DOI 10.24411/2072-8735-2018-10120
Sergey V. Pavlov,
MTUCI, Moscow, Russia [email protected]
Vladimir A. Dokuchaev,
MTUCI, Moscow, Russia Keywords: methodology, radio monitoring, equipment, model,
[email protected] technical equipment complexes, electromagnetic environment.
At the present time the most part of technical articles have, as a rule, a narrowly specialized direction, focused on solving a specific problem of analyzing radio signals of a certain structure. The paper discusses the issue of the methodology for constructing the model as the hardware part of the system for the operational radio monitoring of the entire electromagnetic environment of a given frequency range. The process of developing the technical equipment complexes (TEC) model should begin with the elaboration of system-level issues, for which it is necessary to build a model of the complex. At the system stage, the main strategic and tactical directions for solving scientific and technical problems and possible options for achieving the set goals are determined and refined.
The results of this analysis determine the technical model of the product as a whole and determine the resources needed to achieve it. Depending of the priority of technical, technological and (or) financial constraints, the possibility of creating several versions of the TEC model can be used at the design stage. It's necessary in order to work out the issues of predicting the behavior of the TEC in different conditions, based on the creation of several sets of factors affecting the development and further use of TEC. The solution of the problem can be obtained by using the iterative algorithm proposed in the article.
Information about authors:
Sergey V. Pavlov, PhD (Tech), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department "Multimedia Communication Networks and Services" MTUCI, Moscow, Russia
Vladimir A. Dokuchaev, DSc (Tech), Professor, Head of the Department "Multimedia Communication Networks and Services" MTUCI, Moscow, Russia
Для цитирования:
Павлов С.В., Докучаев В.А. О разработке методологических основ построения модели технических средств радиомониторинга // T-Comm: Телекоммуникации и транспорт. 2018. Том 12. №7. С. 48-51.
For citation:
Pavlov S.V., Dokuchaev V.A. (2018). Methodological foundations for building a model of radio monitoring equipment T-Comm, vol. 12, no.7, рр. 48-51.
г Г\
When creating a set of radio monitoring equipment, the main problem is the lack of a common methodology for constructing models of technical equipment complexes (TLC), which allows to assess the degree of correspondence of their functional capabilities, structure and composition to the solution of the task. Al the present lime the most pan of technical articles have, as a rule, a narrowly specialized direction, focused on solving a specific problem of analyzing radio signals of a certain structure [1, 2].
The paper discusses the issue of the methodology for constructing the model as the hardware part of the system for the operational radio monitoring of the entire electromagnetic environment of a given frequency range.
The process of developing the TEC model should begin with the elaboration of system-level issues, for which it is necessary to build a model of the complex. At the system stage, the main strategic and tactical directions for solving scientific and technical problems and possible options for achieving the set goals are determined and refined. The results of this analysis determine the technical model of the product as a whole and determine the resources needed to achieve it.
The TEC model defined in this way should include:
• technical and technological tasks that need to he addressed to achieve the necessary functional characteristics of the model;
• information and technology communications;
• functional connections;
• organizational and management ties;
• subsystems and hardware elements.
Depending of the priority of technical, technological and/or financial constraints, the possibility of creating several versions of the TEC model can be used at the design stage. It's neccssary in order to work out the issues of predicting the behavior of the TEC in different conditions, based on the creation of several sets of factors affecting the development and further use of TEC,
To reduce the number of project solutions being studied, it is advisable to use classical suboptimal optimization methods in the development process, oriented to the use of conditions and constraints that limit the scope of possible technical solutions. An example of such limitations can be the experience gained in previous developments of similar counterparts of the TEC. However, in this case, well developed principles and optimization methods can be used in the development, based on the formation of the optimization function and the subsequent calculation of its values at the respective development stages.
The algorithm for creating a TEC model is shown in Fig. I.
In "Operator 1" there is a formal {based on mathematical optimization methods) definition of the development goal in the form of minimizing the p*norm (/. )oi the difference between
the sets of parameters of real TEC (AMil ) and the parameters of the planned TEC (Aideol), taking into account the possible restrictions (Oreat ) and the values ofthe weight function u'(a-) ;
L„ = Î^HW^C*)- A^xfdx. (1)
The time devoted to the development and/or the amount of allocated resources can be a possible time constraints in the formation ofthe design goals, for example.
Therefore, it is advisable to split the requirements for the TEC into several groups during design. Each group will be characterized by its contribution to the overall evaluation structure:
I. functional requirements;
2. requirements on the interface of interaction with other complexes (facilities);
3. requirements that determine the technical and technological capabilities of production;
4. requirements for the human-machine interface.
The values of A, , a number of main characteristics ofthe
future TEC in the form of functional requirements and requirements for interaction with other TEC, as well as resource and time constraints are known only before the system design.
fn addition, there is data base which consist of collected information on previous and similar developments available in the form of reports, patents and other technical documentation.
"Operator 1" concludes with the formulation of a Technical Task (TT) or Tactical-Technical Task (TTT).
Dynamic description ofthe slate ofthe TEC is made (based on the TTT data) during the execution of "Operator 2". This description is the main document containing information on possible TEC states. This document defines the strategy for determining the set of parameters Am!i. The range of the new TEC based
on the requirements ofthe Aideai specified in the TT (TTT).
The output of the "Operator 2" is the forecast ofthe development ofthe TEC in the form of a set of potentially possible jets for constructing a TEC with the parameters Areat.
On the basis of the options obtained, the structural model of possible variants of the TEC in the form of a tree structure, including all possible variants, is developed during the execution of "Operator 3".
During the execution of the "Operator 4", it is advisable to apply the expert method of estimating Ana!, for which it is necessary to form a set of partial criteria L - {i J- for describing the
options. It's neccesary in order to provide the optimal choice from the set of options. The weighted values of the criteria n'-(/,) are formed on the basis of expert estimates. Quality assessment ofthe TEC is carried out on the basis of a generalized quality criterion in a multiplicative form:
hr.jt)=rw<>> (2)
W generalized measure ofthe correspondence of particular criteria taking into account their weight coefficients n'y;
k — total number of criteria.
Examples of particular criteria are given in Table 1.
During the execution ofthe "Operator 5", based on the matrix ofthe obtained expert estimates №,■(/,■) by the methods ofthe theory of linear programming or another mathematical apparatus for finding the minimal paths between the points of a tree graph, all the possible variants ofthe TEC are ordered (ranked). Thus, a sequence of variants of the developed system is formed on the preferred implementation.
Setting the weights of the coefficients makes it possible to nominate the most important criteria at the time of evaluation with such a ranking. When choosing the appropriate strategy for design ofthe TEC by specifying the values ofthe weight function coefficients, then calculating the values of the criterion W(Ir..lh) and the subsequent ranking, you can determine the
sequence of TEC projects in decreasing order of the values of this criterion.
Figure. 1
The set of project variants ordered in this way is the technical model of the TEC, recommended for development. If the results obtained meet the requirements, a decision is made to move on to the next stage of design - creation of a draft design for the TEC. Otherwise, it is necessary to correct the purpose(s) of the development and clarify the composition and parameters of the technical requirements for the sample. The iterative method should be applied until the selected version of the TEC is in accordance
with the requirements for the development task, provided that it can be physically realized on schedule.
Table i
№ Criterion Name Description Dimension
I li Dimensions Degree of conformity 1 - fully corresponds 9-completely does not match
2 h Mass Degree of conformity 1 - fully corresponds 9 - completely does not match
3 h Labor intensity Necessary costs 1 - minimal in option 9 - maximum
4 u Cost Estimating the cost of implementation 1 - minimal in option 9 - maximum
5 h Realization Probability of realization 1 - realization in the set terms is possible 9 - implementation in the given time is impossible
6 u Operating frequency range Degree of conformity 1 - fully complies with 9 - completely does not match
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Павлов Сергей Владимирович, МТУСИ, Москва, Россия, [email protected] Докучаев Владимир Анатольевич, МТУСИ, Москва, Россия, [email protected]
В настоящее время большая часть технических статей имеет, как правило, узкоспециализированное направление, направленное на решение конкретной проблемы анализа радиосигналов определенной структуры. Рассматривается вопрос о методологии построения модели как аппаратной части системы для оперативного радиомониторинга всей электромагнитной среды данного частотного диапазона. Процесс разработки модели комплексов технических средств (КТС) должен начинаться с разработки проблем системного уровня, для которых необходимо построить модель комплекса. На системном этапе определяются и уточняются основные стратегические и тактические направления решения научно-технических проблем и возможные варианты достижения поставленных целей. Результаты этого анализа определяют техническую модель продукта в целом и определяют ресурсы, необходимые для его достижения. В зависимости от приоритета технических, технологических и (или) финансовых ограничений, возможность создания нескольких версий модели КТС может быть использована на этапе проектирования. Это необходимо для разработки вопросов прогнозирования поведения КТС в разных условиях на основе создания нескольких факторов, влияющих на развитие и дальнейшее использование КТС. Решение поставленной задачи может быть получено путем использования предложенного в статье итерационного алгоритма.
Ключевые слова: методология, радиомониторинг, оборудование, модель, комплексы технических средств, электромагнитная среда.
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7. Christopher J. Date. The Database Relational Model: A Rétrospective Review and Analysis: A Historical Account and Assessment of E. F. Codd's Contribution to the Field of Database Technology. AddisonWesleyLongman, 2000.
Информация об авторах:
Павлов Сергей Владимирович, к.т.н., доцент, доцент кафедры "Мультимедийные сети связи и услуги" МТУСИ, Москва, Россия Докучаев Владимир Анатольевич, д.т.н., профессор, заведующий кафедрой "Мультимедийные сети связи и услуги" МТУСИ, Москва, Россия