Научная статья на тему 'Oil capacity of the Atyrau region'

Oil capacity of the Atyrau region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Shansharova Assemgul, Adilbekova Kalbubi Khamzaevna, Igissinova Zhibek Zhumadilovna

Oil and gas industry has a significant impact on the socio-economic development of the country and its regions, in fact, is the engine for the economy of the state, it contributes to the development of other sectors of the economy. With the work of oil and gas companies due implementation of the most important social programs across the region and around the state. The oil and gas sector of Kazakhstan will develop rapidly, which requires the coordination of all stakeholders through the development of common country plans for the integrated development of the industry, including the construction of industrial, social and environmental purposes. The analysis of total oil potential of other countries, international cooperation aspects of the oil industry in Kazakhstan at the level of individual companies of Atyrau region.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Oil capacity of the Atyrau region»



ISSN 2411-717Х

Shansharova Assemgul

Master of Economics Adilbekova Kalbubi Khamzaevna

Teacher of chemistry and biology secondary school №124 Igissinova Zhibek Zhumadilovna

Teacher of English language


Oil and gas industry has a significant impact on the socio-economic development of the country and its regions, in fact, is the engine for the economy of the state, it contributes to the development of other sectors of the economy. With the work of oil and gas companies due implementation of the most important social programs across the region and around the state.

The oil and gas sector of Kazakhstan will develop rapidly, which requires the coordination of all stakeholders through the development of common country plans for the integrated development of the industry, including the construction of industrial, social and environmental purposes. The analysis of total oil potential of other countries, international cooperation aspects of the oil industry in Kazakhstan at the level of individual companies of Atyrau region.



The dynamics of development of Kazakhstan is now closely associated with the development of oil and gas and energy industries of Atyrau region. Her role in the development of Kazakhstan’s economy is undeniable. Any national economy in its development aims to achieve economic growth, to increase the growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) each year per capita. Meanwhile, achieving high rates of economic growth is a means to ensure the growth of living standards in Kazakhstan. Over the past 20 years, the GDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) per capita increased by more than 15 times: from less than 700 to 11 000 dollars. Traditionally, the main factors of economic growth find resources, scientific and technical and educational potential. The important role played by the economic organization of social production, which involves the choice of the priority sectors of the economy to achieve this goal. For example, in Kazakhstan in the early 90s of the twentieth century, after independence, the right decision was made on the development, primarily oil and gas sector in the economy of attracting significant amounts of foreign investment, the expansion of economic and scientific-technical relations with the developed countries. These economic measures have enabled our country not only to form a solid state budget, but also to create a national fund, and implement a number of social programs. The state budget of Kazakhstan in 2011 amounted to 4.4399 trillion tenge.

The adopted program of forced industrial-innovative development until 2015 defines the objectives and priorities of the country for the next 5 years. She concentrated on economic modernization. The main purpose of the document in question concerns such goals as "to ensure the diversification and competitiveness of the economy", the preparation of the "conditions for transition in the long term to 2015 to 7 trillion tenge, about 50% of GDP in 2008" [1].

The objectives of the program of forced industrial-innovative development are:

• the development of priority sectors of the economy, ensuring its diversification and increased competitiveness;

• strengthening of social efficiency of development of priority sectors of the economy and implementation of investment projects;

• creating an enabling environment for industrialization;

• formation of centers of economic growth on the basis of rational territorial organization of economic potential;

• ensuring effective cooperation between the state and business in development of priority sectors of the economy.



The analysis of the problems shows two main areas of economic modernization:

• create the conditions and the further development of the national economy by providing support to priority sectors;

• institutional modernization (creation of business climate, innovative structure, public development institutions, quality management, environmental management), based on a system-wide measures.

As the main subject of the state’s industrial and innovation policy is considered the production of competitive, export-oriented products and services in the commodity sector.

The state’s efforts are concentrated on the development of the following priority sectors:

• traditional, with a subsequent transition of primary productions to higher conversion stages;

• based on the demand of subsoil users and national companies and the state;

• the production of non-commodity sector and focused mainly on export;

• sectors of the "economy of the future", which will play a dominant role in the global economy over the next 15-20 years.

Diversification in the "traditional" industries include industrial and innovation policy, which aims to diversify the production of oil and gas, petrochemical and other industries to create productions with higher added value [2].

This line of industrial-innovation policy will be focused on the following industries:

- The oil and gas sector;

140 120 10Э Й0 00 40 20 0

Figure 1 -Hydrocarbon production in Kazakhstan

The increase in oil production in 2020 to a level of 130 million tons of growth requires a total export capacity from the current 70 million tonnes to 120 million tonnes per year, more than 70%.

The oil and gas industry of the republic was one of the pioneers of the Strategy MIT in quantitative and qualitative expansion of the share of domestic producers and support services in the extractive industries. This breakthrough initiative that can fundamentally change the current raw material orientation of the economy, reorienting it into the mainstream of the knowledge economy, advanced technologies and high-efficiency work.

The new edition of the Law "On Subsoil and Subsoil Use" is widely presented nedrepolzovateley responsibilities regarding the procedure for acquisition of goods, works and services, high technology, incurring costs for research and support for Kazakhstan producers. These provisions forcing foreign investors to acquire intermediate products, to include in their production process from local producers. In this way, the government is trying to achieve increase in value added in the manufacturing sector, to involve as many domestic enterprises in the production process. However, foreign companies are still reluctant to choose the local content in the sphere of subsoil use, it does not exceed 27%, or 697 billion tenge from 2.5 trillion. The remaining 73% was imported.

As for gasoline, part of his country to import (high-octane brand). Thus, the share of imports AI-92 is 35%, other brands - even higher.



The Republic of Kazakhstan attracts investments not only for the production and transportation of oil, but also for its deep processing, to produce products with high technological content and value added, labor productivity growth, and release excess employment of labor.

A clear proof that the country has entered the path of diversification and industrial development is outpacing the growth of the manufacturing industry (6.7%), mainly due to the increase in the production of chemical industry -by 22.5 %, machinery -19.6%. These results will increase in the future as in the framework of the State program for accelerated industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014., Maps of industrialization of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014. The Programme for the development of oil and gas sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014 implementing such investment projects to create a world-class petrochemical plants as building integrated gas chemical complex in Atyrau region, construction of the aromatics production at Atyrau oil refinery, production of road bitumen at Aktau Plastics Plant.

Internal Kazakh oil market is gaining momentum in its development. Oil refining at Russian refineries in 2011 reached the level of 12.4 million tons. The implementation of large-scale refinery modernization project will allow the country to ensure by 2016 the domestic market by domestic high-quality petroleum products.

Despite the high cost of crude oil is the complexity of its transportation international oil companies continue to show great interest in the Caspian region. The struggle for Caspian oil remains one of the most important geopolitical factors for the near future.

In order to ensure the domestic market is planned to build a gas of Karachaganak gas processing plant in West Kazakhstan region, for the gasification of the northern regions of Kazakhstan and Astana plans to build a gas pipeline "Kartaly - Tobol - Kokshetau - Astana".


1. Reus A. Perspektivi razvitiya neftyanogo sektora Rossii na period do 2020 g. // Mezhdun.seminar OPEK “Neft vo vzaimozavisimom mire”. - 2004. - 31 p. (in russian)

2. Energiticheskaya strategiya Kazakhstana. Strategicheskii plan Ministersnva energetiki I mineralnih resursov (Ministerstvo nefti I gaza RK) RK na 2010-2014 godi. - 2010. - 55 p. (in russian)

3. Porter M. Konkurenciya / Per. s. ang. Uchebn. posobie. - M.: Izd.Dom “Williams”. - 2000. - 495 p. (in russian)

4. Balabanov I.T. Osnovi finansovogo menedjmenta. - M.: Finansi I statistika, 1995. - p. 306. (in russian)

© Shansharova A., Adilbekova K.K., Igissinova Z.Z.,2015

Жаворонкова Ольга Ростиславовна

Кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры менеджмента устойчивого развития ФГАОУВО «Крымский Федеральный университет имени В. И. Вернадского»

г. Симферополь, РФ E-mail: [email protected] Долженко Наталья Александровна Магистранткафедры менеджмента устойчивого развития ФГАОУВО «Крымский Федеральный университет имени В. И. Вернадского»

г. Симферополь, РФ E-mail: [email protected]




В статье рассмотрены различные аспекты нововведений в деятельность предприятий гостеприимства. Указаны наиболее популярные нововведения в сфере гостиничных услуг. Обоснована необходимость


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