Likar Ya.,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Department of Entomology, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Drobitko A.,
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Agrotechnology,
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Girlya L.,
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Chaban V., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of Navigation, Labor Protection and Environment, Kherson State Maritime Academy of Ukraine
Kokovikhin S.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Deputy Director for Science, Institute ofIrrigated Agriculture of the NAAS of Ukraine
It is determined that the efficiency of realization of high natural-climatic potential of the Steppe zone of Ukraine is limited by the increase of climate aridity. Therefore, the strategic objectives of the agricultural sector of the economy should be aimed at increasing crop productivity, saving energy resources, improving soil fertility, reducing anthropogenic pressure on the environment in order to ensure sustainable use of nature. According to the results of generalization of long-term data it is inserted that the maximum grain yield of maize hybrids of different maturity groups is formed in wet years, and the lowest - in dry, and plants best use the heat potential of southern Ukraine in wet and medium wet years, due to the highest intensity of production processes. Using the obtained regression equations, it is possible to select the most optimal hybrid composition for regional and local agrocli-matic conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. According to the results of research, different degrees of variability of meteorological and agronomic indicators have been established. The use of statistical methods allowed to estimate the years of research on the index of favourable agrometeorological conditions and to establish regression equations of plant productivity.
Keywords: irrigation, grain crops, agro-measures, agrometeorological conditions assessment index.
Obtaining high and sustainable yields of crops is based on the highly efficient use of soil and climatic resources. In agricultural production, in contrast to other sectors of the economy, these conditions are the most important components, without which the process of obtaining crop products is impossible [1]. However, natural resources differ from conventional means of production in that they are able to naturally restore their properties, lost completely or partially in the process of use [2]. The degree of recovery of the properties of some types of resources (solar radiation, heat, etc.) depends little on the nature of production, and the degree of recovery of others (agrophysical structure of soil, nutrient reserves and productive moisture in the soil) is determined by the intensity of their use the process of growing crops [3].
Many years of experimental experiments of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS were used in the research [4]. To establish indicators of agroecolog-ical potential, methodological approaches were used with its division into subsystems - climatic potential,
soil potential, agrohydropotential, etc. [5]. At the same time, a number of yield indicators (according to long-term data of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS) are interpolated to the level of technology of a given year.
The general assessment of the agroecological potential of the Steppe of Ukraine can be expressed in the potential gross grain harvest of all arable lands of the region or as a weighted average of the statistical maximum yield. It is necessary to keep in mind the inequality of products of different crops grown in the region. This approach allows to obtain a more generalized estimate of the AEP than the grain yield, but does not cover a complete set of crops. Therefore, the general assessment of the AEP of the region can be determined by the yield of energy accumulated in the organs (in GJ/ha) due to the value of the dry mass yield and so on. The agroecological potential of the steppe zone of Ukraine is directly related to climate change, especially natural hydrothermal conditions in some local areas, which can differ significantly over the years (Table 1).
Table 1
Annual sum of active and effective temperatures for 2010-2019 (according to the Kherson agrometeorologfcal station)
Annual amount Annual amount
Years active temperatures effective temperatures
over over over over over over over
0^ +5^ +10^ +15^ +5^ +10^ +15^
2010 4443* 4338 4066 3330 3142 1892 1042
+13%** +17% +21% +26% +21% +22% +40%
2011 4060 3795 3534 3169 2720 1748 934
+3% +2% +5% +18% +4% +13% +25%
2012 4688 4654 4293 3780 3388 2219 1246
+19% +26% +27% +42% +30% +42% +67%
2013 4385 4120 3466 3211 2932 1788 1009
+12% +11% +3% +21% +16% +15% +35%
2014 4386 4228 3792 3050 2970 1860 1005
+11% +14% +13% +15% +14% +20% +35%
2015 4408 4176 3458 3228 2872 1788 979
+12% +13% +3% +22% +10% +15% +31%
2016 4345 4178 3710 2924 2910 1822 966
+10% +13% +11% +10% +11% +17% +29%
2017 4507 4275 3625 3262 2956 1826 1016
+15% +15% +8% +23% +13% +18% +36%
2018 4419 4326 4194 3420 3191 2102 1127
+12% +17% +25% +29% +23% +35% +51%
2019 4549 4299 3856 2924 3017 1868 1031
+16% +19% +15% +10% +16% +20% +38%
Average 4419 4239 3799 3231 3010 1891 1035
Average long-term norm 3926 3705 3357 2648 2604 1553 746
Deviation, ^ +493 +534 +442 +583 +406 +338 +285
Deviation, % +13 +14 +13 +12 +16 +22 +38
Note: * - indicator; ** - percentage of deviation from the average long-term indicators
According to the analysis of meteorological observations, changes in the climatic parameters of the Kherson region have been shown to have a close negative relationship between fluctuations in average annual air temperatures and the amount of precipitation. It is determined that over the last 30 years the average annual air temperature has a steady tendency to increase, and in 2019 reached a maximum of 12.9°C.
Precipitation tends to fluctuate significantly, with a minimum in recent years of 310 mm (2017). It should also be borne in mind that the increase in atmospheric air temperature in different temperature ranges is not uniform. Thus, in 2012, the total increase in the sum of active temperatures was 19%, and the increase in the sum of effective temperatures above 15°C was 63%.
It is determined that the efficiency of realization of high natural-climatic potential of the Steppe zone of Ukraine is limited by the increase of climate aridity. Therefore, the strategic objectives of the agricultural sector of the economy should be aimed at increasing crop productivity, saving energy resources, improving soil fertility, reducing anthropogenic pressure on the environment in order to ensure sustainable use of nature.
Our calculations show that under the optimal irrigation regime, the level of favorable agrometeorologi-cal conditions for the growth and development of corn for grain varies for the period 1970-2018 from 0.42 to 1.49, with a long-term average value of 1.0.
Significant fluctuations in the index of assessment of agrometeorological conditions are caused by annual fluctuations of individual meteorological indicators. Statistical modeling shows that the most favorable weather conditions were in the periods 1980-1983, 1991-1993, 1997, 2004, and 2018. In these years, there was an increase in precipitation and moderate heat. On the contrary, in 1994-1996, 1998-1999 and 2006-2007 there was a sharp decline in corn productivity due to extremely high air temperatures, a sharp shortage of natural moisture, dry winds and more. In recent years (2014-2018), due to favorable weather conditions - the productivity of corn - is increasing.
Thus, according to the results of generalization of long-term data it is inserted that the maximum grain yield of maize hybrids of different maturity groups is formed in wet years, and the lowest - in dry, and plants best use the heat potential of southern Ukraine in wet and medium wet years, due to the highest intensity of production processes. Using the obtained regression equations, it is possible to select the most optimal hybrid composition for regional and local agroclimatic conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. According to the results of research, different degrees of variability of meteorological and agronomic indicators have been established. The use of statistical methods allowed to estimate the years of research on the index of favourable agrometeorological conditions and to establish regression equations of plant productivity.
1. Vozhehova R. A., Kokovikhin S. V., Drobitko A. V., Naidenov V. G. Influence of agricultural measures on the efficiency of soybean use of photosyn-thetically active radiation and moisture in the conditions of the south of Ukraine. Taurian Scientific Bulletin. 2021. Vol. 117. P. 122-127.
2. Kokovikhin S. V. Scientific and methodical bases of establishment of regularities and development of mathematical models of formation of a crop of field cultures at irrigation: monograph. Kherson: Aylant, 2010. 246 p.
3. Kokovikhin S. V., Bidnina I. A., Shariy V. A.,
Chervan A. N., Drobitko A. V. Optimization of the agro-technological process of cultivation of agricultural crops on irrigated lands using information technologies. Soil science and agrochemistry: Scientific journal. 2020. Vol. 2(65). P. 63-71.
4. Ushkarenko V. O., Nikishenko V. L., Holobo-rodko S. P., Kokovikhin S. V. Analysis of variance and correlation in agriculture and crop production: a textbook. Kherson: Ailant, 2008. 272 p.
5. Lymar A. O., Lymar V. A., Kokovikhin S. V., Domaratsky E. A. Agroclimatic resources of the south of Ukraine and their rational use: monograph. Kherson: Grin D.S., 2015. 246 p.
Ochkala O.S.,
Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute -National Center for Seed and Cultivar investigation of NAAS Ukraine, 65036. 3. Ovidiopol road. Odessa
Lavrova G.D.,
Candidate of biological sciences, Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute - National Center for Seed and Cultivar investigation of NAAS Ukraine, 65036. 3. Ovidiopol road. Odessa.
Molodchenkova O.O.
Doctor of biological sciences, Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute -National Center for Seed and Cultivar investigation of NAAS Ukraine, 65036.3. Ovidiopol road. Odessa.
This scientific work shows the results of research to assess the yield structure of promising source material for the selection of high-yielding varieties of chickpeas, determining the biochemical characteristics of the vegetative mass and roots, which indicate increased cold resistance. Determining the difference between biochemical parameters of chickpea plants at different growing technology. The results of these studies are covered in this article.
Keywords: chickpeas, breeding, influence of low positive temperatures, cold resistance, sugar level.
The problem of moisture supply more and more often arises when growing crops. The impact of global climate change is inevitable and permanent. In Ukraine, droughts often occur in the steppe zone during the growing season and this process is intensifying and spreading territorially [1]. Chickpeas in drought resistance is one of the first places among legumes, but to obtain seedlings need 130-140% moisture by weight of seeds [2]. Therefore, in conditions of frequent soil and air droughts, early crops have their advantages for obtaining quality seedlings. After all, although it is a drought-resistant crop, the impact of prolonged droughts has a negative impact on the formation of a good and quality crop [3,4,5]. Therefore, our scientists continue to work on creating a highly productive source material of common chickpeas, resistant to low positive temperatures and capable of winter cultivation technol-
The fields of the Plant Breeding and Genetic Institute - NCSC are located in the central part of Odessa
region. The soil cover of the experimental fields is homogeneous and is represented by the southern mediumhumus heavy loamy chernozems with a humus content in the arable layer of 3.5-4.1%. The reaction of the soil solution is neutral (pH = 6.1) hydrolytic acidity - 3.29 mg / eq. per 100 g of soil, the amount of absorbed bases - 37.8 mg / eq. per 100 g of soil.
The climate is moderately warm, formed mainly under the influence of Atlantic and Mediterranean air masses. The average annual air temperature is + 9.6oC, the sum of effective temperatures is 3300oC, the average long-term precipitation is 430 mm. Winter is mild and short. The coldest month is January, with an average long-term air temperature of -2oC. Early spring, the transition of temperature through + 5oC occurs in the second or third decade of March. Summers are hot and long, dry winds are often observed. Due to high temperatures and low relative humidity, the soil loses a lot of moisture in the summer. We studied 10 lines obtained as a result of targeted hybridization for resistance to low positive temperatures, namely: 5030, 5033, 5150, 5360, 5362, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384, 5387 and parental forms from the collection of chickpeas, namely