for the root stock ‘Kober 5 BB’ (y2):
y i = 0.151 - 0.177х7•х8 + 0.143х7 - 0.037X7•X8•X14 + 0.085хl - 0.056хl•х8 -- 0.042х8 (4)
y 2 = 0.156 + 0.077х4•х7 + 0.175х7•х10 - 0.16^7^ - 0.052х7•х9 - 0.072х8 + + 0.062х10 + 0.048х9 - 0.030х4•х8 (5)
with the following characteristics of the equations (Table III): the level of significance of y1 is 0.001, the determination coefficient is 0.694, the standard
error is 0.097; the level of significance of y2 is 0.000, the determination coefficient is 0.977, the standard error is 0.065. The factor x7 (CaCl2) provided the most significant effect on both equations since the first members of the equations are of the highest significance. They also are characterized with the highest determination coefficients, i.e. make the largest contribution to the description of the process by means of the equation (Table III).
Table III. - Improvement of statistical characteristics of regression equations (4 and 5) during sequential selection of equation members describing overall quality criteria of shoot tip development as a function of concentrations of substances in medium versions (Tables I and
Equation members Coefficient of regression Level of significance Coefficient of determination Standard error
Equation (4) for calculating average values of the overall quality criteria for the four genotypes (yx):
х7*х8 -0.177 0.009 0.324 0.127
х7 0.143 0.006 0.423 0.121
х7*х8*х14 -0.037 0.004 0.479 0.118
х1 0.085 0.001 0.572 0.107
х1 *х8 -0.056 0.001 0.631 0.103
х8 -0.042 0.001 0.694 0.097
The free member=0.151
Equation (5) for calculating the overall quality criteria separately for the root stock ‘Kober 5 BB’ (y2):
х4*х7 0.077 0.001 0.460 0.245
х7*х10 0.175 0.000 0.773 0.163
х7*х8 -0.161 0.000 0.859 0.133
х7-х9 -0.052 0.000 0.905 0.112
х8 -0.072 0.000 0.927 0.102
х10 0.062 0.000 0.963 0.075
х9 0.048 0.000 0.973 0.068
-U х 00 -0.030 0.000 0.977 0.065
The free member=0.156
Stepwise optimization of media for shoot tip development based on regression
Table IV shows stepwise optimization of macro-element concentrations in media for shoot tip development based on the regression equations 4 and 5.
Table IV. - Macro-element concentrations in media optimized based on regression equations with a view to improve shoot tip development in the four grapevine genotypes and individually in the root stock ‘Kober 5 BB’. In addition to the macro-elements indicated in this Table, each medium version contained (Slenko et al., 2001): Fe-EDTA and microelements MS medium, 100 mg l myo-inositol, 10 mg l thiamine, 5 mg l nicotinic acid; 0.2 mg l pyridoxine, 10 mg l glycine, 5 mg l para-aminobenzoic acid, 0.5 mg l BA, 30 g l sucrose and 7 g l Difco agar.________________________________________________
Macro-elements Concentrations of macro-elements (mg l-1) in media for shoot tip development
(variables in
MSM Using the regression equation (4) Using the regression equation (5)
for the four genotypes (based on the for the stock ‘Kober 5 BB’ (based
macro-element concentrations in on the macro-element
medium version 6 from Table II) concentrations in medium version
8 from Table II)
1cv4 2cv4 3cv4 4cv4 5cv4 1Kob 2Kob 3Kob 4Kob 5Kob
fa) NH4NO3 1650 833 1200 1520 1950 2153 - - - - -
fa) (NH4)2SO4 - 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680
fa) NH4Cl - - - - - - - - - - -
fa) KNO3 1900 950 950 950 950 950 1950 2090 2233 2337 2480
fa) KCl - - - - - - 706 706 706 706 706
fa) K2SO4 - - - - - - 1637 1637 1637 1637 1637
fa) CaCl2 331 675 740 800 890 944 680 734 793 835 900
fa) MgSO4 7H2O 370 183 165 140 90 67 173 142 112 93 64
fa) KH2PO4 170 170 170 170 170 170 85 84 83 83 81
(х10) NaH2PO4 H2O 170 - - - - - 180 208 235 252 278
The optimization began (Table IV) by determining the optimum medium version for each of the process: macro-element concentrations in the medium version 6 (Table II) for shoot tip development of the four genotypes and macroelement concentrations in the medium version 8 (Table II) individually for the root stock ‘Kober 5 BB’. Green shoots collected from field-grown plants were used as a source of shoot tip explants. Table V shows shoot tip development
after 50 days in culture on the media (Table IV) of the different optimization designs for each of the processes.
Table V. - Shoot tip development in four grapevine genotypes after 50 days in culture on media (Table IV) containing macro-element concentrations calculated by using the regression equations (4) and (5). Deviations of shoot tip development (V) from average values (P < 0.05) were not more than 31% for the shoot length and 34% for leaf development.
Designations of media Shoot tip development in four grapevine genotypes after 50 d in culture
‘Kober 5 BB’ ‘Podarok Magaracha’ ‘Zhemchug Magaracha’ ‘Sverkhrannii bessemyannyi’
Shoot length, cm Leaf development, scored in points 1.0-5.0 Shoot length, cm Leaf Shoot Leaf Shoot development, length, developmen, length, scored in cm scored in cm points 1.0-5.0 points l.0-5.0 Leaf development, scored in points l.0-5.0
Control MMS* 0.2 1.8+0.6 1.9+0.5 1.8+0.6 0.4+0.1 0.3+0.1 1.3+0.4 1.0+0.3
Control ^ableE** 0.1 1.7+0.5 0.6+0.2 1.6+0.5 0.5+0.2 1.8+0.5 2.3+0.7 4.4+0.6
Based on the regression equation (4) for shoot tip development in four grapevine genotypes
Control 6ТаЪЫГ 0.1 1.0 2.7+0.8 4.0+1.1 1.2+0.4 4.1+0.6 0,5+0,1 2.0+0.6
1cv4 0.1 1.0 3.1+0.9 4.2+1.3 1.8+0.6 4.2+0.5 0.7+0.2 1.9+0.6
2cv4 0.1 1.0 3.5+1.0 4.4+1.4 2.4+0.8 4.5+0.5 0.6+0.2 1.6+0.5
3cv4 0.1 1.0 3.8+1.0 3.9+1.2 1.9+0.6 3.3+0.8 0.7+0.2 1.3+0.4
4cv4 0.1 1.0 3.3+0.9 3.4+1.1 1.4+0.5 2.1+0.6 0.8+0.2 0.6+0.2
5cv4 0.1 1.0 2.8+0.8 2.8+0.9 1.0+0.3 1.4+0.4 0.6+0.2 0.8+0.2
Based on the regression equation (5) for shoot tip development in the root stock Kober 5 BB
Control 8TableII** 1.9±0.6 4.0+0.5 0.9+0.3 callus 1.2+0.4 0.5+0.2 2.4+0.7 0.4+0.1 1.8+0.6
mob 2.4±0.7 4.3+0.4 0.6+0.2 callus 1.8+0.6 0.6+0.2 2.0+0.6 0.5+0.2 1.3+0.4
2tob 3.2±1.0 4.5+0.4 0.8+0.2 callus 1.7+0.5 0.6+0.2 1.8+0.6 0.6+0.2 1.0+0.3
3tob 3.0+0.8 3.9+0.8 0.7+0.2 callus 1.9+0.6 0.7+0.2 1.9+0.6 0.6+0.2 1.2+0.3
4^b 1.4+0.3 2.0+0.7 0.8+0.2 callus 2.0+0.6 0.5+0.2 1.5+0.5 0.4+0.1 1.3+0.4
5^b 1.1+0.3 1.5+0.5 1.1+0.3 callus 2.1+0.6 0.4+0.1 1.5+0.4 0.5+0.1 1.5+0.5
* Contains MS mineral elements supplemented with 170 mg l-1 NaH2PO4 H2O. The remaining additives indicated in the Table IV.
** Macro-element concentrations in medium versions indicated in Table II used as controls to check the optimization efficiency. The remaining additives indicated in the Table IV.
The design of an experiment for four grapevine genotypes (equation 4) led
to encouraging results, though they were not reliable enough (macro-element concentrations of the medium version 6 from Table II, entering as control) for shoot tip development in cvs. ‘Podarok Magaracha’ (optimized medium version 3cv4, Table V, Fig. 1) and ‘Zhemchug Magaracha’ (optimized medium version 2cv4, Table V). On the contrary, the results were disappointing for root stock ‘Kober 5 BB’ and cv. ‘Sverkhrannii bessemyannyi’ due to the design of experiment by means of equation (4) began by using macro-element concentrations of the medium version 6 from Table II which was optimum for cvs. ‘Podarok Magaracha’ and ‘Zhemchug Magaracha’ but not so either for root stock ‘Kober 5 BB’ (for which macro-element concentrations of the medium version 8 from Table II, designated as 8 Table II in Table V, was optimum) or for cv. ‘Sverkhrannii bessemyannyi’ (for which macro-element content of the medium version 11 from Table II, designated as 11 Table II in Table V, was optimum). In root stock ‘Kober 5 BB’ (Table V) shoot tips performed the best on the medium version 2Kob achieved by stepwise optimization using the regression equation (5) particularly for this genotype. This medium version 2Kob contained 208 mg l NaH2PO4 H2O (Table IV). Macro-elements at 3/4
levels of the MS formulation medium, supplemented with 170 mg l-1 NaH2PO4 H2O, were optimum for grapevine shoot tip development (Harris and Stevenson, 1982).
■ г
Fig. 1. Development of several shoots after 50 days of shoot tip culture in cv. ‘Podarok Magaracha’ on the medium version 3cv4 (Tables IV and V) (the explant removed from the culture tube, top view).
The addition of this substance stabilizes the pH of the medium during explant culture (Viskot and Bezdek, 1984). Callus was formed from shoot tips of cv. ‘Podarok Magaracha’ on media optimized for shoot development in the root stock ‘Kober 5 BB’ (Table V). Reliable differences were established in shoot tip development on MMS medium and on optimized medium versions for root stock ‘Kober 5 BB’ (2Kob, Table V), cv. ‘Podarok Magaracha’ (version 3cv4, Table V), cv. ‘Zhemchug Magaracha’ (version 2cv4, Table V) and cv. ‘Sverkhrannii bessemyannyi’ (macro-element content of the medium version 11 from Table II, designated as version 11 Table 'II in Table V).
Within the genus Vitis, plants have genetically determined differences in
+ 2+ 2+
the uptake of K , Ca and Mg (Scienza et al., 1986). Grapevine genotypes differed in their needs for nitrogen levels of the soil for their growth: some
genotypes were capable to grow well on the soils with low nitrogen levels (Murthy and Iygengar, 1997). Different root stock genotypes affected the levels of mineral substances (N, K and Fe) in the scion (Bavaresco, 2001) and induced different responses of the scion to soil nitrogen fertilization (Keller et al., 2001). Various levels of mineral substances found in different organs of the plant depending on the genotype and the levels of mineral substances in the soil or in the water culture may enter as an indirect proof of the fact that the grapevine genotypes used in our experiments needed different levels of mineral substances in their optimum media. The design of the experiment focused on medium optimization for one grapevine genotype did improve shoot tip development in the specific genotype while poorly-developed shoot tips were observed on the same medium in the other genotypes. Thus, macro-element content of the medium version 11 (Tables II and V) applied for cv. ‘Sverkhrannii bessemyannyi’ enabled the growth of high-quality shoots and leaves while extremely poor shoot tip development was observed on that medium version in the remaining three genotypes. Our report in this paper and other results concerned with shoot tip culture and whole plant culture (Slenko et al., 2001) led to the conclusion that optimized mineral salts levels for a certain grapevine genotype may not be so for other genotypes, though, of course, some of a great diversity of grapevine cultivars and root stocks may be expected to grow well on this or that optimized medium.
Experiments focused on medium optimization for shoot tip culture by means of the mathematical design (Tables I-V) are time-consuming and required large numbers of explants. It can be seen from the two experiments (Tables II and V) that the four grapevine genotypes have different optimum concentration of macro-elements. Table VI shows media that proved to be best efficient in the two experiments. Optimization of the medium composition may be achieved sooner and with good though not universally the best results by culturing shoot tips of any other genotypes on seven media presented in Table VI to determine
better medium version for each genotype. In some genotypes, shoot tip culture developed callus, the levels of thiamine, nicotinic acid and glycine presented in
the media recommended should be reduced to 2 mg l1.
Table VI. - Compositions of nutrient media recommended for shoot tip development in various grapevine genotypes. In addition to the macro-elements indicated in the Table, each medium version contained other substances, indicated in Table IV.
Macro-elements Concentrations of macro-elements in different medium versions, mg l-1
Medium versions from Tables I and II Medium versions from Tables IV and V
4 б S 11 2cv4 3cv4 2Kob
1. NH4NO3 - S25 - S25 1200 1520 -
2. (NH4)2SO4 6S0 6S0 6S0 6S0 6S0 6S0 6S0
3. NH4Cl 55б - - 55б - - -
4. KNO3 1900 950 1900 - 950 950 2090
5. KCl 1412 - 70б 70б - - 70б
б. K2SO4 - - 1б37 S1S - - 1б37
7. CaCl2 бб2 бб2 бб2 331 740 S00 734
S. MgSO4 7H2O 1S5 1S5 1S5 370 1б5 140 142
9. KH2PO4 170 170 S5 170 170 170 S4
10. NaH2PO4 H2O 170 - 170 - - 20S
Our findings lead us to the following conclusions:
1. Over the range of component levels in media (Tables I and II), macroelements had a higher effect on grapevine shoot tip development compare to Fe-EDTA, micro-elements, vitamins and sucrose. In regression equations 4 and 5 describing shoot tip development in the four genotypes (yi) and individually in the root stock ‘Kober 5 BB’ (y2) as a functions of macro-element concentrations in media, the members including the variable x7 (factor CaCl2), based on the
levels 166 mg l (1/2 MS), 331 mg l (MS) and 662 mg l (2 MS), were the most significant and had the largest determination coefficients (Table III).
2. Regression equation (5) describing shoot tip development in one genotype (‘Kober 5 BB’) as a function of macro-element concentrations in media has a larger determination coefficient (0.977) relative to regression
equation (4) for the four genotypes as a whole (determination coefficient is 0.694) since different medium versions were optimum for different genotypes (Tables II and V). Stepwise optimization of the mineral composition of medium for grapevine shoot tip development should begin based on the optimum medium version for each genotype (Tables II and IV).
3. Different concentrations of macro-mineral elements were optimum for shoot tip development in the four grapevine genotypes, irrespective of their specific origin (Vitis vinifera or interspecific hybrids, Table V).
The regression equations describing the pattern of mineral elements in optimized media for shoot tip cultures of different genotypes reflect their considerable heterogeneity as concerns best efficient concentrations of macroelements in media. The proposed assessment of results by reducing the number of parameters characterizing a process to the overall quality criterion (equations 1-3) and the mathematical design of experiment may be used in physiological and agricultural research for optimization of processes affected by numerous factors. The optimized media (Table IV) may be used for growing of virus-free shoots in meristem cultures of different grapevine genotypes.
The authors wish to honour the memory of their teacher, Professor P.Ya. Golodriga, former director of the Institute for Vine and Wine ‘Magarach’, and also wish to thank Dr. O. Adibekov for elaborating the mathematical design of their experiments.
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A l’aide de la methode du design mathematique de l’experimentation, nous avons procede au choix des milieux nutritifs optimaux pour le developpement des pousses de quatre genotypes de vigne dans la culture in vitro a partir des apex des pousses ayant la dimension de 0.5-0.8 mm, et qui se composaient de meristemes avec des rudiments de feuilles. L’equation de regression, decrivant la dependance du developpement des apex des pousses d’un genotype -porte-greffe ‘Kober 5 BB’ - des concentrations des substances dans le milieu, refletait le processus de fa9on plus adequate (coefficient de determination 0.977) par rapport a l’equation generale de regression pour les quatre genotypes (coefficient de determination 0.694), puisque les concentration differentes des substances dans les milieux etaient optimales pour les genotypes differents. Vu le caractere tres heterozygote des genotypes de la vigne, suivant la concentration des substances dans le milieux le developpement des apex des pousses de chacun d’eux peut etre decrit par une equation de regression propre a chaque genotype. Dans les limites des concentrations des substances etudiees, les macroelements (surtout le CaCl2 ) exer9aient, par rapport a d’autres composants des milieux, l’influence la plus importante sur le developpement des apex des pousses. Les milieux optimaux pour les genotypes differents se distinguaient par les concentrations des macroelements, independamment de leur origine (Vitis vinifera ou hybrides interspecifiques). La methode proposee de l’evaluation des resultats par la compilation d’un grand nombre de parametres caracterisant un processus en un seul parametre, ainsi que la methode de la planification mathematique de l’experimentation, peuvent etre utilisees au cours des recherches dans les domaines de physiologie et d’agriculture pour optimiser les processus qui dependent de plusieurs facteurs. Les milieux optimises, servant pour le developpement des apex des pousses, peuvent etre employes pour la culture des pousses sans virus dans des cultures de meristemes de differents genotypes de vigne.