Научная статья на тему 'On the isomorphisms of the finite-dimensional commutative algebras without nilpotent elements over the field of real numbers'

On the isomorphisms of the finite-dimensional commutative algebras without nilpotent elements over the field of real numbers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Epitropov Yordan, Gradeva Ivanka

We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over the field R of real numbers to be isomorphic as an R -algebra to the group algebra RG of a finite abelian group G . Moreover, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for an one such algebra to be isomorphic as an R -algebra to some group algebra over R . In addition, we derive a criterion for a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over an algebraically closed field F to be isomorphic as an F -algebra to a group algebra FG of a finite abelian group G .

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Текст научной работы на тему «On the isomorphisms of the finite-dimensional commutative algebras without nilpotent elements over the field of real numbers»

Научни трудове на Съюза на учените в България - Пловдив. Серия В. Техника и технологии. Том XVII, ISSN 1311 -9419 (Print); ISSN 2534-9384 (Online), 2019. Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria - Plovdiv. Series C. Technics and Technologies. Vol. XVII., ISSN 1311 -9419(Print); ISSN 2534-9384 (Online), 2019


РЕАЛНИТЕ ЧИСЛА Йордан Епитропова, Иванка Градеваа, аПловдивски Университет "П. Хилендарски", Пловдив, България


Absrtact We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over the field R of real numbers to be isomorphic as an R -algebra to the group algebra RG of a finite abelian group G . Moreover, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for an one such algebra to be isomorphic as an R -algebra to some group algebra over R . In addition, we derive a criterion for a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over an algebraically closed field F to be isomorphic as an F -algebra to a group algebra FG of a finite abelian group G .

Key words: algebra without nilpotent elements; group algebra; finite-dimensional group algebra; commutative group algebra.

1. Introduction

In the 1860s K. Weirstrass and R. Dedekind describe the structure of a finite-dimensional commutative algebra A over the field R of real numbers or over the field C of complex numbers (Kleiner, 2007). More precisely, they prove that A is isomorphic to finite direct sum of copies of the fields R or C .

By using this result, we define in the Section 2 the notion of real cardinality of a finite-dimensional commutative algebra A without nilpotent elements over the field R . We prove (Theorem 3), that the dimension of R -algebra A and its real cardinality determine A up to isomorphism. Through real cardinality we give (Theorem 5) necessary and sufficient conditions for a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over the field R to be isomorphic as an R -algebra to group algebra RG of a finite abelian group G . Moreover, we derive (Theorem 7) necessary and sufficient conditions for an one such algebra to be isomorphic as an R -algebra to some group algebra over R .

In addition, we get a criterion (Proposition 9) for a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over an algebraically closed field F to be isomorphic as an F -algebra to a group algebra FG of a finite abelian group G.

If K is an arbitrary field, then we shall denote the multiplicative group of K with K* = K \ {0}. If G is a finite multiplicative abelian group, then we shall denote G[2] = {g e GI g2 = l}.

2. Isomorphism of finite-dimensional commutative algebras without nilpotent elements over

the field of real numbers

First, we shall give a more general view the results of K. Weirstrass and R. Dedekind with brief proof in modern terms.

Theorem 1 (Structure). Let A be a finite-dimensional algebra without nilpotent elements over a field K . Then it holds

A = D1 ©D2 ©...©Ds,


where Dt are division algebras over K for i = 1,2,...,s and ^dimKDj = dimKA.


Proof. As the Jacobson radical J (a) is a nilpotent ideal of A , then J (A) = 0 . This implies that A is a semisimple algebra (Knapp, 2008). We apply the Wedderburn's Structure Theorem (Pierce, 1982) to A and we get

A = Mni (D)©Mn2 D)©...©Mn- (Ds), where Dt are division algebras over K , M (Di) are matrix algebras over Di for i = 1,2,...,s and


^ n2 dim KDj = dim K A . But if ni > 1 for some i, then M (d,) has non-zero nilpotent elements.


Therefore ni = 1 for i = 1,2,...,s and A is a finite direct sum of finite-dimensional division algebras over K . #

Corollary 2 (Structure). Let A be a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over the field R of real numbers. Then it holds (1) A = R©...©R ©C©...© C,

where C is the field of complex numbers.

Proof. We apply Theorem 1 to the finite-dimensional commutative algebra A without nilpotent elements over R . From the Theorem of Frobenius (Bahturin, 2010) it follows, that D, = R or Dt = C , i.e. (1) is fulfilled. #

Definition. Let A be a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over the field R of real numbers. We shall call the number rA of the direct summands R in the decomposition (1) real cardinality of A .

Theorem 3 (Isomorphism). If A is commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over the field R of real numbers and dim RA = n (n e N), then the finite-dimensional commutative algebra B without nilpotent elements over R is isomorphic to A as a R -algebra if and only if dim RB = n and rA = rB .

Proof. Due to the Corollary 2, the necessity is evident. Sufficiency follows from the fact that the dimension n of A over the field R of real numbers and the number rA of direct summands R in (1) determine A up to isomorphism. #

Proposition 4. Let RG be a group algebra of a finite abelian group G over the field R of real numbers. Then the real cardinality rRG of RG is equal to |G[2]|.

Proof. The group algebra RG is semisimple. Then the decomposition RG = ©RGez holds, where e are different minimal idempotents of RG, which correspond to the characters % of the group G (Passman, 2011). The real cardinality rRG of RG is equal to the number of those characters %:G ^ R*, for which g% = +1 for each g e G. Let G = {g^ x-.x(gs)x H be the decomposition of G in direct product of primary groups, where (gj are cyclic 2- groups (i = 1,...,s), and 2 does not divide |h| , i.e. |G[2]| = 2s. For the direct factor H there exist exactly

one character x0 with the mentioned properties, namely hx0 = 1 for each h e H . For each of the direct factors (gj there are two different such characters 0 and xi1, namely gXo = 1 and giXi1 = ~1. Therefore the number of all characters x of G with the property gx = +1 for each g e G is 2s = |G[2]|. Since the case G = H is trivial, then rRG = |g[2]| . #

3. Isomorphism of a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over

the field of real numbers and a group algebra Theorem 5 (Isomorphism). Let A be a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over the field R of real numbers and G be a finite abelian group. The algebra A is

isomorphic as an R -algebra to the group algebra RG if and only if dim RA = |G| and the real cardinality rA of A is equal to |g[2]| .

Proof. Necessity. Let the finite-dimensional commutative algebra A be isomorphic as an R -algebra to the group algebra RG of the finite abelian group G . Then dim R A = dim R RG = |G|.

Since in Proposition 4 we showed that rRG = |G[2]|, then rA = |G[2]|.

Sufficiency. Let dim RA = |G| and the real cardinality rA of the commutative algebra A without nilpotent elements is equal to |g[2]| . According to Theorem 3 in order to prove that A is isomorphic as an R -algebra to the group algebra RG it is sufficient to prove, that dimrA = dimRRG and that the real cardinalities of the two algebras are equal, i.e. rA = rRG. The first condition follows from dim RRG = |G|. The second condition is true, since Proposition 4 implies rRG = |G[2]|. #

Corollary 6. Let A be a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over the field R of real numbers and G is a finite abelian p -group, where p is prime. The algebra

A is isomorphic as an R -algebra to the group algebra RG if and only if dim R A = |G| and:

1) if p = 2, then the real cardinality rA of A is equal to |g[2]| ;

2) if p ^ 2, then the real cardinality rA of A is equal to 1.

Theorem 7 (Isomorphism). Let A be a finite-dimensional commutative algebra over the field R of real numbers. Then A is isomorphic as an R -algebra to a group algebra if and only if the following conditions are fulfilled:

(i) A is algebra without nilpotent elements;

(ii) rA = 2', where t is non-negative integer;

(iii) dim rA = rA (2k + l), where k is non-negative integer.

Proof. Necessity. Let the algebra A be isomorphic as an R -algebra to the group algebra RG for some group G. Since A is a finite-dimensional and commutative, then G is a finite abelian group. By Maschke's Theorem (Lang, 2005) the algebra RG is semisimple which implies that A is semisimple. Then according to the Wedderburn's Structure Theorem (Pierce, 1982) A decomposes into direct sum of fields, i.e. A is without nilpotent elements and (i) is fulfilled.

By Theorem 5, the equality rA = |G[2]| is holds. Consequently rA = 2' for some non-negative

integer t . In this way (ii) is proved.

Since |G[2]| divides |G|, where |G| = dim RA and rA = |G[2]| holds, then dim RA = rA (2k +1) for some non-negative integer k , i.e. (iii) is fulfilled.

Sufficiency. Let the conditions (i), (ii) and (iii) be fulfilled. We shall construct a group G in such

a way that the algebra A be isomorphic as an R -algebra to the group algebra RG .

The condition (i) and Corollary 2 imply that the decomposition (1) holds for finite-dimensional

commutative algebra A without nilpotent elements over the field R of real numbers, i.e.

A = R ©...© R © C ©...© C, where C is the field of complex numbers. We shall denote n = dim R A. The condition (ii) implies that the number of the direct summands R in the decomposition of A is t and the condition (iii) implies that dim R A = 2' (2k + 1) for the non-negative integers t and k . We construct an abelian group G = (g^x...x(gt}xH of order |G| = 2'(2k + 1), whose 2-component decomposes into a direct product of t cyclic groups and |h| = 2k + 1. Then Proposition 4 for the group algebra RG

implies rRG = 2t and (ii) implies rA = rRG. When we apply Theorem 5 to the algebras A and RG, we get A = RG as R -algebras. #

Corollary 8. Let A be a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over the field R of real numbers, G be an abelian group of order |G| = 2t (2k + 1) for some nonnegative integers t and k . Then A is isomorphic as an R -algebra to the group algebra RG if and only if the number of the direct summands R in (1) is 2t and the number of the direct summands C in (1) is 2'k .

4. Isomorphism of a finite-dimensional commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over

an algebraically closed field and a group algebra Proposition 9. Let F be an algebraically closed field, A be a commutative algebra without nilpotent elements over F and dim F A = n (n e N).Then A is isomorphic as an F -algebra to the group algebra FG of some abelian group G of order n, if the characteristic of F does not divide the orders of elements of G .

Proof. Similarly to the first part of the proof of Theorem 1 it is shown that A is semisimple algebra.

For the algebra A over F we apply the Wedderburn's Structure Theorem and we get (Pierce, 1982):

A = Mm (F)©M„2 (F)©...©Mn_ (F), where nf + n^ +... + n] = n. Since A is commutative, then Mn (F) are commutative algebras for each i = 1,2,...,s . Therefore n, = 1, which leads to

A = F © F ©...© F, where the number of the direct summands is n .

On the other hand, according to (Passman, 2011) each group algebra FG of finite abelian group G of order n over a field F with characteristic, which does not divide the orders of elements of G , decomposes into direct sum of n minimal ideals, generated from minimal idempotents, corresponding to all characters of G in the multiplicative group F * of F. Then FG is isomorphic to direct sum of n copies of the field F :

FG = FGe ©FGe ©...©FGe = F©F©...©F .

Xa X\ Xn

Therefore the finite-dimensional commutative algebra A without nilpotent elements is isomorphic as an F -algebra to the group algebra FG . #


Y. Bahturin, Basic structures of modern algebra. Springer, 2010. I. Kleiner, A history of abstract algebra. Birkhaeuser, 2007.

A. Knapp, Advanced algebra, Chapter II: Wedderburn-Artin ring theory. Birkhaeuser, 2008.

5. Lang, Algebra. Springer, 2005.

D. Passman, The algebraic structure of group rings. Dover Publications, 2011. R. Pierce, Associative algebras. Springer, 1982.

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