Научная статья на тему 'On a bounded remainder set for (t, s) sequences i'

On a bounded remainder set for (t, s) sequences i Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Levin Mordechay Borisovich

Let x0, x1, ... be a sequence of points in [0, 1)𝑠. A subset of [0, 1)𝑠 is called a bounded remainder set if there exist two real numbers and such that, for every integer 𝑁,|card{𝑛 < | x𝑛 ∈ 𝑆} 𝑎𝑁| < 𝐶. Let (x𝑛)𝑛≥0 be an 𝑠-dimensional Halton-type sequence obtained from a global function field, ≥ 2, = (𝛾1, ..., 𝛾𝑠), ∈ [0, 1), with 𝑏-adic expansion = 𝛾𝑖,1𝑏-1 + 𝛾𝑖,2𝑏-2 + ..., = 1, ..., 𝑠. In this paper, we prove that [0, 𝛾1) × ... × [0, 𝛾𝑠) is the bounded remainder set with respect to the sequence (x𝑛)𝑛≥0 if and only if max 1≤𝑖≤𝑠 max{𝑗 ≥ 1 | 𝛾𝑖,𝑗 ̸= 0} < ∞. We also obtain the similar results for a generalized Niederreiter sequences, Xing-Niederreiter sequences and Niederreiter-Xing sequences.

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О множествах ограниченных остатков для (t,s)-последовательностей I

Пусть (x𝑛)𝑛≥0 𝑠-мерная последовательность типа Холтона, полученная из глобального функционального поля, ≥ 2, = (𝛾1, ..., 𝛾𝑠), ∈ [0, 1) с 𝑏-адическим разложением = 𝛾𝑖,1𝑏-1 + 𝛾𝑖,2𝑏-2 + ..., = 1, ..., 𝑠. В этой статье мы докажем, что [0, 𝛾1)×...×[0, 𝛾𝑠) множество ограниченного остатка относительно последовательности (x𝑛)𝑛≥0 тогда и только тогда, когда max 1≤𝑖≤𝑠 max{𝑗 ≥ 1 | 𝛾𝑖,𝑗 ̸= 0} < ∞. Мы также получим аналогичные результаты для обобщенных последовательностей Нидеррайтера, последовательностей Хинга Нидеррайтера и последовательностей Нидеррайтера Хинга.

Текст научной работы на тему «On a bounded remainder set for (t, s) sequences i»


Том 20. Выпуск 1.

УДК 510 DOI 10.22405/2226-8383-2018-20-1-224-247

О множествах ограниченных остатков для (t, .^-последовательностей I

Мордехай Б. Левин

Левин Мордехай Борисович — кандидат физико-математических наук, Факультет математики, Университет Бар-Илан, Рамат-Ган, Израиль. e-mail: mlevin@math. Ыи.ас.И


Пусть (x„)„>o — s—мерная последовательность типа Холтона, полученная из глобального функционального поля, b > 2, 7 = (71, ...,7S), 7i € [0,1) с Ь-адическим разложением Ъ = + 7i,2&-2 + i = 1,..., s.

В этой статье мы докажем, что [0, 71) х ... х [0, 7S) — множество ограниченного остатка относительно последовательности (x„)„>0 тогда и только тогда, когда

max maxjj > 1 | =0} < то.

Мы также получим аналогичные результаты для обобщенных последовательностей Ни-деррайтера, последовательностей Хинга — Нидеррайтера и последовательностей Нидер-райтера — Хинга.

Ключевые слова: множества ограниченных остатков, (t, в)-последовательности, последовательности Холтона .

Библиография: 15 названий. Для цитирования:

Мордехай Б. Левин О множествах ограниченных остатков для (t, з)-последовательностей I // Чебышевский сборник, 2019, т. 20, вып. 1, с. 224-247.


UDC 510 DOI 10.22405/2226-8383-2018-20-1-224-247

On a bounded remainder set for (t, s) sequences I

Mordechav B. Levin

Levin Mordechay Borisovich — candidat of physical and mathematical Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, 5290002, Israel. e-mail: mlevin@math. hiu.ac.il


Let x0, xi,... be a sequence of points in [0,1)s. A subset S of [0,1)s is called a bounded remainder set if there exist two real numbers a Mid C such that, for every integer N,

|card{n < N | x„ € S} — aN| <C.

Let (x„)„>^ an s—dimensional Halton-type sequence obtained from a global function field, b > 2, 7 = (j1,...,js), 7j € [0,1), with 5-adic expansion 7i = 7i,1&-1 + + ...,

i = 1,..., s. In this paper, we prove that [0,71) x ... x [0,7S) is the bounded remainder set with respect to the sequence (x„)„>0 if and only if

max max{j > 1 | 7^ =0} < to.

We also obtain the similar results for a generalized Niederreiter sequences, Xing-Niederreiter sequences and Niederreiter-Xing sequences.

Keywords: bounded remainder set, (t, s) sequence, Halton type sequences.

Bibliography: 15 titles.

For citation:

Mordechay B. Levin, 2019, "On a bounded remainder set for (t,s) sequences I", Chebyshevskii sbornik, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 224-247.

Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor N.M. Korobov

1. Introduction

1.1. Bounded remainder sets. Let xo, xi,... be a sequence of points in [0,1)s, S ç [0,1)s,


A(S, (xra)^=-o1)= £ (1S(x,) - A(5)),


where (x) = 1, if x G 5, and (x) = 0, if x f Here X(S) denotes the s-dimensional Lebesgue-measure of S. We define the star discrepancy of an N-point set (x^)^—1 as

^((xn)^-1) = supo<yi,...,„,<! |A([0, y), (x^-D/N|,

where [0, y) = [0, y1) x ■ ■ ■ x [0, The sequence (xra)ra>0 is said to be uniformly distributed in [0,1)s

if Dn ^ 0. In 1954, Roth proved that limsupwN(lnN)-2D*((xra)^="01) > 0. According to the well-known conjecture (see, e.g., fl, p.283]), this estimate can be improved to

limsup^ N (ln N)-^*((xra)^=o1) > 0. (1)

See [2] and [7] for results on this conjecture.

A sequence (xis))ra>0 is of low discrepancy (abbreviated l.d.s.) if D^x^)^-,1) = 0(N-1(ln N)s) for N ^ œ. A sequence of point sets ((x^w)^="01)^'=1 is of low discrepancy (abbreviated l.d.p.s.)

if ^((x^y)^="01) = 0(N-1(lnN)s-1), for N ^ œ. For examples of such a sequences, see, e.g., fl], [3], and'fll].

Definition 1. Let x0, x1,... be a sequence of points in [0,1)s. A subs et S of [0,1)s is called a bounded remainder set for (xn)n>0 if the discrepancy fu,notion A(5, (x^)^—1) is bounded in N.

Let a be an irrational number, let I be an interval in [0,1) with length |/1, let jna} be the fractional part of na, n = 1, 2,... . Hecke, Ostrowski and Kesten proved that A(5, ({na})^=1) is bounded if and only if |/1 = {fco;} for some integer k (see references in [4]).

The sets of bounded remainder for the classical s-dimensional Kronecker sequence studied bv Lev and Grepstad [4]. The case of Halton's sequence was studied by Hellekalek [5]. Let & be a prime power, 7 = (71, ...,^s), li S (0,1) wit h 6-adic expansion

li = li,ib-1 + %2b-2 + ..., i = 1,..., s,

and let (x„)ra>o be a uniformly distributed digital Kronecker sequence. In [7], we proved the following theorem:

Theorem A. The set [0,71) x ... x [0,7^) is of bounded remainder with respect to (xn)n>0 if and only if

max maxjj > 1 | 7i,j = 0} < œ. (2)

In this paper, we prove similar results for digital sequences described in [3, Sec. 8]. Note that according to Larcher's conjecture [6, p.215], the assertion of Theorem A is true for all digital (t, s)-sequences in base b.

2. Definitions and auxiliary results.

2.1 (T, s) sequences. A subinterval E of [0,1)s of the form

E = nM-di, (Oi + 1)b-di),

oib-di 1


with ai, di G Z, di ^ 0, 0 ^ ai <bdi,ioi 1 ^ i ^ s is called an elementary interval in base b > 2.

Definition 2. Let 0 ^ t ^ m be integers. A (i, m, s)-net in ba se b is a point set x0,..., xbm-i in [0,1)s such that #{n G [0,bm — 1\lxn G E} = bl for every elementary interval E in base b with vol(^) = bt-m.

Definition 3. Let t > 0 be an integer. A sequence x0, xi,... of points in [0,1)s is a (t, s)-sequence in base b if for all integers k ^ 0 and m > t, the point set consisting ofxnmth kbm < n < (k + 1)bm is a (t,m, s)-net in ba se b.

Bv fNi, p. 56,60], (t, m, s) nets and (t, s) sequences are of low discrepancy. See reviews on (t, m, s) nets and (t,s) sequences in [3] and [11].

Definition 4. ([3, Definition 4.30]) For a given dimension s > 1, an integer base b > 2; and a function T : No ^ N0 with T(m) < m for all m G N0, a sequence (x0, x1,...) of points in [0,1)s is called a (T, s)-sequence in base b if for all integers m > 0 and k > 0; the point set consisting of the points Xkbm, ...,Xkbm+bm-1 forms a (T(m),m,s)-net in base b.

Definition 5. ([3, Definition 4.47]) Let m,s > 1 be integers. Let C(1'm),...,C(s'm) be m x m matrices over F&. Now we construct bm points in [0,1)s. For n = 0,1,...,bm — 1; let n = Y=o a3(n)b^ be the b-adic expansion of n. Choose a bijection : Z5 := {0,1,...., b — 1} ^ F5 with 0(0) = 0; the neutral element of addition in F&. We identify n with the row vector

n = (ao(n),..., am-1 (n)) G F™ with ar(n) = <fi(ar(n)), r G [0, m). (3)

We map the vectors


= (»£,..., y^m) := nCyg = £ Tir(n)$ S ¥b, (4)


to the real numbers

to obtain the point

№ = £ , = ) (5)


Ma^,...,^) G [0,1Г. (6)

The point set (xo,...,x™^} is called a digital net (over ¥/,) (with generating matrices

(£(1>m),..., с(s>m))).

For m = we obtain a sequence x0, x1,... of points in [0,1)s which is called a digital sequence (over ¥b) (with generating m atrices (С (1>те),...,С

We abbreviate С(г'т) as С « for m G N and for m = oo.

2.2 Duality theory (see [3, Section 7]).

Let N be ад arbitrarv F^-linear subspace of F^m. Let H be a matrix over F& consisting of sm columns such that the row-space of H is equal to N Then we define the dual space С of N to be the null space of H (see [3, p. 244]). In other words, is the orthogonal complement of N relative to the standard inner product in F^m,

^ = (A G F£m | В ■ A = 0 for all В G^}.

Let С(1),...,C(s) G be generating matrices of a digital sequence (xn(C))n>0 over F&.

For any m G N we denote the m x m left-upper sub-matrix of С(i) bv [С(t)]m. The matrices [C(1)]m,..., [C(s)]m are then the generating matrices of a digital net. We define the overall generating matrix of this digital net by

[CV = (Р(1)Ш[С(2)]Т|...|[C(e)]^) G F™X*m (7)

for any m G N.

Let Cm denote the row фасе of the matrix [C]m i.e.,

m— 1

cm = {( T $ ar(n)) | 0 < n<6m).

I V ' J'' /1< j<m,1<i<s )



The dual space is then given by

Ci = (A G | B • = 0 for all B G Cm}.

Lemma A. ([3, Theorem 4.86]) Let b be a prime power. A striet digital (T, s)-sequence over F^ is uniformly distributed modulo one, if and only î/liminf— T(m)) =

2.3 Admissible sequences.

For x xjb--*, and y ^J2j>1 Vjwhere Xj, yj G Z^ := (0,1,...., b

— 1}, we define the (^adic) digital shifted point v by v = x © y := ^j>1 vjwhere vj = xj + yj (mod 6) and Vj G Z6. Let x = (^ 1),...,^s) ) G [0,1)s, y = (y(1),..., y(s)) G [0,1)s. We define the (^adic) digital shifted point vbvv = x © y = (^1) © y(1),...,#(© y(s)). For n1, G [0, bm), we défi ne n1 © n2 : = (<V&m © U2)bm)bm.

For x ^J2j>1 xib-\ where Xi G Z&, Xi = 0 (f = 1, Xk+1 = 0, we define the absolute

valuation ||.||6 of £ by \\x\\b = 6-fc-1. Let ||n||6 = bk for n G [6fc,6fc+1).

Definition 6. point set (xn)0<n<i)m in [0,1)s ¿s d—admissible in base b if


min ||xra e xfc ||6 >b-m-d where ||x||6 := ftL?

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0<k<n<bm -"--Ml J


A sequence (xn)n>0 m [0,1)s ¿s d—admissible in base b if infn>k>0 \\n © k\\b x \\xn © xk||fe > b d.

By [8], generalized Niederreiter's sequences, Xing-Niederreiter's sequences and Halton-tvpe (t, s) sequences have d—admissible properties. In [8], we proved for all d—admissible digital (t, s) sequences


max ND*((xn © w)o<n<N) > Kms l—N <bm —

with some w and K > 0. This result supports conjecture (1).

Definition 7. A sequence (xn)n>0 in [0,1)s is weakly admissible in base b if


Km := min \\xn © xk\\. > 0 Vm > 1 where \\x\L := TT .

0—k<n<bm 0 0 J-J- II b


Let m > 1, Tm = [logg(nm)] + m, w = (w(l), ...,w(s)), w(l) = (w(t), ...,Wt!),

9w = (A > 1 | 4™A>j = wf, j e [1,Tm], i e [1, s]} and 9w = 0 V wf e Zb. (8)

Theorem B. (see [9, Proposition]) Let (xn)n>0 be a uniformly distributed weakly admissible digital (T, s)-sequence in base b, satisfying (8) for all m > m®. Then the set, [0,71) x ... x [0,7s) is


2.4 Notation and terminology for algebraic function fields. For the theory of algebraic function fields, we follow the notation and terminology in the books [14] and [13].

Let b be an arbitrary prime power, ¥b a finite field with & elements, F^(^) the rational function field over Fb, and F^] the polynomial ring over F&. For a = f/g, f,g e F^], let

v^(a) = deg(g) — deg(/)

be the degree valuation of F^(^). We define the field of Laurent series as


F&((^)) := { ^ aixi | m e Z, ai e F6}.


A finite extension field F of F^(^) is called an algebraic function field over F^. Let F^ be algebraically closed in F. We express this fact by simply saving that F/Fb is an algebraic function field. The genus of F/Fb is denoted by g.

A place V of F is, by definition, the maximal ideal of some valuation ring of F. We denote by Op the valuation ring corresponding to V and we denote by Pf the set of places of F. For a place V of F, we write ^-p for the normalized discrete valuation of F corresponding to V, and any element t e F with up (t) = 1 is called a local parameter (prime element) at V.

The field Fp := Op /V is called the residue field of F with respect to V. The degree of a place V is defined as deg(P) = [Fp : F&]. We denote by Div(F) the set of divisors of F/Fb.

The completion of F with respect to up will be denoted by F(v\ Le11 be a local parameter of V. Then F(v) is isomorphic to Fp((t)) (see [13, Theorem 2.5.20]), and an arbitrarv element a e F(p) can be uniquely expanded as (see [13, p. 293])


a = ^ Siti where Si = Si(t, a) e Fp C F(p).

i=v-p (a)

The derivative ^j, or differentiation with respect to t, is defined by (see [13, Definition 9.3.1])

, ro

di = e 1. (9)

i=v-p (a)

For an algebraic function field F/Fb, we define its set of differentials (or Hasse differentials, H-differentials) as

Ap = (y dz | y G F, 2 is a separating element for F/Fj,}

(see [14, Definition 4.1.7]).

Lemma B. ([14, Proposition 4.1.8] or [13, Theorem 9.3.13]) Let z G F be separating. Then every differential 7 G A^ can be written uniquely as 7 = y dz for some y G F. We define the order of a d^ at V by

vv(a d£) := vv(a d£/di), (10)

where i is any local parameter for V (see [13, Definition 9.3.8]).

Let Qp be the set of all Weil differentials of F/F&. There exists an F—linear isomorphism of the differential module A^ onto Qf (see [14, Theorem 4.3.2] or [13, Theorem 9.3.15]).

For 0 = w G Qf, there exists a uniquely determined divisor div(w) G Div(F). Such a divisor div(w) is called a canonical divisor of F/F&. (see [14, Definition 1.5.11]). For a canonical divisor W, we have (see [14, Corollary 1.5.16])

deg(VF) = — 2 and l(T^) = (11)

Let a d^ be a nonzero H-differential in F and let w be the corresponding Weil differential. Then (see [13, Theorem 9.3.17], [14, ref. 4.35])

vv (div(w)) = vv (a d£), for all Pg Pf . (12)

Let a d^ be an H-differential, t a local parameter of V, and

a d£ = ^ Sitidt G F(p).

i=v-p (a)

Then the residue of a d^ (see [13, Definition 9.3.10) is defined by

Resp(a d£) := TrFv/Fb(5-i) G Fb.


Res-p,t (a) := Res-p (adi). For a divisor V of F/F&, let denote the Riemann-Roch space

£(£>) = (y G F \ 0 | div(y) + V > 0} U (0}. (13)

Then £(P) is a finite-dimensional vector space over F, and we denote its dimension by l(^). By [14, Corollary 1.4.12],

l(£>) = (0} for deg(P) < 0. (14)

Theorem C (Riemann-Roch Theorem). [14, Theorem 1.5.15, and 14, Theorem 1.5.17 ] Let W

be a canonical divisor of F/F5. Then for each divisor A G div(F), 1(A) = deg(A) + 1 — g+— A); and

1(A) = deg(A) + 1 — g for deg(A) > — 1.

3. Statements of results.

3.1 Generalized Niederreiter sequence. In this subsection, we introduce a generalization of the Niederreiter sequence due to Tezuka (see [3, Section 8.1.2]). By [3, Section 8.1], the Sobol's sequence, the Faure's sequence and the original Niederreiter sequence are particular cases of a generalized Niederreiter sequence.

Let b be a prime power and let pl,...,ps e F^] be pairwise coprime polynomials over F^. Let ei = deg(^i) > 1 for 1 < i < s. For each j > ^d 1 < i < s, the set of polynomials (Vi,j,k(x) : 0 < k < ei} needs to be linearly independent (mod Pi(x)) over F^. For integers 1 < i < s, j > 1 and 0 < k < ei, consider the expansions

over the field of formal Laurent series

F6((c-1)). Then we define the matrix C^ = )j>l,r>0 by

cfr = a(i)(Q + 1,k,r) e Fb for 1 < i < s, j > 1, r > 0,

where j — 1 = Qei + k ^^^^^h mtegers Q = Q(i,j^d k = k(i,j) satisfying 0 <k<ei.

A digital sequence (xn)n>0 over F^ generated by the matrices C(l),..., C(s is called a generalized Niederreiter sequence (see [3, p.266]).

Theorem D. (see [3, p.266] and [7, Theorem 1]) The generalized Niederreiter sequence (xn)n>0 with generating matrices, defined as above, is a digital d—admissible (t, s)-sequ,ence over F^ with d = e0, t = e0 — s and e0 = el + ... + es.

In this paper, we will consider the case where (x,pi) = 1 for 1 < i < s. We will consider the general case in [10].

Theorem 1. With the notations as above, the set [0,7l) x ... x [0,7s) is of bounded remainder ( x n ) n> 0

3.2 Xing-Niederreiter sequence (see [3, Section 8.4 ]). Let F/Fb be an algebraic function field with full constant field F^ and genus g. Assume that F/Fb has at least one rational place Pro, and let G be a positive divisor of F/Fb with deg(G) = 2g and Pro e supp(G). Let Pl, ...,Ps be s distinct places of F/Fb with Pi = Pro for 1 <i<s. Put ei = deg(P^) for 1 <i<s.

By [3, p.279 ], we have that there exists a basis w0, wl, ...,wg of £(G) over F^ such that

vp^ (wu) =nu for 0 <u < g,

where 0 = n0 <nl < .... < ng < 2g. For each 1 < i < s, we consider the chain

£(G) C C(G + Pi) C C(G + 2Pi) c ...

of vector spaces over F^. ^v ^^^^^^^^rom the basis w0,wl, ...,wg of C(G) and successively adding basis vectors at each step of the chain, we obtain for each n e N a basis

(w0,WI, ...,Wg,kf , ...,k!n^i}

of C(G + nPi). We note that we then have

kf e C(G + ([(j — 1)/ei + 1)]Pi) for 1 <i<s and j> 1. (15)

Lemma C. ([3, Lemma 8.10]) The system (w0,wl,...,wg} U (kji"l}l——s,j>l of elements of F is linearly independent over F&.

Let z be an arbitrary local parameter at Pœ. For r G No = N U (0}, we put


zr if r G («0, «1, ..., %},

\wu if r = nu for some u G (0,1,...,$}.

Note that in this case up^ (zr) = r for all r G N0. For 1 < i < s and j G N, we have to -' G £(G+nPi)

for some n expansions

for some n G N and also P^ G supp(G + nPi), hence (fc(î)) > 0. Thus we have the local

= £ aSfor 1 < i < s and j G N, (17)


where all coefficients a^ G F^. Let ^ = N0 \ = (ft(0), ft(1),...},

= (no,ni, ...,%}.

For 1 < i < ^d j G N, we now define the sequences

= 41(r), = (cS>, , ...) := (flj>)neNa\{na,...,n9} = (41(r))r>0 (18)

= (n(i) n(i) n(i) n(i) n(i) n(i) ) <= FN

where the hat indicates that the corresponding term is deleted. We define the matrices C(1),..., C(s) G fNxN by

C« = (c(;),c^,4°,...)T for 1 < i < s, (19)

1.e., the vector c^- is the jth row vector of C(l) for 1 < i < s.

Theorem E (see [3, Theorem 8.11] and [7, Theorem 1]). With the above notations, we have that the matrices C(1), ..., C(s) given by (19) are generating matrices of the Xing-Niederreiter d—admissible digital (i, s)-sequence (xn)n>0 with d = e1 + ... + es, t = g + e1 + ... + es — s.

In order to obtain the bounded remainder set property, we will take a specific local parameter

2. Let Po G PF, Po £ (A,... , Ps, Px>}, Po G supp(G) and deg(Po) = eo. By the Riemann-Roch theorem, there exists a local parameter z at P^, with

* G £((25 + 1)Po — Px>) \ £((2$ + 1)Po — 2P^). (20)

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Theorem 2. With the notations as above, the set [0,71) x ... x [0,7s) is of bounded remainder with respect to (xra)ra>o if and only if (2) is true.

3.3 Generalized Halton-type sequences from global function fields.

Let q > 2 be an integer

n = ^2 eq,j (n)^-1, eq,j (n) G (0,1,...,<? — 1}, and ipq (n) = ^ eqJ (n)g-J. i>1 i>1

Van der Corput proved that (<pq(n))n>o is a 1—dimensional l.d.s. Let

Hs (n) = (n),...,^s fa^ n = 0, 1, 2, ...,

where q1,...,qs > 2 are pairwise coprime integers. Halton proved that (iis(n))ra>o is an s—dimensional l.d.s. (see [11]).

Let Q = (qi, q2,....) and Qj = qiq2....qj, where qj ^ 2 (j = 1,2,...) is a sequence of integers. Every nonnegative integer n then has a unique Q-adic representation of the form


n = J>jqi ■ ■ ■ qj-i = ni +n2q\ + n3qiq2 +----,


where Uj G {0,1,..., qj — 1}. We call this the Cantor expansion of n with respect to the base Q. Consider Cantor's expansion of x G [0,1) :

^ Xj/Qj, Xj G {0,1,..., qj — 1}, Xj = qj — 1 for infinitely many j. Q— x

Vq{ £nj h ••• 1j-i) = £ U

j=1 - ' j-i^ ■ V

Let pi,j > 2 be integers (s > i > 1,j > 1) g.c.d.(pi,k,pj,i) = 1 for f = j, Pi,0 = 1, ^¡J = Ui<k<3 Pi,k, i G [1, s], j > 1 V% = fri,i,Pi,2,...), P = (Vi,.., Vs).

In [5], Hellecaleq proposed the following generalisation of the Halton sequence:

Hv = (№ (n),...,VPs (n))~=o. (21)

In [Te], Tezuka introduced a polynomial arithmetic analogue of the Halton sequence : Let p(x) be an arbitrary nonconstant polvnomial over F&, e = deg(p),

n = a0(n) + ai(n)b + ■ ■ ■ + am(n) bm.

We fix a bijection 0 : Z ^ F^ with 0(0) = 0. Denote vn(x) = a0(n) + ai(n)x + ■ ■ ■ + am(n)xm, where ar(n) = 0(ar(n)), r = 0,1,...,m. Then fn(x) can be represented in terms of p(x) in the following way:

vn(x) = r0(x) + ri(x)p(x) + ••• + rk (p(x))k, with k = [m/e]. We define the radical inverse function (pp(x) : F^[x] ^ F&(x) as follows

<fP(x)(vn(x)) = ro(x)/p (x) + n(x)/p2(x) +-----+ rk/(p(x))k+i.

Let pi(x),..., ps(x) be pairwise coprime. Then Tezuka's sequence is defined as follows

xn = (^i(^pi(x)(n)),...,^s(^Ps(x)(n)))n=0,

where each ai is a mapping from F to the real field defined by <Ji(J2j>w ajx-j) = J2j>w 0-i(aj)b-j■ By [Te], (xn)n>0 is a (t, s) sequence in base b.

In 2010, Levin [7] and in 2013, Niederreiter and Yeo [12] generalized Tezuka's construction to


Let F/Ffc be an algebraic function field with full constant field F& and genus g. We assume that F/Fb has at least one rational place, that is, a place of degree 1. Given a dimension s > 1, we choose s + 1 distinct places P^ of F with deg(P^) = 1. The degrees of the places Pi,...,Ps

are arbitrary and we put ei, = deg(Pi) for 1 < i < s. Denote by Of the holomorphv ring given by Of = f]P=Pco Op, where the intersection is extended over all places P = P^ of F, and Op is the valuation ring of P. We arrange the elements of Of into a sequence by using the fact that 0F = Um>0 £(mP^). The terms of this sequence are denoted by f0, fi,... and they are obtained as

follows. Consider the chain £(0) C F(Fro) C F(2Fro) C ■ ■ ■ of vector spaces over F^. At each step of this chain, the dimension either remains the same or increases bv 1. From a certain point on, the dimension always increases by 1 according to the Riemann-Roch theorem. Thus we can construct a sequence t>o,^i,... of elements of Of such that ..., vl(TOps+1)-1} is a F^-basis of £(mPs+i).

We fix a bijection 0 : Zb ^ F^ with 0(0) = 0. Then we define

ro ro

fn = ^ 0r(n)vr G Of with 0r(n) = 0(ar(n)) for n = ^ ar(n)6r .

r=0 r=0

Note that the sum above is finite since for each n G N. We have ar(n) = 0 for all sufficiently large r. Bv the Riemann-Roch theorem, we have

{/ | / e£((rn + g — 1)Fs+i)} = |/n | n G [0,6m)} for m > g.

For each i = 1,..., s, let pi be the maximal ideal of Of corresponding to Pi. Then the residue class field Fpi := Of/pi has order bei (see [14, Proposition 3.2.9]). We fix a bijection aFi : Fpi ^ Z^. For each i = 1,..., s, we can obtain a local parameter ti G Of at pi, bv applying the Riemann-Roch theorem and choosing ti G £(fcFro — P%) \ £(fcFro — 2 Pi) to a suitably large integer fc. We have a local expansion of fn at pi of the form

fn = E ¿Swith all G Fp, n = 0,1,... .


We define the map £ : Of ^ [0,1]s bv

ro ro

e(/n) = ( E ^pi (/ni])(^ei )-J-1,..., E ^ (/Sx^ r^).

Now we define the sequence x0, xi,... of points in [0,1]s by xn = £(/n) for n = 0,1,... . From [12, Theorem 1], we get the following theorem :

Theorem F. With the notation as above, we have that (xn)n>0 is a (i, s)-sequence overFb with t = g + ei + ... + es — s.

The construction of Levin [7] is similar, but more complicated than in [12]. However in [7], we can use arbitrary pairwise coprime divisors ,..., Ds instead of pi aces Pi,...,Ps.

In this paper, we introduce the Hellecalek-like generalisation (21) of the above construction:

Let Pf := {F|F be a place of F/Fb}, P0, Fro G Pf, deg(P^) = 1 deg(fb) = e^ P0 = Pij G Pf for 1 < j, 1 < i < s, Ph ,jl = Pi2,j2 ^ ^i = ¿2) Pi,j = ^0, Pi,j = ^TO for all nitj = deg(Fi;j), m,j = deg(Fj,j), V0,j = Fj,

Vi,0 = 1, Vi,j = Pi,k, = deg(Fi,j) = nij-i + nitj, «¿,0 = 0. (22)


Let i G [0, s]. We will construct a basis (wjl))j>0 of Of in the following way. Let

Litj = £((mtj + 2^ — 1)Fro) = C(Aij), = (mtj + 20 — 1)Fro, (23)

Lij = £((«»,,■ + 20 — 1)Fro — Vij) = £(Bi,j), Fi,j = Kj + 20 — — Vid, Li,j = £(Kj +20 — 1)Fro — Vij-i), Bi,j = (mj +20 — 1)Fro — Vijj-i.

Using the Riemann-Roch theorem, we obtain

deg(Ai,j) = ni,j + 2g — 1, dim(Lij) = ni,j + g, deg(Bi,j) = 2g — 1, (24)

dim(Li ,j) = g, deg(Bij) = fii,j + 2g — 1, dim(L j) = fii,j + g.

Let (ujJ)J=;l be a F& linear basis of Lij. By (23) and (24), we get that the basis (uj^)9=i can be

extended to a basis (v ji, ••• , vj,] ., uj\, ••• , uj^) of L ,j

Bearing in j G [1, uUi,j]. So

/) ... v(i) ui) ••• ui)'

Bearing in mind that (ujJ)J=i is a F& linear basis of L,j, we obtain that vG L,j for

vf?9 G L,j := Lj \ Lfor j G [1,Ui,j]. (25)


Vhj := {^£9 | 1 < j < nhk, 1 < k < j} U {u« | j = 1,..., 0}. (26)

We claim that vectors from Vij are F^ linear independent. Suppose the opposite. Assume that there (i)

exists byk J G F5 such that

j n i,k g

u + u = ^ where u = ^ w, w = ^ bfy^j, u = ^ ^ji. (27)

k=i 9=i 9=i

Let Wi = 0 for some I G [1, j] and let wk = 0 for all k G [1, Z). Using (23) - (25), we get

wi G Li,j = C((Ui,i + 2g — 1)P^ — Vi,i-i) \ C((Ui,i + 2g — 1)P^ — Viti). Applying definition (13) of the Riemann-Roch space, we obtain

wi G £((ui,j + 2g — 1)PX — Viti-i) \ £((m,j + 2g — 1)PX — Viti). But from (27), (22) and (25), we have

i j

—wi = u + u — ^2,Wk = ^ Wk + u G C((ni,j +2g — 1)P^ — P^). k=i k=Z+i

We have a contradiction. Hence vectors from Vij are F^ linear independent. By (23) - (26), we have Vj,,j C Lij and

card( Vi,j ) = i,k + g = + 5 = dim(Lj,j ). k=l

Hence vectors from Vi,j are the F^ linear basis of Li,j.

Now we will find a basis of Li opposite. By (23) and (24), we get

Now we will find a basis of Lij-2g. We claim that ujJ G Lij-2g for j G [1, g]. Suppose the

^ G Lij-2g n Lij = C((nitj-2g + 2g - 1)Pœ) n C((mtj + 2g - 1)PTO - Vitj) = C((mj-2g + 2g - 1)P^ - Pi,,-) = C(T).

By (22), deg(T) = Ui,j-2g + 2g -1 -Uij < 0. Hence £(T) = {0}. We have a contradiction. Bearing in mind that Vy is F& linear basis of Lij, we obtain that a basis of Lij-2g can be chosen from the

set (^i,...,^n.i,...,vj'j,...,vyli]) = Vitj \ {uj^ | p = 1, ...,#}. From (23) - (25), we get

v^ G Li,k C Lj,j-2fl for p G [1, ni,k] and 1 < fc < j — 2$.

Hence vectors

(i) (i) (i) (i) _(i) _(i) _(i) (i)

1 < P < for some p G [1, nj,k] and fc G (j — 2g, j] are an F& linear basis of Li,j-2g (0 < i < s).

Therefore (^k^)^^ fc k>1 is the F^ linear basis of Of = Uj>iLj,j. We put in order the basis (4^)i<M<ni , fc,k>i as follows


(i\3-1+^-i = , with m,0 = 0, 1 < p < nitj, 0 < i < s. (28)

So we proved the following lemma :

Lemma 1. For all i G [0, s] there exists a sequence (wj^ )j>0 such that (wjl))j>0 is a F^ linear basis of Of and for all j > 1a F^ linear basis of Li,j can be chosen from, the set {w0i), ...,^^¿+29^}'

Bearing in mind that (wjl))j>0 is the F5 linear basis of Of, we obtain for all i G [1, s^d r > 0

(j) (j)

that there exists cj 'r G F5 and integers lr such that


wr] = E $ ^j-)i, cj0j)-i = 1, and cj0) = 0 for j — 1 = r. (29)


Let n = Y^r>0 af (^)&r- We fa a bijection 0 : Z5 ^ F5 with 0(0) = 0. Then we define


/n = E 0r(n)^r0) G Of with 0r(n) = 0(ar(n)) for n = 0,1,... . (30)

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By (29), we have for i G [0, s]

00 00

fn = E °r(n) E cS ^j-i = E wj-i E °r (n)4> = E ^n?j wj--i (31)

r=0 j=i j=i r=0 j=i

where ¿j = Er>0 0rMcjJ G F&, ^j = dj-iM-We map the vectors

ytt = (yin),i,y%,--) (32)

to the real numbers

= E ^(¿S w j>i

to obtain the point

xn :=(^ni),...,^ns)) G [0,1)s. (33)

Theorem 3. With the notations as above, the set [0,7i) x ... x [0,7s) is of bounded remainder ( x n ) n> 0

Remark. It is easy to verify that Hellekalek's sequence and our generalized Halton-tvpe sequence (xn)n>0 are l.d.s if

s m s m

lim sup y^log(pij) < ^ and lim sup y^deg(Pjj) < to.

m m

%=i j=1 %=i j=1

3.4 Niederreiter-Xing sequence (see [3, Section 8.3 ]). Let F/Fb be an algebraic function field with full constant field F and genus g. Assume that F/Fb has at least s + 1 rational places. Let P1,..., Ps+1he s + 1 distinct rational places of F. Let Gm = m(P1 + ... + Ps) — (m — g + 1)FS+1, and let ti be a local parameter at Pi, 1 < i < s +1. For any f e C(Gm) we have uPi(/) > — m, and so the local expansion of f at Pi has the form

f = £ fi,jt3i, with fi,j e F6, j > — m, 1 < i < s.


For 1 < i < s, we define the Fj,-linear map ^m,i : £(Gm

) ^ Fm by

^m,i (/) = ( fi,-1,..., fi,-m) e Fm, for feC(Gm).


Mm = Mm(Pi ,...,Ps;Gm) := {Ww(/) (/)) e FT | /e£(Gm)}.


e f(°X( the generating matrices of a digital sequence xn(C)n>0, and let (Cm)m>:i be the associated sequence of row spaces of overall generating matrices [ C]m, m = 1,2,... (see (7)).

Theorem G. (see [3, Theorem 7.26 and Theorem 8.9]) There exist matrices C(1), ...,C^ such that (xn(C))n>0 is a digital (t, s)-sequence with t = g and C^ = Mm(P1,..., Ps; Gm) for m > g + 1, s> 2.

In [8, p.24], we proposed the following way to get xn(C)n>0 :

We consider the ^-differential dtLet w be the corresponding Weil differential, div(w) the divisor of w, and W := div(dts+1) = div(w). By (9)-(ll), we have deg(W) = 2g — 2. We consider a sequence v0, v1,... of elements of F such that {v0, v1,..., Vi((m-g+1)ps+1+w)-i} is an Fb linear basis of Lm := C((m — g + 1)Ps+i + W) and '

vr e Lr+1 \ Lr, uPs+1 (vr) = —f + 9 — 2, r > g, and vr,r+2-g = 1, vr,j = 0 (34)

2 < < + 2 —

vr := ^ vr, jt-+_1 for vrj e F;, and r > g.


i e F (1 < < )

d ts+1 = Tid^, for 1 <i<s.

Bearing in mind (10), (12) and (34), we get

vPi (vjn) = vPi (vjTidti) = up. (vjdts+1) > up. (div(dis+1) — W) = 0, j > 0.

We consider the following local expansions


VrTi := ^ c^T1, where all eg e Fb, 1 < i < s, j > 1. (35)

3 = 1

Now let C(i) = (

¿/r)j-i,r>0) 1 < i < s, let (C^)m>i be the associated sequence of row spaces of overall generating matrices [C]m, m = 1, 2,... (see (7)).

Theorem H (see [8, Theorem 5]). With the above notations, (xn(C))n>0 is a digital d—admissib le (i, s) sequence w ith d = g + si = g, an d C^ = ^TO(Pi,..., Ps; Gm) for a 11 m > g + 1.

We note that condition (34) is required in the proof of Theorem H only in order to get the discrepancy lower bound. WThile the equality = ..., Ps; Gm) is true for arbitrary sequence

■¿0, ?)i,... of elements of F& such that for all m > 1

{¿0,^i, ...,v£((m-g+i)pa+1+W)-i} is a Fb linear basis of Lm. (36)

In order to obtain the bounded remainder property, in this paper, we will construct from (t>n)n>0 a special basis (iin)n>0 as follows:

Let P0 G Pf, F0 = Pi (i = 1,..., s + 1), and 1 et i0 be a local parameter of P0. For simplicity, we suppose that deg(P0) = 1. Let

Lm = £((m — g + 1)Ps+i + W), = £((m + 2)Ps+i + ^ — mf0),

= £((m + 2)Ps+i + W — (m + 1)fb). (37)

It is easy to verify that

deg(Lm) = 2^, dirn(Lm) = g + 1, deg(£m) = 2^ — 1, dim(£m) =

for m > 0, deg(LTO) = m + 0 — 1, dim(LTO) = m, for m > g . (38)

Using the Riemann-Roch theorem, we have that there exists

and wm G LTO+g+i, m = 0,1,... . (39)

According to Lemma B, we have that there exists r0 G F, such that dis+i = r0di0.

Let u G Lm = £((m — g + 1)Ps+i + W) with m > 0. Bearing in mind (10), (12), (37)-(39) and the Riemann-Roch theorem, we get

^p0(w-0) = vp0(ur0di0) = vp0(«dis+i) = ^p0(div(-u) + W) > 0 (40)


^p0(wmT0) = ^p0(div(wTO) + ^) = m for m = 0,1,... . (41)

We consider the sequence (vj)j>0 (34). By (36), (-¿j)™=-)i is an Fb linear basis of Lm. Let


vj = {i)j + E bkvk I bk G Fb, k G [0, j)}, a(j) = max ^(^0). (42)

k=0 J

It is easy to verify that a(j) = ) for f = j. We construct a sequence (j)j>0 as follows :

j = 1)0, Vj G {v G Fj | ^0(ur0) = a(j)}, j = 1,2,... . (43)

It is easy to see that (j)j>0 satisfy the condition (36). Bearing in mind (40)-(42) and that j G Lm for j < m, we get

^0 (jj ^0) = (jk ^0) for j = fc, and (j T0) = a(j) > 0, j > 0. (44)

Hence, for all / G Lm, we have

^0(/7-0) G {a(0),a(1),...} =: H.

Taking into account (41) and (44), we obtain

R = {n In > 0} = N0. (45)

Suppose that a(j) > j+g. Bv (36) - (38), fy e Lj+1 = C((j —g + 2)Ps+1 + W). Hence vj e C(X), with X = (j — g + 2) Ps+1 + W — (j + g + 1) P0.

Bearing in mind that deg(P0) = deg(Ps+1) = 1 and deg( W) = 2g — 2, we get deg(X) = —1. Therefore C(X) = {0} and we have a contradiction. Hence

a(j) <j+ g. (46)

By (45), we have that for every integer k > 0 there exists r > 0 with a(r) = k. Therefore the map a : N0 ^ N0 is an isomorphism. Hence there exist integers P(k) > 0 such that

P(k) = a-1(k), a(fi(k)) = k and P(a(k)) =k for k = 0,1,... . (47)

From (46), we get for j = P(k)

k = a(P(k)) = a(j) <j+g = P(k) + g. (48)


Bj = {r > 0 | a(r) < j}. (49)

Taking r = P(k), we get a(r) = k and

B3 = {P (0),P(1),...,P(j — 1)} for j> 1. (50)

Suppose j e Bj+g+1 for some j, then j = fi(j + g +1) for some I > 1. Using (48) with k = j + g + l, we obtain

3+1 = (j + 9 + l) —g<P(j+g + l)= j. We have a contradiction. Hence

j e Bj+g+1 for all j > 0.

We consider the local expansion (35), applied to i = 0 :


VrT0 := ^ ¿^t0-1, where cf} e F6, j > 1, C(0) = (c^r ),-1,r>0. (51)


Let (x^0 (C(0)))n>0 ^e the digital sequence generated by the matrix C(0).

Now we consider the matrix C(i) = (eg)j-1,r>0, obtained from equation (35) and (51), where

we take vr instead of vr ( i = 0,1,..., s). ^^^^g Theorem H, we obtain that (xn0>\C(0)), xn((7))n>0 is ( , + 1) =

Lemma 2. There exists a sequence (i>j)j>0 such that (x^(C(0)), xn((7))n>0 is the digital (t, s + 1)-sequence with t = g and {0,1,..., m — 1} C Bm+g.

In §4.4, we will prove

Theorem 4. With the notations as above, the set [0,71) x ... x [0,7S) is of bounded remainder with respect to (xn(C))n>0 if and only if (2) is true.

4. Proof

Consider the following condition

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liminf(m — T(m)) = to. (52)

We will prove (52) for the generalized Halton sequence in §4.3. For other considered sequences, assertion (52) follows from Theorem D, Theorem E and Theorem H.

The sufficient part of all considered theorems follows from Definition 2 and (52). Therefore we need only consider the case of necessity.

4.1 Generalized Niederreiter sequence. Proof of Theorem 1.

From Theorem D, we have that (xn)n>0 is the uniformly distributed digital weakly admissible (i, s)-sequence in base b. By Theorem B, in order to prove Theorem 1, we need only to check

condition (8). By ( 8, p.26, ref 4.6 ), we get

^ = ^ (^ g * =^ <53>


with I = ) + 1, n(^) = ^ a,j(n)^J+2 and dj(n) = Res 1).

n Pc-O


We take yi,j,k(®) = xmyijik(®) instead of yi,j,k(#)• Now using Theorem D, we obtain from (53), (4) - (6) that (Xn)0<n<b™ is a (i, m, s) net for m = STm +1 with x^j = 1 (2)^-) = nJ- Bearing in mind that xcn = xbmn, we obtain (8). Hence Theorem 1 is proved. ■

4.2 Xing-Niederreiter sequence. Proof of Theorem 2.

Bv Theorem B and Theorem E, in order to prove Theorem 2, we need onlv to check condition (8). *

From (3) - (6), we get that in order to obtain (8), it suffices to prove that

#{n G [0,6M) | yg = «f, 3 G [1,7-m] for i G [1,s], and a,—i(n) = uf j G [1,m]} > 0, with M = STm + (m + 2^)(2^ + 1)e0 + m0, (54)

m0 = + 2 + e1 +-----+ es, for all uf G F6.


¿(1) = i1 if T iStrUe, 0, otherwise.

Let fc^ = zh(i) = zh(^) for j G #1 with ffi = N0 \ ff = {to(0),to(1),."}> ^2 = {n0,m,...,ns}• From (17), we have

40 = — 1 = r G i > 1.

Let 40 := ag)(r). By (4), (5) and (20), we get

= ^ — 1 = ¿3 = E dr (n)c5> = dMi—1)(n) (55)


40) = Eah0—1)(™W and fcf = zh(>—1) G — 1)(2g + 1)^), j > 1.


DiUiiCli 5Ct|UCHtC (X^ )

Let n = Er=01 ar (n) br and let

So, we obtain a digital s + 1-dimensional sequence (xn), xn)n>0.

n = E ar(n)br, n= ar(n)br, U = {n|n e [0, bM)}, U = {n|n e [0, bM)}.

reHi reH2

By (4), (18) and (55), we get

¿j = J2ar(n)= E ar(n)c2 + E ar(n)c2 = V$j + V$j,

r>0 reHi r€H2

ie [1,^ ¿3 = = aмi-l)(n), = 0 j>1.

We fix n e U. Let

Au,n = {n e [0,6M) I yV = uf, j e [1, g, i e [1, s],

u . _ ^0) n [1 m

It is easy to verify that statement (54) follows from the next assertion

V(t°)a = uf0, j e [1, m], n = n}. (56)

# Au,n > 0 V uf e Fb, n e U. (57)

Taking into account that y^- = + Viij > we Set

Au,n = {n e U I y£)3 = Uf, j e [1, Tm], i e [1, s], y$ = uf, j e [1,m]},

where ug = ug — y^y

According to (4), (18) and (55), in order to prove (57) , it suffices to show that the vectors

KM(cg) = (eg,..., cjM-1) e FbM, with 1 < j < di, 0 < i < s, (58)

di, = rm, 1 < i < s and d0 = m, are linearly independent over F&.

To prove this statement, we closely follow [3, p.282]. Suppose that we have

m s rm

T, fi0)KM(cf) + £ Y.ST-M(c?) = 0 e FbM

3 = 1 i=1 3 = 1

for some /« e Fft with £,7=1 I^-1(/f)I + £>1 I^H/f)I > 0. We put fj0 = 0 for r > m. Hence

m s Tm

Ef{30)¿0! + ££ 1f4 = 0 for re[0,m).

3=1 i=1 3=1

Bv (18) and (55), we obtain eg = ag^) for 1 < i < s and c^l = 5(j — 1 = r)). Therefore

nm S Tm s Tm

0 = E f^t U — 1 = + EI] f^r) = fi0l)+1 + EI] f^^ir) (59)

3 = 1 i=1 3 = 1 i=1 3 = 1

for r G [0, M).

Now consider the element a G ¥b given bya = a1 + a2, where

m—1 s rm s rm g

«1 = E/h0r)+1-h(r), «2 = EI]/ii)^Si) — EI]/fE41(6°)

r=0 i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1 u=0

Using (17), we get

s Tm x g s Tm

«2 = EE/f(E4?* — E4!= E (EE^4?)*.

i=1 j = 1 r=0 «=0 rEHi i=1 j=1

From (18), (59) and (60), we obtain

a = E (/$0+1 + EE 4i)a(ih(r)) ^h(r) = E №+1 + EE 4i)aS(r)) ^M.

r>0 i=1 j = 1 r>M i=1 j=1


^ (a) > M. (61)

Furthermore, (15), (16), (20), (55) and (60) yield


«1 G£((m + 2^)(25 + 1)f0), «2 G + E([^m/ei] + 1)p). (62)


Combining (61) and (62), we obtain


a G £(G + E([^m/ei] + 1)Pi + (rn + 2^)(25 + 1)fb — .


But from (54), we have


deg (G + E([^m/ei] + 1)Pi + (m + 2^)(25 + 1)^0 — MP^)



= 2^ + E([^m/ei] + 1)ei + (m + 2^)(25 + 1)e0 — M


< 2g + srm + e1 + ••• + es + (m + 2^)(2^ + 1)e0 — M < 0.



£(G + E([rm/ei] + 1)pi + (m + 2^)(2^ + 1)^0 — = {0}


by (14) and therefore we have a = 0.

By (15), we have vPo(fcj^) > ^d vPo(wu) > 0 to all i,j,-u. According to (60), we get ^p0 (a2) > 0. Suppose that a1 = 0. Taking into account that z0 = zno = w0 = %(r) for r > 0, we obtain from (60) that uPo (a1) < 0. We have a contradiction. Hence a1 = 0 and a2 = 0. From Lemma C, we conclude that /J(i) = 0 to all f, j. Hence the system (58) is linearly independent over

Thus (54) is true and (xn)n>0 satisfies the condition (8). By Theorem E, (xn)n>0 is the d—admissible uniformly distributed digital (i, s)-sequence in base b. Applying Theorem B, we get the assertion of Theorem 2. ■

4.3 Generalized Halton-type sequence. Proof of Theorem 3. Lemma 3. The sequence (xn)ri>0 is uniformly distributed in [0,1)s .

Proof. By Lemma A, in order to prove Lemma 3, it suffices to show that m — T(m) ^ to for m ^ to. Let Rk = maxi<i<sni,k, k = 1, 2,... .We define ji,k from the following condition nijiik >Rk > ni,jik-i. Let Rk = TJs=lnl,3^.

( , m, )

s di

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E = b-di, (ai + 1)b-di), with ai = ^aitjbj-1, aid e Zb, di > 0, i=i j=i

1 ^ i < s, d1 + ■ ■ ■ + ds = Rk, we have

#{n e [0,n e E} = #{n e [0,bm) | = Uf, j e [1,dt],i e [1,s]} = bm-Rk, where m > Rk + (3g + 3)eo, ug = ^(a^) e F6, (63)

j e [1,di], i e [1,s].

By Definition 2, we get that (x^n>0 is a (T, s)-sequence in base b with m — R(k) > T(m) for m > Rk + (3<jf + 3)e0. Bearing in mind that R(k) ^ to for k ^ to, we obtain the assertion of Lemma 4.

Taking into account that di < Rk < ni,ji k for 1 <i<s, we get that in order to prove (63), it suffices to verify that

#{n e [0,n | y« = ug, j e [1,nitjiik], i e [1,*]} = (64)

for all ug e Ffc, with j e [1,nijifc], i e [1, s].

Let ^ = ( m0e0 + 2g — with m0 = [m/e0] — 2g — 1.

Bv Lemma 1, we obtain that there exist sets H1 and H2 such that H1 U H2 = {0,1, ...,m — 1},


H1 n H2 = 0, (f«} ))reH1 is the F^ linear basis of and #H2 = m — m0e0 — g =: with

r=0 ar (

<jf1 — e0(2g + 1) — g e [0, e0). Let n = £^=01 ar(n)6r and let

n = E ar(n)br, n = E ar(n)6r, U = {nIn e [0, bm)}, U = {n|n e [0, bm).

reHi reH2


m— 1

fn = E a-(n)f(0) e £(.M) ^ n = n, for n e [0,6m).


We fix n e U. Let

Au,n = {n e [0,bm) I y® = uf, j e [1,m,jiik], i e [1,s], n = n}. It is easy to see that statement (64) follows from the next assertion

#Au,h = bm-AkV uf e F6, n e U. (65)

Taking into account that yn^- = y^i + Viij> we Set

Au,n = {n eU I = Uf, j e [1,n„.fc ], i e [1, s]},

where -u^ = -u(i) — y^^- • Let

to := (^nn ,-..J^mn1 ^ ,fc ,..,y{:?1,...,y(ni ,s , fc) g Ff.

We consider the map 0 : £(M) ^ F^fc defined by

■0(/) := 0(/n) where £(M) 9 / = /n with some n G

Note that 0 is a linear transformation between vector spaces over F&. It is clear that in order to prove (65), it suffices to verify that 0 is surjective. To prove this, it is enough to show that

dim (£(M)/ker($)) = Rk. (66)

Using (23), (25) and (28), we get that w(i) = 0 (mod Vitjik) for

I > ni,ji k. By (23), (25), (28), and (31), we derive that y^- = 0 fa all j e [1,ni,ji k] if and only if / = /nEE 0 (mod Pi^Jfor f G [1,4 ' ,

From the definition of 0 it is clear that

ker(0) = LL(ff ), with H = .M - Ê Vl>ni>H k.


Using Riemann-Roch's theorem, we obtain that dim(M) = m0e0 + g = m — where deg(M) = m0e0 + 2g — 1 and

deg(#) = moeo + - 1 - ^ = m + g - 1 - ^i - Rk.


Hence dim(ker(0)) = m-Rk-> (3g+3)e0-> (3g+3)e0 - (2^+2)e0 - g > 1, dim(^) = m-and (66) follows. So is indeed surjective. Therefore (65) and Lemma 3 are proved. ■

Lemma 4. The sequence (x„)ra>0 satisfies condition (8). Proof. Let


M = ([M1/e0] + 35 + 1)e0, M1 = ^ where nji<m > rm > n^-1 (67)


Bearing in mind that y^] = dj—1 (n), (j = 1, 2,...), we get from (32) - (33), that in order to obtain

for i e [1,s], n0jo,m = ([We0] + 1)e0 j0,m = [m/e0] + 1. Bearing in mind that y^] = (8), it suffices to prove that

#{n G [0, bM) | = uf, j G [1, ] for i G [0, s]} > 0 (68)

for all G F6. Let M = (([M^] + 1)e0 + — 1)P^. By (22), deg(P^) = 1. Hence deg(M) = ([M1/e0] + 1)e0 + 2$ — 1. Using Riemann-Roch's theorem, we obtain that

dim(.M) = ([M1/e0] + 1)e0 + g = M1 + 51 + g with 51 := ([M1/e0] + 1)e0 - M1. (69)

>v Lemma 1, we get that an Fb linear basis of L with M = ([M1/e0] + + 1)e0 = nQ,[Ml/eo]+3g+1.

Bv Lemma 1, we get that an F5 linear basi s of L(^) can be chosen from t he set {w0°\ ..., ^MM-1}

Let n = Z^V(n)br and let f.n = E^l-1^(n)w^0). We get that for all / e £(.) there

n [0, bM) such that f = /n. From (31), we have


fn = £ C,W-1, 0 <f< s. (70)



fn) := (y$,..., yinl OJOtm,..., y2,..., ) e Ff1. (71)

Consider the map $ : £(.) ^ Ff1 defined by

$(/) := fn) where f = /n with some n e [0, 6M).

We see that in order to obtain (68), it suffices to verify that $ is surjective. To prove this, it suffices to show that

dim (£(.M)/ker(V0) = M1. (72)

Using (23), (25) and (28), we get that wg = 0 (mod Vitjim) for k > ni,m. From (70), (23), (25) and (28), we derive that y^- = 0 to all j e [1,niyjim] if and only if fn = 0 (mod Vi,jim) for ie [0, s]. , , ,

From the definition of $ it is clear that

ker(V>) = £( H ), with H — M- E .


Using (67), (69), (22) and Riemann-Roch's theorem, we obtain that

deg(tf) = Mi + 9l + 2g - 1 nh3iim = 9l + 2g - 1


and dim(ker('0)) = gl + g. By (69), dim(^) = Ml + gl + g. Hence dim (£(^)/ker(^)) = Ml. Therefore (72) is true. So ^ is indeed surjective and (68) follows. Therefore Lemma 4 is proved. ■

Lemma 5. The sequence (xn)n>0 is weakly admissible.

Proof. Suppose that x^n = xg for some i, n, k. From (71) and (32)-(33), we get that y^ = yg for j > 1.

Using (70), we have

fn = Y1 vSj (n)wT-v




that n = k. By Definition 7, Lemma 5 is proved. ■

Applying Theorem B, we get the assertion of Theorem 3

m — / (n)w{~f>

Hence fn — fk- Taking into account that (w}Uj)r>^ an F^ linear basis of Of, we obtain from (30)

4.4 Niederreiter-Xing sequence. Proof of Theorem 4.

Similarly to the proof of Lemma 5, we get that (x„)ra>0 is weakly admissible. By Lemma 2, (:xn)n>o is the digital uniformly distributed sequence.

According to (4), (5), (8) and Theorem B, in order to prove Theorem 4, it is enough to verify that

#{n G [0, bM )| y^) = éf, j G [1, rm],i G [1, s], a, (n) = 0 for j G [0, m)} > 0 (73)


for all Uj G F&, where M = srm + m + 2g + 2.

Bearing in mind that by Lemma 2 (®n ), xn)„>^ a (g, s + 1) sequence, we obtain

#{n e [0,6Myy® = uf,j G [1,7m], i G [1,s], = 0,i G [1, m + g + 2]} > 0

for all e Fb.

Therefore, in order to prove (73), it suffices to verify that

if = 0 for j e [1,m + g + 2] then aj(n) = 0 for j e [0, m). (74)

Now we will prove (74) :

From (35) and (43), we have vrf0 = ^J>1 c^0?i0— 1 with ^Po(Vr0) = a(r). Hence c^0r) = 0 for j < a(r) and cf] = 0 for j = a(r) + 1.

Using (4), (47) and (49) we obtain cj°g(.,_i) = 0 and

fi = ZX (n)4> = Z ar (n)4> = Z (n)4°r> - L

r>° a(r)<j

We apply induction and consider the case j = 1. By (50), we see that ар(°)(п) = 0 if уП°1 = 0.

Suppose that ар(°)(п) = ■ ■ ■ = ару_1)(и) = 0 if y^l = ■ ■ ■ = = 0 for some I — 1 .Now let

(°) (°) (°)

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Vni = = УЩ = <i+i = 0 see

0 = Д+i = Z arW+i.r = Z ®r(«)ci+)i,r = aP(i )(«)ci+)i)p(o-

r€Bm reBl+1\Bt

Bearing in mind that c^ р^ = 0 we get ap(i)(n) = 0.

Therefore if уП°] = 0 fa all 1 < j < m + g + 1, then ap(j_i)(n) = 0 fa all 1 < j < m + g + 1. Using Lemma 2, we get ar(n) = 0 for all 0 < r < m — 1. Hence (74) is true and Theorem 4 follows. ■

Aknowledgment. Parts of this work were started at the Workshop "Discrepancy Theory and Quasi-Monte Carlo methods"held at the Erwin Schrodinger Institute, September 25 - 29, 2017.


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1. Beck, J., Chen, W. W. L. Irregularities of Distribution, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1987.

2. Bilvk, D. On Roth's orthogonal function method in discrepancy theory, Unif. Distrib. Theory 6 (2011), no. 1, 143-184.

3. Dick, J. and Pillichshammer, F. Digital Nets and Sequences, Discrepancy Theory and Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.

4. Grepstad, S.; Lev, N. Sets of bounded discrepancy for multi-dimensional irrational rotation. Geom. Funct. Anal. 25 (2015), no. 1, 87-133.

5. Hellekalek, P. Regularities in the distribution of special sequences, J. Number Theory, 18 (1984), no. 1, 41-55.

6. Larcher, G. Digital Point Sets: Analvis and Applications. Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics (138), pp. 167-222, 1998.

7. Levin, M. B. Adelic constructions of low discrepancy sequences, Online J. Anal. Comb. No. 5 (2010), 27 pp.

8. Levin, M. B. On the lower bound of the discrepancy of (t, s) sequences: II, Online J. Anal. Comb. No. 5 (2017), 74 pp.

9. Levin, M. B. On a bounded remainder set for a digital Kronecker sequence, arXiv: 1901.00042.

10. Levin, M. B. On a bounded remainder set for (t, s) sequences II, in preparation.

11. Niederreiter, H. Random Number Generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods, in: CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics, vol. 63, SIAM, 1992.

12. Niederreiter, H. and Yeo, A. S. Halton-tvpe sequences from global function fields, Sci. China Math. 56 (2013), 1467-1476.

13. Salvador, G. D. V. Topics in the Theory of Algebraic Function Fields. Mathematics: Theory & Applications. Birkhauser Boston, Inc., Boston, MA, 2006.

14. Stichtenoth, H. Algebraic Function Fields and Codes, 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer, 2009.

15. Tezuka, S. Polynomial arithmetic analogue of Halton sequences. ACM Trans Modeling Computer Simulation, 3 (1993), 99-107

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