Научная статья на тему 'Новые находки лишайников и лихенофильных грибов в Тверской области'

Новые находки лишайников и лихенофильных грибов в Тверской области Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Нотов А. А., Гимельбрант Д. Е., Степанчикова И. С.

Впервые для Тверской обл. приведены восемь видов лишайников и пять видов паразитических (преимущественно лихенофильных) грибов. Лишайники Bacidina neosquamulosa и Bellemerea cinereorufescens являются новыми для центральной части Европейской России. Для всех видов отмечены местонахождения и местообитания в Тверской обл., указаны ближайшие местонахождения в Европейской России и отличия от наиболее близких видов.

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Похожие темы научных работ по биологическим наукам , автор научной работы — Нотов А. А., Гимельбрант Д. Е., Степанчикова И. С.

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New records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Tver Region

Eight species of lichens and five parasitic (mainly lichenicolous) fungi are reported for the first time for the Tver Region. The lichens Bacidina neosquamulosa and Bellemerea cinereorufescens are new to Central European Russia. Data on localities and habitats in the Tver Region are provided for all species; nearest known localities in European Russia and distinguishing characters of the species are briefly discussed

Текст научной работы на тему «Новые находки лишайников и лихенофильных грибов в Тверской области»

New records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Tver Region

A. A. Notov1, D. E. Himelbrant2, 3, I. S. Stepanchikova2, 3

'Tver State University, Tver, Russia 2Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia 3Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia Corresponding author. A. A. Notov, [email protected]

Abstract. Eight species of lichens and five parasitic (mainly lichenicolous) fungi are reported for the first time for the Tver Region. The lichens Bacidina neosquamulosa and Bellemerea cinereo-rufescens are new to Central European Russia. Data on localities and habitats in the Tver Region are provided for all species; nearest known localities in European Russia and distinguishing characters of the species are briefly discussed.

Keywords: Bacidina neosquamulosa, Bellemerea cinereorufescens, Central European Russia.

Новые находки лишайников и лихенофильных грибов в Тверской области

А. А. Нотов1, Д. Е. Гимельбрант2, 3, И. С. Степанчикова2, 3

'Тверской государственный университет, Тверь, Россия 2Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия 3Ботанический институт им. В. Л. Комарова РАН, Санкт-Петербург, Россия Автор для переписки. А. А. Нотов, [email protected]

Резюме. Впервые для Тверской обл. приведены восемь видов лишайников и пять видов паразитических (преимущественно лихенофильных) грибов. Лишайники Bacidina neosquamulosa и Bellemerea cinereorufescens являются новыми для центральной части Европейской России. Для всех видов отмечены местонахождения и местообитания в Тверской обл., указаны ближайшие местонахождения в Европейской России и отличия от наиболее близких видов.

Ключевые слова: Bacidina neosquamulosa, Bellemerea cinereorufescens, Россия, центральная часть Европейской России.

The special lichen investigations in the Tver Region started in the beginning of 20th century and significantly intensified in the beginning of 21th century (see Notov et al, 2011). Comprehensive information on the diversity of lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi could be obtained from annotated catalogues of the Tver Region (Notov et al, 2011) and Central Forest State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Notov et al., 2016b), as well as from some recent papers (e. g., Zhurbenko, Notov, 2015; Notov et al, 2016a; Notov, Himelbrant, 2017; Czernyadjeva et al, 2018); altogether 600 species have been reported from the region until now.



The specimens were collected by A. A. Notov in 2005-2018, and are deposited in the lichen herbaria of Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LE) and Botanical Museum of University of Helsinki (H). Lichenicolous fungi are marked with #. The nomenclature of taxa generally follows Nordin et al. (2011), in the case of Agonimia flabelliformis the special paper (Guzow-Krzeminska et al., 2012) was used. The data on nearest localities in Central European Russia or European Russia (regional subdivision see in Flora..., 2017), as well as most important identification characters, are provided for all species.

Agonimia flabelliformis J. P. Halda, Czarnota et Guzow-Krzem. — Toropets District, vicinity of Krasnopolets, 56°49'42.0"N, 31°21'09.8"E, 172 m a. s. l., end of the 18th century old park (previously manor of Kushelevy-Bezborodko), on bark of old Quercus robur L., 25 VII 2016, Notov (Hotob), det. Himelbrant (ruMenböpaHm), H.

The nearest known locality in European Russia is in the Tula Region (Gudovicheva et al., 2015). Recently described lichen, differs (even in a sterile form) from other Agonimia species by thallus consisting of very typical flabelliform or coralloid squamules (Guzow-Krzeminska et al., 2012). Our specimen is represented by sterile thallus.

Bacidina chloroticula (Nyl.) Vezda et Poelt — Konakovo District, Zavidovo National Park, vicinity of Starikovo, 56°37'04.6"N, 36°10'13.9"E, 143 m a. s. l., swampy black alder forest with birch, spruce, and grasses, on bark of roots of fallen birch, 1 V 2017, Notov (Hotob), det. Stepanchikova (CTenaH^HKOBa), LE.

The nearest known localities in European Russia are in the Leningrad (Stepanchikova et al., 2011), Vladimir (Zhdanov, Volosnova, 2012), Tula (Gudovicheva, Himelbrant, 2012) and Yaroslavl (Muchnik et al., 2018) regions. B. chloroticula differs from other species of the genus by small (up to 0.2 mm) pale apothecia, lacking internal pigmentation, thin gray-green scurfy granular thallus, and immersed white pycnidia with curved conidia 30-43 |im long (Smith et al., 2009).

B. neosquamulosa (Aptroot et Herk) S. Ekman — Konakovo District, Zavidovo National Park, vicinity of Starikovo, 56°36'09.0"N, 36°10'26.4"E, 143 m a. s. l., swampy black alder forest, on bark of black alder together with Anisomeridium polypori (Ellis et Everh.) M. E. Barr and Chaenotheca hispidula (Ach.) Zahlbr., 25 V 2018, Notov (Hotob), det. Stepanchikova (QrenaH^HKOBa), H.

New to Central European Russia. The nearest known locality in European Russia is in the Leningrad Region (Himelbrant et al., 2017). B. neosquamulosa differs from other species of the genus by the thallus consisting of deeply incised granular microsquamules, typically developing isidia, and colorless hypothecium (Smith et al., 2009).

Bellemerea cinereorufescens (Ach.) Clauzade et Cl. Roux — Toropets District, vicinity of Rogachevo, 56°51'15.7"N, 31°21'08.3"E, 185 m a. s. l., boulder bed of stream valley, on granite boulder together with Aspicilia cinerea (L.) Körb., Porpidia crustu-lata (Ach.) Hertel et Knoph, and Rhizocarpon hochstetteri (Körb.) Vain., 25 VII 2016, Notov (Hotob), det. Himelbrant (ruMenböpaHm), H.

New to Central European Russia. The nearest known locality in European Russia is in the Leningrad Region (Kuznetsova et al., 2007). B. cinereorufescens differs from other species of the genus by gray, verrucose-areolate thallus, short hymenium, and absence on norstictic acid (Foucard, 2001).

#Chaenothecopsis rubescens Vain. — Zharkovsky District, vicinity of Cheretnoye, Schuchie Lake, 55°45'01.7"N, 32°11'17.9"E, 183 m a. s. l., broadleaved forest with elm, linden and oak near the mouth the Arlava River, on bark of old linden, associated with Trentepohlia sp., together with Arthonia arthonioides (Ach.) A. L. Sm., Chaeno-theca chrysocephala (Turner ex Ach.) Th. Fr., C. trichialis (Ach.) Th. Fr., and Chaeno-thecopsis savonica (Rasanen) Tibell, 18 VII 2018, Notov (Homoe), det. Himelbrant (ruMenbópaHm), LE.

The nearest known locality in European Russia is in the Kaluga Region (Gudovi-cheva et al., 2015). C. rubescens is characterized by non-septate medium brown asco-spores, presence of yellowish to red pigment in apothecia which reacts K+ persistently red, and the association with Trentepohlia algae (Tibell, 1999).

Lecania hutchinsiae (Nyl.) A. L. Sm. — Udomlya District, 2 km S of Moldino, 57°44'N, 35°15'E, 152 m a. s. l., the Moldinka River bank, on granite together with Verrucaria sp., 15 XI 2005, Notov (Hotob), det. Himelbrant (ruMenbópaHm), H.

The nearest known locality in European Russia is in the Republic of Mordovia (Urbanavichene, Urbanavichus, 2015). L. hutchinsiae is characterized by thin thallus, strongly convex apothecia with soon excluded thalline margin containing few algal cells, and 1-septate ascospores (Foucard, 2001; Smith et al., 2009).

Lecanora aitema (Ach.) Hepp — Andreapol District, vicinity of Zhogodovo, 56°51'15.1"N, 31°38'06.3"E, elevation 163 m a. s. l., old-growth mixed forest with elm, oak, aspen, spruce and gray alder along the stream flowing into Lake Nagovje, on wood of branches of dead old elm, 27 IV 2011, Notov (Hotob), det. Himelbrant (ruMenbópaHm), H.

The nearest known locality in European Russia is in the Leningrad Region (Ste-panchikova et al., 2011). L. aitema differs from closely related L. symmicta (Ach.) Ach. by dark green, brown, red-brown to black apothecia and N+ red reaction of epithecium (Foucard, 2001; Smith et al., 2009).

Leptogium byssinum (Hoffm.) Zwackh ex Nyl. — Vyshny Volochyok District, vicinity of Voybutskaya Gora, 57°07'07.6"N, 34°51'30.5"E, 251 m a. s. l., overgrowing sandy soil near the limestone quarry, 20 IV 2010, Notov (Hotob), det. Himelbrant (ruMenbópaHm), H.

The nearest known locality in European Russia is in the Republic of Tatarstan (Evstigneeva, 2007). L. byssinum is characterized by thin blue-gray to brown-black minute granular thallus, apothecia with plane disc and distinct margins, as well as asci with 4-8 muriform ellipsoid spores (Smith et al., 2009).

#Lichenostigma maureri Hafellner — Zharkovsky District, vicinity of Zharkovsky, near the junction of the rivers Shesnitsa and Mezha, floodplain oak forest, 55°50'31.1"N, 32°14'44.5"E, 176 m a. s. l., on thallus of Bryoria capillaris (Ach.) Brodo et D. Hawksw.

on old oak, 21 VIII 2018, Notov (Hotob), det. Himelbrant (ruMem>6paHm), LE; Kalinin District, Zavidovo National Park, 56°22'31.6"N, 35°53'52.7"E, 140 m a. s. l., on thallus of B. capillaris, 12 X 2018, Notov (Hotob), det. Himelbrant (ruMem>6paHm), LE.

The nearest known localities are in the Vladimir (Zhurbenko, Zhdanov, 2013), Kostroma (Himelbrant et al, 2018a) and Leningrad (Kuznetsova et al, 2012) regions. This widely distributed species is characterized by having multicellular conidia and inhabiting thalli of different pendulous macrolichens (Zhurbenko, 2009).

Phaeophyscia endophoenicea (Harm.) Moberg — Toropets District, Khvoroste-vo, 56°23'22.9"N, 31°42'11.5"E, 217 m a. s. l., end of the 18th century old park (previously manor of Kushelev), alley along the road, on bark of old ash, together with Pachyphiale fagicola (Hepp) Zwackh., 22 VII 2016, Notov (Hotob), det. Himelbrant (ruMenb6panm), H.

The nearest known locality is in the Leningrad Region (Kuznetsova et al., 2016). P. endophoenicea differs from other sorediate corticolous species of the genus by the presence of orange pigment (skyrin) in the lower part of medulla and predominantly marginal soralia (Smith et al., 2009).

#Pronectria robergei (Mont. et Desm.) Lowen — Kuvshinovo District, vicinity of Bolshoj Borok, left bank of the Osuga River, steep bank, 56°58'47.1"N, 34°28'43.9"E, 189 m a. s. l., on thallus of Peltigera didactyla (With.) J. R. Laundon, together with En-chylium tenax (Sw.) Gray, 12 VII 2018, Notov (Hotob), det. Himelbrant (ruMem>6paHm), Stepanchikova (CrenaH^HKOBa), LE.

Our specimen represents teleomorph only. Very widespread lichenicolous fungus; the nearest known localities are, for example, in the Kaluga, Tula (Gudovicheva, Himelbrant, 2012) and Leningrad (Kuznetsova et al., 2007) regions. P. robergei (teleomorph) differs from other species of the genus by smaller asci 42-67 x 7-12 |im and spores 6.5-11.5 x 3.0-6.5 ^m (Puolasmaa et al, 2012).

#Sclerococcum microsporum (Etayo) Ertz et Diederich — Zharkovsky District, near mouth of Chernushka River, 55°51'55.2"N, 32°21'14.9"E, 176 m a. s. l., oaks along the river, on bark of old oak, 17 VII 2018, Notov (Hotob), det. Stepanchikova (CTenaH^HKOBa) and Himelbrant (ruMem>6paHm), LE. Our specimen grows together with unidentified crustose epiphytic lichen and probably parasitizing on it.

The only known locality in Russia is in the Bryansk Region (Muchnik, Konoreva, 2017 as Dactylospora microspora Etayo). Probably lichenicolous fungus, characterized by dark brown, well-developed hypothecium, brown epithecium, multispored asci with 24-40(80) 1-septate brown ascospores (4)5-7(8) x 2-3(5) |im (Hawksworth, 1994).

#Xanthoriicola physciae (Kalchbr.) D. Hawksw. — Kalinin District, Zavidovo National Park, Selino, 56°28'46"N, 36°01'48"E, 114 m a. s. l., on apothecia of Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. growing on bark of old poplar, 5 VIII 2008, Notov (Hotob), det. Himelbrant (ruMem>6paHm), H.

The nearest known locality is in the Leningrad Region (Stepanchikova et al, 2011; Himelbrant et al., 2018b) and the Republic of Mordovia (Urbanavichene, Urbana-

vichus, 2015). Anamorphic lichenicolous fungus which causes specific blackening of apothecia (and rarely thallus) of Xanthoria parietina in result of developing mycelium and producing globose dark brown conidia in hymenium (Hawksworth, Punithalin-gam, 1973).

Among listed above eight species of lichens and five species of parasitic (mainly lichenicolous) fungi from the Tver Region Bellemerea cinereorufescens and Bacidina neosquamulosa are reported for the first time for the Central European Russia, the other species are new to the Tver Region.

The significant part of recorded species were found in limits of the Valdai Upland (Agonimia flabelliformis, Bellemerea cinereorufescens, Chaenothecopsis rubescens, Le-cania hutchinsiae, Sclerococcum microsporum). Further investigations on this territory will improve our knowledge about rare lichens inhabiting broadleaved forests and erratic boulders (Notov et al, 2016c). Other territories promising for study are remote protected areas, subjected to relatively weak anthropogenic disturbance: four of mentioned species (Bacidina chloroticula, B. neosquamulosa, Lichenostigma maureri, Xanthoriicola physciae) are reported from Zavidovo National Park. Of special interest are also landscapes with calcareous rocky outcrops, such as Vyshnevo-lotsko-Novotorzhsky shaft, where Leptogium byssinum was found. The lichenicolous fungi are worthy of investigation. The Tver Region is characterized by significant diversity of landscapes and vegetation and could be used as model territory appropriate for evaluation of lichen diversity on the border of Central and North-West European Russia.

Nowadays the list of lichens and allied fungi of the Tver Region counts 613 species from 200 genera, which is significantly more than in neighboring regions, e. g., Moscow (396 species), Novgorod (356), Pskov (342), and Yaroslavl (305) (Ta-girdzhanova et al., 2014; Muchnik, 2016; Istomina et al., 2018; Muchnik et al., 2018). Among them 50 species of calicioid lichens and fungi, 36 lichenicolous fungi, and 20 arthonioid lichens are known from the Tver Region. High diversity of these taxa which are hard to find and taxonomically complicated, shows high variety of suitable biotopes, as well as comprehensive level of investigations. The richest territories in the region are the areas with high heterogeneity and continuity of forests, wetlands and floodplain communities: Central Forest Nature Reserve (388 species) and Zavidovo National Park (346 species) (Notov et al., 2011, 2016a, 2016b, 2016c). Central Forest Nature Reserve is particularly valuable due to the presence of old-growth spruce and broadleaved-spruce forests which harbor a high diversity of indicator species and habitat specialists (Notov et al., 2016b, 2016c). Also interesting is southwestern part of Valdai Upland where broadleaved, particularly oak forests can be found (Notov et al., 2016c; Notov, Himelbrant, 2017). Quite original are lichen biota of Vyshnevolotsko-Novotorzhsky moraine shaft and Rzhevsko-Staritskoe Povolzhie which include many species related to calcareous rocks and arid climate (Notov et al., 2011).


The work of A. Notov was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants no. 16-44-690295, 18-04-01206), the study of Dmitry Himelbrant and Irina Stepanchikova was carried out within the framework of the institutional research project "Flora of lichens and bryophytes of Russia and phytogeographically important regions" (no. AAAA-A19-119020690077-4) of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.


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