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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Torgomyan Kristina

The paper demonstrates the findings and results of a qualitative and quantitative study into the adoption of online technology and platforms during lessons and their influence on the ways of formative assessment. The teaching and assessment methods and techniques used during the lessons which were conducted completely online due to the COVID-19 pandemic have been studied, investigated and presented. The paper targets to identify the lecturer’s formative assessment techniques and discover its implications and opportunities for lecturers, teachers and educators. It shows some literature review and presents the author’s own methods and techniques of formative assessment. Many possibilities to create online tests and methods of assessment have been further studied and websites and methods which proved to be effective during the online teaching and assessing have been recommended to be employed during knowledge assessment. Assessment is essential due to its strong influence on learning processes. Assessment is at the core of formal higher education[235]. Methods and techniques of learning and teaching should be assessment-centered so that learners have a chance to prove their emerging skills necessary for enriching and enhancing their learning way. Online informal formative assessment is implemented more often than conventional tests in the universities, due to the shift from on-site to online teaching. The paper studies the influence of online platform implementation to administer different modes of assessment, with emphasis on informal formative assessment on the overall performance of students. A matrix of learner types, their level of understanding of the subject and its correlation with the formative assessment results has been developed and introduced in the paper.

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Lecturer of the Chair of Languages of ASUE



The paper demonstrates the findings and results of a qualitative and quantitative study into the adoption of online technology and platforms during lessons and their influence on the ways of formative assessment. The teaching and assessment methods and techniques used during the lessons which were conducted completely online due to the COVID-19 pandemic have been studied, investigated and presented.

The paper targets to identify the lecturer's formative assessment techniques and discover its implications and opportunities for lecturers, teachers and educators. It shows some literature review and presents the author's own methods and techniques of formative assessment. Many possibilities to create online tests and methods of assessment have been further studied and websites and methods which proved to be effective during the online teaching and assessing have been recommended to be employed during knowledge assessment.

Assessment is essential due to its strong influence on learning processes. Assessment is at the core of formal higher education1. Methods and techniques of learning and teaching should be assessment-centered so that learners have a chance to prove their emerging skills necessary for enriching and enhancing their learning way.

Online informal formative assessment is implemented more often than conventional tests in the universities, due to the shift from on-site to online teaching.

1 Angus S. and Watson J., Does Regular Online Testing Enhance Student Learning in the Numerical Sciences? Robust Evidence from a Large Data Set. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(2), 2009, pp. 255-272.

The paper studies the influence of online platform implementation to administer different modes of assessment, with emphasis on informal formative assessment on the overall performance of students.

A matrix of learner types, their level of understanding of the subject and its correlation with the formative assessment results has been developed and introduced in the paper.

Key words: informal formative assessment, online assessment, feedback, techniques and methods, observation.

JEL: D83, I23

DOI: 10.52174/2579-2989_2021_2_201

Introduction. There are different forms of assessment, namely: formative and summative; informal and formal; curriculum-based; outcome-based methods of assessment, etc. Kauchak and Eggen2 confirm that the relationship between learning and assessment is clear and consistent. Students learn more in classes where assessment is a regular part of classroom routines, particularly when assessment is frequent and provides feedback to learners. In contrast to summative assessment, which makes overall judgments about the learning achieved during a period of time for the purposes of accountability, Shavelson and SEAL state that formative assessment has learning as its purpose and places agency for the improvement of learning on both the teacher and the student".

The terms "assessment" and "evaluation" are used interchangeably by educators, but assessment refers to the process of collecting information from learners whereas evaluation refers to the notion of looking at the above-mentioned information and the necessity to make decisions concerning that instruction.

The paper will mainly concentrate on formative assessment, which is considered to be an ongoing form of assessment as opposed to 'summative' assessment which is mainly done at the end of any course. Formative assessment is particularly valuable because it allows a teacher to make immediate adjustments to the program of instruction when necessary4.

Literature review. There are different ways of implementing formative assessment, namely through observations of students at work, interviewing students, quizzes and informal testing processes as well as appraising homework and learner portfolios. According to Airasian5, planned observation represents a very important and natural means of classroom assessment. While there is broad consensus that formative assessment is meant to give teachers understanding of their students' thinking so as to improve instruction, researchers have found that

2 Kauchak D. and Eggen P., Learning and Teaching: Research-based Methods. 5th ed. Boston, Pearson- Allyn and Bacon, 2007, p. 368.

3 Shavelson R. and SEAL- the Stanford Education Assessment Laboratory. On the Integration of Teacher Education. Paper Presented at the Biannual Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Padova Italy, 2003.

4 Stiggins R., Assessment through Students' Eyes. Educational Leadership, 2007, p. 8.

5 Airasian P., Classroom assessment: Concepts and Applications (5th ed.) Boston: McGraw Hill, 2005.

formative assessment can take different forms6, including the relationships among the elements of formative assessment (e.g., eliciting, noticing, interpreting, acting). Cowie and Bell7, for example, described planned formative assessment as a cycle of eliciting, interpreting and acting on the information that the teacher collects during a predetermined lesson. Instead of planned versus interactive formative assessment, Ruiz-Primo and Furtak8 describe a spectrum of formal (e.g., curriculum-embedded assessment about subjects) to informal (improvisational teacher-student interactions arising from any classroom learning activities) formative assessment that depends on the degree of premeditation. They define informal formative assessment as ongoing strategies that help teachers acquire information from students that can immediately be used in instruction9. Haug and Odegaard10 describe a similar cycle as eliciting of student ideas, interpreting, and acting by adapting teaching or providing elaborative or confirmative feedback, at which point the cycle repeats itself. The authors offer a model of'assessment conversation'11, in which teachers elicit, recognize, and use student thinking and engagement during instruction. They identify 4 parts of this informal formative assessment cycle, which they call an 'ESRU Cycle'.

• Teacher Elicits Response

• Student Responds

• Teacher Recognizes Student Response

• Teacher Uses Student Response

Each step in the ESRU cycle serves a purpose toward collecting information about student learning, comparing it to the teacher's expectations, and taking

action to move students toward learning goals12.

Sezen-Barrie and Kelly13 describe a hybrid model between ESRU and IRE (Initiation-Response-Evaluation) pattern as studied by Mortimer and Scott14 in

6 Bell B. and Cowie B., The Characteristics of Formative Assessment in Science Education. Science Education, 85 (5), 2001, pp. 536-553. Black P., Harrison C., Marshall B. and William D., Working inside the Black Box. Assessment for Learning in the Classroom, PhiDelta Kappan, 86(1), 2004, pp. 8-21.

7 Cowie B. and Bell B., A Model of Formative Assessment in Science Education. Assessment Education: Principles, Policy and Practice, 6(1), 1999, pp. 101-116.

H Ruiz-Primo. M. and Furtak E., Exploring Teachers' Informal Formative Assessment Practices and Students' Understanding in the Context of Scientific Inquiry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44 (1), 2007, pp. 57-84.

9 Ruiz-Primo M. and Furtak E., Exploring Teachers' Informal Formative Assessment Practices and Students' Understanding in the Context of Scientific Inquiry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44 (1), 2007, pp. 57-84. lu Haug B. and Odegaard M., Formative Assessment and Teachers' Sensitivity to Student Responses.

International Journal of Science Education, 37(4), 2015, pp. 629-654.

11 Duschl R. and Gitomer D., Strategies and Challenges to Changing the Focus of Assessment and Instruction in Science Classrooms. Educational Assessment, 4, 1997, pp.37-73. Ruiz-Primo M. and Furtak E., Informal Formative Assessment and Scientific Inquiry: Exploring

Teachers' Practices and Student Learning. Educational Assessment, 11 (3&4), 2006, pp. 205-235.

1:: Sezen-Barrle A. and Kelly G., From the Teacher's Eyes: Facilitating Teachers Noticings on Informal Formative Assessments (IFAs) and Exploring the Challenges to Effective Implementation. International Journal of Science Education, 39(2), 2017, pp. 181-212.

14 Mortimer E., Scott P., Meaning Making In Secondary Science Classrooms, UK: McGraw-Hill Education - Google Scholar, 2003.

which the teacher initiates a cycle of informal FA (formative assessment), listens to students' ideas, evaluates them according to their relevance, and then decides to ignore or recognize the response. At this point, the teacher can choose to leave the cycle or use the ideas to craft a better explanation.

If we discuss formal and informal formative assessment, the main idea of informal formative assessment is that it can take place at any level of student-teacher interaction in the course of daily classroom talk, whether whole class, small group, or one-on-one15, and can help teachers continuously acquire information about their students' level of understanding.

Teachers have the most direct access to information about student learning, and are thus in a position to interpret and use information about student learning to provide students with timely feedback16. Teachers can also use the information to monitor the effectiveness of their own teaching17, however, formative assessment also involves students since they need to recognize, evaluate, and react to their own learning and/or others' assessment of their learning18.

Research Methodology. In order to achieve all the aforementioned objectives and reach the main goals, the following research methodology has been carried out:

• Qualitative analysis;

• Quantitative analysis;

• Comparison of teaching and assessment techniques as well as descriptive and comparative analysis.

The necessity for the analysis of assessment techniques and methods is considered to be of utmost importance. Due to the COVID pandemic and force majeure situation connected with difficulties in assessment of student knowledge, the current assessment techniques have been thoroughly studied and further adapted to new reality - online assessment requirements. The notions of cogency and trustworthiness of teaching, learning and assessment prove to be vital in the teaching modality, which is of utmost importance for any skilled teacher to consider. Four different groups of learners who were given different types of tests, questioning and observation technologies used in the process of

15 Bell B. and Cowie B., Formative Assessment and Science Education. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer, 2001, p.86.

Duschl R., Assessment of Inquiry. In J.M.Atkin and J.E.Doffee (Eds.), Everyday Assessment in Science Classroom, Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press, 2003, pp. 41-59.

16 Shepard L., Reconsidering Large-Scale Assessment to Heighten its Relevance to Learning. In J.M. Atkin and J.Coffee (Eds), Everyday Assessment in the Science Classroom, 2003, pp.41-59. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press. Wilson M., Constructing Measures: An Item Response Modeling Approach. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005.

17 NRC, 2001a- National Research Council. Classroom Assessment and the National Science Education Standards. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press.

18 Bell B. and Cowie B., Formative Assessment and Science Education. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

Sadler D., Formative Assessment and the Design of Instructional Systems. Instructional Science, 18, 1989, pp. 119-144.

assessment have been identified and studied as well as other techniques of formative assessment have been extensively used.

These groups have been included in the process of the research to administer personally prepared tests and quizzes, apply whiteboard technologies, questioning and observation of students' performance, difficulties in conducting this or that type of informal formative assessment (IFA) and results have been collected for the future research to further on share this type of possibilities with other instructors or teachers.

Descriptive analysis allowed me to find the best online websites and resources with the best interface and design to be used for the creation of online assessment possibilities meanwhile authoring tests for different textbooks, topics and resources.

Comparative analysis made it possible to compare different websites for knowledge assessment, and to choose the most effective ones, with better resources, assignments and quick functioning websites and embed those technologies in assessment activities.

All these resources, materials, tests and observations have been extensively used during formal formative assessment and the results have been thoroughly analyzed.

Analysis: 2020 has posed modern and insurmountable difficulties and challenges for the educational institutions and educators as a whole - spread of the virus COVID-19, total lockdowns in most countries, limitations and constraints which led to even greater challenges for both lecturers and students. Universities and other institutions had to shift to completely online mode of teaching and learning.

After the initial shock of all the parties involved and the process of overcoming the necessity of online lecturing, educators faced a new challenge -assessment of students' knowledge and skills. Educators had to adapt to new realia and adapt their materials by videotaping some lectures, sending them to groups of students and this almost solved the problems of online mode of teaching. But this new phenomenon posed new challenges in the form of formative and summative assessment, their viability in the current context. Formative assessment includes an extensive variety of methods and techniques used by educators or teachers to conduct evaluations of student needs, their comprehensive and academic progress for the duration of lesson, course or chapter, feasibility of approaches and it enables teachers to identify the topics students have difficulties in acquiring the skills, according to which adjustments to lessons, instructional techniques and materials can be done. This is essential for the teachers to collect detailed information to further improve their instructional methods and techniques as well as improve student learning, raise student attainment while it is still an ongoing process.

Summative assessment is to evaluate student learning, acquisition of skills or academic achievements and competences at the end of instruction, which can be conducted at the end of the semester, project or program.

Formative assessment necessity and challenges in the online mode of teaching have been thoroughly analyzed while being the main focus of the

analysis process. Formative assessment can be formal - a planned act designed to provide evidence about students' learning, or informal - where evidence of learning is generated in the course of a teacher's day-to-day activities19.

There are some merits and demerits of informal formative assessment.

The main advantage of informal formative assessment is its opportunity to be executed without loads of previous planning and instructional workload. Therefore, this ongoing assessment is not noticed from the first sight or felt during the process of being assessed so that students are less stressed and do not feel test anxiety. The instructors obtain immediate data and information, elaborative and confirmative feedback which enables them to plan accordingly. When teachers administer formal formative assessment, it is time-consuming to grade the students' work and input it into a special form. Students mostly have test anxiety and do not perform at their best on a written and formal formative assessment, whereas an informal formative assessment has a potential advantage that might give you the most accurate representation of students' in-depth knowledge and skills.

The main disadvantage of an informal formative assessment might be hidden prejudices or implied stereotypes towards the person administering the formative assessment to influence judgments done. Informal assessment should be unbiased and evaluate students on as equal as possible grounds.

Formal assessment can take the form of curriculum embedded assessment focusing on some aspects of learning or be in the form of quizzes, brainstorming, direct questioning or generation of questions, which can be conducted at the beginning of the unit, during or at the end of it.

Informal FA can occur any time during student-teacher interaction and communication. This can be done as unplanned activities by creating more communication in group discussions, interactions between the students or even informal observations and be used as a pedagogical vehicle. It can also be verbal, e.g. students asking questions, and non-verbal, e.g. teachers observing the whole process.

We distinguish different words in the process of characterizing formal and informal FA: gather, interpret and act are used for formal FA; and eliciting, recognizing, and using for informal FA. This is best represented by Figure 120, which I modified by adding formal and informal feedback, which I consider to be an important communication tool and process.

Figure 1 can be widely used for FA purposes in all subjects but I will concentrate on English language teaching and assessment. The black boxes between the units in Figure 1 symbolize the exact points in our language curriculum when formal formative assessment is conducted. As we know, formal and informal FA is undoubtedly connected with the major goal for FA. The

19 Duschl R., Assessment of Inquiry. In J.M.Atkin and Coffee J.E. (Eds.). Everyday Assessment in the Science Classroom, 2003, pp. 41-59. Washington D.C.: National Science Teachers Association


JU Ruiz-Primo M. and Furtak E., Informal Formative Assessment of Students' Understanding of

Scientific Inquiry. CSE Report 639, 2004, pp. 4-5.

continuous line between the units and informal FA demonstrates the continuous nature of this type of assessment. I consider informal FA more essential if we want to see the final result of language acquisition to be improved. The uninterrupted zigzag between the units and informal assessment demonstrates the ongoing process of assessment during the lessons and work of the instructor. We need to envision the problems, identify the knowledge gap, students' misunderstandings, key considerations, their goal of learning to get high marks, but not a comprehensive knowledge. We also added here the necessity of formal and informal feedback as an assessment vehicle to be explained and sent to students on their performance. Formal feedback can be in the form of marks, grades, correct and incorrect answers and performance portfolio after formal FA, whereas informal feedback carries advice, explanation of unclear points, which is done during the informal FA.

FORMAL Lormal Leedback

Figure 1. Graphical representation of formal and Informal formative assessment.

During the online lessons, different techniques of informal formative assessment have been practiced.

Four different groups of students were selected for my research on conducting informal formative assessment at different universities.

The first group of students studies at ASUE (Armenian state university of economics), obtaining the profession of economists pursuing a bachelor's degree.

The second group of students studies at ASUE, continuing the acquisition of the economist profession pursuing a master's degree.

The third group of students studies at NPUA (National polytechnic university of Armenia), obtaining the profession of engineering in different spheres, B1 level, bachelor's and master's students.

The fourth group of students includes the lecturers at NPUA, learning English for their future career and personal growth.

The reasons to study English are completely different in these four identified groups of learners as well as the methods, resources and goals applied by me (their instructor).

Information from all four groups of students and lecturers has been collected, and the research based on those collected data and information foregrounding the key pillars has been conducted. Every time after the lessons, these groups have been asked to share what they liked, understood, some unclear points left to be addressed during the next lessons. Learning, assessment and immediate feedback have also been integrated. The observations concerning the whole teaching and learning processes have been practiced which revealed the possible difficulties and misunderstandings.

Methods used. The observation technique has been applied more often than others as it could be done unobtrusively and yield more information and data that formal testing Instruments cannot accomplish.

1. The 'dynamic assessment' has been applied which was the following: students or learners first attempted to do the tasks without any assistance. Their performance has been observed and if something deficient has been noticed, then the skill or knowledge to facilitate learning has been identified, later explained thoroughly which enabled students to complete the tasks more productively. If this new teaching modality or method worked beneficially and if the students completed those assignments more effectively, I would not re-teach it, but if this proved to be ineffective, a different approach or method would be applied or some additional practice time would be devoted.

2. For informal FA short tests with automatized results based on the materials learned during these online lessons have been used. Students just need their mobile phones to accomplish these quick and short tests with multiple choices. The program used is www.kahoot.it - this is an online website to create tests, interactive lessons, slides and organize online tests and games with students. Every teacher can create interactive tests with time limits. I mainly prefer multiple choice tests as well as true or false statements. Every question gives points when answered correctly and the quicker the participant answers, the higher the score will be and, eventually, the program shows the runners on the podium with the fanfares and confetti.

3. The next informal FA used was the idea of 'oral presentations' which Is considered to be a cogent informal assessment tool. One or two minutes for the students to share what they understood or learnt during that lesson have been allocated. Sometimes whiteboard has been used to present a sentence starter and ask students to finish those sentences in turns. Some examples are: "The best thing I learnt during the lesson is...", "The new words I remembered during the lesson are ..." and other sentences depending on the needs. It is a type of mind map, but mostly can be done orally or in a written form. It shows knowledge gaps that the learners have. Whiteboard program I use is not only whiteboard on Zoom platform, but also www.whiteboard.fi which is a very effective tool for online lessons and informal assessment. Teachers register on that website, start a whiteboard room, copy the 'URL' or 'QR code' and send it to the students for them to enter and use whiteboard

interactively, where every student can write their ideas and answers on that whiteboard and the teacher informally assesses their knowledge, identifies mistakes and if necessary, quickly explains the mistakes made. The whiteboard has been used while trying to check previous lessons or when explaining and discussing new lessons, completely online. You can do all the actions that you do in Microsoft Word, as well as download the whiteboard and send it to your group for future usage, which I do after interesting and productive whiteboard sessions. Here is one of the examples of such whiteboards.

International Markets

an opportunity lor domestic frrs to grow

tarite and ouatas

rapidly growing emerging markets

The process of communication r alternations markets

cultural darners may Hamper effective transmission of Die message and result ri m;scomrnunica!)on

Integrated rnematonaJ markets were conceptually conceived m modem economies

Picture 1. Graphical representation of the lesson on global and international markets in 202021.

4. The next FA is the adaptation of 'Paper Toss' activity and I call it 'Virtual


of using questions posed to each other written on a piece of paper and then tossing it on the table to choose one which is impossible to organize in online mode of learning, I asked my students to write questions on the topics studied and assigned numbers to all my students (if a group consists of 20 students, I assigned each student a number from 1 to 20), then one of the group members (say, student number one) announced number 5 and the person with that previously assigned number (by me) had to answer the question of student number one. It is a refreshing way of informal FA to be used once per two online lessons.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

5. Exit slips. I adapted this activity for my online lessons and mostly used it once a week. I prepare specific worksheets with the link and collect the

21 https://whiteboard.fi/v3dt7, Whiteboard on the Lesson on International and Global Markets, conducted by Kristina Torgomyan, 2020.

answers to the following statements. I mostly create them in google documents.

• 5 things I learnt during the week

• 3 questions I have

• what I did not understand

• what I consider most useful.

This is an excellent opportunity for both the teacher and students. Teachers assess informally what was fully comprehensive and what needs some adjustments, possible new methods, techniques or more time allocation to specific topics.

6. www.Wordclouds.com or www.wordle.net - word-clouds' usage proved to be extremely successful and a favorite type of informal formative assessment. I previously create these word-clouds where I input all the new vocabulary from the unit with its synonyms and students have to find the synonym pairs and tell the group. I share my zoom screen and show the word-cloud and give the students approximately 5 minutes to work independently and then share their choices and found pairs. It shows how well students have acquired new vocabulary by revising the old vocabulary, so by carrying out this activity, 2 separate goals can be achieved: new and old vocabulary knowledge assessment.

Picture 2. Presentation of the word-cloud prepared for the lesson on management.

7. Questioning is considered to be an excellent and impeccable tool for informal FA. While listening to the answers, all the difficulties students have with topic acquisition are revealed, their mistakes or slips and the necessity to guide them in the right direction. It seems to be a simple yet a highly effective tool.

There are some other online tools and websites for informal FA to be used. They are www.goformative.com,www.yacapaca.com,www.classkick.com, www.quizzes.com,www.triventy.com,www.crowdsignal.com, where the teachers should register, prepare online tests and quizzes and organize formative assessment.

From the above-mentioned, we can devise these results from informal FA in online mode of teaching.

1. Bachelor's students at ASUE prefer doing short automated tests via

www.kahoot.it, Word-clouds, oral presentations and Virtual Paper Toss activities as well as tests in www.formative.com online resources. They are motivated to compete with their group members, be as quick as possible while answering, as well as have possibilities of asking and answering questions to each other and afterwards listen to appraisal words from their teacher.

2. Master's students at ASUE prefer word-clouds, questioning, discussions, oral presentations, www.classkick.com,www.kahoot.com and project works.

3. Students (B1 Level at NPUA) are the most diverse population as they prefer all different types of assessment and they wanted each time to be assessed using different style activities so all the above-mentioned assessment techniques were extremely useful for them as well as appraisal words from the lecturer.

4. Lecturers studying English mostly prefer questioning techniques, discussions, www.yacapaca.com and word-clouds as well as they enjoy project works with oral presentations and assessment as well as appraisal words from the teacher.

According to all the collected information, data and research findings, the matrix of learner types and its influence on the formative assessment results has been identified, which is graphically represented underneath.

Success High level of understanding and high results Challenge - possible to overcome Possibility of excellent level of understanding but low assessment results

Mediocrity ^^ Medium level of understanding and medium level of results

Success during tests, not life i Low level of understanding, but high results during FA Failure Low level of understanding and low FA results

Picture 3. Graphical representation of the matrix of informal FA which is devised for the learner types and assessment results and symbols being used for this process.

Conclusion. There are advantages and disadvantages of online mode of education and different forms of assessment. Formative and summative assessment has been analyzed, although the main emphasis has been on informal formative assessment. Different forms and types of formal and informal formative assessment have been analyzed in-depth, identified and further described, mainly concentrating on informal formative assessment.

1. A graphical representation of formal and informal formative assessment has been introduced and further developed by adding formal and informal feedback to the whole process of assessment cycle. The cycle includes the ongoing process of assessment during the lesson with identification of knowledge

he necessity of formal and informal feedback: formal feedback involves marks, grades, correct and incorrect answers and performance portfolio, whereas informal feedback includes advice and explanation of unclear points.

2. Different types of informal formative assessment have been analyzed with further explanations and examples, namely www.kahoot.it, www.formative.com, oral presentations, exit slips, whiteboards, word-clouds, virtual paper toss and other assessment techniques. I introduced all these techniques, strategies to use them, how to use the tests, quizzes and motivate students to participate in formative assessment and further feedback and its explanations. These all resources are recommended to be used during formative assessment with further developments.

3. Results of my research in four different groups of students while conducting IFA have been introduced, types of activities with the best outcomes as well as learning outcomes are important to be taken into account. I also recommend using appraisal words as they lead to better and conceptual understanding, working harder on knowledge acquisition and better learning outcomes.

4. The matrix of informal formative assessment according to learner types (star, ladder, owl, crossed fingers and coach potato), assessment results and symbols has been projected, devised and developed. This matrix explains the necessity to take into account different types of learners, their level of understanding and its correlation to formative assessment results.

Informal formative assessment is a progressive method of assessing student knowledge, by getting better insight into their learning style and gained skills during the online mode of teaching.


1. Airasian P., Classroom aAssessment: Concepts and Applications (5th ed.) Boston: McGraw Hill, 2005.

2. Angus S. and Watson J., Does Regular Online Testing Enhance Student Learning in the Numerical Sciences? Robust Evidence from a Large Data Set. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(2), 2009.

3. Bell B. and Cowie B., Formative Assessment and Science Education. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer, 2001.

4. Bell B. and Cowie B., The Characteristics of Formative Assessment in Science Education. Science Education, 85 (5), 2001.

5. Black P., Harrison C., Marshall B. and William D., Working inside the Black Box. Assessment for Learning in the Classroom, PhiDelta Kappan, 86(1), 2004.

6. Cowie B. and Bell B., A Model of Formative Assessment in Science Education. Assessment Education: Principles, Policy and Practice, 6(1), 1999.

7. Duschl R. and Gitomer D., Strategies and Challenges to Changing the Focus of Assessment and Instruction in Science Classrooms. Educational Assessment, 4, 1997.

8. Duschl R., Assessment of Inquiry. In J.M.Atkin and J.E.Doffee (Eds.), Everyday Assessment in Science Classroom, Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press, 2003.

9. Haug B. and Odegaard M., Formative Assessment and Teachers' Sensitivity to Student Responses. International Journal of Science Education, 37(4), 2015.

10. https://whiteboard.fi/v3dt7, Whiteboard on the Lesson on International and Global Markets, conducted by Kristina Torgomyan, 2020.

11. Kauchak D. and Eggen P., Learning and Teaching: Research-based Methods. 5th ed. Boston, Pearson- Allyn and Bacon, 2007.

12. Mortimer E. and Scott P., Meaning Making in Secondary Science Classrooms, UK: McGraw-Hill Education - Google Scholar, 2003.

13. Ruiz-Primo M. and Furtak E., Exploring Teachers' Informal Formative Assessment Practices and Students' Understanding in the Context of Scientific Inquiry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44 (1), 2007.

14. Ruiz-Primo M. and Furtak E., Informal Formative Assessment and Scientific Inquiry: Exploring Teachers' Practices and Student Learning. Educational Assessment, 11 (3&4), 2006.

15. Sadler D., Formative Assessment and the Design of Instructional Systems. Instructional Science, 18, 1989.

16. Sezen-Barrie A and Kelly G., From the Teacher's Eyes: Facilitating Teachers Noticings on Informal Formative Assessments (IFAs) and Exploring the Challenges to Effective Implementation. International Journal of Science Education, 39(2), 2017.

17. Shavelson R. and SEAL- the Stanford Education Assessment Laboratory. On the Integration of Teacher Education. Paper Presented at the Biannual Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Padova, Italy, 2003.

18. Shepard L., Reconsidering Large-Scale Assessment to Heighten its Relevance to Learning. In J.M. Atkin and J.Coffee (Eds), Everyday Assessment in the Science Classroom, VA: NSTA Press, 2003.

19. Stiggins R., Assessment through Students' Eyes. Educational Leadership, 2007.

20. Wilson M., Constructing Measures: An Item Response Modeling Approach. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, NRC, 2001a- National Research Council. 2005. Classroom Assessment and the National Science Education Standards. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press.

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итЬг\6и[Ь[ I; ипи[прпг\ЬЬр[1 тЬиш1|[1 прп2ш1ф 1|шг|ши|шр шпшр^шф р11рп1и1ш1| 11ш1|шрг|.ш1|[1 и Й11ши[прпг\ с^ЬшИшт-11шЬ шргутЬрЬЬр^ Иии1шг|.р11шЬ иф2пдп1(:

Рп[пр [ипрИп1.рг|1|Ьр[] и ор[1Ьш1|ЬЬрр 1|шрпг\ ЬЬ ос^тш-д.пр6и[Ь[ |^гнЬЬр|1 г|.шиш1|шЬг|.11шЬ ¿■и^шЬшЬ), |эЫ1 1|шрЬф I; ЬпуЬр 1фршпЬ[ и шд шпшр1|шЬЬр[1 г|.шиш1|шЬг|.11шЬ а|шрш-

^[иЛлиришЬр фпр1!ш[ дЬш^прпц цЬшИш^п^, шпдшЬд фш-ИЬ1ршг].шрд Цшщ, Л{апг}ЬЬр и ^¿пдЬЬр, г^/иршр^п^:

083, 123

йО!: 10.52174/2579-2989_2021_2_201


Преподаватель кафедры языков АГЭУ

Онлайн-оценивание знаний студентов по иностранным языкам: современные методы и решения.- Цель статьи - представить полученные данные и результаты ко-личественого и качественного исследования по применяемым

в ходе уроков онлайн-технологиям и платформам и показать их влияние на виды формативного оценивания. Статья основывается на технике формативного оценивания и выявлении новых возможностей для преподавателей.

Оценивание является неотъемлемой частью преподавательской деятельности и считается основой образования. В статье мы попытались исследовать неформальное формативное оценивание, широко используемое многими преподавателями во время онлайн-уроков. Неформальное формативное онлайн-оценивание используется более часто, чем традиционные письменные тесты в университете.

Были изучены возможности создания онлайн-тестов и методов оценивания, даны соответствующие рекомендации по использованию определённых веб-сайтов.

В результатах исследования также представлена матрица, определяющая типы учащихся, их уровень понимания предмета и корреляция с результатами формативного оценивания.

Все рекомендации и примеры могут быть использованы при преподавании языков, однако можно их применить также при преподавании других дисциплин.

Ключевые слова: неформальное формативное оценивание, оценивание онлайн, обратная связь, методы и способы, наблюдение.

JEL: D83, I23

DOI: 10.52174/2579-2989_2021_2_201

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