DOI 10.23672/u3894-0787-8984-y
Грабоздин Юрий Павлович
кандидат экономических наук, доцент,
заведующий кафедрой экономики и экономической безопасности, Самарский государственный социально-педагогический университет [email protected]
Жабин Александр Петрович
доктор экономических наук, профессор,
заведующий кафедрой менеджмента, Самарский государственный экономический университет [email protected]
Фоменко Екатерина Владимировна
кандидат экономических наук, доцент,
доцент кафедры экономики и экономической безопасности, Самарский государственный социально-педагогический университет [email protected]
Кадиленко Анастасия Николаевна
кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры управления, сервисных технологий и экономического образования, Самарский государственный социально-педагогический университет [email protected]
Yuriy P. Grabozdin
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Economics
and Economic Security,
Samara State
Social and Pedagogical University [email protected]
Alexander P. Zhabin
Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Head of the Department of Management, Samara State University of Economics [email protected]
Ekaterina V. Fomenko
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Economic Security, Samara State
Social and Pedagogical University [email protected]
Anastasia N. Kadilenko
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Service Technologies and Economic Education, Samara State
Socio-Pedagogical University [email protected]
On the issue of coordinating
Аннотация. В настоящем исследовании представлен авторский методологический подход согласования интересов консультантов и менеджмента компаний в рамках реализации управленческого консультирования, который включает: рассмотрение консалтинга как базы для совершенствования менеджмента, учет актуальных технологий управленческого консультирования, анализ факторов внешней и внутренней среды. Разработана структура методологического подхода к формированию управленческого консультирования и его развитию в системе менеджмента организации. Представлена модификация общей модели оценки персонала
Annotation. This study presents the author's methodological approach to coordinating the interests of consultants and management of companies within the framework of management consulting, which includes: consideration of consulting as a basis for improving management, consideration of current management consulting technologies, analysis of external and internal environment factors. The structure of the methodological approach to the formation of management consulting and its development in the management system of the organization has been developed. A modification of the general assessment model of the organization's
организации для решения конкретных управленческих задач.
Ключевые слова: менеджмент; управленческое консультирование; модель управленческого консультирования; методология управленческого консультирования.
personnel for solving specific management tasks is presented.
Keywords: management; management consulting; model of management consulting; methodology of management consulting.
Within the framework of this study, the methodological approach is understood as a balanced and difficult complex and a special angle of consideration of the subject of management consulting and its development processes. In this regard, when conducting the study, we justified the methodological approach to the study of management consulting at the present stage of economic development, which differs from the approaches of the predecessor authors in the following positions:
1. The perspective of considering the subject of management consulting as a tool for improving the management of companies;
2. Accounting of current technologies and resources of management consulting;
3. Identification of factors of the external and internal environment that influence the modern formation and development of management consulting (Figure 1).
The definition of the parameters of the proposed methodological approach includes the definition of various objects, and their relationships and properties, the key of which are input, process, output, feedback, and constraints [2; 4; 6].
As a result, the information base, financial and non-financial assets, digital financial assets, management technologies act as an input. The process is accompanied by the joint processing and analysis of the information of the consultant and the customer, taking into account the requirements for the availability of the necessary digital resources and technologies. The output is the result, which is presented in the format of transferred management technologies, including a set of information in the form of recommendations, tips or a company product, service, technology, new structure, startup and other formats that were provided for in the consulting project.
Figure 1 - The structure of the methodological approach to the formation of management consulting and its development in the management system of the organization
The participants of the consulting project themselves in the form of consultants and recipients of services represented by the management of companies, owners and other persons interested in the implementation of the project [3]. The activity in the project is carried out under the influence of external and internal
factors, which largely determine the dynamics of the projected changes. Depending on the stages of social development, various environmental factors were leading in the framework of the retrospective, but currently technologies and their level of development are decisive, since regardless of the public mood or
political conditions of activity, all participants in economic relations and state institutions are aware of the prevailing position of technologies and their impact on the competitiveness of the economy and individual economic entities subjects in particular [8-9].
The results obtained within the framework of the present study conducted by the author form the basis of a methodological approach to the development and formation of management consulting based on the following parameters:
1. Integration, implemented through the use of evaluation tools, including self-assessment of activities, evaluation of personnel activities;
2. The balance of evaluation procedures, their adequacy and application to the current conditions of activity;
3. Evaluation of personnel and individual employees, in particular, in the context of current qualification requirements and trends in economic development.
The proposed methodological approach to the development and formation of management consulting considers the management system as one of the coordinating subsystems of the management system in an organization with different levels of ties, both formal and informal [7]. This approach is interconnected with corporate procedures for the recruitment and selection of managerial personnel, establishing the current structure of the system in solving personnel issues based on the tasks set, and therefore designing personnel evaluation models [1] that include various sets of parameters and opportunities for their changes and additions (table 1).
Table 1
Modification of the general assessment model of the organization's personnel to solve specific management tasks
Factors influencing the modification of the general assessment model of the organization's personnel Modification of the general staff assessment model
Management problem Personnel category Evaluation of labor results Assessment of the content of the labor function Evaluation of the position Assessment of professionally significant qualities
Development of professional skills and knowledge + + +
Professional development and training of employees + + + +
Analysis of professional deficits + + +
Career planning A
Recruitment and selection of personnel + + A
Staff rotation A
Certification and input control system + + + +
Improving the use of personnel + A
Motivation system and loyalty enhancement + + A +
KPI system + A +
Wage payment systems + + +
Symbols: A - acts as a basis for the development of indicators and criteria for other assessments; + - this block of indicators is of the greatest importance for solving the problem
The presence of the above assessment parameters allows monitoring the employee's compliance with the position and relevance of this staff unit and labor function, its relevance and expediency of preservation [10]. Subsequently, when the staffing unit is approved, the process of searching, recruiting and selecting personnel to close the vacancy begins, based on current trends in the development of the labor market, this process now acts as an inverted pyramid, when a potential candidate is a client, and the forces of companies are aimed at attracting talents in various ways, both to solve current goals and and for the future, maintaining positive feedback, maintaining positive interaction between the company and a potential employee. The availability of a personnel
reserve is a priority in the modern market, but its construction does not take place according to the principle of public service, when only submitted documents for filling a vacant position are considered, but on the contrary, the information base is formed by both submitted resumes and the company's own search, including through internal personnel reserves, as well as attracting employees from other companies directly [5, p. 11]. In the future, the company regularly monitors the quality of personnel, evaluating personnel on a number of indicators that are professionally significant. In modern HR management practice, the assessment is based on five areas: gamification as a tool for evaluating personnel in a gaming environment, which primarily affects employees under 40
years of age; social network analytics, thanks to which an employer can evaluate the basic beliefs of his employee, the level of loyalty and other information; continuous performance analysis as a new line of activity based on continuous evaluation and feedback; big data - a way to model the behavior of a future and current employee based on the analysis of the information base and embedded algorithms; engagement assessment and surveys - maintaining feedback with employees even on the simplest issues can help the company to build a strategy for personnel management. As a result, the presented model projects the entire personnel management process from recruitment to transfer to other positions or dismissal.
It should be noted that the appearance of a new vacancy may result not only from the release of a position or the introduction of a new staff unit, but also by «splitting» the current position into several units within the allocated labor functions, if this is appropriate in a particular organization. If a potential candidate has been confirmed and hired, there comes a period of evaluation of the results and processes of his activities, unlike the approaches of the predecessor authors, this analysis of the activities of employees should be carried out in the constant background, and is not something periodic, since neither the employee nor the company itself will be able to promptly receive feedback, which affects the entire organization of corporate processes as a whole. It should be noted that the analysis of each individual employee leads to a self-analysis of the company's activities, since in conditions of unsatisfactory evaluation results, problems may be identified related not only to the incompetence of a new employee, but also existing ones, or the complexities of the corporate culture will be revealed, which do not allow employees to fully realize their potential. In this regard, the necessary framework can be developed for staff training, corporate culture growth, etc. If satisfactory results have been shown, then the organization develops measures to stimulate and motivate labor, personnel decisions are made to update labor functions, career growth, etc. Based on the presented model of personnel evaluation in the organization, within the framework of this study, it is proposed to consider in more detail the model of the organization of job evaluation and periodic evaluation of performance results, where the evaluation itself is not an evaluation of a specific official, but only serves as the
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basis for a more panoramic assessment of personnel in the organization.
As a result, the following approach to the evaluation of the position is proposed, which includes three parts: «descriptive», containing a description of basic labor functions, «evaluating» - taking into account evaluation criteria and «qualitative», including the desired characteristics of the position and the features of professional activity.
The presence of a special evaluation commission is the key to a balanced approach to the position, which takes into account all the powers exercised by departments, the peculiarities of corporate culture and the possibility of a conflict of interest. The descriptive part of the position is not only a reflection of standard information about the performed labor actions and restrictions, it is a detailed description of a specific labor function, based on a generalized labor function that can be presented in regulations. The key element of the methodology is the qualitative part, which includes the «subjective» elements of the position and corporate restrictions or opportunities that have developed within the framework of the current corporate culture or are the rule of business turnover, but cannot be fully spelled out in the job description or in other regulatory documents. The third element of the methodology is the evaluation part, which includes formal requirements for the employee, standards of his activity, etc.
Thus, management consulting at the present stage of economic development is an institutionalized element of the economy of both national and global scale, which confirms the need for constant updating and updating of methodological approaches to management consulting. As a result, the research substantiates the conclusion that the methodological approach is conditioned by a large amount of practical experience and interest in solving managerial tasks of the service recipients of management consulting through the use of the human potential of the company's employees. The organizational and methodological foundations of the formation of management consulting allow improving the management system of customer enterprises, which predetermines the problem of designing the methodology as such, as well as determines the market's need to create a system that allows evaluating the effectiveness of consulting activities and its quality settings.
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