Begmatov D. I.
Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universitetining mustaqil izlanuvchisi
Annotatsiya: Bugungi kunda, har qachon, ayniqsa, ta'limni boshqarish va mahalliy o'zini o'zi boshqarish tizimida yangi avlod boshqaruv kadrlari kerak. Buning sababi shundaki, menejmentdagi tizimli inqiroz, menejment tizimi xodimlarining intellektual salohiyatida jiddiy kamchiliklarni aniqlaydi, ularning ko'plab vakillari yangi sharoitlarda, ya'ni turli xil mulk shakllarining tengligi, jamiyat hayotini demokratlashtirish, siyosiy va mafkuraviy pluralizm, bozor munosabatlari shakllanishi sharoitida ishlay olmadilar. Shuning uchun menejerlar o'zlarining kasbiy faoliyatlarida tobora ko'proq vakolat inqiroziga duch kelmoqdalar, bu zamonaviy jamiyatdagi o'zgarishlar, jamiyatning rivojlanish sur'ati va jamoatchilik bilan aloqalar tizimi ularning kasbiy kompetentsiyasiga qo'yadigan talablardan orqada qolish bilan bog'liq.
Kalitso'zlar: oliy ma'lumot, mehnat bozori, raqamli iqtisodiyot.
Begmatov D.I.
Independent student of Tashkent State University of Economics
Abstract: Today, more than ever, Uzbekistan needs a new generation of management personnel, especially in education management and local self-government. The reason for this is that the systemic crisis in management revealed serious deficiencies in the intellectual capacity of management system employees, many of whose representatives could not work in new conditions, i.e. equality of different forms ofproperty, democratization ofpublic life, political and ideological pluralism, formation of market relations. Therefore, managers are increasingly facing a crisis of authority in their professional activities, which is connected with changes in modern society, the pace of development of society, and the lag behind the demands of the public relations system on their professional competence.
Key words: Higher education, labor market, digital economy.
In relation to the approval of the concept for the revitalization of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 by the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan on October 8, 2019, under the decree PF-5847, as well as the decrees PF-5847 dated April 20, 2017, and the decree PQ-3151 dated July 27, 2017, regarding further measures to revitalize the higher education system and expand the participation of economic sectors and networks in enhancing the quality of training highly qualified specialists, and the resolution No. 797 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 23, 2019, concerning additional measures for the continuous improvement of the system to enhance the skills of leaders and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions, this dissertation contributes to the implementation of the specified tasks outlined in other relevant legal documents in this matter. In Uzbekistan, the modernization of society imposes new requirements on the professional competence of leaders in higher education institutions, with one of their key indicators being the acquisition of specialized knowledge and skills necessary to successfully fulfill professional duties related to their roles. This encompasses a set of specific knowledge and tools, known as professional competence, which is tailored to meet the essential requirements for carrying out professional responsibilities.
Analysis of Literature on the Topic
In the field of higher education management, scientific research conducted globally by leading scientific centers and higher education institutions, including the Centre of Increasing Pedagogical Qualification at Manchester University (United Kingdom), the Association for Educational Communications and Technology - AECT (USA), Belfield Pedagogical University (Germany), Miyagi Pedagogical University (Japan), Russia Education Academy (Russia), Moscow State University (Russia), and the Russia Oil and Gas University (Russia), reveals a series of significant findings.
Research outcomes in the global higher education system management domain include the successful implementation of mechanisms for enhancing the management of the education system (Centre of Increasing Pedagogical Qualification at Manchester University, United Kingdom);
- additionally, mechanisms facilitating the collaboration between higher education institutions and business corporations have been developed (Association for Educational Communications and Technology - AECT, USA);
- models have been created to ensure the transition towards further democratic relations between administrative bodies and educational institutions (Belfield Pedagogical University, Germany);
- the overall internationalization trend of education is based on a high level of educational standards (Miyagi University of Education, Japan).
Establishing a centralized management of education involves mechanisms for allocating competencies, responsibilities, and accountability, as outlined in the developed framework (Moscow State University).
Furthering education management through centralization involves the implementation of mechanisms to distribute competence, responsibility, and
accountability among various levels, as evidenced by research from Moscow State University.
In the intersection of management, biotechnology, economics, and cognitive psychology, new master's programs have been introduced, as seen in the developments at the Russia State Oil and Gas University.
Leading higher education institutions worldwide are actively engaged in scientific research to enhance mechanisms for integrating management in the higher education system:
improving the management of higher education institutions through the theoretical-methodological foundations of social partnership;
integrating contemporary mechanisms of state-private partnership in advancing the educational system;
adapting standards and methods in the system through corporate governance;
advocating for diverse social institutions in leading educational institutions; enhancing the autonomy of educational institutions; effectively utilizing integration mechanisms in raising the professional qualification of leaders and pedagogical staff.
In our Republic, educational leaders such as R. Juraev, G. Qosimov, U. Begimkulov, M. Vakhabov, U. Inoyatov, N. Isakulova, R.G. Isyanov, Sh. Kurbanov, E. Seythaliyev, S. Turgunov have been actively involved in developing contemporary concepts, content, and management of educational institutions, as well as in preparing and retraining educational management personnel. Additionally, collaborative research on leadership issues has been conducted by Y. Ismadiyarov, Z. Ismailova, R. Juraev, Sh. Sharipov, Sh. Shodmonova, Sh. Shakurov, M. Yuldashev, N. Egamberdieva, and others. Research Methodology
The methodology of the research focuses on adapting personal, social, and professional development methods to address the ongoing changes in society. It aims to expand the requirements placed on individuals' professional qualifications within the framework of higher education management, emphasizing the necessity to enhance selfunderstanding and the leader's personal and professional development tools.
The main objectives include establishing scientific and methodological support for improving the leader's personal and professional competence in higher education management. The research aims to update the purpose of scientific and methodological support in this direction and address identified challenges, such as the general resistance to change. In other words, it explores optimal pedagogical principles for making decisions to enhance the leader's professional competence in higher education management.
The practical significance of the research includes:
-establishing pedagogical conditions that positively influence the improvement of the leader's professional competence in collaboration with professor-instructors.
-utilizing pedagogical principles from developed management models to enhance the professional competence of leaders in higher education and other educational institutions.
-employing psychological-pedagogical methods for diagnosing the improvement of the leader's professional competence.
-developing schemes for enhancing personal skills through materials and methodological recommendations for engaging university students and individuals in higher education management in personalized skill development activities. Analysis and Results
In the process of developing a management model to enhance the professional competence of individuals in higher education management, the following tasks were successfully accomplished:
-identification of sources from which psychological-pedagogical information is obtained.
-clarification of the amount of information and methods for its adjustment for students with varying levels of preparedness for learning and knowledge activity.
-creation of an information gathering technology to constantly improve the leader's professional competence through the application of pedagogical conditions.
The primary means of implementing the developed model are pedagogical technology and pedagogical conditions. In our research, we employ the concept of "pedagogical technology" as defined by A. Ya. Nayna in practical terms. This concept is specifically used for practical purposes because models can be introduced into pedagogical reality through various methods. Moreover, our approach to educational technology is based on the principles of teaching technology through problem-solving.
In our educational research, the fundamental definition of pedagogical technology is utilized as follows: pedagogical technology is the systematic organization of the interconnected components, stages, situations, and participants of a pedagogical process to comprehensively implement their actions. Pedagogical technology consists of four integral components: -diagnosing the integration of fundamental principles. -methodology based on the results of diagnostics. -intensive training tools. -evaluation of outcomes.
To enhance the professional competence of a person in a leadership position in a higher education institution, we must understand the conditions that cannot be ignored for effective management. The necessity of specified conditions is elucidated through the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature,
collaboration with higher education leaders, and the findings of clarification experiments.
When it comes to developing professional competence, we recognize the necessary conditions for successful development in the additional education system. The effectiveness of formative experimental work emerges from the results of the shaping phase. Acquired information demonstrates the effectiveness of leaders' professional competencies in managing the development of the educational process, providing the conditions recommended for achieving adequacy.
According to pedagogical conditions, we understand the complete context of objective possibilities, content, forms, methods, pedagogical techniques, and the material-phase environment required to achieve the specified tasks. We have identified the pedagogical conditions of the observed phenomenon as follows.
The first condition is to develop pedagogical projects for the self-realization of individuals in educational management, focusing on the revitalization of study programs. In formulating these projects, it is essential to cultivate the motivation, selectivity, and activity of students as subjects in their own development. The planning of professional situations (programs) requires the educational institution's leader to play specific roles in execution [28].
Research indicates that designing self-learning programs is crucial, as the motivational field plays a significant role in enhancing knowledge capacities and shaping the learning and mentoring activities of educators. Practical experiences demonstrate that self-development activities manifest positively in emotional experiences, initially derived from achieved successes, and subsequently strengthen the process of knowledge acquisition. Successfully accomplishing the tasks of self-development and contributing to the satisfaction of the educator's authority and leadership positively raises intellectual skills.
The repetitive experiences of intellectual activity contribute to stimulating self-motivation and internal development. This need, as evidenced by our experience, becomes a unique force in enhancing the professional competencies of educational institution leaders.
The second condition is to shape the motivational and value attitude towards the leader's management activity in higher education.
It is essential to understand that values and value attitudes are crucial for individuals to reach their goals and contribute to their personal development. The term "value" indicates the societal and cultural significance of the surrounding environment. The research emphasizes that developing managerial competence in the educational environment relies on fostering values [19].
The management environment plays a significant role in shaping various disciplines, and the terms "value" and "motivational-value attitude" distinguish their specific characteristics. The research defines these terms, outlines general rules for them, and provides the following definitions: value: This is the adaptation of a subject, group, or society's activity to a specific type and regulation of its
behavior, taking into account its nature and qualities. attitude: It is the readiness of the subject to react to specific conditions based on personal and social experiences.
Value Attitude (to something): the subjective acceptance of values related to the objective significance of certain conditions, preparedness to participate in subjective social relations that correspond to values, and a willingness to share attitudes compatible with values in relation to significant values.
The third condition is to ensure the provision of individual experiences based on an individual's life experience.
Life experience is defined as information related to a person's property, expressed in adapted conditions and created in an adequate state to update needs continuously. If a person has not managed to process their experiences properly, their long-term memories may retain insignificant or even unnecessary information. In such cases, the relevance and significance of life experience may only be revealed when discussing certain events[6].
The research emphasizes the importance of managing experiences, considering them as stored in adapted conditions, and highlights the relevance of actively shaping individual experiences in shaping managerial and personal competencies[23].
In conclusion, a model for developing the managerial and personal competencies of a higher education leader is created based on the second and third conditions. This model incorporates motivational and value attitudes and emphasizes the role of individual experiences in shaping competencies.
Summary and Recommendations:
We have developed programs for enhancing the professional competence of individuals in higher education management:
1. "Effective Communication: Managing Dialogue"
- Objective: Enhance the communication skills of leaders with educators, students, and parents; refine techniques and methods for constructive dialogue; and mitigate stress through effective communication strategies.
2. "Effective Leadership: Managing Teams"
- Objective: Systematically shape teamwork in educational leadership, refining all stages of leadership cycles (planning, organization, motivation, supervision) to enhance the fundamental aspects of managing people.
3. "Effective Community: Managing Relationships"
- objective: Strengthen relationships within teams, reduce conflicts, foster a community of innovative individuals with general attributes, and encourage mutual understanding. Empower individuals and their colleagues to influence each other positively within the community.
Conditions for Successful Education at Guliston State University:
-ensure human resources are in line with the optimal level of competence for effective training, including attracting and retaining young specialists.
-establish conditions that support the development of a variety of additional educational programs based on diverse material and technical resources.
For individuals in higher education, the model for managing and enhancing professional competence aims to improve effectiveness. We recommend actively utilizing contemporary methods from professional development workshops to achieve this goal.
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