Nomazov B.B. senior lecturer Department of Innovative Economics Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
Abstract. The article examines the importance and relevance of improving the conceptual foundations of the modernization of the tax system, the features and problems of the present time from the point of view of the state's modern tax management. In order to strengthen the financial foundations of ensuring the stability of economic growth, the priority of the effective implementation of state fiscal tasks, in particular, the tax revenues of the state budget, requires the creation of conceptual foundations for improving the conceptual foundations of the modernization of the tax system.
Keywords: tax, taxation, tax system, tax system reform, tax system modernization, taxation functions, taxation principles.
At present, in the context of increasing processes of internationalization and integration of the world economy, on the one hand, there are increasing changes in national economies, which lead to a decrease in the level of state intervention in the economy, and on the other hand, new forms of organization of the world economy are emerging, the regulation of which must be adapted to new conditions. In this regard, at the current stage of economic globalization and the growth of integration processes, the issues of modernization of the taxation system are becoming increasingly important and urgent.
Therefore, in addition to the conceptual foundations of the tax system reform and modernization of the tax system, which are the cause of many discussions today, it is also important to comprehensively study the conceptual foundations of effective taxation models and leading brands of the world tax practice as a separate direction.
In such conditions, the state should be interested in attracting foreign investments and create a favorable tax environment. Since the tax system is the basis of the financial mechanism of state regulation of the economy and one of the most important economic regulatory tools, its modernization is a very complex and multifaceted process. Currently, the first stage of the process of modernization of the tax system of the Republic of Uzbekistan is being observed, and since it is the main mechanism for the formation of the revenue part of the state budget, it is necessary to study and evaluate the resources and scope of its modernization more deeply.
In the "Strategy of Actions on Five Priority Areas of Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021"[1], the main priority is to "continue the policy of reducing the tax burden and simplifying the taxation system, improving tax administration and expanding relevant incentive measures". These tasks were set in a more strict and comprehensive manner in the "Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026": " continue the policy of reducing the tax burden and simplifying the taxation system, improving tax administration and expanding relevant incentive measures"[2] is defined as an important direction.
The result of the modernization of the tax system depends to a large extent on how the state tax policy meets the requirements of international financial and credit institutions financing the project of modernization of the country's tax system, and how these requirements take into account the specific characteristics of the modernization of the tax system and the national economy. The importance of the problem of modernization of the tax system is also reflected in the fact that now not only large enterprises, but also small and medium-sized businesses are being integrated into the world market economy. Therefore, the topic of this scientific article is devoted to a very important and urgent issue - the study of the theoretical aspects of the formation of the tax system of New Uzbekistan at the current stage, taking into account the above reasons for its modernization.
Literature analysis.
The concept of "tax system" is not defined in the Tax Code and other legal documents, and the need for modernization of the tax system and the procedure for its implementation are not defined. At the same time, we can see that there is no single approach in the description of the tax system in the economic literature.
In foreign literature, on the basis of this category, in most cases, it is understood as a component of the financial system and an important evaluative indicator of the state's strategic tax policy. In particular, in the researches of Carolla Pessino and Ricardo Fenochietto, it is noted that the tax system is understood as a set of actions related to the actual execution of tax revenues based on tax payments, benefits and effective use of the current tax regime based on the financial legislation in force in the country, as well as the determination of the prospects of the state's financial capabilities based on tax revenues[3].
George Chun-Yan Kuo considers the purpose of the tax system as an important direction of ensuring the state's tax security in the current conditions, and emphasizes that the balance of taxpayers' ability to pay taxes or the state's ability to earn income should be taken into account [4].
The analysis shows that there are several scientific approaches in the theoretical justification of the results of the modernization of the tax system in the economic literature:
Some authors understand it as "the result of the modernization of the tax system - an indicator of the efficiency of using the fiscal function of the tax" [5]. This concept can be convincingly defined as the completeness of the fulfillment of tax obligations determined on the basis of current legislation and expressed as
the ratio of the amount of tax payments to the amount of tax obligations in a certain period.
Another group of authors based "the essence of the result of the modernization of the tax system as a rating indicator of the activity of tax authorities" [6-8]. This indicator is calculated by dividing the actual amount of tax payments by the maximum amount of the period under study. The very concept of "100% implementation of taxable income" is conditional to a certain extent. It is not possible to fully implement this condition, because in practice it is impossible to correctly determine the total amount of taxable income and other objects during the year due to statistical errors in the planning of taxation bases, tax evasion by taxpayers, and the introduction of tax incentives. These circumstances justify the need to determine the level of tax revenue enforcement only at the macro level, that is, within the republic, region and district, because it is logically unacceptable to determine the level of tax revenue enforcement at the micro level, at the enterprise level. Therefore, it is preferable to determine the amount of taxes paid or the amount of tax owed, which is the opposite concept, compared to determining the level of tax revenue execution at the enterprise level.
Some economists emphasize that "the main quantitative-fiscal criterion of the result of the modernization of the tax system is the indicator of the level of execution of tax revenues, which is calculated by dividing the amount of taxes actually paid by the plan of tax revenues of the relevant budgets" [9]. In fact, the indicator calculated in this manner represents the implementation of tax revenues of the budget.
Analysis and discussion of results.
Currently, the tax system of any country is not only a component of the state financial system, but also the most important link of the general system of economic regulation.
The term "tax system", although this phrase is present in the Tax Code, is not strictly defined in the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is important for us, because there is no normatively approved concept, different authors interpret this term differently.
In this regard, we consider it reasonable to offer the following definition of this concept, summarizing the views of the authors in the economic literature:
The tax system is a set of basic elements that describe the nature of the relationship between the state and society in the process of collecting tax payments to the budget. The main elements include the types of tax payments available in the country, tax legislation and tax administration system.
The term "modernization" is generally used in the sense of improvement, improvement, improvement to be made according to the latest requirements, norms or standards.
Since this scientific article is dedicated to the modernization of the tax system, we found it necessary to define the "modernization of the tax system" as follows, so that its content meets the set goals.
Modernization of the tax system is the improvement of its elements in accordance with the requirements of the external and internal tax policy of the state.
Thus, in order to formulate the concept of modernization of the tax system, we must consider all elements of the tax system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as identify the main problems of their operation.
Modernization of the tax system should be consistent with the tax policy of the state, which in turn is an integral part of its financial policy. In our opinion, it is necessary to highlight the following areas where modernization should be carried out.
This requires the following actions:
1. Harmonization of tax legislation with the legislation of partner countries in order to eliminate obstacles in the movement of goods, capital, labor, intellectual property, etc.
2. Creation of an attractive tax space for investment in the territory of the
3. Harmonization of domestic tax legislation with obligations arising from concluded international agreements.
4. Improvement of tax legislation in order to eliminate contradictions and ambiguities.
5. Improvement of the tax administration system.
A new understanding of tax relations through the task of harmonizing the interests of its participants is to remove obstacles to economic integration. Harmonization of tax relations on the basis of common interests sets the following tasks:
- abolition of tax thresholds in order to create equal competitive conditions for business entities;
- unification of the internal market of member countries of the international organization as the main engine of integration processes;
- coordinating the structure of tax systems, the procedure for collection of the main types of taxes.
Currently, the first stage of the process of modernization of the tax system of the Republic of Uzbekistan is being observed, and since its state budget is the main mechanism for the formation of the revenue part, it is necessary to study and evaluate the resources and scope of its modernization in depth. It is also necessary to take into account the degree to which these requirements correspond to the characteristics of the national economy. The importance of the problem of modernization of the tax system lies in the fact that not only large enterprises, but also small and medium-sized enterprises of the country are being integrated into the world market economy.
The study of the most important aspects of the modernization of the tax system of our country made it possible to base a number of theoretical-analytical conclusions and practical recommendations:
• Modernization of the tax system is a complex and controversial process. Despite the development of scientific research in foreign practice, in our republic there is a need for theoretical and practical generalizations developed by the science of our country, analysis of the fundamental factors determining the modernization of the tax system, priority tasks and implementation mechanisms that serve to stabilize the tax system.
• The main priority of the modernization of the tax system should be, first of all, to create a favorable tax environment for the inflow of national and foreign investments into local enterprises, and to create the necessary conditions for stimulating the activities of economic entities.
• By improving and changing tax mechanisms, it is possible to mobilize financial resources and become independent from foreign debts.
• In the context of international integration and globalization of the economy, there are many problems in the modernization and harmonization of the taxation system.
• The main elements of the tax reform correspond to the strategic directions of the tax policy: to reduce the tax burden and simplify the tax system by correcting the circumstances that violate the economic content of these taxes in the rules for determining the taxable base for certain taxes.
• Tax policy as one of the most important components of economic policy should be transformed into a system of stimulating the development of the real sector of the economy. In addition to solving the main task, at the current stage of maintaining development and macroeconomic stability, tax policy should solve four more general tasks: to achieve the maximization of national income, to protect domestic production, to equalize the incomes of the population and to ensure a positive balance of payments.
• Modernization of the tax system, attracting direct investments, reducing the level of the hidden economy, increasing the competitiveness of local products, increasing the real income of the population and, accordingly, reducing poverty, expanding the tax base along with organizational and legal measures. and creates favorable conditions for increasing the economic activity of economic entities.
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