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Ключевые слова
педагогические условия / профессионально ориентированная иноязычная подготовка / курсанты / мотивация / компетентност ный подход / военный вуз / иноязычная компетенции / pedagogical conditions / vocationally-oriented foreign language training / naval cadets / motivation / competency-based approach / higher military educational institution / foreign language competence

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — М Ю. Королева

В статье представлено обоснование педагогических условий, способствующих эффективной реализации профессионально ориентированной иноя зычной подготовки курсантов военного вуза, на примере Черноморского высшего военно-морского училища имени П.С. Нахимова. Выбор педагогических условий основан на учете специфики профессионально ориентированной иноязычной подготовки курсантов, требованиях и противоречиях в сфере ино язычной подготовки военных специалистов. Разработанные нами педагогические условия позволяют поддерживать необходимый уровень учебной мо тивации курсантов, учитывать индивидуальные способности и уровень иноязычной подготовки курсантов, реализовать компетентностный и личностно ориентированный подход, коммуникативную и профессиональную направленность в процессе иноязычной подготовки, проводить непрерывное оценивание сформированности профессионально ориентированной иноязычной компетенции. Рассмотрены практические аспекты реализации педагогических условий в процессе профессионально ориентированной иноязычной подготовки курсантов.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам об образовании , автор научной работы — М Ю. Королева

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The article considers pedagogical conditions ensuring the effectiveness of vocationally-oriented foreign language training of naval cadets, using the example of Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov. The choice of the pedagogical conditions is based on the specificity of vocationally-oriented foreign language training of naval cadets, requirements in the sphere of foreign language training of military specialists and certain contradictions in the sphere of foreign language training of naval cadets. The designed pedagogical conditions allow to support the necessary level of motivation, consider the individual abilities and the level of foreign language training of naval cadets, realize competency-based and learner-centered approach, communicative and professional orientation during the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training, conduct continuous evaluation of vocationally-oriented foreign language competence. Practical aspects of realization of pedagogical conditions during the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training are considered.


социальной политики нашего государства, то за этот период достаточно четко обозначены приоритетные планы и приняты различные социальные программы, в том числе направленные на развитие системы образования.

Так, в 2019 году начата реализация национального проекта «Образование», который является инициативой, направленной на достижение двух ключевых задач: 1) обеспечение глобальной конкурентоспособности российского образования и вхождение Российской Федерации в число 10 ведущих стран мира по качеству общего образования; 2) воспитание гармонично развитой и социально ответственной личности на основе духовно-нравственных ценностей народов Российской Федерации, исторических и национально-культурных традиций. Национальный проект предполагает реализацию четырех основных направлений развития системы образования: обновление его содержания, создание необходимой современной инфраструктуры, подготовка соответствующих профессиональных кадров, их переподготовка и повышение квалификации, а также создание наиболее эффективных механизмов управления этой сферой [3]. Отметим, что постановка таких задач государством указывает на то, что ведущие специалисты Министерства образования РФ в полной мере осознают ответственность системы образования за будущее страны.

Государственные, муниципальные и частные учебные учреждения в качестве социальных институтов, ответственных за социализацию подрастающих поколений, являются частью духовной сферы жизни общества. Очевидно, что благополучие государства и каждого человека в отдельности во многом зависит именно от состояния духовного здоровья нашего общества. Научный анализ происходящих в России процессов позволяет утверждать об изменениях сознания граждан в связи с новыми социальными отношениями. В новых политических и экономических условиях система образования постепенно становится качественно другой, направленной на подготовку человека современного общества. Очевидно, что поступательное развитие социальных отношений, переход к наукоемкой экономике и производству в первую очередь зависит от уровня образования человека, его научного потенциала, общей культуры, нравственных установок, идеалов, которые формируются в системе образования. «Все это, - отмечали уже в конце прошлого столетия специалисты в области философии образования, - в огромной степени повышает ответственность системы обучения и воспитания за будущее человека и человечества, духовное здоровье каждого выпускника школы, училища и вуза, ответственность за то, как молодые люди будут относиться не только к своей работе в конкретном производстве, но и к тому, что называется Родиной» [4, с. 11].

Наше государство большое внимание уделяет современной российской школе и ставит перед ней ряд задач, связанных с изменением подходов к выбору методов и средств обучения и воспитания. В текущем десятилетии принят ряд документов, отражающих вопросы воспитания подрастающего поколения. В частности, реализуется государственная политика в сфере защиты семьи и детей, в рамках которой обсуждаются и вопросы формирования системы воспитания подрастающего поколения. Председатель Совета Федерации РФ В.И. Матви-

енко отметила, что сегодня нельзя бездумно использовать методики и подходы, разработанные в прошлом, когда общество жило по другим законам. Воспитательные и учебные программы должны быть сбалансированы с новыми вызовами времени. Валентина Матвиенко подчеркнула, что важно сформировать такую воспитательную среду, которая будет способствовать всестороннему развитию каждого конкретного ребенка, будет учитывать его предпочтения и интересы, а не среду, где учат ходить строем» [5].

Особое внимание в настоящее время уделяется и формированию педагогических кадров. Разрабатываются и внедряются новые профессиональные стандарты, учитывающие требования современного российского общества. Одним из приоритетных является вопрос утверждения нового профессионального стандарта «Руководитель общеобразовательной организации». От руководителей общеобразовательных организаций сегодня требуется наличие как педагогического, так и управленческого опыта. Современный руководитель школы должен владеть навыками, позволяющими эффективно контролировать весь образовательный процесс, понимать специфику различных образовательных методик, что обеспечивается наличием в проекте профессионального стандарта руководителя такого требования к опыту практической работы, как не менее пяти лет стажа на педагогических должностях. Кроме этого руководитель должен обладать знаниями, позволяющими осуществлять управленческие функции, грамотное руководство коллективом, обеспечение выполнения поставленных государством задач. Поэтому вполне обоснованным является внесение в проект профессионального стандарта руководителя требования наличия не только высшего образования, но и профессиональной переподготовки в сфере управления. От руководителя школы во многом зависит качество реализации образовательных программ и подготовка выпускников к дальнейшему обучению в средних специальных и высших учебных заведениях.

Значимость проведенного исследования заключается в выявлении основных тенденций в системе образования современной России. Полагаем, что мета-научная рефлексия над проблемами образования позволит более адекватно понимать сущность происходящих событий. Как известно, для успешного решения задачи необходимо правильно ее сформулировать и понять. Обществу нужны люди, способные жить в новых экономических и социальных условиях. Во все времена существует потребность в личности человека, уровень развития сознания которого соответствует требованиям эпохи. Современная Россия нуждается в молодом поколении людей с креативным мышлением, достаточными знаниями и умениями, позволяющими им успешно решать задачи, которые перед ними ставит жизнь. Современный руководитель образовательной организации в полной мере должен осознавать свою роль и ответственность в обеспечении подрастающим россиянам возможности получить такое образование, которое позволит им быть конкурентоспособными в современном мире. Но более важным, с нашей точки зрения, является задача по воспитанию свободного человека, гражданина России, который владеет не только научными знаниями, но и является настоящим патриотом Родины, защитником ее интересов.

Библиографический список

1. Бердяев Н.А. Философия творчества, культуры и искусства. Москва: Искусство, 1994; Т. 1.

2. Кант И. Антропология с прагматической точки зрения. Санкт-Петербург: Наука, 1999.

3. Национальный проект «Образование». Available at: https://edu.gov.rU/national-project/#

4. Гончаров В.Н., Филиппов В.Н. Философия образования в условиях духовного обновления России. Барнаул: БГПУ, 1994.

5. Официальная хроника. Учительская газета. 2019; 28. Available at: http://www.ug.ru/archive/79887


1. Berdyaev N.A. Filosofiya tvorchestva, kul'tury i iskusstva. Moskva: Iskusstvo, 1994; T. 1.

2. Kant I. Antropologiya s pragmaticheskoj tochkizreniya. Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka, 1999.

3. Nacional'nyjproekt «Obrazovanie». Available at: https://edu.gov.ru/national-project/#

4. Goncharov V.N., Filippov V.N. Filosofiya obrazovaniya v usloviyah duhovnogo obnovleniya Rossii. Barnaul: BGPU, 1994.

5. Oficial'naya hronika. Uchitel'skaya gazeta. 2019; 28. Available at: http://www.ug.ru/archive/79887

Статья поступила в редакцию 03.07.20

УДК 378.6:372.881.1

Koroleva M.Yu., senior teacher, Foreign Languages Department, Black Sea Higher Naval School n.a. P.S. Nakhimov (Sevastopol, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

JUSTIFICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS ENSURING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF VOCATIONALLY-ORIENTED FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRAINING OF NAVAL CADETS. The article considers pedagogical conditions ensuring the effectiveness of vocationally-oriented foreign language training of naval cadets, using the example of Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov. The choice of the pedagogical conditions is based on the specificity of vocationally-oriented foreign language training of naval cadets, requirements in the sphere of foreign language training of military specialists and certain contradictions in the sphere of foreign language training of naval cadets. The designed pedagogical conditions allow to support the necessary level of motivation, consider the individual abilities and the level of foreign language training of naval cadets, realize competency-based and learner-centered approach, communicative and professional orientation during the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training, conduct continuous evaluation of vocationally-oriented foreign language competence. Practical aspects of realization of pedagogical conditions during the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training are considered.

Key words: pedagogical conditions, vocationally-oriented foreign language training, naval cadets, motivation, competency-based approach, higher military educational institution, foreign language competence.

М.Ю. Королева, ст. преп., Черноморское высшее военно-морское училище имени П.С. Нахимова, г. Севастополь, E-mail: [email protected]


В статье представлено обоснование педагогических условий, способствующих эффективной реализации профессионально ориентированной иноязычной подготовки курсантов военного вуза, на примере Черноморского высшего военно-морского училища имени П.С. Нахимова. Выбор педагогических условий основан на учете специфики профессионально ориентированной иноязычной подготовки курсантов, требованиях и противоречиях в сфере иноязычной подготовки военных специалистов. Разработанные нами педагогические условия позволяют поддерживать необходимый уровень учебной мотивации курсантов, учитывать индивидуальные способности и уровень иноязычной подготовки курсантов, реализовать компетентностный и личностно ориентированный подход, коммуникативную и профессиональную направленность в процессе иноязычной подготовки, проводить непрерывное оценивание сформированности профессионально ориентированной иноязычной компетенции. Рассмотрены практические аспекты реализации педагогических условий в процессе профессионально ориентированной иноязычной подготовки курсантов.

Ключевые слова: педагогические условия, профессионально ориентированная иноязычная подготовка, курсанты, мотивация, компетентностный подход, военный вуз, иноязычная компетенции.

Searching the ways of modernizing vocationally-oriented foreign language training of naval cadets of higher military educational organizations showed that one of the variants of solving this problem is the creation of appropriate pedagogical conditions.

The main conditions of competitiveness of a modern military specialist must be his high professionalism, productive work, constant professional growth and the ability to adapt to fast changing conditions of the modern world, where military specialists must be ready to perform professional duties abroad, participate in military exercises with foreign specialists, take part in joint operations and exhibitions of military armament and technics, where foreign language will be the main means of communication.

Pedagogical conditions ensuring the effectiveness of realization of foreign language training are examined in the works of N.V. Belozerova [1], M.V. Biryukova [2], E.E. Kolotusha [3], I.A. Matveeva [4] S.V. Mogilchenko [5], and some other authors.

Analysis of pedagogical literature allowed to establish that scientists distinguish different groups and kinds of pedagogical conditions. In particular, N.V Ippolitova and N.S. Sterhova basing on the analysis of pedagogical investigations distinguish groups of pedagogical conditions according to the sphere of influence (external and internal); according to the character of influence (objective and subjective); according to the specificity of the object of influence (general and specific) [5].

From the point of view of B.V. Kupryanov and A.A. Dynina, pedagogical conditions are considered as systematic work on specifying the appropriateness as stable ties of educational process, which provides the opportunity of verification of scientific results and pedagogical research [7].

N.M. Borytko defines pedagogical conditions as an external circumstance, which influences significantly the pedagogical process passing, is intentionally constructed by a teacher and is intended to achieve certain results [8].

V.I. Andreev considers that pedagogical conditions are circumstances of the educational process which are the result of the purposeful selection, construction and implementation of elements of content, methods and organizational forms of education for achieving certain didactic purposes [9].

A.Ya. Nayn views pedagogical conditions as a totality of objective possibilities, content, methods, techniques and means of pedagogical management, material and spacious environment which provide successful solution of tasks set and designed [10].

All the definitions mentioned above widen and supplement the term "pedagogical conditions" and also allow to make the pedagogical process more comfortable and productive.

Z.I. Efimova, O.V. Kapitonova, T.A Klimashina in their work "Foreign language training: from a naval cadet to a teacher" distinguish a number of pedagogical conditions, that must be realized as a complex with the aim of activation of intellectual and emotional potential of future officers and must be focused on foreign language communication training [11].

They move away from the term "foreign language teaching" and concentrate on the term "foreign language education" which is aimed at the person himself and his development. Among the most interesting we should highlight the following: 1) the content of education is foreign language culture which involves four components: cognitive (knowledge about language and culture of the country), developing (abilities), pedagogical (morals) and educational (skills to realize communication). 2) the process of training must be constructed as a model of real interaction and be organized in such a way that a naval cadet has an opportunity to perceive, develop and master foreign language culture; 3) the presence of personal meaning of participation of a cadet in the process of training, acquiring foreign language communicative skills with the purpose to develop a naval cadet as a personality, specialist; 4) continuous involvement of naval cadets in the process of solving tasks of real interaction, concerning their future professional activity; 5) organization of foreign language communication in situations which are viewed as a system of interrelation between subjects of education; 6) training based on the problematic organization of material, its communicative value and authenticity; 7) motivation of educational activity; 8) organization of pedagogical interaction of subject-subject character considering the vital experience of naval cadets [11, p.107-108].

Considering all aspects of the category "pedagogical conditions" and different opinions of scientists and their interpretations, in our work we will define the working definition of this concept and will understand pedagogical conditions as an integral system of factors created intentionally by a teacher for successful realization of tasks set with the aim of the most effective passing of the educational process.

To define the most appropriate pedagogical conditions of vocationally-oriented foreign language training of cadets we took into account the specificity of education according to which the efficiency of vocationally-oriented foreign language training is dependent on certain factors: importance of the learning content for naval cadets; taking into account the interest to learning-professional activity and educational abilities of naval cadets, as the productivity and the result of foreign language training depends on their cognitive activity, peculiarities of thinking, development of thinking skills, ability for education, formedness of skills that are formed in the process of use of special training exercises and evoke the naval cadets for intellectual activity and creation; effectiveness and quality of education that depend on frequency and amount of the feedback; management of this process by a teacher and optimal organization of the educational and cognitive activity of learners.

Analysis of modern researches in pedagogical sphere, requirements for the professional training of military specialists, specificity of foreign language training and working experience in a higher military educational institution determine the choice of pedagogical conditions that influence the results of vocationally-oriented foreign language training most effectively:

1) Provision of positive motivation of naval cadets through content, forms, means and methods in the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training;

2) Taking into account individual abilities, level of basic foreign language training and preferable learning style of naval cadets;

3) Realization of competency-based approach in the process of foreign language training;

4) Active use of educational vocationally-oriented situations in the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training;

5) Realization of the principle of continuous evaluation of vocationally-oriented foreign language competence.

Provision of positive motivation of naval cadets through content, forms, means and methods is the first pedagogical condition and motivation is considered as a whole totality of motives stimulating for action and includes "interest and cognitive interest for a future profession" [12, p.159-160]. In works dedicated to the question of motivation of naval cadets, authors distinguish military-professional and educational-professional motivation. According to O.V. Odegova motives of military-professional activity imply incentives for setting goals for a certain activity, actions and deeds for achieving these goals [13]. Military-professional activity of a naval cadet of a higher military educational institution demands from him a certain set of important characteristics. One of these characteristics is a highly developed, stable motivation for military service with the predominance of military-professional motives that is formed mainly during the process of studying in a higher military educational institution. During the process of studying in a higher military educational institution the main type of activity of every naval cadet is the activity of mastering the profession which is viewed as a totality of educational and cognitive, service-related, social and some other types of activities [14, p. 136].

According to S. Zanyuk, professional motivation - totality of factors and processes which take place in the conscious, actuate and guide the learner towards the learning of future professional activity [15]. It serves as an internal factor for the development of professionalism and personality since only high level of motivation enables to organize qualitative vocationally-oriented foreign language training and professional development of military specialists. As motives of professional activity we can enumerate the following: understanding of actual needs of a person (getting professional education, self-development, self-cognition, professional development, social ascent), types of tasks working with which these needs are satisfied and introduce him to his future professional activity.

Considering motivation in the context of our research the first pedagogical condition provides the increase of motivation of naval cadets to: professional activity in the international environment using English as a language of international communication;

development of foreign language communicative competence; educational and cognitive activity; self-realization and self-development; learning the basis of intercultural communication.

It's necessary to integrate all elements into a complete whole and to provide the realization of this pedagogical condition for the professional growth of a military specialist by means of the discipline "Foreign language" on all stages of the foreign language training.

Besides it is necessary to consider that motivation of naval cadets will increase only when their studying and service will bring certain positive results, emotional satisfaction that is greatly dependent on organization of educational process and method of teaching, taking into account personal meaningfulness, age peculiarities and priorities, creation of appropriate emotional atmosphere which allow to involve and provoke interest of naval cadets.

Taking into consideration abilities, level of basic foreign language training and preferable learning style of naval cadets in the process foreign language training is one of greatest difficulties in education and neglecting them usually leads to disappointment and decrease of interest.

Psychologist G. Gardener proposed his theory of multiple intelligence according to which people can be divided into several groups according to their preferable way of cognition [16]. The author distinguishes the following types of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, intrapersonal, interpersonal. According to the type of intelligence the author distinguishes the appropriate preferable learning style: words and language; numbers and logic; music; sounds and rhythm; physical experience and movement; touches and sensations; pictures, forms, 3D space; contact with people, communication, cooperation, teamwork; self-reflection, self-cognition. Besides, realizing this pedagogical condition it is necessary to integrate differentiated learning with the purpose to help cadets to reach the maximum growth and personal success in the process of foreign language training considering individual abilities, level of foreign language proficiency and learning style which should be the primary consideration when planning the process of foreign language teaching. To organize differentiated learning and teaching, the following recommendations may help when planning and teaching: to use tasks of different level of complexity, to provide freedom of choice (for example, allow naval cadets to choose the topics of projects, forms of task completion), to organize cooperative and inquiry-based learning, to regulate the teaching tempo.

The use of tasks of different level of complexity depending on the level of foreign language proficiency can be performed on the stage of practice or production if the lesson consists of three stages (presentation, practice, production). This allows to pay more attention to the practical use of knowledge and skills.

Providing the opportunity to choose, for example, to give naval cadets the opportunity to choose the topic of projects, allows the learners to choose how to study and in what amount to study thus creating conditions for increasing the interest.

Organizing cooperative learning. The work in group allows each naval cadet to work in cooperation and regulate the tempo, contribute to the work of the group according to his own abilities and proficiency but at the same time such work brings the sense of common success and individual achievement.

Creating conditions for problem-based learning. Research which is the basis of problem-based learning implies the process of searching information and acquiring new knowledge and the result of such learning is the deeper understanding of the researched question.

Realization of the competency-based approach in the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training is the third pedagogical condition. During competency-based foreign language training, language is viewed as a means of communication. J. Richards and T. Rogers underline the fact that competency-based approach founded on the functional and interactive nature of language as its essential characteristics which means that language serves as a means of communication and cooperation between people to achieve certain goals and tasks [17]. That is why, sharing the point of view of J. Richards and T. Rogers, competency-based foreign language learning must be connected with social and professional context in which language will later be used in real life [17].

Библиографический список

Competency-based foreign language training doesn't have special theoretical basis and distinct recommendations as the primary attention is paid to the formation certain competence. This fact allows the teacher to use the theoretical base and methods common for other approaches, in case the result of education will be actually formed competence. It means a teacher doesn't have any restrictions when choosing the most efficient methods and tasks to form previously defined competences.

Following communicative approach, the structure of the foreign language lesson consists of three stages: presentation, practice and production. At the stage of presentation cadets get acquainted with new lexical/grammatical material (knowledge and understanding) which is further trained and worked with at the stage of practice (knowledge how to act) and at the final stage lexical material is used individually by naval cadets (knowledge for life). Thus, basing on the principles of communicative approach the foreign language teacher introduces competency-based approach into vocationally-oriented foreign language training.

During vocationally-oriented foreign language training naval cadets perform the types of tasks which are aimed at the formation of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by means of working with certain types of special texts (instructions, messages, reports); formation of linguistic knowledge necessary in all types of educational activity (grammatical forms, lexical material, syntax constructions); formation of nonlinguistic complex necessary for better understanding of the text (cross-cultural information) the main essence of such education is its integration with professional subjects - use of professional knowledge for correct and effective perception of specialized foreign language texts and situations (terms which are present in texts and known by naval cadets facilitate understanding and perception of information in English) and vice versa vocabulary is acquired when learning new information which is received from foreign sources.

To realize the fourth pedagogical condition - active use of educational vocationally-oriented situations and context in the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training of naval cadets we have chosen the appropriate types of educational situations: problematic situations, illustrative educational situations, applied situations describing certain situations and demanding to solve it, situations due to which naval cadets learn how to analyze and evaluate.

The main task of using educational vocationally-oriented situations in the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training is to train naval cadets for real communication, provide the transfer of conversational actions from conversational exercises to conversational practice. The main characteristics of such conversational exercises must be: active character of the conversational behavior of communicators, objective side of the process of communication - topic, problem, action; situational character of communication which is modelled as the most common variant of cooperation of communicators; verbal means which ensure the process of communication and learning in these situations.

The fifth pedagogical condition - realization of the principle of continuous evaluation of vocationally-oriented foreign language competence is one of the most obligatory conditions when we employ competency-based approach. It contributes to the systematic, continuous and regular work during the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training. Evaluation in our case has educational character and is necessary for establishing feedback, overcoming difficulties connected with language barrier.

To sum up, the above described pedagogical conditions influence the quality of foreign-language training of naval cadets, allow to realize a competency-based approach and influence the effectiveness of formation of vocationally-oriented foreign language competence of naval cadets. These pedagogical conditions are: provision of positive motivation of naval cadets through content, forms, means and methods in the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training; taking into account individual abilities, level of basic foreign language training and preferable learning style of naval cadets; realization of competency-based approach in the process of foreign language training; active use of educational vocationally-oriented situations in the process of vocationally-oriented foreign language training; realization of the principle of continuous evaluation of vocationally-oriented foreign language competence.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 01.07.20

УДК 378.1

Kotlyakova T.A., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University n.a. I.N. Ulyanov (Ulyanovsk, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

Kareva O.V., senior teacher, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University n.a. I.N. Ulyanov (Ulyanovsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

METHODOLOGICAL GUIDANCE FOR ECOLOGICAL AND AESTHETIC EDUCATION OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. The article analyzes a problem of methodological guidance of ecological and aesthetic education of senior preschool children in a preschool institution. The possibility is shown to improve the level of professional and methodological competence of preschool teachers through the organization of special methodological work. The article reveals the basics and content of the developed model for improving the professional and methodological competence of educators in the process of organizing methodological guidance for environmental and aesthetic education of senior preschool children in the preschool educational system. Various forms of methodological work that are used in the implementation of the authors' model are described. Examples of an innovative product of methodological work-a project on ecological and aesthetic education of older preschoolers.

Key words: professional competence of teachers, innovative teaching model to improve professional and methodological competence of teachers in process of organizing methodical management of ecological and aesthetic education of senior preschool children in OED, project activities in development of preschoolers.

Т.А. Котлякова, канд. пед. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Ульяновский государственный педагогический университет имени И.Н. Ульянова», г. Ульяновск,

E-mail: [email protected]

О.В. Карева, ст. преп., ФГБОУ ВО «Ульяновский государственный педагогический университет имени И.Н. Ульянова», г. Ульяновск,

E-mail: [email protected]


В статье дается анализ проблемы методического руководства эколого-эстетическим воспитанием старших дошкольников в дошкольном учреждении. Показана возможность повышения уровня развития профессиональной и методической компетентности педагогов дошкольных учреждений через организацию специальной методической работы. Раскрывается сущность и содержание разработанной модели повышения профессиональной и методической компетентности воспитателей в процессе организации методического руководства эколого-эстетическим воспитанием старших дошкольников в ДОО. Описываются разнообразные формы методической работы, которые используются при реализации авторской модели. Приводятся примеры инновационного продукта методической работы - проекта по эколого-эстетическому воспитанию старших дошкольников.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная компетентность воспитателей, инновационная педагогическая деятельность, модель повышения профессиональной и методической компетентности воспитателей в процессе организации методического руководства эколого-эстетическим воспитанием старших дошкольников в ДОО, проектная деятельность в развитии дошкольников.

Изменяющиеся в связи с введением нового ФГОС ДО требования к педагогу говорят о необходимости внесения изменений в систему методической работы ДОО, которая среди других задач решает и задачу повышения профессиональ-

ной и методической компетентности педагогов. С другой стороны, рассматриваемая нами проблема эколого-эстетического воспитания сегодня является одной из актуальных.

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