1. Formanovskaya N.I. Rechevoj 'etiket i kultura obscheniya. Moskva: Vysshaya shkola, 1989.
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5. Zubareva A.A. Formuly russkogo rechevogo 'etiketa: sociolingvisticheskoe issledovanie. Avtoreferat dissertacii ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Perm', 2007.
6. Drozdova E.A. Rechevoj 'etiket: ponyatie, sravnenie granic yavleniya v anglijskom i russkom yazykah. Nauchnyj rezul'tat. Voprosy teoreticheskoj i prikladnoj lingvistiki. 2020; № 6: 25-32.
7. Sanaeva I.V., Prihozhaya L.I. Rechevoj 'etiket v aspekte mezhkul'turnoj kommunikacii. Interaktivnaya nauka. 2018; № 4: 73-75.
8. Fomina O.A., Potanina O.Yu. Rechevoj 'etiket kak chast lingvokul'turologii. ekologicheskij podhod. Baltijskijgumanitarnyjzhurnal. 2020; № 3: 337-340.
9. Stepykin N.I. Small talk: rekomenduemye i konvencional'no zapreschennye temy (na materiale anglijskogo yazyka). Izvestiya yugo-zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: lingvistika i pedagogika. 2014; № 4: 25-28.
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Статья поступила в редакцию 12.02.24
УДК 811.11
Sibirykova S.N., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
Pyanzina I.V., senior lecturer, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
ON THE SPECIFICS OF MINOR SENTENCE MEMBERS' WORD ORDER IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. Word order is a mutual arrangement of sentence members, which has syntactic, semantic and stylistic meaning. Word order is multifunctional and is one of the most important means of sentence and speech structure, building grammatical and semantic relations, conveying target, communicative and emotional messages. The German language is characterized by a fixed word order in a sentence. It concerns first of all the main members of the sentence: the subject and the predicate. As for minor sentence members, the rules of their arrangement in a German sentence are rather recommendatory. However, knowledge and observance of these rules is necessary, because it contributes to the fact that the speech of German language learners begins to sound more natural, becomes closer to the speech of native German speakers. The article considers the specifics of the minor sentence members' word order in the structure of the German sentence.
Key words: German language, minor sentence members, adverbial modifier of time, adverbial modifier of reason, adverbial modifier of manner, adverbial modifier of place, object
С.Н. Сибирякова, канд. филол. наук, доц., Алтайский государственный университет, г. Барнаул, E-mail: [email protected]
И.В. Пьянзина. доц., Алтайский государственный университет, г. Барнаул, E-mail: [email protected]
Порядок слов - это взаимное расположение членов предложения, имеющее синтаксическое, смысловое и стилистическое значения. Порядок слов многофункционален и является одним из важнейших средств оформления предложения и речи, выстраивая грамматические и смысловые отношения, передавая целевую, коммуникативную и эмоциональную установки. Для немецкого языка характерен фиксированный порядок слов. Эта характеристика относится, прежде всего, к главным членам предложения - подлежащему и сказуемому. Что касается второстепенных членов, то правила их расположения в немецком предложении носят, скорее, рекомендательный характер. Однако знание и соблюдение этих правил необходимо, т. к. способствует тому, что речь изучающих немецкий язык начинает звучать более естественно, становится максимально приближенной к речи носителей немецкого языка. В настоящей статье мы рассмотрим основные функции словопорядка, а также обратимся к особенностям порядка слов второстепенных членов в структуре немецкого предложения.
Ключевые слова: немецкий язык, порядок слов в предложении, функции порядка слов, второстепенные члены предложения, обстоятельство времени, обстоятельство причины, обстоятельство образа действия, обстоятельство места, дополнение
"Word order, being one of the attributes of a sentence as an autonomous, wholly formed, sign unit, actively participates in the creation of not only its formal, but also its semantic plan and is characterized by a dynamic nature, responsive to changes in the semantics of the sentence" [1, p. 6]. Word order in a sentence refers to complex, controversial, not fully studied and causing undoubted interest of researchers phenomena that are at the intersection of many scientific disciplines, such as linguistics, psycholinguistics, pragmalinguistics, teaching methods, rhetoric and some others. The topic relevance of the present study, thus, is determined by the multidimensionality of the problem of word order in general, as well as the word order of minor sentence members in German, in particular. The issue of word order in a sentence, which is of great theoretical and practical importance, is given special attention in linguistics and in the teaching methodology of both native and foreign languages.
The aim of this article is to describe systematically word order of minor sentence members in German sentence structure.
Achieving this goal involves the solution of a number of theoretical, practical and educational tasks:
1. to analyze the functional possibilities of word order in a sentence;
2. to consider the sequence of different types of adverbal modifiers in a German sentence;
3. to consider the arrangement patterns of direct and indirect objects;
4. to identify the interaction specifics of adverbal modifiers and objects in German simple sentence structure.
The scientific novelty of the paper is the attempt of a comprehensive approach to the problem of word order of minor members in German. This article analyzes the
possibilities of minor sentence member arrangement in the structure of a simple German sentence with the aim of deeper understanding of the language as a system, on the one hand, and practical application of the results obtained in German language teaching, on the other hand.
The theoretical significance of the present study lies in the fact that the knowledge of the regularities of word order in a sentence contributes to a deeper and more complete mastery of the language system as a whole.
The practical significance of the article is determined by the fact that the materials of the study can be of considerable help in teaching German language in the framework of practical grammar, and they can also find application in classes on theoretical grammar, in special courses on German language, as well as in the research work of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students.
Word order in a sentence is multifunctional. As for the number and designation of word order functions, most authors, somehow touching upon this topic in their research, follow the concept of V.G. Admoni, in which the author distinguishes four main functions: logico-grammatical, structural-grammatical, emotional and communicative-cognitive [2, pp. 292-295]. The logico-grammatical function is to identify the grammatical character and syntactic function of a word or the syntactic unity to which the word belongs by means of word order. Structural-grammatical function of word order allows to structure the sentence, to give the means of word order integrity and compartmentalization of the sentence and word combinations. Emotional function is to reveal the increased emotional content of syntactic unities by means of word order. Communicative-psychological function is to express the way of development of the speaker's thought by means of language.
T.K. Demidova also identifies four functions of word order: formal and structural, which is to organize the integrity and completeness of the sentence; communicative, i.e. the identification of the main cognitive task; text-forming, in which the word order serves to design sentences as members of a more complex unit and stylistic function, which allows to identify the expressive and emotional significance of the sentence members [3, p. 26].
The specific feature of word order in modern German is, first of all, the combination of two basic principles of word order: both fixed and movable forms of certain sentence members. V.G. Admoni defines fixed and non-fixed forms of word order as forms distinguished "depending on the change of position of some word form or sentence member in relation to other word forms, sentence members or whole syntactic structures" [2, pp. 291-292]. The German predicate can be used in different types of sentences due to its characteristic of being fixed. The movable/ fixed forms include the subject, objects and adverbial modifiers. i.e. their position can vary considerably depending on the general semantic and emotional content of the sentence and its interrelations with the context. In this article, without touching upon the subject and predicate, we will focus in more detail on the word order features of movable minor sentence members, such as adverbial modifier and objects, in the structure of a German sentence. "Minor sentence members are components of a sentence that are not included in the predicative base (i.e. are non-main) and perform a concretizing function in relation to the main members or other minor sentence members. The group of minor sentence members includes attributes, objects, and circumstances" [4, p. 9].
Minor sentence members as sentence extenders perform two main functions: 1) the verbal function, in the aspect of which the minor members explain, extend those or other individual words; 2) the pronominal function, in the aspect of which minor sentence members explain, extend the predicative basis of the sentence as a whole. In the structure of a simple sentence, minor sentence members can extend both main and other minor members [5].
Adverbial modifier is a minor sentence member of a sentence, "a dependent syntactic position in a word combination or sentence; a word form with a feature meaning occupying this position. Adverbial modifier characterizes the action or state from the conditions of implementation, as well as determines the active or passive feature in qualitative or quantitative terms" [6].
Adverbial modifier in a German sentence are usually arranged regarding each other in a certain order, obeying the rule TEKAMOLO, where
TE - temporal - adverbial modifier of time, answering the questions when? how often? how long?
KA - kausal - adverbial modifier of reason, answering the question why? MO - modal - adverbial modifier of manner, answering the questions how? in what way?
lO - lokal - adverbial modifier of place, answering the questions where? where to? where from?
Following this pattern, we will give some examples: Ich bin letztes Jahr aus Liebe ziemlich spontan nach Australien ausgewandert [5, p. 11]. In this sentence:
letztes Jahr is adverbial modifier of time; aus Liebe is adverbial modifier of reason; ziemlich spontan - adverbial modifier of manner; nach Australien - adverbial modifier of place.
Or: Wir lagen an den nächsten Tagen wegen der starken Hitze meistens faul am Strand [6, p. 9]. In this sentence:
an den nächsten Tagen - adverbial modifier of time; wegen der starken Hitze - adverbial modifier of reason; meistens faul - adverbial modifier of manner; am Strand is adverbial modifier of place.
Or: Monika bleibt heute wegen der ansteckenden Krankheit ganz allein zu Hause.
In this sentence:
heute is adverbial modifier of time;
wegen der ansteckenden Krankheit is adverbial modifier of reason; ganz allein is adverbial modifier of manner; zu Hause is adverbial modifier of place.
Certainly, sentences with all the types of adverbial modifier we have mentioned are not common. Besides, any of the adverbial modifiers (of time, reason, of manner, place) can move to the first place in the sentence if the word order is inverted. With any missing adverbial modifier/ missing adverbial modifiers, a sentence with any word order (whether direct or inverted) is constructed according to the same TEKAMOLO pattern as in the following examples:
Die Zeit ist im Urlaub viel zu schnell vergangen [6, p. 9]. In this sentence there is a direct word order, the adverbial modifier of reason and the adverbial modifier of place are absent, the adverbial modifier of time precedes the adverbial modifier of manner.
Gut erholt flogen wir nach drei Wochen wieder nach Hause zurück [6, p. 9]. In this sentence the word order is inverted with the adverbial modifier of manner in the first place, there is no adverbial modifier of reason, the adverbial modifier of time precedes adverbial modifier of place, i.e. the order of minor sentence members corresponds to the TEKAMOLO rule.
Next, we will consider the word order in a simple German sentence when there are several adverbial modifiers of the same grade in the sentence, especially adverbial modifiers of time and adverbial modifiers of place.
If there are several adverbial modifiers of time, their arrangement in the sentence will be from simple sentence with a more general meaning to adverbal modifiers with a more specific meaning:
Ich habe vor 9 Jahren (1) im November (2) an einem Freitag (3) am Morgen (4) um 9:23 Uhr (5) meine ältere Tochter zur Welt gebracht.
1) vor 9 Jahren - years;
2) im November - month;
3) an einem Freitag - day of the week;
4) am Morgen - time of day;
5) um 9:23 Uhr - a specific time.
Adverbal modifiers of place require word order from modifiers with a more specific meaning to adverbal modifiers with a broader meaning:
Sie fahren zu Ihren Verwandten (1) aufs Land (2) im Süden von Deutschland (3).
1) zu Ihren Verwanten - relatives;
2) aufs Land - village;
3) im Süden von Deutschland - part of the world + country.
In the following rule, concerning the word order of sentence minor members, direct and indirect objects, i.e. object used in the accusative and dative cases, will be the main subjects of the sentence. An object is a member of the sentence, "denoting a subject (object), reflecting on itself the action of the verb feature or serving as its instrument" [7]. Word order in a German sentence with two objects depends on whether they are expressed by a noun or a pronoun. Consider three possible options.
If both objects are nouns, the object in the dative case will precede the object in the accusative case:
Der Vater schenkt der Mutter Blumen.
Or: Der kleine Junge gibt den Freunden seine Spielzeuge.
If a noun in the accusative case is used with the definite article and a noun in the dative case with the indefinite article, both variants of the object position in a sentence are possible:
Er gibt das Buch einem Studenten. Or: Er gibt einem Studenten das Buch.
If both objects are pronouns, then the accusative case pronoun comes first, followed by the dative case pronoun:
Er schenkt sie ihr.
Or: Der kleine Junge gibt sie ihnen.
If one object is a noun and the other is a pronoun, the pronoun object will always precede the noun object, regardless of case, following the principle that the rhythmic structure of a German sentence requires that the heavier parts of the sentence follow the lighter parts:
Der Vater schenkt sie der Mutter. Or: Der Vater schenkt ihr Blumen.
Or: Der keine Junge gibt sie den Freunden. Or: Der kleine Junge gibt ihnen seine Spielzeuge.
The rules listed above regulate the word position of objects without a preposition in a German sentence. If there are two objects in a sentence, one with a preposition or without a preposition, the object without a preposition will precede the prepositional object:
Ich gratuliere meiner Großmutter (without a preposition) zum Geburtstag (with a preposition).
Or: Ich möchte dir (without a preposition) herzlich für deine Unterstützung (with a preposition) danken.
If a sentence with many minor sentence members has a verb with a definite preposition, the prepositional object will be placed the sentence after the adverbal modifier of place (if any) so as not to make the whole sentence heavier
Und dann warte ich sehnsüchtig in meinem kleinen Zimmer auf Nachrichten (warten auf Akk.).
Or: Ich kann mich immer in jeder Situation auf meine beste Freundin verlassen (sich verlassen auf Akk.).
Next, we will consider the case of the presence in one sentence of the direct and indirect objects, as well as the adverbial modifiers of time, reason, adverbial modifier of manner and place. According to the rule, an object direct object before or after a adverbial modifier of place:
Ich schicke meiner besten Freundin (dative case) jeden Tag aus Heimweh mehrere E-Mails (accusative case) ins Büro.
Or: Ella schreibt ihren Eltern (dative case) einmal pro Woche aus Australien eine längere E-Mail (accusative case) [5, p. 11].
Or: Er erzählte heute seinem Kollegen (dative case) aus Langweile laut im Büro einen Witz (accusative case).
In conclusion, summarizing the above, it should be noted that:
1) the word order of minor sentence members in the German sentence structure is not as strictly regulated as the word order of the main sentence members;
2) adverbial modifiers of time tend to the beginning of the sentence, and the circumstances of place tend to the end of the sentence, between them there are circumstances of cause and adverbial modifiers of manner;
3) heavier components in the German sentence structure follow the lighter ones;
4) deviations from these schemes of sentence construction are due to the target, communicative and emotional setting of the speaker/writer.
Thus, it should be noted that in German there are no strict rules concerning the word order in minor sentence members. Their position depends only on the degree of their communicative value and the rhythmic structure of the sentence. However, there are a number of rules regulating minor sentence members position within a simple extended German sentence. It is considered that the nature of these rules is
Библиографический список
not mandatory and that their violation does not constitute a significant deviation from the language norm. However, observance of these rules, in our point of view, is an indispensable and obligatory condition for giving German speech a natural flavor, because this is the order in which minor sentence members sound in the live speech of native speakers.
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3. Демидова Т.К. Коммуникативно-стилистические функции порядка слов в предложениях немецкого языка. Автореферат диссертации ... кандидата филологических наук. Москва, 1979.
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5. Жеребило Т.В. Функции второстепенных членов предложения. Словарь лингвистических терминов. Available at:
6. Обстоятельство. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. Available at:
7. Koithan U., Schmitz H., Sieber T., Sonntag R. Aspekte neu. Mittelstufe Deutsch. Lehrbuch 2. München: Klett-Langenscheidt, 2015.
8. Koithan U., Schmitz H., Sieber T., Sonntag R. Aspekte neu. Mittelstufe Deutsch. Arbeitsbuch 2. München: Klett-Langenscheidt, 2015.
9. Дополнение. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. Available at:
1. Portnova T.Yu. Poryadok slov v sovremennom nemeckom yazyke: logiko-semanticheskij i sintaksicheskij aspekty. Avtoreferat dissertacii ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Irkutsk, 2007.
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5. Zherebilo T.V. Funkcii vtorostepennyh chlenov predlozheniya. Slovar' lingvisticheskih terminov. Available at:
6. Obstoyatel'stvo. Lingvisticheskij 'enciklopedicheskij slovar'. Available at:
7. Koithan U., Schmitz H., Sieber T., Sonntag R. Aspekte neu. Mittelstufe Deutsch. Lehrbuch 2. München: Klett-Langenscheidt, 2015.
8. Koithan U., Schmitz H., Sieber T., Sonntag R. Aspekte neu. Mittelstufe Deutsch. Arbeitsbuch 2. München: Klett-Langenscheidt, 2015.
9. Dopolnenie. Lingvisticheskij 'enciklopedicheskij slovar'. Available at:
Статья поступила в редакцию 31.01.24
УДК 316.774
Terentyeva E.V., Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Senior Lecturer, Russian State University of Social Technologies (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
Qin Shan, MA student, Russian State University of Social Technologies (Moscow, Russia); Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China), E-mail: [email protected]
THE TRANSFER OF REALITY INTO THE MEDIA SPACE, THE MICROMINIATURIZATION OF FORMATS AND THE CONVERGENCE OF MEDIA IN THE POST-INFORMATION AGE: RESEARCH ON CHINESE VIDEO PLATFORMS. The article shows that the emergence of the "Douyin" and "Kwai" platforms for short placement became one of the first examples of the latest transfer of physical space into the media space, changed the principle of social relations in the post-formation era, moving them from real space to virtual. Spatial transfer has changed the nature of economic relations in modern mainland China, creating new links between producers and consumers. It has been established that along with the trend towards convergence of traditional and new media in the media space of modern China, there is a trend towards microminiaturization of media content based on the popularity of short videos and large coverage of the population by the mobile Internet. The conclusion is made about the initial stages of the implementation in China of the concept of an all-media publication in the format of "one content, several media, simultaneous publication," which can be considered as a product of deep media convergence.
Key words: post-information age, media space transfer, media convergence, Chinese platforms for short videos
Е.В. Терентьева, д-р филол. наук, доц., Российский государственный университет социальных технологий, г. Москва, E-mail: [email protected]
Цинь Шань, магистрант, Российский государственный университет социальных технологий, г. Москва, Чжэцзянский университет, г. Ханчжоу,
E-mail: [email protected]
В статье показано, что появление платформ Douyin и Kwai стало одним из первых примеров новейшего трансфера физического пространства в меди-апространство, изменило принцип социальных отношений в постинформационную эпоху, переместив их из реального пространства в виртуальное. Пространственный трансфер изменил характер экономических отношений современного материкового Китая, создав новые связи между производителями и потребителями. Установлено, что наряду с тенденцией к конвергенции традиционных и новых медиа в медиапространстве современного Китая наблюдается тренд к микроминиатюризации медийного контента, основанный на популярности коротких видео и большого охвата населения мобильным Интернетом. Сделан вывод о начальных этапах реализации в Китае концепции всемедийного издания в формате «один контент, несколько носителей, одновременное издание», что можно рассматривать как продукт глубокой конвергенции медиа.
Ключевые слова: постинформационная эпоха, трансфер медипространства, конвергенция медиа, китайские платформы для коротких видео
С началом нового тысячелетия человечество вступило в постинформационную эпоху, суть которой заключается в высокой степени интеграции информации в общественную жизнь. В постинформационную эпоху стало возможным мгновенно и органично синхронизировать информацию целых регионов и отраслей, менять социальную реальность и формы коммуникации [1; 2; 3]. Поскольку информация стала основным ресурсом функционирования современного общества, структура социальной коммуникации с начала XXI века также претерпела глубокие изменения [4]. Эти процессы определили эволюцию современных медиа, важнейшими векторами развития которых стали рост популярности коротких видео, конвергенция традиционных и новых ме-
диа, интеграция медиа и рынка [5], внедрение искусственного интеллекта и трансграничность [6].
Обозначенные тенденции, несмотря на глобальный характер, все же имеют национальную специфику, которая не получила еще полного научного освещения [7]. Так, практически вне поля зрения российских ученых остаются динамические преобразования медийной коммуникации в КНР Как представляется, совместные проекты отечественных и китайских ученых, посвященные изучению китайских медиа, могли бы восполнить эту исследовательскую лакуну, что и определило актуальность проведенной работы. Актуальность исследования возрастает еще и в связи с тем, что китайские платформы таких технологических гигантов,