Sabirova G.B.
Abstract: this article discusses onomastics, its history and features as a modern direction in linguistics. In a narrow meaning, onomastics are proper names of various types, a combination of onomastic words are onomastic vocabulary.Onomastics is the science of proper names of all types, of the laws of their development and functioning. This discipline belongs to both philology and history; therefore it is most often defined as a branch of linguistics and at the same time an auxiliary historical discipline. Keywords: onomastics, means, names, anthroponyms, toponyms, zoonyms, astronyms, dialects, autonomous.
As soon as people began to know the language consciously, they began to give names to objects, phenomena, events, and, of course, to the people themselves. Name is the main means of communication. The name always sees something more than just the 'name' of a person; there is a certain meaning. The world is constructed in an incomprehensible way, but in our understanding it is reasonable. And therefore, from ancient times, it seems to people that the name is invisible thread associated with the past, future and present of its owner. The history of names, their meaning and meaning, their connection with the history of society, with the worldview and beliefs of people are studied by a special science - onomastics.
Literally, this term means the art of giving names. Names are given to objects of animate and inanimate nature. These are the geographical words of the name, the so-called toponyms, the names of space objects -astronyms, the nicknames of animals - zoonyms. But perhaps the largest group of proper names is anthroponyms - names, patronymics, last names of people, nicknames, and pseudonyms.
In different countries, different peoples have extremely diverse names in sound, origin and use. Names are part of the history of the people. They reflect everyday life, beliefs, aspirations, imagination and artistic creation of peoples, their historical contacts. Each name bears a bright imprint of the corresponding era. Onomastics is the science of proper names of all types, of the laws of their development and functioning. This discipline belongs to both philology and history; therefore it is most often defined as a branch of linguistics and at the same time an auxiliary historical discipline.
Linguistic at its core, onomastics includes historical, geographical, ethnographic, cultural, sociological, literary components that help to identify the specifics of named objects and traditions associated with their names, which takes onomastics beyond linguistics proper and makes it an autonomous discipline that uses mainly linguistic methods, closely related to the complex of humanities, as well as sciences about the Earth and the Universe [1 ].
Onomastics - the art of giving names is a section of linguistics that studies any proper names [2], the history of their occurrence ad transformation as a result of prolonged use in the source language or in connection with borrowing from other languages. In a narrow meaning, onomastics are proper names of various types, a combination of onomastic words are onomastic (onymic) vocabulary. Thus, the subject of the study of onomastic is it (proper name), which serves to highlight the object named by him among other objects. Onomastics provides, thus, the most valuable material for history, establishing the places of settlements and migration routes, often disappeared peoples, characterizing local myths, giving an idea of the type of settlements, of social and family relations.
Onomastic studies help to identify migration paths and places of former settlement of various peoples, linguistic and cultural contacts, and the more ancient state of languagesand the ratio of their dialects. The study of proper names is of great importance due to the specific laws of their transfer and preservation. Owing to its social function — to serve as a simple, individualizing reference to a specific subject — a proper name is able to maintain its basic significance when its etymological meaning is completely obscured, that is, when it is completely impossible to associate it with any other words of the same language.
Hence the enormous stability of proper names, preserved not only during revolutionary shifts in the history of a particular language, but even with a complete change of language of one system to another. Thus, it is possible, through the etymological explanation of certain names, to establish the nature of the language in which the corresponding name was first created. Onomastic studies help to identify migration paths and places of former settlement of various peoples, linguistic and cultural contacts, and the more ancient state of languagesand the ratio of their dialects.
The boundaries of the world of onomastics, allowing us to determine the number of such unusual words in our speech, are removed from the eyes of even an experienced researcher: statistics here also cannot be comprehensive - this is simply impossible. Modern onomastics is a complex scientific linguistic discipline
with its own range of problems and methods. Onomastic studies help to study the migration paths of individual ethnic groups, identify their former habitats, establish an older state of individual languages, and determine the linguistic and cultural contacts of different ethnic groups.
1. Bondaletov V.D. Russkaya onomastika. M.: Prosveshcheniye, 1983.
2. Podol'skaya N.V. Slovar russkoy onomasticheskoy terminologii / Otv. red. A.V. Superanskaya. Izd. 2-ye, pererab. i dop. M.: Nauka, 1988. S. 192.
Abstract: the word dialogue is derived from Greek word dialogues, that means "through speech ". A dialogue is a conversational exchange between two or more people either in a spoken or a written form. Keywords: dialogue, language, exchange, conversation.
The notion of dialogue is defined differently by some scholars. To illustrate, famous scientist David Bohm describes this notion as "a stream of meaning flowing among and through us and between us". The next definition of dialogue was provided by D.N. Walton. The author defines the dialogue as a speech act exchange between two speech partners in the sequence of turn-taking with a cooperative ambition. The dialogue is considered to be coherent because the partners' speech acts fit together in order to reach their goal.
It is essential to mention that all types of dialogue serve for general purpose, that to exchange and provide interlocutor with some information. As the topic of the article is related to literary dialogue, the main distinguishing features of everyday dialogue and literary dialogue should be outlined. Firstly, everyday dialogue is a spontaneous one whereas the literary dialogue is constructed by the narrator deliberately. Everyday dialogue is characterized by peculiar features of oral type of speech. It means the usage of colloquial words and expressions, simple structures, one-member sentences, unfinished sentences, interjections and others. As for literary dialogues, they are more organized and logically connected, and fulfill different pragmatic functions. It should be mentioned also that everyday dialogues are based on the principles of co-operation worked out by G. Grice. However, literary dialogues though on the whole follow the principles of co-operation, nevertheless, very often violate these principles. To illustrate, the postulate of quantity which in the literary dialogue is not strictly observed. It is clear that literary dialogue is characterized by different forms of redundancy such as repetitions, synonyms, convergence of stylistic device.
On the other side, an important semantic segment of the literary text is that the personages speak to each other: the dialogues simulated by the author enable the reader to get acquainted with events, the way of thinking of the personages and relationships between them.
With regard to the last function of direct speech, even though the literary dialogue contributes to the development of the plot, its main semantic function is regarded as presenting the psychological characteristics of the characters' personalities.
In text linguistics, the notion of "direct speech" is defined as a sequence of statements, perceived by readers as a literal reflection of words and structures, which are used by characters to express thoughts and feelings. The fictional dialogue literally reproduces the direct speech of the characters, which, according to the author's intention, they initiate in the imaginary world of the text. It can be described as an author's attempt to artistically reflect the functioning of a natural everyday (ideal) language at the level of speech interaction of characters, as an illusion of spontaneous conversation between real individuals.
As the topic of article is connected with the literary dialogue, the dialogue of belles-lettres style should be discussed deeply. As N. Z. Normurodova states dialogue appears in two cases in general: in verbal communication and in the literary text. From the point of linguistics, literary dialogue is considered as the product of text, which carries thematic integrity, cohesion, informativity and relation to communicative ending. The main function of literary dialogue unlike every-day dialogue is how it demonstrates language from the point of communicative-pragmatics, stylistics, and cognitive theory.