*1Taiwo M. Adegoke & 2Oladapo M. Oladoja
1,2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, First Technical University, Ibadan, Nigeria.
[email protected], [email protected]
This research work focuses on Bayesian inference in this study to detect a change in the rate of a Maxwell distribution model with independent random variables. The paper specifically analyzes a single rate shift and demonstrates how the Bayesian framework can be used to efficiently solve this problem. To produce samples from Maxwell distribution and evaluate the datasets, simulation techniques were used, and the R programming language was used. Although the model looks to be simple, no analytical solutions are available for parameter inference, necessitating the use ofapproximations. The study emphasizes the Gibbs sampler's applicability for change-point analysis using a Markovian updating approach. The simulation research findings show that the predicted rate is near to the true value, confirming the consistency and stability of the Bayesian estimator.
Keywords: Gibbs sampling, Change-point, Bayes factor, Bayesian method, Conjugate prior distribution
1. Introduction
Change-point analysis (CPA) is a statistical technique for detecting and quantifying changes in data across time. CPA identifies data points when there is a significant shift in the underlying structure or behavior of the process producing the data. CPA finds applications in various domains. It is utilized in fault detection and reliability [1], insurance, econometric timeseries, and malware software detection [2]. Furthermore, it plays a role in signal detection, surveillance, security systems, meteorology, and climatology [3] . Changepoint analysis is also employed in graphical models [4], gynecology [5], communication network evolution [6, 7, 8], oceanography [9], sparse VAR models [10,11], macrosociological processes and historical changes [12], medicine [13], and functional magnetic resonance recordings [14, 15] , among others.
CPA can be traced back to the work of [16, 17, 18], where cumulative sums (CUMSUM) approach was used to identify points of change in a sequence of normally distributed observations. Since then, several methods have been proposed for performing CPA, including Bayesian methods (see [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25], likelihood-based methods ( see [26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31] and non-parametric methods (see [32, 33, 34, 35] ). These techniques involve various statistical models and algorithms to estimate the change points accurately. The choice of method depends on the characteristics of the data and the specific objectives of the analysis.
In their study,[36] investigated the change point analysis (CPA) in the Maxwell distribution using Bayesian methods. They examined both informative and non-informative prior distributions and utilized two distinct loss functions, namely Linex LF and General Entropy LP, to detect the change point and estimate its magnitude. However, the present work introduces a novel approach by utilizing Bayes' factor techniques to detect a single change point in a series of observations following a Maxwell distribution. The method utilizes a conjugate prior distribution and employs a Monte Carlo Gibbs sampling approach to estimate the parameters involved.
2. Method
2.1. Bayesian Techniques
The definition of a change-point, as proposed by [16,17,18] and [26], involves a test to determine whether a sequence of independent observations, arranged in a successive order x1, x2,..., xn, are drawn from the same probability density function F(x|9), which is characterized by the likelihood function.
L(x; 9) = n f (x; 9) (1)
as against set of observations with a single change-point k represented as Xi, x2,... x^ and Xfc+i, xfc+2,... xn before and after the change having two distinct probability density functions F(x|91) and F(x|92), where 91 = 92. The likelihood function for the alternate hypothesis can be expressed as
k n
L(x; 91,92)= nf(x; 91) fl f(x; 92) (2)
i=1 ¿=7+1
In the Bayesian perspective, a joint prior distribution p(91,92) is assumed for the parameters.
Bayes theorem then provides the joint posterior distribution
p(9 9 Ylxy)= P(x,y|91,92)p(91,92)
P(91,92,7|X,y) = U p(x,#1,92)p(91,92)391392 (3)
The prior distribution p(91,92) reflects the beliefs about the parameters before experimentation, whereas the posterior distribution p(91,92,k|x) reflects the updated beliefs about the parameters after observing the sample data.
2.2. Bayes' Factor
Bayesian statisticians perceive hypothesis testing as a process of comparing models ([37], [38]) rather than focusing on whether a specific hypothesis is true, the emphasis is placed on determining which model, described under one hypothesis, is more favorable compared to another. The Bayesian approach to hypothesis testing was initially developed by [39, 40] as a fundamental component of scientific inference. A central aspect of Jeffreys' framework involved the concept of the Bayes factor, which represents the posterior odds of the null hypothesis when the prior probability on the null is one-half. Jeffreys employed this approach to compare predictions made by two competing scientific theories. In this methodology, statistical models are introduced to represent the likelihood of the observed data according to each theory, and Bayes' theorem is utilized to compute the posterior probability that one theory is correct.
In their study, [37] consider a dataset D, which is assumed to be generated under two hypotheses: H1 and H2. The probability densities Z(D/H1) and Z(D/H2) describe the data under each hypothesis, respectively. Prior probabilities, Z(H1) and Z(H2) = 1 — Z(H1), are assigned to H1 and H2, respectively. By applying Bayes' theorem, the authors obtain the posterior probabilities Z(H1/D) and Z(H2/D) as follows:
Z(Hi/D) = Z(D/HO^K&)Z(H2), (i = ^ (4)
Z(H1/D) - Z(D/H1)Z(H1)
Z(D/H1 )Z(H1 )+Z(D/H2)Z( H2)
Z(D/H2)Z(H2) Z(D/H1 )Z(H1 )+Z(D/H2)Z( H2)
In certain applications, such as testing hypotheses regarding the presence of a change-point, it is often more informative to consider the odds in favor of H2 compared to Hi ([41, 42]).
Z (H2/D) = Z (D/H2) Z (H2) (5)
Z (H1/D) Z(D/H1) Z (H1) (5)
and the transformation is simply multiplication of the prior odds by
B = Z (D/H2) = 4 Z (D/0i)Z 0 )d02 (6)
12 Z(D/H1) foi Z(D/0OZ(01 )d01 (6)
which is the baye's factor. Thus,in words, posterior odd = bayes factor x prior odds
and the bayes factor is the ratio of the posterior odd of H1 to its prior odds, regardless of the value of the prior odds.
By analogy with the likelihood ratio obtained from Equation (6) (i.e the quantity log B12) is often used to summarize the evidence for H2 compare to H1, with the rough interpretation shown in Table 1. This contrasts with the interpretation of a likelihood ratio, whose null x2 distribution for nested models would depend on the difference in their degree of freedom p ([37, 39, 40, 41, 42]). The log Bayes factor 2 log B12 is sometimes called the weight of evidence
Table 1: Rough Interpretation of Bayes factor B12 given by Davison(2003) and Peter(2006)
B12 2loge B12 Interpretation
Under 1 1-3 3-20 20 -150 Over 150 Negative 0-2 2-6 6-10 Over 10 Supports model 1 Weak support for model 2 Support for model 2 Strong evidence for model 2 Very strong support for model 2
2.3. The Proposed Change Point Model
This section introduces a change-point model based on the Maxwell distribution. Consider a series of observations of size n (n>3) drawn from a Maxwell distribution with parameter 0 whose null hypothesis H1 can be stated as
H1 : 01 = O2 = 0 (7)
whose likelihood function can be expressed as
n n 2
f (x I 0) = n ¿73x2e-20x0 > 0 (8)
This means that the there is no shift in the parameter 0 of the model.
Also, consider a series of observations x1, x2,... xk, xk+1,... xn with a single shift at point k drawn from different population with parameters 01 and 02. The alternate hypothesis can be stated as
H2 : 01 = 02 (9)
having the likelihood function
f (x I 0)= ft ^x2e-201 x2 ft x2e-202x2 (10)
2.4. Bayesian Analysis for the Change-Point Model
For the no change-point model (8), we consider a conjugate prior distribution for the parameter 0 having Gamma(0|a, b) with probability density function and uniform prior for the parameter k with parameter value Uniform(1,n).
n(0)=(»-T№0a-VM a > 0,b > 0 (11)
The posterior distribution for the null hypothesis model (7) can be obtained by combining the likelihood function (8) with the prior distribution (11) given in Equation (3) as
r» X /2 \ T+a b + r»=12-—j r(a)
n(0|x) « --r (3»^\ ha--(12)
r (3» + a) ba
Also, for the alternate hypothesis model (9), we consider a conjugate prior distribution for d\ and 92 having Gamma(0i|a2,b2) and Gamma(02|a2,b2) having probability density function
ba1 ba2
n(d1d2) = 0a1-1 °a2-1e-b202 a1 > 0, b1 > 0, a2 > 0, b2 > 0 (13)
1 (a1) 1 (a2)
The posterior density function can be derived by combining the likelihood function (10) and prior distribution (13) and thus we have
3k , 3(»-k)
( rk r2\T +a1 ( r» +a2
b1 + ^ r(a1 ) b2 + r(a2) n(Qx, 02 |x) « ^-4-r-V ,.-(--(14)
( 1 2| ) r(32k + a^ ba1 r (3(»-k) + a^ b22
3. Results and Discussions
In this section, we carried out a simulation studies to demonstrate the proposed change-point model. To conduct the diagnostic successfully, we generated five sequences (chains), each consisting of 30,000 elements. A burn-in period of 10,000 observations was implemented, and thinning was applied, considering every 100th observation, using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) scheme.
3.1. Simulation Study
We simulated datasets having a single shift in the parameter 9 drawn from a Maxwell distribution with predefined values expressed in model (15)
j dMax(1.5) 1 < i < 41 Xi \ dMax(0.5) 41 < i < 80 ( )
Table 2: Summary Statistics for the Posterior Quantities
Parameters Mean SD Mc_Error 97.5% Credible Interval
k 41.1 1.137 0.0038 [0.000002-0.0000002]
01 1.77 0.2321 0.0019 [1.348-2.255]
02 0.564 0.0743 0.0005 [0.427 - 0.7194]
Figure 1: Line plot for the simulation study
1 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78
Figure 2: Bayes Factor Plot for the simulated dataset
Figure 3: Posterior densities for the parameter 01, 02 and k
Figure 4: Autocorrection plot for the Posterior densities for the parameter 8\, 82 and k
Figure 5: Brooks-Gelman-Rubin plot for the Posterior densities for the parameter 81, 82 and k
Figures 1 and 2 depict the line plot and the Bayes' factor plot for the simulated dataset. From Figure 2, we determined that the shift point was detected at the predefined point 41. Summary statistics from the Gibbs sampling MCMC are shown in Table 2, revealing that the change point k was identified at approximately 41. Posterior densities for all parameters are displayed in Figure 3, confirming that the density of k indicates a change occurring around point 41. The autocorrelation plot in Figure 4 demonstrates noticeable autocorrelation in lag 1 for all parameters. In Figure 5, the Brooks-Gelman plot for the posterior quantities suggests that the chain moves randomly from one iteration to the next, with the Brooks-Gelman-Rubin (BGR) plot for each parameter closely approaching 1. According to Gelman (2003), an acceptable limit is 1.1. Therefore, the BGR plots indicate excellent results. Considering the evidence from Figures 4 and 5, we conclude that the results obtained from the Gibbs sampler exhibit convergence to the posterior distribution and are accurate.
4. Discussion
In this paper, we introduce a single change-point model for datasets that follow a Maxwell distribution, using informative Bayes' Factor techniques. We employ the Bayesian method to detect the time at which a shift occurs in the dataset and apply this approach to both simulated datasets. One key advantage of the Bayesian approach over the frequentist approach is its ability to estimate uncertainty without relying on asymptotic sampling arguments that require large sample sizes. The main objective of this research is to develop a change-point model for detecting a single change-point in a series of observations that follow a Maxwell distribution. We accomplish this using a Bayesian method, which provides a more objective approach compared to subjective methods.
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