Научная статья на тему 'of prevention of professional deformation by workers of emergency rescue departments of the state service of Ukraine on emergency situations'

of prevention of professional deformation by workers of emergency rescue departments of the state service of Ukraine on emergency situations Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
public administration / state service / professional deformation / professional burnout / emergency rescue units / the State Emergency Service of Ukraine / державне управління / державна служба / професійна деформація / професійне вигорання / аварійно-рятувальні підрозділи / Державна служба надзвичайних ситуацій України

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Akimov Alexander Alexeyevich

Decrease in the degree of one's own responsibility, loss of altruism, emotional burnout are the most revealing personal changes in the rescuers' specialists, which indicate that they have professional deformation changes. The problem of professional deformation of extreme profile workers is leading within the main problems of labor psychology, engineering, legal and military, as well as the psychology of activity under special conditions. Service in the DSNC of Ukraine belongs to those kinds of professional activities, the conditions and nature of which can have a traumatic impact on the psyche of workers, therefore the issue of prevention, prevention and prevention of professional deformation among emergency rescue troops of Ukraine is urgent. It was determined that the priority directions of prevention of professional deformation among workers of the emergency rescue units of the SSNU of Ukraine are based on an integrated approach and include organizational and administrative, rehabilitation and rehabilitation and psychological and pedagogical methods aimed at promoting: the formation of a positive self-esteem and awareness of the uniqueness of the personality of each person ; supporting a personal position based on beliefs and values of the individual; creation of rules of work in divisions that will ensure the effectiveness of interaction; actualization of personal understanding by the employee of the concept of “professional deformation” as negative changes in personality that arise as a result of influencing the conditions of professional activity for themselves and for other employees; understanding the professional deformation of the employee at different stages of his life in order to find out the causes of its occurrence and deepening; awareness of the employee's responsibility for the consequences of the decisions taken; development of readiness for an active life position; activating a sense of personality; development of creativity and overcoming of stereotypes of thinking of workers; development of group interaction skills; development of skills in information analysis; awareness of the connection between causes and manifestations; development of communicative skills, creation of a positive climate in the emergency rescue unit; emotional relaxation of workers; definition of vital values, etc.

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Зниження ступеня власної відповідальності, втрата альтруїзму, емоційне вигорання є найпоказовішими особистісними змінами у фахівців-рятувальників, які свідчать про наявність у них професійних деформаційних змін. Проблема професійної деформації працівників екстремального профілю є провідною в межах основних проблем психології праці, інженерної, юридичної та військової, а також психології діяльності в особливих умовах. Служба у ДСНС України належить до тих видів професійної діяльності, умови й характер яких можуть чинити травмуючий вплив на психіку працівників, тому питання щодо попередження, запобігання та профілактики професійної деформації у працівників аварійно-рятувальних підрозділів ДСНС України є нагальними. Визначено, що пріоритетні напрями щодо попередження професійної деформації у працівників аварійно-рятувальних підрозділів ДСНС України ґрунтуються на комплексному підході та включають організаційноадміністративні, відновлювально-реабілітаційні та психолого-педагогічні методи, які направлені на сприяння: формуванню позитивної самооцінки й усвідомленню унікальності особистості кожної людини; підтримки особистої позиції, яка ґрунтується на переконаннях і цінностях особистості; створенню правил роботи в підрозділах, що забезпечить ефективність взаємодії; актуалізації особистого розуміння працівником поняття “професійна деформація” як негативних змін особистості, які виникають внаслідок впливу умов професійної діяльності як для себе самого, так і для інших співробітників; розумінню професійної деформації службовця на різних етапах його життя для з’ясування причин її виникнення та поглиблення; усвідомленню відповідальності працівника за наслідки прийнятих рішень; виробленню готовності до активної життєвої позиції; активізації відчуття особистості; розвитку креативності та подолання стереотипів мислення працівників; розвитку навичок групової взаємодії; розвитку навичок щодо аналізу інформації; усвідомленню зв’язку між причинами та проявами; розвитку комунікативних навичок, створення позитивного клімату в аварійно-рятувальному підрозділі; емоційній релаксації працівників; визначенню життєвих цінностей тощо.

Текст научной работы на тему «of prevention of professional deformation by workers of emergency rescue departments of the state service of Ukraine on emergency situations»

UDC: 351/374:316.6

Akimov Alexander Аlexeyevich,

PhD in Public Administration, Associate professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine, head of the legal department, National Mediation and Conciliation Service, 01004, Kyiv, Str. Baseyna, 1/2A, tel.: (044) 235 45 01, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-9557-2276 Атмов Олександр Олексшович, кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент, заслужений економкт Украгни, начальник вiддiлу правового забезпечен-ня, Нащональна служба посередництва i примирення, 01004, м. Кигв, вул. Басейна, буд. 1/2А, тел.: (044) 235 45 01, e-mail: 1970aaa @ukr. net

ORCID: 0000-0002-9557-2276 Акимов Александр Алексеевич, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент, заслуженный экономист Украины, начальник отдела правового обеспечения, Национальная служба посредничества и примирения, 01004, г. Киев, ул. Бассейная, д. 1/2А, тел.: (044) 235 45 01, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-9557-2276

DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i12.77



rescue departments of the state service


Abstracts. Decrease in the degree of one's own responsibility, loss of altruism, emotional burnout are the most revealing personal changes in the rescuers' specialists, which indicate that they have professional deformation changes. The problem of professional deformation of extreme profile workers is leading within the main problems of labor psychology, engineering, legal and military, as well as the psychology of activity under special conditions.

Service in the DSNC of Ukraine belongs to those kinds of professional activities, the conditions and nature of which can have a traumatic impact on the psyche of workers, therefore the issue of prevention, prevention and prevention of professional deformation among emergency rescue troops of Ukraine is urgent.

It was determined that the priority directions of prevention of professional deformation among workers of the emergency rescue units of the SSNU of Ukraine are based on an integrated approach and include organizational and administrative, rehabilitation and rehabilitation and psychological and pedagogical methods aimed at promoting: the formation of a positive self-esteem and awareness of the uniqueness of the personality of each person ; supporting a personal position based on beliefs and values of the individual; creation of rules of work in divisions that will ensure the effectiveness of interaction; actualization of personal understanding by the employee of the concept of "professional deformation" as negative changes in personality that arise as a result of influencing the conditions of professional activity for themselves and for other employees; understanding the professional deformation of the employee at different stages of his life in order to find out the causes of its occurrence and deepening; awareness of the employee's responsibility for the consequences of the decisions taken; development of readiness for an active life position; activating a sense of personality; development of creativity and overcoming of stereotypes of thinking of workers; development of group interaction skills; development of skills in information analysis; awareness of the connection between causes and manifestations; development of communicative skills, creation of a positive climate in the emergency rescue unit; emotional relaxation of workers; definition of vital values, etc.

Keywords: public administration; state service; professional deformation; professional burnout; emergency rescue units; the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.


Анотащя. Зниження ступеня власно! вщповщальносп, втрата аль-тру!зму, емоцшне вигорання е найпоказовшими особислсними змшами у фахiвцiв-рятувальникiв, як свщчать про наявшсть у них професшних деформацшних змш. Проблема професшно! деформацн пращвниив екс-тремального профшю е проввдною в межах основних проблем психологи пращ, шженерно!, юридично! та вшськово!, а також психологи дiяльностi в особливих умовах.

Служба у ДСНС Укра!ни належить до тих видiв професшно! дiяльностi, умови й характер яких можуть чинити травмуючий вплив на психшу пра-щвниюв, тому питання щодо попередження, запобпання та профiлактики професшно! деформацн у працiвникiв аварiйно-рятувальних тдроздшв ДСНС Укра!ни е нагальними.

Визначено, що прiоритетнi напрями щодо попередження професшно! деформацн у пращвниив аваршно-рятувальних пiдроздiлiв ДСНС Укра-!ни Грунтуються на комплексному пiдходi та включають органiзацiйно-адмiнiстративнi, вiдновлювально-реабiлiтацiйнi та психолого-педагопчш методи, якi направленi на сприяння: формуванню позитивно! самооцiнки

й усввдомленню ушкальносл особистостi кожно! людини; пiдтримки осо-бисто! позици, яка Грунтуеться на переконаннях i щнностях особистостi; створенню правил роботи в шдроздшах, що забезпечить ефективнiсть вза-емоди; актуа^зацп особистого розумiння пращвником поняття "професшна деформащя" як негативних змш особистостi, якi виникають внаслщок впли-ву умов професшно! дiяльностi як для себе самого, так i для iнших ствробгг-ниюв; розумiнню професшно! деформацп службовця на рiзних етапах його життя для з'ясування причин 11 виникнення та поглиблення; усвщомленню вiдповiдальностi працiвника за наслщки прийнятих рiшень; виробленню готовности до активно! життево! позицп; активiзацi! вiдчуття особистостi; роз-витку креативности та подолання стереотипiв мислення пращвниюв; розвит-ку навичок групово! взаемодi!; розвитку навичок щодо аналiзу iнформацi!; усвiдомленню зв'язку мiж причинами та проявами; розвитку комушкатив-них навичок, створення позитивного клiмату в аваршно-рятувальному шд-роздiлi; емоцiйнiй релаксаци працiвникiв; визначенню життевих цiнностей тощо.

Ключовi слова: державне управлiння; державна служба, професшна де-формацiя; професшне вигорання, аварiйно-рятувальнi пiдроздiли, Державна служба надзвичайних ситуацш Укра!ни.


Аннотация. Снижение степени собственной ответственности, потеря альтруизма, эмоциональное выгорание являются наиболее показательными личностными изменениями у специалистов спасателей, которые свидетельствуют о наличии у них профессиональных деформационных изменений. Проблема профессиональной деформации работников экстремального профиля является ведущей в пределах основных проблем психологии труда, инженерной, юридической и военной, а также психологии деятельности в особых условиях.

Служба в ГСЧС Украины принадлежит к тем видам профессиональной деятельности, условия и характер которых могут оказывать травмирующее воздействие на психику работников, поэтому вопросы по предупреждению, предотвращению и профилактике профессиональной деформации у работников аварийно-спасательных подразделений ГСЧС Украины являются неотложными.

Определено, что приоритетные направления по предупреждению профессиональной деформации у работников аварийно-спасательных подразделений ГСЧС Украины основаны на комплексном подходе и включают организационно-административные, восстановительно-реабилитацонные и психолого-педагогические методы, направленные на содействие: формированию положительной самооценки и осознанию уникальности личности

каждого человека; поддержания личной позиции, основанной на убеждениях и ценностях личности; созданию правил работы в подразделениях, что обеспечит эффективность взаимодействия; актуализации личного понимания работником понятия "профессиональная деформация" как негативных изменений личности, которые возникают в результате воздействия условий профессиональной деятельности как для себя самого, так и для других сотрудников; пониманию профессиональной деформации служащего на разных этапах его жизни для выяснения причин ее возникновения и углубления; осознанию ответственности работника за последствия принимаемых решений; выработке готовности к активной жизненной позиции; активизации ощущения личности; развития креативности и преодоления стереотипов мышления работников; развития навыков группового взаимодействия; развития навыков анализа информации; осознанию связи между причинами и проявлениями; развития коммуникативных навыков, создание положительного климата в аварийно-спасательном подразделении; эмоциональной релаксации работников; определению жизненных ценностей.

Ключевые слова: государственное управление; государственная служба; профессиональная деформация; профессиональное выгорание; аварийно-спасательные подразделения; Государственная служба МЧС Украины.

Problem statement. Strengthening of the society's need for the highly qualified employees became the main sign of the development of vocational education in the 21st century [1]. The specialists of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES) are called upon to fulfill the main vital interests in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations of natural, man-made and social origin. Their activities are always accompanied by super-strong stress factors, which have a negative impact on the personality of the rescuer. The decrease in the degree of one's own responsibility, loss of altruism, emotional burnout are the most characteristic personal personality changes of the rescuers, which indicate that they undergo professional deformation changes. The problem of professional deformation of those working under extreme condi-

tions is a leading one in the scope of the main problems of labour psychology, engineering psychology, legal and military psychology, and the psychology of activities under specific conditions [2].

Analysis of recent research and publications. The sphere of public administration and public service, problems of social psychology and professional adaptation were the focus of researches of such scientists as N. Afanasyeva, A. Akimov [3], Yu. Bi-dylo [4], N. Goncharuk [5], I. Krinich-naya [3], N. Lipovskaya [5], L. Pashko [6], S. Seregin [5]. These problems in the system of units and subdivisions of the SES (Ukraine) were studied by T. Seliukova [7], N. Sergienko [8], G. Leshchenko [1] and others.

The problems of the adaptation syndrome began to be studied back in the fifties of the twentieth century by an outstanding scientist G. Selye [9], who

introduced the concept of a general adaptation syndrome. Later in 1974 a well-known psychologist G. Freiden-berg first described and introduced the term "burnout" [10], which was previously used as a slang term for a feeling after long-term use of narcotic drugs by a man, but G. Freidenberg defined it as "emotional burnout", which comes after a long psycho-emotional pressure on a person.

Also, in his works E. Aronson did not ignore such problems of social psychology as the emergence and development of a person's stress in the conditions of modern fast paced society, accompanied by a large flow of events, information load, the emergence of unforeseen risks, great complexity of problems and tasks performed in daily life and directly while fulfilling official duties [11].

A great contribution to the development of understanding the causes of stress of a modern man was made by such scientists as K. Maslak [12], E. McConnell [13], Y. Shtekhmiller [14], etc., whose work reveals the problems of stress development in the workplace and the occurrence of the burnout syndrome.

Also, it should be noted the scientific works of such scientists as V. Boyko [15], V. Vilyunas [16], N. Vod-poyanova [17], D. Dzvinchuk [18]. T. Ronginskoy [19], N. Svetlichnaya [20], S. Umnyashkina [21], who also studied and described the impact of stress on the workplace on the development of burnout syndrome, and its consequences for humans.

Despite the great scientific potential in this field of social psychology, the questions of monitoring and elimination of professional deformation among

the workers of rescue and emergency units of the SES of Ukraine are not fully resolved.

Determination of the unresolved parts of the overall problem. The work of the staff of the SES of Ukraine is associated with a constant risk to life and health. One of the most common causes of professional deformation, according to researchers, is the specificity of professional activity and the characteristics of the nearest environment of the specialist. Another, no less important, cause of deformation changes is the division of labour and the narrowing of the specialization of employees. Daily work to solve purposeful tasks over many years improves not only professional knowledge, but also shapes professional habits, stereotypes, determines the style of thinking and that of communication. The work of employees in the SES of Ukraine belongs to those types of professional activity, the conditions and nature of which can have traumatic effects on the psyche (psychological tension of work, the possibility of injury or loss of life, great responsibility) [4].

Taking into account the special working conditions of the employees of the SES of Ukraine (frequent situations with unpredictable outcomes, communication with antisocial elements, risk of injury, mental and physical overload), it is quite logical to assume that in this type of activity, professional deformation will develop especially intensively. The consequence of the development of this phenomenon can be such manifestations of the behavior of the employees of the SES of Ukraine, which do not only coincide with professional ethics or may also

have deep rejection in society, but can lead to direct violation of the law and even crimes [8].

Purpose of the article. The main purpose of this work is to analyze the psychological activity of the rescue units of the SES of Ukraine in order to improve the ways of preventing and eliminating professional deformation under special conditions.

Statement of the study. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Ukraine for Emergency Situations № 89 of 23.02.2004. "On approval of the Instruction on the organization of psychological support for the activities of rescue services", the procedure for organizing and implementing psychological support for the activities of rescue services, professional and psychological selection for the service in the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine [22] are determined. But, unfortunately, it does not contain a definition of the concept of "burnout syndrome". Among the main tasks that are set before the service in paragraph 1.2.9 "Instructions ..." we are talking only about "psychological analysis of the causes and conditions of the occurrence of psychological trauma ...". But "psychological trauma" and "burnout syndrome" are different maxims that cannot be identified.

In extreme situations, the employee of the rescue unit needs to assess the situation, make the right decision and at the same time maintain adequate behavior. The effectiveness of the professional activities of the employees of the SES of Ukraine depends to a large extent on the professionally important qualities, knowledge, skills acquired in the course of activities. Among the

most important qualities inherent in personality, which constantly works in close interaction with other people in extreme conditions, T. Seliukova emphasizes responsibility, self-control and organization [7].

Behavioral consequences are manifested both at the level of individual workers and at the level of the organization. "Burnt out" workers resort to unconstructive or inefficient models of behavior, strengthen their own experience of distress and increase tension around them. This affects the quality of work and communication. Psycho physiological consequences are reflected in psychosomatic disorders, such as insomnia, headache, general deterioration of well-being, which ultimately can lead to the state of deep depression. The syndrome of professional burnout is an unfavorable reaction of the body to work stress, which includes psychological, psycho physiological and behavioral components [20].

Stress leads to emotional burnout, and consequently to emotional and professional burnout that are very dangerous because they represent not the episode, but the final result of the combustion "utterly" process and have a number of dangerous consequences. The general consequences of burnout are the development of negative attitudes towards people, service, the organization as a whole or to oneself.

Professional deformation of a person is a change in the perception of personality stereotypes, ways of communication, behavior, as well as character, coming under the effect of prolonged performance of professional activity. Professional deformation of employees can be sustained or episodic, positive or

negative, and also have a superficial or global character. As a rule, it manifests itself not only in manners of behavior and jargon, but also in the appearance of a person. The causes of professional deformation may be the following: lack of understanding of the nature and objectives of the work; unwillingness to work in this field; inappropriate discipline; weak control, or even lack of strictness on the part of the authorities; reloading of the employee on business; increased nervousness [23]. Also, as one of the types of professional deformation, scientists consider the "burnout syndrome", which is an unfavora-

ble reaction to work stresses, including psychological, psycho physiological and behavioral components [17, p. 8], which is also due to the direct impact on the well-being of workers, their work efficiency and job stability.

In its turn, stress in itself is a negative feeling and imagination that people have when they feel that they are not able to cope with the requirements of the situation [11, p. 466]. So, we give the author's diagram, which clearly explains the causes of stress in the rescue units of the SES of Ukraine (Figure).

In our opinion, the prevention of professional deformation of emergen-

Factors leading to stress of workers in rescue units of the SES of Ukraine

cy rescue units of the SES of Ukraine should include a number of preventive measures aimed at identifying the prerequisites of deformation for their timely elimination. Therefore, let us consider, according to the diagram in Figure, the influence of factors on the person/ employee of the SES of Ukraine, which leads to stress and the preventive measures we can apply to prevent its occurrence, namely:

1. Pressure from family members and relatives which is connected first of all with the excitement of the workers' relatives for his life and health associated with the performance of his official duties. It is not uncommon for experienced staff of the SES of Ukraine to be released under the influence of this pressure. To soften/weaken the intensity of the flow of events X that go in it becomes possible by conducting explanatory work, interviews, information and communication companies in the mass media.

2. The feeling of uncontrollability of the situation is when the employee realizes that he can not in any way affect the environment, the circumstances and events that accompany him in everyday life and in the performance of his duties. Therefore, it is necessary to involve the employee in the decision of various processes occurring in the organization, which will allow him greater degree of freedom in choosing the mode of his actions, and will alleviate physical tension.

3. Physical stress. It is connected first of all with the very specifics of the service. Firstly, these are the conditions for carrying out the service in a daily outfit, when the Charter allows a sleep regime within "no more than 4 hours a

day". Secondly, there are great physical stresses on workers that arise in the process of eliminating extraordinary events (situations). Thirdly, the inhalation of harmful products as a result of burning, spilling chemicals and releases of radioactive elements, etc., which leads to rapid fatigue and rapid loss of strength, but even so, no one cancels the accomplishment of assigned tasks, that is, tasks or "orders" are carried out until they are fully implemented.

4. Overfatigue. The performance of his duties by an employee of the SES is always associated with great physical stress, fatigue, chronic lack of sleep and as a result loss of efficiency, development of chronic neurological and cardiovascular diseases. There is a need for a normative settlement of the limitation of the employee's stay in the service. Today, there are limiting standards [24] how much an employee should be in the service "not less", but also the norms in which the "no more" borders would be clearly established. "Therefore, a way out of this situation can be a fictitious balancing between the time allocated for performing official duties and personal time.

5. Hazards acting in the epicenter of an emergency. Of the ways, methods and means of liquidating an emergency situation known to modern science, there are no such ones that could protect the worker from the negative influence of external and internal factors at the epicenter of the event. This is the main risk of the profession of an employee of the SES of Ukraine. Only by means of the latest technical equipment, compliance with all established safety rules can reduce the intensity of the event flow X that arise.

6. Pressure from the affected and those related to them. It is necessary to introduce a "damper" between the rescuer and the injured persons in the form of a specially trained officer, who should be the deputy chief of the guard, and who must collect and transmit the necessary information from the place or event where the emergency is resolved.

7. Pressure from management. Neutralizing the negative impact of this factor is well described by S. Seregin and N. Goncharuk in the manual "Personnel policy and public service" [5]. Here are some of the main points: refusal from humiliating and rough treatment, establishment of trust, respect from the leader to subordinates, etc. Here, as in paragraphs 7 and 8, public administration has all the full levers, means and methods of educating high managerial culture among managers. And here not the person who is under pressure must manage and deal with the process of reducing this pressure, but the person who creates that pressure must take care of this process, otherwise we will return to pp. 7, 8 "Dissatisfaction with yourself and your position" and "frustration".

8. Pressure from subordinates. To serve in the ranks of the SES is appropriate for already quite mature personalities, some of them have experience of fighting in certain local conflicts. In order for the leader to study the psychological behavior of each of his subordinates, he must have appropriate special training to partially or completely level psychological pressure on himself, learn how to fully control it, apply methods and techniques of "psychological aiki-do" and "psychological karate".

9. Dissatisfaction with oneself and one's position. Ways and methods of

working with the psychological state of a person who has dissatisfaction with himself and his position is described a lot in the special psychological and medical literature. In the Main Administration of the SES in every region, there is a specialized service with its head, equipment, and qualified employees. But, it is the belonging to this service in the SES that excludes the information received from the employee of the operational-rescue unit from the category of confidentiality. Such an employee is put on the "register", and the data of his psychological state are transferred to the head.

10. Frustration. Here the responsibility for the emergence of this state of the employee lies with the head. This parameter can and should be fully controlled by removing barriers and obstacles in the activities and life of a worker of the SES of Ukraine. The head within the limits of his competence must determine the ways for unhindered development of the employee's personality, increase of his self-esteem, prevention of degradation of his personality.

11. Pressure from the mass media. The formation of a positive image of an employee of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the development of trust in the society, compensation for the negative influence of some media on the activities of this service lies entirely with state and local authorities. The centers of public relations should conduct daily purposeful work in this direction. It is necessary to involve in this work qualified specialists who previously had experience in commercial or state media.

12. Information overload due to redundancy in the on-line operation of

official information. To reduce the negative impact of this dangerous factor of stress development, public administration should several times reduce the intensity of the event flow X of service information in terms of one person, get rid of "information noise" in its activities, apply the latest technical and analytical means of analyzing and submitting information. Each unit of information presented, especially in the "top-down" direction should carry not just some amount of information load, but be specifically directed and needed by that group of people or the person to whom it is directed. It is necessary to reduce the number of reports, the preparation of reports, memos, etc. To do this, it is necessary to structure and codify the reporting system that exists in the SES of Ukraine.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that now the SES of Ukraine needs substantial reform, its components should be: optimization of the composition of territorial bodies of administration and streamlining of organizational and staff structures, but not at the expense of the main operational units; the transfer of a number of powers to the field, including the territorial authorities — local authorities (city, district departments, departments, sectors), the final elimination of elements of duplication of functions, including the emergency management bodies of state administrations; refusal from bureaucratic methods of administering the activities of subordinated management bodies and units, and primarily from unnecessary paper information carriers; increasing the level of responsibility of the leaders of all levels for their acceptance of incompetent deci-

sions and committing unlawful actions (acts) in exercising the managerial powers; the introduction of the ban on the appointment to leading positions of those psychologically not ready to work with people who risk their lives in extreme conditions [17].

Overcoming the professional deformation, increasing the sense of stress management [11, p. 476-478], should become the main directions of the activities of institutions and bodies in which employees of this profession work.

Conclusions. Thus, the professional activity of rescuers produces deforming effects on the personality of the employee in comparison with non-professional activities and leads to non-random, but to regular differences in professional types of personality. Therefore, the study of factors affecting the employee of the SES of Ukraine which lead to stress, and then emotional and professional burnout, namely: pressure from family members and relatives; feeling of uncontrollability of the situation; physical stress; overfatigue; the dangerous factors operating in the epicenter of an emergency; pressure from the affected and those related to them; pressure from management; pressure from subordinates; dissatisfaction with one's position; frustration; pressure from the mass media; information overload due to redundancy in the incoming of official information, — allows you to develop ways to improve the prevention and elimination of professional deformation of workers in rescue units.

So, the priority directions for preventing professional deformation among the rescue workers of the SES of Ukraine are based on an integrated

approach and include organizational, administrative, restorative-rehabilitative and psycho-pedagogical methods aimed at promoting positive self-esteem and recognizing the uniqueness of each person's personality; the maintenance of a personal position based on the convictions and values of the individual; creation of rules of work in subdivisions, ensuring the effectiveness of interaction; actualization of the employee's personal understanding of the term "professional deformation" as a negative change in the personality that arises as a result of the impact of the conditions of professional activity for himself and for other employees; understanding the professional deformation of the employee at various stages of his life to determine the causes of its emergence and deepening; awareness of the responsibility of the employee for the consequences of decisions; development of readiness for an active life position; activation of the sense of personality; development of creativity and overcoming stereotypes of workers' thinking; development of skills of group interaction; development of information analysis skills; awareness of the relationship between causes and manifestations; development of communication skills, creating a positive climate in the rescue unit; emotional relaxation of workers; the definition of life values; choice of life priorities; internal trust for receiving feedback; the definition of personality traits (character traits, emotional state, behavioral features) that minimize the manifestations of professional deformation, or increase the risk of professional deformation; development of communication skills; development of self-analysis skills to

increase the level of self-organization; search for internal resources of the individual; creating of a holistic view of the employee to the problem situation; reducing frustration or stress; self-regulation, namely the management of their own psycho-emotional state; analysis of life situations from the perspective of family members of workers of the SES; expanding the possibilities for resolving family conflicts, improving the professional level of the service as a whole and bringing it closer to the standards of the European Union.

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