женщин:(на примере г. Хабаровска): автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук / И.А. Марущак. - Хабаровск, 2006. - 24 с.
4. Медик, В.А. Курс лекций по общественному здоровью и здравоохранению. Часть III. Экономика и управление здравоохранением / В.А. Медик, В.К. Юрьев. - М.: Медицина, 2012. - 392 с.
5. Злокачественные новообразования в России в 2010 году: (заболеваемость и смертность)/под ред.В. И. Чиссова [и др.]. - М., 2012. - 259 с.
6. Совершенствование организации диспансерного наблюдения женщин фертильного возраста с онкологическими заболеваниями репродуктивной систем: диссертация...кандидата медицинских наук/А.Ю. Маркина. -Оренбург, 2013.
7. Совершенствование организации диспансерного наблюдения женщин фертильного возраста с онкологическими заболеваниями репродуктивной систем: автореф. дис. .кандидата медицинских наук/А.Ю. Маркина. -Оренбург, 2013.
Kviraia K.SH.
Pedagogical faculty of the 2nd year
Sukhum, Abkhazia
Honoring of seniors in traditional Abkhazian society - one of the most important ethical standards of behavior of the person. Throughout centuries the people developed difficult, sometimes the thinnest rules regulating relations senior and younger. Honoring of seniors - the most ancient custom of the people. The Abkhazian folklore contains remarkable certificates of deep respect for people of the senior generation, special honoring of elderly. Abkhazians speak: "Who without senior, either has no God". The senior in the Abkhazian traditional family and public environment is called - "our head" .
Honoring of seniors "in Abkhazian" found reflection and in fiction. In one of short stories we can find the figurative description of the law of honoring of the senior in a family. The passing rider saw the elderly man grieved with tears in the face of a yard fence. The traveler came off a horse and asked: Who offended you? The aged man answered: "The father scolded me, I passed by the grandfather, having touched him". The old man was upset because he broke the law of custom, passed before the sitting grandfather.
Senior in Abkhazian "aikhaba". most likely, was formed by means of addition of two words: аа (aa)+ x аб. In the Abkhazian informal conversation аа it can be used in an index sense. In other words, in a happy family all her members gradually learned to guess unexpressed thoughts and not expressed feelings of the oldest, the most experienced, it is most seeing others, it is more than all participants of the family council knowing endured not according to books, and on life. Seniors of the second and third generation - among younger the corresponding generation held the same position. in the Abkhazian family the hierarchy of a seniority was without fail observed according to the principles of an
apsuar. The word "ab" (father) is used in plural (хаб), that is "our father". In this context "ah-x ab-a" (senior), obviously, were originally expressed by that circumstance when the senior was perceived as the father, the head of members of tribal consolidation. Over time value of this word was transformed [3].
Naturally, with age grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-greatgrandfathers tested physical an infirmity, but nevertheless - the oldest remained the oldest, his word was powerful, and it was all dear. Elderly were looked after by all family members, at the same time everyone knew the obligations. Women devoted to care of them more time, cared about their health, clothes, hygiene, food, rest [2].
Grandsons and great-grandsons were inclined to show more attention to the dear aged men and old men, communication was mutually useful. It brought to seniors moral and psychological satisfaction. And to children their stories helped to know the world around better. "With bated breath, they listened to stories of grandfathers and grandmothers on moral subjects. The last helped mothers and fathers with education of children. All this was an integral part of traditional life of the people" [1, pp. 48].
Petty officers of a sort actively participated in the solution of intra patrimonial questions. In those places where the large number of namesakes lived, from petty officers several people went to abyrg recommendation. They in the activities relied on practical knowledge, on the rich life experience accumulated by many generations; well knew laws of common law, were allocated with respectability. Members of council "abyrg" tried to justify the trust and responsibility assigned to them. Sometimes, testing senile illnesses, they continued to serve people, to show care.
Unfortunately, the modern youth sometimes blindly and thoughtlessly is fond of any western standards and innovations. Impact on it is exerted by the press, cinema, television, the Internet which often propagandize immorality, crime, deception, angrily. In shops the set of video games and videos, the content of the majority of which far rather offensive - develops greed, cruelty, aggression, is offered, exhausts emotionally, precious time is dullly spent. In these conditions, alas, influence of seniors in a family, in society gradually weakens. Elderly, despite the restrictions, generously impart experience and good deeds, - the most precious heritage.
In traditional Abkhazian families young people had an opportunity to listen to diligent prayers of seniors and to derive benefit for themselves - to study a prayer and to pray for others. It helped both elderly and young to be concentrated on spiritual.
1. Анкваб М.Ф. Основы семейного воспитания в абхазской народной педагогике: монография / Новосибирск, 2015. - 160 с.
2. Анкваб М.Ф. Совершенная личность как фактор нравственного воспитания в абхазской народной педагогике // В сборнике: Теория и
практика образования в современном мире Материалы VIII Международной научной конференции. 2015. С. 22-26.
3. Куправа А.Э. Вопросы традиционной культуры абхазов // Традиционная культура абхазов - Апсуара. РУП «Дом печати». 2014. C. 2-48.
УДК 628.16.081.3
Silaycheva М. V. graduate student of 2 courses faculty of environmental safety, information and process security Kazan national research technological university
Russia, Kazan
Stepanova S. V., Ph.D. in Engineering Science, associate professor associate professor of Engineering Ecology department Kazan national research technological university
Russia, Kazan
The first aim of article is obtaining of kinetic curves of iron ions (III) on to maple tree waste at different temperatures. The second aim is determination of minimum residual concentration of iron ions (III), maximum sorption capacity and the most effective process temperature.
Keywords: biosorption treatment, iron ions (III), maple tree waste, temperature, kinetic curves.
Today factories of the world produce a huge amount of wastewater. What is wastewater? It is the water, obtained after cooling, washing of raw material and different reactional solutions. Wastewaters are polluted with heavy metals, oil products, acids and alkalis, mineral impurities, etc.
Heavy metals are among the most dangerous industrial pollutants. Industrial effluents contain such heavy metals as iron, nickel, zinc, lead, cadmium, chromium and others. So my research is related to treatment of water bodies from iron ions, because domestic water from underground sources has a lot of these ions in its composition.
Elevated levels of iron in water (above 0,3 mg/L) as bicarbonates, sulfates, chlorides give unpleasant red-brown color, impair the taste, lead the development of iron bacteria, the formation of deposits in the tubes. Also iron ions can affect to people's health. People may receive following health problems: dizziness, kidney failure, violation of the intestinal mucosa [1].
There are many ways of water purification from metal ions. One of them is biosorption. Biosorption is the removal of materials (compounds, metal ions, etc.) by inactive, non-living biomass (materials of biological origin) due to "high attractive forces" present between the biomass and metal ions. It means that components of maple tree waste can attach metal ions from waters.