Об инновационной системе построения учебных программ по переводческой технологии в новую эпоху
Гэн Даньдань,
старший преподаватель, магистр, заведующий кафедрой перевода Шэньянского политехнического университета E-mail: [email protected]
В новую эру быстрого развития искусственного интеллекта (ИИ) при развитии переводческих талантов больше внимания уделяется комплексному применению языка и технологий. Создание учебной программы по переводческой технологии стало основным направлением реформы преподавания перевода в высших учебных заведениях. Скоро появится многомерная инновационная система, которая в основном охватывает создание содержания курса, методы обучения и оценки, преподавательский состав, учебные материалы, лаборатории и платформу сотрудничества между промышленностью, университетом и исследованием. В рамках совместных инноваций курсы по переводческим технологиям позволят в полной мере реализовать преимущества их практического применения, помогут создать высококлассную команду специалистов в сфере языковых услуг и будут способствовать социальному прогрессу.
Ключевые слова: Новая эра; Переводческие технологии; Составление учебной программы; Инновационная система
I. Introduction
Human history has entered a new era of rapid development of information and intelligence technology, which has brought great benefits to the translation industry. Technology empowerment can improve the efficiency and quality of translation and help the progress of almost all social fields. In recent years, translation technology courses have attracted more and more attention in colleges and universities, and the curriculum construction has become an important part of translation education reform. Establishing a comprehensive innovative system is bound to promote the realization of talent training objectives of language service industry and improve students' practical application ability of translation.
II. Innovative System of Translation Technology Curriculum Construction in the New Era
Under the background of the new era, translation technology curriculum should be set as a compulsory and core degree course of the translation major, with the task of at least 32 periods. The basic principle of curriculum construction should be the parallel development of theory and practice, and the equal emphasis on knowledge and skills, and the key goal should be the cultivation of application-oriented and inter-disciplinary translation talents, so as to play a more significant role of the multi-dimensional collaborative innovation system.
Работа является результатом поэтапного исследования в рамках проекта «Методы экспертизы учебных программ и разделение преподавательской и экзаменационной деятельности» Шэньянского политического университета в 2020 году.
1. Construction of Course Content
The content of translation technology curriculum should be constructed according to the outcome bases education (OBE) theory. The course designers need to fully investigate the market demand of language service industry, and actively help to lay a solid foundation for students' future employment and development. It is necessary to change the traditional academics-orientation to the application-orientation in the new era in combination with the cutting-edge development in the field of technology. The courses should cover search, terminology management, translation memory, machine translation, translation project management, team cooperation, etc. The teaching content is closely related to integrating the knowledge of language and technology, improving students' interdisciplinary quality, and exercising their innovative thinking. It should be scientific, systematic and practical. Taking translation memory teaching as an example, the introduction to translation memory, and the creation, management and
maintenance of memory vault with the help of software such as SDL Trados, Déjà Vu, Snowman and YiCAT, need including. The application of software and platform is the important part of translation technology courses, and about 50% of the whole content should be about it.
2. Construction of Teaching and Assessment Modes
The teaching and assessment modes of translation technology curriculum are required to be innovated in order to keep pace with the times and realize the long-term development of translation talents in the new era. The approach of combining online and offline teaching can be used effectively in the form of "flipped classroom", that is, students gain theoretical knowledge by using MOOCs, microlecture and other advantageous network resources, and teachers guide students to practice in the real classroom. For example, in the teaching process of terminology management, before class, teachers can put forward some questions to arouse the students' interest, and encourage students to actively explore the definition of terminology, application in localization process, management software or system, etc. through network learning; during class, each student team conducts the presentation (30% of class hours), then teachers make the summary and give the guidance (20% of class hours), and finally teachers select several cases such as patent and game ones to lead students to practice (50% of class hours); after class, teachers assign further tasks to help students to deepen their cognition and improve their application skills. Meanwhile, the assessment system should also be reformed by means of increasing the proportion of formative assessment. A possible setting model is "online learning (20% of scores) + team report (30% of scores) + final examination (50% of scores)". In addition, translation technology teaching and assessment can also be integrated into many other courses of translation major. For instance, in the practice of translation workshop, teachers can check the students' application validity of technology by managing their translation process, which is conducive to the reform and innovation of translation technology curriculum.
3. Construction of Teaching Staff
Translation technology curriculum in China's colleges and universities has been developing since 2010s, so the foundation of its construction is relatively weak. According to the industry survey of China Translation Association in 2018, only 8.04% of the MTI teachers were very familiar with the teaching of translation technology. (1 p.188) There is a shortage of teachers in translation technology, most of whom come from the transformation of language and literature teachers. They have qualified bilingual capacity, but they lack the theoretical knowledge and the practical experience of information technology. O Colleges and universities should broaden their scope a of mind and seek for workable ways to focus on the g construction of teaching staff: strengthening teacher ~ training, improving the technical ability of language == teachers, and developing their interdisciplinary thinking,
to catch up with the needs of translation education in the era of artificial intelligence; promoting cross-school teacher exchange to drive the overall development with advantageous resources; encouraging teachers to go from schools to enterprises to participate in the practical work of project management and technical research; expanding international cooperation to give teachers opportunities to learn the advanced technologies and bring them into courses; introducing and motivating the technological talents of high level to make them contribute to the local service.
4. Construction of Teaching Materials
Due to the unprecedented rapid development of science and technology in the new era, the construction scale and depth of translation technology teaching materials are still insufficient, which cannot meet the requirements of translation professionalization. The compilers of such textbooks must be "double qualified" experts who have both the experience in translation technology teaching and that in translation industry practice. The textbooks should not deal with the explanation of technology and the listing of software but the combination of contemporaneity, professionality and applicability, so as to completely get rid of the reality of "more of teaching skills, less of learning principles" (2 p.44). In the construction process, textbook compilers should standardize the compiling methods, and scientifically integrate the modules including translation software, editing software, project management platform, database, etc.; take efficiency as priority, draw inferences from one point to another and avoid repeated construction; start from students' learning rules, put theory into practice and make the cases close to the real situation in order to preheat the employment; republish in time to prevent from being out of date. Colleges and universities should select suitable teaching materials according to the specific objectives of their own curriculum, and build the "double acquisition" system of students' knowledge and skills.
5. Construction of Laboratories
Translation technology curriculum is essential and practical for undergraduate and graduate students majoring in translation. Its teaching facilities directly determine whether the application objectives can be achieved and whether the output talents are qualified. To make the "translation + technology" education in line with the demand of language service industry and enable students to possess the technical accomplishment of their major, laboratory construction is particularly necessary. Compared with other courses, the construction needs large amounts of funds, but it is a useful resource for the sustainable development of the discipline. It can be divided into core parts (physical space, major CAT software system, soft and hard teaching platform, etc.) and peripheral parts (third-party aided CAT software, network connection equipment, audio and video transmission equipment, etc.). (3 p.113) Since the high requirements of laboratory facilities, the professionalism
and experience of the construction team should be considered carefully. Parallel investigation should be carried out in advance and budget plans should be made in order to avoid the waste of resources. In the construction process, teachers of the courses need to follow up and examine the value of application. In the teaching process, doing a good job in management, maintenance and upgrading is of importance.
6. Construction of Industry-University-Research Cooperative Platform
The construction of industry-university-research cooperative platform is a necessary path for the cultivation of application-oriented and inter-disciplinary translation talents. Universities and enterprises, according to their own needs, make collaborative efforts to solve problems of both sides. The relevant industry enterprises, such as Baidu, Tencent and other leading teams of machine translation, can provide technical, personnel and financial support to help universities implement the vertical practical teaching of translation technology and speed up the pace of curriculum construction; universities can rely on teaching, academic and scientific research achievements to promote the application of the enterprises' software and hardware, train high-quality talents, and contribute to market expansion. "To make the industry participate in the whole process of talent training has become an inevitable trend in the development of vocational translation education." (4 p.93)
III. Summary
Compared with other courses of translation major, the curriculum construction of translation technology starts late and has a weak foundation. As new technology is continuously updating and upgrading, colleges and universities should keep up with the pace of the new era and make innovations and breakthroughs in the construction of translation technology courses. The above-mentioned six-dimensional collaborative innovation system will vigorously promote the high-quality development of translation education and language service industry.
Geng Dandan
Shenyang Ligong University
In the new era of rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), the cultivation of translation talents pays more attention to the integrative application of language and technology. The construction of translation technology curriculum has become the focus of teaching reform of translation major in higher education. A multi-dimensional innovative system is about to emerge, which mainly covers the construction of course content, teaching and assessment modes, teaching staff, teaching materials, laboratories and industry-university-research cooperative platform. Under the function of collaborative innovation, translation technology courses will give full play to their practical application advantages, help to build a high-quality talent team of language service industry, and contribute to social progress.
Keywords: New Era; Translation Technology; Curriculum Construction; Innovative System
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